



A/n pov

Agent Sky: not much but I know that a hotel in the outskirts of Seoul caught fire and many people died and lost their family members in it

Y/n: what you said it partly correct but there is much more you don't know

Agent Sky: you know everything about it?

Y/n: not everything but yeah i do most know most of it

She looked at Agent Sky.

Y/n: soo let's start with the back story.

Agent Sky looked at her with curiosity.

Y/n: in the ancient times there were 5 famous families in Korea. The Kim's, The Hwang's, The Park's, The Yun's and The Lee's. They all were very close to eachother. You can say all the families were best friends with eachother. No one said anything to them nor did they back bitch among themselves. Everyone was loyal to eachother.

She stopped and continued

Y/n: the all 5 of the families used to be busy in their own works and didn't get time for eachother so they decided that they'll meet each other every year on a specific day and they used to celebrate this day with a huge party. They met each other very year with their family and many famous people of Korea were called to this party. This lasted for many years.

Agent Sky: then what happened to all the families?

Y/n: they used to meet every year but something happened ten years back which changed everything for everyone.

Agent Sky: do you know what happened?

She nodded

Y/n: ten years back the party was held at a hotel where many famous people of Korea were invited and even the 5 great families were there for whom the party was kept. Everything in the party was going well until one of the 5 family's decided to betray the others

She heard a gasp from Agent Sky.

Y/n: the one who decided to betray them caused the fire in that hotel. Many people died and many lost their loved ones it. Even the 5 of them lost some of their family members.

Agent Sky: then what happened to the 5 families

Y/n: they got to know one of them as betrayed them but they didn't knew who it was so they decided to separate their ways

Agent Sky: separate their ways?

Y/n: yes they broke all relations with each other and forget that they were friends.

Agent Sky: didn't the try to find who was behind this?

Y/n: they all were in sorrow and weren't in their right mind to do so. So they just decided to separate.

Agent Sky: you said that they were quiet good friends infact they were best friends then why did someone betray them

Y/n: jealousy Agent Sky.

Agent Sky: huh?

Y/n: you know jealousy changes a person. I'll give you an example see if you and i are best friends and you have made a company which is going very well and successful and if i am your true friend I'll help you make it more successful but if i am not your true friend then I'll get jealous and do whatever i want to take you down

Agent Sky: you mean one of them got jealous and caused the fire in the hotel

Y/n: exactly!

Agent Sky: so we need to find who was the one behind this?

Y/n: yeah but from my side i personally believe that there is smth in this case which will lead us to smth we never expected

Agent Sky: why do you think so?

Y/n: as you know many agents tried to solve this case but what they got was death. So I think that they found smth which was the cause of their death and we need to find that

Agent Sky: but how do you know about this case in soo deep don't get me wrong but you know there is not much written in the file

Y/n: only me and GD know about it and we decided to keep it a secret as it can harm other people

Agent Sky nodded understanding.

Agent Sky: one last question

Y/n: go ahead

Agent Sky: why did they name this case as HCFM I mean it doesn't match with the exact case

Y/n: HCFM stands for Hotel Crimson Fire Mystery  which has been a mystery since last ten years

Agent Sky nodded.

Agent Sky: so where should we start with?

Y/n: let's first collect the information about the agents who investigated this case and died while solving it

Agent Sky: leave that in me I'll get the info from the HQ

Y/n: ok and one more thing we have to come here everyday day same time ok give the reports of what we find

Agent Sky: ok

Y/n looked at the clock and saw that it was past 11

Y/n: let's go home it's already late

Agent Sky: yeah

They both went out and Agent Sky locked the door.

Y/n: and whatever we talk in this flat should remain inside only no one should know about it

Agent Sky: agency?

Y/n: the file of this case was burnt so I guess we can't trust the agency so just keep it between us

Agent Sky: but if the agency asks for our report?

Y/n: don't worry I'll handle that

She said and went away. She sat on her bike and went to the Kim mansion. She went to her room and got changed.

She went in the kitchen as she was fucking hungry. She saw that Jin was there in the kitchen

Y/n: hyung why aren't you sleeping? What are you doing here?

Jin: I was working when i heard your bike sound so i thought you must have not had your dinner so i am making smth for you

Y/n: it's ok you go and sleep I'll make smth myself

Jin: it's ok I'll make it you go and sit.

