



A/n pov

Mrs.lee: it's too dangerous. I can't let you go you are a child as well

Yoongi: but-

He stopped when he saw y/n coming out of the university. He sighed in relief but what he saw next made him widen his eyes

He saw blood dripping down y/n's hand while she was trying to stop the blood from flowing down.

He ran towards her and removed his napkin from his pocket. He wrapped it around her hand and prevented the blood from flowing down.

Mrs.lee: my child are you ok

Y/n nodded.

Yoongi: let's go to the hospital

Y/n: it's ok hyung. I am fine

Mrs.lee: she is the one you were talking about

She asked Yoongi and he nodded.

Y/n: mrs.lee i request you to keep our identities secret from everyone

Mrs.lee: i will don't worry but who was the person who was behind all this

Yoongi & y/n: Roy

Mrs.lee: Roy the senior student

They both nodded.

Mrs.lee: i can't believe this. I thought he was a good student

Y/n: mrs.lee you never know what kind of person who is till they show their true colours

Mrs.lee: true

Yoongi: but where is Roy did he escape

Y/n shook her head

Y/n: i had to kill him. I had no intention to kill him but i had to otherwise i would be the one dead.

Then there came some men who were wearing black clothes.

Y/n: who are they?

Yoongi: don't worry they are my men

Y/n nodded.

Yoongi: there is a dead body on the rooftop go and take it somewhere else and there is even a bomb inside check it and see that it doesn't explode. *Cold*

He said to the guards.

Men: yes boss

They went inside the university. Y/n looked towards mrs.lee

Y/n: mam pls tell the students about what happened in the university. They should also know about it

Mrs.lee nodded.

Yoongi: mam you may go home. My men will do the work here

Mrs.lee: ok then you both take care

They both nodded and mrs.lee left.

Yoongi: let's go to the hospital

Y/n: i told you I am fine

Yoongi: no you aren't. The blood is not stopping and you are saying that you are fine huh? We are going right now and that's final

Y/n: ok ok geez don't be so loud

Yoongi: whatever

Yoongi held her hand and they both went to the hospital in Yoongi's car.

The doctor treated her hand.

Doctor: it's not much serious as the bullet just passed by her hand but she needs to take care

Yoongi: ok thank you doc

Doctor: it's my job.

The doctor bowed and left.

Yoongi: let's go home.

Y/n: sure

They went into Yoongi's car.

Y/n: my bike! It's still in the university

Yoongi: don't worry my men will bring it

Y/n: ok then.

There was only silence between them but y/n broke it

Y/n: let's part our ways from now on

Yoongi: what do you mean

Y/n: let's think we don't know each other ok

Yoongi: what! Are you serious. I mean we live in the same house then how can we do that and i already accepted you as my sister then why

Y/n: not that.

Yoongi: then?

Y/n: let's forget that we know eachother being Agent Black and Agustd not as y/n and Yoongi

Yoongi: can you tell a bit clearly

Y/n: i mean that as an agent i don't know that you are the mafia king and as a mafia king you don't know that i am Agent Black

Yoongi nodded.

Yoongi: it would be better for both of us

Y/n: exactly but hyung there is a request

Yoongi: anything for you

Y/n: even if you know that I am Agent Black I want you to not come between my work ok and I'll do the same

Yoongi: i won't interfere in your work but if it is necessary then I can't help it ok

Y/n: ok.

Yoongi: wanna have icecream

Y/n: but i didn't bring money with me

Yoongi: why are you worried about that your brother is hella rich

Y/n chuckled

Y/n: sure then let's eat icecream.

Yoongi took a turn and they both headed towards the icecream shop.

They both reached there and sat on one of the tables.

The waiter came he looked at y/n with inappropriate eyes but they both didn't notice

Waiter: What would you like to have mam and sir

Yoongi: I'll have a mint icecream. What about you y/n

Y/n: um... I'll have a choco chip icecream.

(A/n-its my fav icecream so if you like some other one then you can imagine that 😁)

The waiter noted it and left. Then they heard someone call their name

??: Yoongi hyung! Y/n!

They both turned around to see rest of the BTS members.

Yoongi: you all here

Jin: yeah Emma went for shopping with her friends and Jungkook wanted to eat icecream so we came here. What about you?

Y/n: same reason

Jimin: hey y/n what happened to your hand

He said pointing to the bandage on her hand. The other members looked at it and got worried

Namjoon: who did this happen?

Y/n: it's nothing to worry about guys

Hobi: but what happened to your hand


She started to think of  an excuse

Yoongi: she fell down while playing

Y/n: umm y-yeah i fell

Y/n(in mind): the heck! Why did i stutter

Tae: ok i guess.

Jungkook: can we join you both

Y/n: sure

They all sat down. Jungkook was sitting beside y/n. The waiter took the order of other as well. They started to talk among themselves.

Jimin: y/n you call everyone hyung then why not us

He said refering to the maknae line.

Y/n: idk. You all are kind off you know

Tae: you know what?

Y/n: i mean you three were the ones who hated me the most after that incident so I just thought that you won't like it

Jimin: just call us hyung ok

Tae: yeah we would love it

Y/n: ok hyung.

Soon their icecreams came. The waiter kept all their icecreams infront of them but when he came to y/n he was too close to her which was noticed by y/n.

She moved a bit back to keep some distance as she was uncomfortable by him.

The waiter kept the icecream on the table and kept a hand on y/n's thigh. She got up angrily and two punches landed on that waiter's face at the same time.

She looked at her side to see that the other punch was from Jungkook.

Jungkook went and held that waiter's collar

Jungkook: dare to touch her again and see the death of you

Jin: what are doing Jungkook

Jungkook: this mf touched y/n in an inappropriate way!

He said gritting his teeth. One more punch landed on the waiter's face which was given by none other that kim Taehyung. He fell on the ground while his face was bleeding. 

Y/n held the waiter's collar and picked him up.

Y/n: dare to touch any girl again in an inappropriate way then i swear I'll hunt you down and kill you

She said again threw the waiter on the ground. She dusted her hands and sat back on the chair.

Hobi told his men to take the waiter to their basement.

Namjoon: you ok right?

He asked y/n

Y/n: yeah I am fine.

Jin: you know how to fight?

Y/n was taken back by the question cuz she can't tell them she knows fighting. If she tells them then she also has to tell them the reason why she learnt fighting.

Y/n: no i only know basic fighting you know for self defence

Jimin: true all the girls should know self defence for their safety

Yoongi(in mind): do they really think she is an ordinary girl

Y/n: whatever let's eat and not spoil our moods.

They all started eating. They finished their icecreams and went home.

They went inside and saw Emma was home already.

Emma: oppa where were you guys. I was waiting for you

Jin: we all went to eat icecream

Emma: without me?

Jungkook: you only went out for shopping with your friends we can't help

He shrugged.

Emma: you should have atleast brought some for me

She said with an ugly pout.

Jimin: we forgot.

He said and went to his room. Others also went to their rooms. Y/n changed her clothes and sat on the bed. That's when her phone rang.

She saw it was from GD. She picked it up


GD: Agent Black?

Y/n: yes*cold*

GD: we have recovered the files of the HCFM case

Y/n: good. Hand over them to Agent Sky and tell him to be on the place which I told him in Monday night *cold*

GD: which place

Y/n: you tell it to him he knows *cold*

GD: ok then I'll tell him bye

Y/n: hmm *cold*

Call ended

Y/n kept her phone and went in the bathroom. She stood infront of the mirror.

Y/n: the case will start on Monday!

She said and splashed water on her face. She kept her hands on either side for the sink and looked into her own eyes.


Was the only word which she thought when she looked at her own self. Everyone thinks she is strong but is she?


She is physically strong but mentally who knows


Everyone thinks that she is just useless and not worthy of anything


No one loves her atleast she thinks that.

She took a deep breath and opened the drawer. She took a blade and kept in to her wrist.

Y/n: i know i shouldn't do this but this feels good.

She said to herself. She made a cut on her wrist.

Y/n: for being pathetic

She made one more cut

Y/n: for being weak

Another cut

Y/n: for being useless

And another cut

Y/n: for being unloved

She made another cut

Y/n: do I need reason for this.

Like this she made more two three cuts. After being satisfied she washed her wrist and applied concealer on it.

She went outside and layed down on the bed while looking at the sealing and thinking basically nothing. Just her emotionless eyes staring at the sealing.

Soon a maid called her to have her dinner. She went downstairs and sat in the dining room. Soon everyone came downstairs

Hobi: y/n

Y/n: yes hyung

Hobi: can you came back to our university

Y/n: why?

Hobi: just like this. We can spend more time together

Y/n: don't worry i am coming to the university from Monday

Tae: really?

Y/n: yeah

Jimin: i am excited!

Emma: what's so good in it. Even seeing her face my day goes bad and now i have to bare with her in the university as well

Y/n: no one told you to see my face. You can go around with closed eyes I have no problem *cold*  

Emma glared at y/n but does she care no!   Y/n ate her food and went to her room. 