She went and sat there and the chair. Soon Jin came and kept the food infront of her. She started to eat as jun was sitting in front of her.

Y/n: it's tasty as always hyung

Jin: thanks

She again started to eat.

Jin: btw

She looked at him

Jin: your presentation was awesome

Y/n: thanks

Jin: why don't you present from the Diamond Enterprises you are really good at presentation. Don't get me wrong i know Mr.Felix is also good at it but you are also not bad

Y/n: umm..that actually you know i am an introverted person so i only told Miss Yoona that I won't present myself in the meeting what if i make a mistake and the company faces loss

Jin: i don't think you'll do any mistake

Y/n: no i am fine with what work I do.

Jin: it's good I am proud of you princess

Y/n: princess?

Jin: yeah a nick name for you from my side. How is it?

Y/n: it's nice

Jin: can I call you that

Y/n: sure

Soon she finished her food and then washed her dish.

Y/n: good night hyung

Jin: good night princess

They both went to their respective rooms but y/n was smiling she felt good when he was calling her princess.

She layed down on the bed and looked at the celling.

Y/n: they aren't bad after all. I think i did right by giving them a chance. Hope they don't break my trust cuz if they did I think that would be the end of our relation.

She said to herself. Then her phone buzzed she was it was a MSG from enwoo

Enwoo: are u sleeping?

Y/n:not yet why?

Enwoo: just wanted to say thanks


Enwoo: for going in the meeting and
helping me

Y/n:from when did you
started saying thanks huh?
no need to say thanks but
remember that you owe me
one and I'll ask smth in return

Enwoo: sure.

Y/n: anyways good night i
have to go to the university

Enwoo: good night cherry. Bye

Y/n: bye.

She kept her phone down and took she daily pills. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.


Y/n woke up having a nightmare again. She drank the water and calmed herself down.

She went to the gym and did her daily workout. After finishing she daily work out she went to her room and got ready for University.

She went downstairs and saw hyung line. She sat with them

Y/n: where are the others?

Hobi: Emma went early with her friends

Y/n: i didn't ask about her

Namjoon: the three are sleeping

Yoongi: y/n can you go and wake them up

Y/n: sure

She got up from her seat and went to jimin's room. She went inside and saw the three of them sleeping together while cuddling.

She chuckled seeing them.

Y/n: they look cute

She went near them.

Y/n(in mind): who would think these people are the mafia kings

She shook her head in disbelief. She went and shook them to wake them up.

Y/n: jimin hyung, tae hyung, Jungkook wake up we are getting late

They didn't bulge.

Y/n: come on guys wake up

Tae: let us sleep for sometime.

He said in sleepy voice.

Y/n: no get up hyung's are calling you

They didn't say anything. She went to the bathroom and took a bucket of water.

Y/n: getting up or no?

Jimin: no

He said in sleepy voice.

Y/n: ok then don't blame me

She threw the full bucket fo water on them.

The three of them jolt up when the water fell on them.

Tae: FLOOD!!

Jungkook: hyung save me i don't wanna die so young

He said saide hugging jimin. That's when they heard someone laughing their ass out.

They looked at the voice to see y/n laughing at them.

Jimin: why did you do that!

Y/n: you weren't waking up so I had to do that. But your faces were hilarious

She said laughing more.

The three of them got out of the bed ready to chase her.

Y/n: shit! Dashi run run run

She ran away from there while the three of them were chasing her soaked in water.

While chasing her they went to the backyard where the swimming pool was and y/n was near it.

The three of them looked at each other and smirked. Jungkook quickly ran to y/n and pushed her. Before she could do anything she fell in the pool.

The three of them were now laughing at her.

Jimin: that's what you get for throwing water at us

He laughed with the other two but they stopped laughing when they didn't see y/n above the water.

Tae: where is she?

Jungkook: what if she doesn't know how to swim?

Jimin: shit!!

He said and jumped into the pool. He dived under the water and brought y/n. The other two helped him take her out of the pool.

Tae: she is unconscious!

Then jimin also came out of the pool.

Jungkook: y/n y/n wake up

He shook her but she didn't move.

Jimin: h-hey h-hey wake u-up

His voice cracked as he can't afford to lose his sister again.

The three of them thought they lost her but then

Y/n: PRANK!!!!!!!

The three of them looked at her shocked.

Tae: w-what?

Y/n: it was a prank you dumb heads

She laughed.

Jungkook: you!! You scared us

He said and again pushed her in the pool but she held Taehyung's hand and dragged him. Taehyung dragged Jungkook and jungkook dragged jimin with him and all four of them ended up in the pool.

They all started playing in the pool while splashing water on eachother. They were enjoying their time when they heard

??: What's going on here!!!!

They looked at the source of voice to see the hyung line.

Namjoon: why are you four in the pool huh?

Y/n: these three pushed me

Tae: hey but you are the one who started it

Y/n: you are the one who weren't waking up

Jimin: you are the one who threw water at us

Y/n: you are the one who pushed m in the pool

Jungkook: you are the one who did that prank on us

Y/n: you are the one who- *cut off*


Hobi: how much do you'll fight! Gosh!!!

Jin: now four of you get out of the pool and and get changed we have to go to the university we are getting late

They all nodded and got out of the pool but before getting out y/n whispered smth to the other three and they nodded.

They went out of the pool and went behind the hyung line.

Y/n: 1 ......... 2 .......... Aaaaaaand........... 3

She said and the four of them pushed each one of the hyung line into the pool. After that they jumped in to

Namjoon: what!! Why did you push us as well?

Y/n: it's just that we four were all wet because of water and you four were all dry so we just pushed you out of jealousy you know

She said making an innocent face which BTS found cute

Hobi: don't act innocent. We know you four pretty well

The four of them laughed.

Jin: now get out before we all catch cold.

They all then went out of the pool and went to their respective rooms.

After changing their clothes they all came downstairs and had their breakfast.

Then they went to the university. They saw that the first period is already started.

Y/n and jungkook stood in front of the door before knocking y/n said

Y/n: any excuse?

Jungkook: no. If it was any other teacher then guess I had an excuse but this grey hair bitch won't leave us

Y/n: true so what should we do?

Jungkook: idk

y/n: ok so just act along ok

Jungkook: what do you--

He stopped when she entered the class. He went behind her

T: may i know why you both are late?

She said sarcastically.

Y/n: m-mam actually m-my a-aunty passed away last night s-so I went t-there and g-got late. Y-you know m-my aunt w-was a very wise p-person *acting*

She was fake crying and acting make fake scenarios. Jungkook was shocked seeing her fake acting.

T: omo my child. I am really sry i did knew it. Hope your aunt rests in peace

Y/n: yeah i-i hope that t-too *wipping her crocodile tears*

Y/n(in mind): idk which aunt i am  talking about

T: and what about you Jungkook

Jungkook: ummm....i...

He started to think of an excuse and elbowed him to speak smth.

Jungkook: i-i also h-have the s-same reason

T: your aunt also passed away?

Y/n mentally face palmed herself.

Y/n(in mind): what is he talking? Can't he say smth useful

Jungkook: umm..I went with her to her a-aunt's funeral

T: and why is that so?

She said raising an eyebrow as she got suspect of them

Y/n(in mind): he'll surely give us punishment today! Such a useless brother I have

She shook her head in disbelief.

Jungkook: y-yeah she must be devastated t-thats why i w-went with h-her to comfort her you know

T: ohh you did great Jungkook! And y/n i am sry for your loss. You both may go and sit on your seats.

They both walked to their seat and sat down. Y/n glared at Jungkook as he was sitting beside her

Jungkook: sry i didn't knew what to do

He whispered to her.

Y/n: you must have got us killed you know

She whispered back.

Jungkook: sry!

He whispered back. Then they both concentrated on their class. That's when y/n felt someone poking her. She looked at her side to see in-yeop. She gave him a 'what' look

In-yeop: your acting was great iceberg

Y/n: heheh thanks. Btw how are you feeling now

In-yeop: better

T: miss y/n, mister in-yeop if you both are done talking shall we continue with the class

She said sarcastically

Y/n: yeah we are done talking you may continue

She said with a fake smile.

T: sure

She again said sarcastically. The teacher again started the class.


Y/n was eating her food sitting with in-yeop. That's Ava came back with her minions which included Emma.

Y/n: here you go again

She said rolling her eyes. She told in-yeop to be quite and not to say anything

Ava: bitch

She called y/n but y/n ignored.


She said gaining everyone's attention.