She took her phone as she wanted to call enwoo. She called him but he didn't pick up. So she called again but this time he picked it up


Y/n: hello ennu?

Enwoo: do I know the person who is talking to me right now

Y/n: oh come on enwoo it's been a week since that incident happened and you are still angry on me

Enwoo: oh yeah it was a small incident right

He said in sarcasm.

Y/n: leave it how much time you are gonna be angry on me huh?

Enwoo: for my entire life

Y/n: come on ennu I know you can't be angry on your cherry right

Enwoo sighed

Enwoo: don't you dare do smth like that again

Y/n: I won't i promise

Enwoo: good so how are you

Y/n: fine just got shot in my arm

Enwoo: YOU GOT SHOT!!!?

Y/n: my god! Don't shout

Enwoo: then how did this happen

Y/n: ok I'll tell you

Then she told his everything that happened except the fact that the mafia kings are her brothers

Enwoo: you should be careful cherry

Y/n: it's ok i am fine. The bullet just brush passed me

Enwoo: hmm anyways I'll call later

Y/n: bye ennu

Enwoo: bye cherry love you (in a friendly way)

Y/n: love you too bye

Call ended

Y/n kept her phone aside and layed down on her bed. She tried to sleep but no use. The bad memories were just haunting her.

Hours past but she wasn't able to sleep. She looked at the clock to see it was 3 am in the morning already.

She sighed. She got up and opened her drawer. She took to pills and gulped it down with water.

Y/n: this is the only way I can sleep.

She said and closed her eyes. Soon she slept.


Y/n again woke up having a nightmare. She was breathing heavily, she glup d down the water and sat on the bed. She looked at the clock to see it was 4:30

Y/n: just 1 and a half hour of sleep.

She sighed and went to the washroom. She washed her face and then again sat on the bed thinking what to do.

That's when a sudden shock wave passed her brain. She held her head.

Y/n: not this again

She saw a visual of the night when her life changed up side down.

Shr heard people scream and all that happened that day crossed her mind. Soon she calmed down.

Y/n: why do i have to remember that day again

She said to herself and massaged her head. She got up and went to the gym. She was frustrated (trustfrated) right now.

She reached the gym and saw an boxing bag. She went to it and started punching it without gloves.

Her hands started to bleed but does she care no! She was punching the bag continuously to remove the frustration.

Jimin and Jungkook who just came in the gym for their daily workout saw that y/n was punching the bag without gloves.

Then they saw that her hand was bleeding due to punching the bag continuously without gloves.

Jungkook: y/n!!!! Are you mad what are you doing

He said and tried to pull her away from the punching bag.

Y/n: leave me Jungkook.

Jimin: are you mad or what? Look at you hands they are bleeding

Y/n: i don't care!!

She pushed Jungkook slightly which caused him to loosen his grip on her. She again started punching the bag

Jungkook: I think we should call Jin hyung

Jimin nodded and went to call Jin. In no time Jin came in the gym. He saw y/n punching the bag mercilessly.

He was about to say smth but y/n punched the bag so hard that it broke into pieces.

She was breathing heavily due to the continuous punching. Jin went to her and turned her around.


she stayed silent.


She looked at her hands and saw that they were bleeding. She was still silent. Jin held her hand lightly not wanting to hurt her. He took her to the living room and made her sit on the sofa

Jin: stay here and dare to go somewhere and see a different side of me

He said in a stern voice. Then jin looked at Jungkook and jimin who were following him out of the gym

Jin: don't let her go anywhere

They both nodded and sat beside her.

Jimin: does it hurt?

She looked at her hand and said.

Y/n: to be honest it doesn't hurt

Jungkook: what! Seriously

Y/n: yeah

Jimin: now tell me why were you punching that bag

Y/n: I was frustrated so just to remove my frustration I did that

Jungkook: seriously y/n. Look how much hurt you are

Y/n: it's ok. It doesn't hurt much

That's when Jin came back with a first aid kit. He kneeled infront of her and checked her wounds.

Jin: why did you do that?

He said treating her wounds

Jungkook: just because she was frustrated

Jin looked at his head in disbelief

Jin: you shouldn't do that. If you have some problem then share it with us

Y/n didn't say anything but one thing was sure that when they showed their concern towards her she left smth. She felt love, love which she craved to have. Love which she never knew what it was.

Unknowingly a smile curved on her face which didn't go unnoticed by jimin

Jimin: why are you smiling

Y/n: n-nothing.