Y/n: tch attention seeker

She mumbled to herself but in-yeop heard it


Y/n: I am not deaf it's just that i thought bitches don't speak they bark

She said coldly. The whole cafeteria was like ohhhhhhh

Ava: do you know who my father is huh?

Y/n: why do i care bitch and if you wanna know who your father is than go and ask you mom duh *cold*

The whole cafeteria again went like ohhhhhh

Ava: just wait and watch bitch. I'll get you out of this University within seconds

Y/n: do whatever you want *cold*

She said and again started eating. Ava left from there angrily.

In-yeop: that was so cooooool iceberg

Y/n: stop calling me that!

In-yeop: I won't

He giggled and y/n shook her head in disbelief knowing how irritating this boy is.

They were eating quitely when they heard a voice


The whole cafeteria pointed their finger at y/n. While y/n was sitting there unbothered eating her tasty food.

That's when the person came to her.

??: Did you bully my daughter huh?

She was back facing him so he can't see her face

??: I asked you smth. CAN'T YOU HEAR HUH?

Y/n finished the last bite of her food and drank water than she got up and faced the person

Y/n: you got any problem Mr.princpal *cold*

Principal : m-miss y-y/n

He bowed to her.

Ava: dad what are you doing why are you bowing to this bitch

Principal: speak to her with respect Ava!

Ava:;why should I she's just a bitch

Principal: i a-am sry miss y-y/n she'll not trouble you from now on

Y/n: it's not just about me she even troubles and bullies other students what about them *cold*

Principal: i am sry. I'll tell her not to do that

Ava: dad what are you talking about! Why are you saying sry to this bitch

Principal: speak to her with respect Ava!

he warned her

Ava: why should I?


He shouted and the whole cafeteria heard it.

Y/n(in mind): argh! Why does he has to say it so loud now every one knows about it.

Y/n looked at the whole cafeteria and they had their mouths wide open even BTS and in-yeop.

Ava: w-what?

Y/n: yes miss Ava and if i ever see you bulling any other student then you'll be expelled from this school. *cold*

Ava: you can't do that. Y-you need permission o-of the other h-half owner as w-well

Y/n: oh really then wait *cold*

Then y/n turned towards BTS.

Y/n: hyung can I get the permission?

Jin: sure. You can expel her when ever you want

Y/n smirked and turned towards Ava.

Y/n: so?

Principal: pls forgive her miss y/n i will make sure she'll not do anything like this ever again

Y/n: this is the last time. If I hear another bulling scene by her than it won't be good *cold*

She went out of the cafeteria. Then y/n went to her private room and sat there scrolling through her phone.

That's when she heard a knock.

Y/n: come in

Then BTS came in

Y/n: hyung you all here?

Jimin: we can't fucking believe it. That you are the half owner of this university

Y/n: i didn't wanted to tell it to anyone but looks like I got exposed today

Jungkook: but what you did in the cafeteria was amazing sis

Y/n: i am always amazing I know that

She said flipping her imaginary hair and BTS chuckled cuz she was looking cute.

Y/n: hyung let go home I am getting bored~

She whined.

Namjoon: you still have university remember

Y/n: but-

She stopped when her phone rang. It's was from Felix.

Y/n: I'll take this one

Hobi: sure

She picked it up


Felix: hello

Y/n: hello hyung

Felix: yeah y/n i wanted to tell you that we have an important meeting today

Y/n: with whom

Felix: your brothers

Y/n: but today why so suddenly

Felix: they said they found smth about the land so they want to share it to us. So they told to keep a meeting today

Y/n: oh i see ok I'll be there after university ends

Felix: ok bye

Y/n: bye

Call ended

Y/n: we have a meeting with you guys?

Tae: looks like you got a phone call about it

Y/n: yeah but so suddenly?

Yoongi: we have smth to tell which we found out

Y/n: may i know that

Jin: for that you need to be in the meeting

Y/n: you know i can't Felix hyung will be there in the meeting

Jungkook: then why don't you be there for today I know Miss Yoona won't mind

Y/n: umm..I still can't

Hobi: we'll tell you after the meeting is it fine?

Y/n: yeah it's fine

To be continued................. ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Hey guys so my exams are going on but still i managed to upload a new chapter. Next update will be a bit late I hope you all don't mind.
Luv u all 💜💜💜💜💜



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