Soon Jin finished treating her wounds. He was about to go but she held his hand. He looked back at her for her to continue

Y/n: are you mad at me?

She asked the three of them. Jimin and jungkook shook their heads as no. She looked towards Jin for him to answer.

Jin: maybe a little bit

He said and left from there.

Y/n: what should I do to make it up to him?

She asked Jimin and jungkook

Jungkook: we don't know maybe gift him smth

Y/n: like?

Jimin: we had a unique choice but he like aesthetic gifts to be precise

Y/n: then I'll gift him smth aesthetic


He shouted calling everyone downstairs.

Jimin: let's go have breakfast

The other two nodded and went to the dining room. Soon everyone settled down.

Everyone was eating but y/n how can she eat with her hands that have bandages on it.

She sat there staring at the food cuz she was hungry.

Hobi: why aren't you eating y/n

She looked at him and unknowingly she had a cut pout on her lips. Which BTS found cute.

Jin sighed and got up from his seat. He went and sat on the seat beside y/n.

She looked at him confused. He picked up the plate and kept a spoon full of food infront of her.

Jin: eat *stern*

Y/n: then when will you eat

Jin: I'll eat after feeding you

Emma: oppa she isn't a kid. She can eat by herself

She said rolling her eyes. Jin kept the plate down on the table and then held y/n's. He showed her bandaged hands to Emma

Jin: can you explain me how is she gonna eat

Emma didn't say anything. But the remaining BTS members who didn't knew about all this gasped.

Yoongi: how did this happen?

Jungkook: this stupid girl was punching the bag with her bare hands

Namjoon: are you stupid or what

Y/n: sry ok. Just leave it

Then jin again started to feed her. Everyone was eating silently but Emma was burning in jealousy.

She ate quitely. Soon everyone finished eating and went to their respective rooms as they didn't have university as it was Saturday but y/n was still sitting there.

Jin came from the kitchen after keeping the plate.

Jin: why are you still here.

Y/n: sit here and don't go anywhere

She made him sit. She went to the kitchen and served a plate for him. She went in the  dining room and kept the plate infront of Jin.

Y/n: eat your breakfast

She went and sat infront of him waiting for him to finish.

Jin: you can go I'll eat

Y/n: it's ok hyung I'll sit till you finish

Jin(in mind): she is kind. Glad that i decided to accept her as my sister

He said to himself and started eating. He finished his food so y/n and jin went to their rooms.

Y/n changed her dress and went downstairs. She saw Namjoon sitting on the sofa

Namjoon: you going somewhere

Y/n: yeah

Namjoon: may i ask where

Y/n: i am going to the mall

Namjoon: mall why?

Y/n: i need some things

Namjoon: how will you drive?

He said looking at her hands

Y/n: I guess I need to book a cab then

Namjoon: it you don't mind may I join you

Y/n: don't trouble yourself because of me hyung

Namjoon: i also need to bye some things so I don't mind

Y/n: ok the let's go together.

Then they both went to the mall. After they reached there Namjoon said.

Namjoon: let's go and bye what we want and then meet in the cafe on the first floor

Y/n: ok

She was about to go but Namjoon stopped her. She looked at him confused

Namjoon: here take my card

He said giving his card to her

Y/n: I have my own don't worry.

Namjoon: come on y/n i am your brother let me spoil you a little bit

He whined like a kid. Y/n was a bit shocked seeing the mafia king whine infront of her. She took the card from him

Y/n: i am taking it but I am not sure if I'll use iit or not

Namjoon: whatever that is. I am glad you took my card

Y/n: ok then meet you in the cafe

They both went to take the things they wanted. Y/n wanted to buy a gift for Jin but ended up buy it for all seven of them.

She brought the gift and went to the cafe. She found Namjoon already waiting for her.

She went and sat infront of him.

Y/n: sry if i made you wait

Namjoon: no i also just came. Btw you didn't used by card did you

Y/n gave him a nervous smile.

Y/n: i thought it was inappropriate to use your card like that

Namjoon: oh come on y/n!

Y/n: sry next time.

Namjoon: not next time. Order smth right now and I'll pay for you

Y/n: but-

Namjoon: no buts

Then they ordered whatever they wanted and went home.

She went to her room to freshen up. After freshening up she went to Jin's room and knocked on the door.

She heard a faint 'come in'

She went inside to see...........

To be continued............. ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Hey guys!! Did you hear Taehyung's new song? It's so amazing pls hear if you haven't heard it yet.

I am in love with this song and the person who sang the song as well 😜. He voice is just so soothing. Pls stream "love me again".
Luv u all 💜💜💜


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