



A/n pov

Y/n woke up and went to the washroom and changed into her gym clothes. She went to the gym and started doing her daily work out.

After sometime Jungkook and jimin came in the gym.

Jungkook: good morning

He said to y/n

Y/n: morning *cold*

Jungkook sighed and started doing his work out with jimin. Soon y/n finished her work out, so she went back to her room and got ready for University but she is going to her new university for her case with Yoongi.

She went downstairs and saw everyone eating their breakfast. She went and sat beside Yoongi. While sitting she slid a piece of paper into Yoongi's shirt pocket which was only noticed by Yoongi.

He looked at her confused. She slightly winked at him and sat down beside him. She finished her breakfast and went outside.

Meanwhile after finishing his breakfast Yoongi excused himself and went to the washroom. He took the piece of paper which y/n kept in his pocket and looked at it

Come to the place where i treated your gun shot wounds and if you don't remember the place here's my number xxxxxxxxx. Text me I'll send you the address

He tore the paper and threw it in the dustbin so that no one sees it. He then took his car and went to the mansion where y/n treated his wounds.

The bodyguards let him go inside as they were already told about his arrival. He went and rang the bell.

A lady around her 50s opened the door. He bowed to her as a sign of respect.

Lady: whom do you want

Yoongi: umm...is y/n here

Lady: yeah she is here only pls come inside

He nodded and she lead him to the living room.

Lady: pls sit here mam will be here anytime soon

He nodded and sat down. The lady left. Soon y/n came down with a bag in her hands.

Y/n: hope i didn't make you wait

Yoongi: no i just came. Btw why did you call me here

Y/n: oh yeah. Here...

She said giving him an earpiece. He took it

Yoongi: what's this for

Y/n: see as i am younger than you so I'll be in the lower class and we both need to be connected to each other all the time so that we get to know if one of us is in danger.

He nodded understanding.

Y/n: if you want to talk with me double tap on it. It'll get connected and to disconnect it just double tap again ok.

He nodded again and wore the earpiece. As soon as he wore the earpiece it became transparent so that no one can see it.

Yoongi: you have this!!! We have been trying to find this earpiece since it came in the mafia market but we never found it.

She smiled at him.

Y/n: if you want I'll give you too

Yoongi: really

Y/n: yep. Btw did you bring your gun with you

Yoongi: yep here it is

He said showing his gun. She nodded.

Y/n: hyung but don't you think that people will recognise you as you are mr.kim's son

Yoongi: actually no. We haven't yet revealed ourselves to the media so only people who work for us and are our business partners they only know our face

She nodded.

Yoongi: is this the reason you told us your conditions

Y/n: what reason

Yoongi: you being an agent

She nodded and said

Y/n: yes it is one of them

Yoongi: means you have more than one reasons

Y/n: yep but I'll tell when i am comfortable. And one more thing when we are in the university see if you find someone suspicious I'll also do the same. We'll make a list and then proceed further.

He nodded

Y/n: now let's go we will be late

They both went out of the mansion. Y/n sat on her bike whereas yoongi went to his car and they both drove off. They went to their new university.

They went individually so that on one knows that they are brother-sister.

Y/n went to the principal's office and knocked.

(She knocked as she is acting you know)

She heard a faint "come in". She went inside and saw a beautiful lady. She bowed to her as a sign of respect.

Principal: who are you

She asked politely

Y/n: i am the new transfer student. I came here for experience learning *cold*

She spoke with respect.

Principal: i am mrs.lee. The principal of this university. Here is your schedule

Y/n took the schedule from her.

Y/n: thank you Mrs.Lee

Mrs.lee: mention not. Wait I'll tell my daughter she will give you a tour

Y/n nodded. Soon a young beautiful girl came inside the cabin.

??: Mom you called me

Mrs.lee: yes can you pls give y/n a tour of our university as she is here for experience learning

??: Sure

She smiled at y/n. Y/n smiled back

Mrs.lee: hope you like our university

She nodded. Then the girl and y/n went out of the cabin.

??: Myself  Lee Ji-eun you can call me IU am 17 years old

Y/n: you already know my name but still myself y/n 17 years old

Then they started to walk in the corridor. Y/n saw Yoongi talking to one boy. They both looked at each other and nodded which was not noticed by  anyone.

IU: did you like our university

Y/n: it's good.

Then the bell rang

IU: let's go to class. I'll show you around in the break ok

She nodded. IU held y/n's hand and dragged her to the class. They went inside to see the teacher already teaching the class.

T: IU you are late

IU: sry miss i was giving a tour to the new student

T: ok you may go and sit and you pls come and introduce yourself

IU went and sat down on her seat. Y/n came infront of the class.

Y/n: i am y/n and i am here for experience learning.

She didn't speak coldly as she was acting

T: ok so as you know IU already you can go and sit with her

She nodded and went to IU and sat with her.


Y/n was packing her stuff in her locker.

IU: y/n-ahh let's go. I am hungry

She whined. Y/n chuckled at her cuteness.

Y/n: let's go.

She said closing her locker. IU held y/n's hand and dragged her to the cafeteria.

IU: come I'll introduce you to my boyfriend. He is also a student here

she dragged her to one of the corner where a boy was standing facing the window.

IU: Babe

The boy turned around and smiled at IU

IU: y/n-ahh meet my boyfriend Jung-suk and babe meet y/n new student. She came here for experience learning

She bowed a little to him as he bowed back.

Y/n: nice to meet you

Jung-suk: nice to meet you too. Wanna have lunch with me and IU

y/n: Ani Ani. It's fine. Why should I be the third wheel between you guys

IU: it's nothing like that come on sit with us.

IU again dragged her and the three so them sat on one of the tables. They had quite a good time together. Jung-suk was treating y/n as his own sister. That's when a boy came near Jung-suk

??: hey jung-suk why didn't you come yesterday for the match huh?

Jung-suk: sry i was busy yesterday. Anyways come have lunch with us

??: yeah but who is his beautiful lady

he said pointing at y/n

Jung-suk: oh yeah i forgot to introduce. y/n meet him he is my best friend Roy and Roy she is Y/n new transfer student

Yn gave him an awkward smile as she was getting negative vibes from him. he then sat with them to have lunch with them. Roy was time to time taking glances at Y/n which was not noticed by her

But suddenly y/n wanted to go to the washroom.

Y/n: excuse me. I'll go to the washroom and come

IU: come fast class it about to start.

She went inside the washroom and was many washrooms there she went in one of them. That's when she heard smth in her earpiece.

Yoongi: hey y/n can you hear me

Y/n: yes found anything

Yoongi: actually no but i want you to stay away from who ever that guy was with you in the cafeteria.

Y/n chuckled at his possessive behaviour

Y/n: someone's being a possessive brother i see.

She teased him.

Yoongi: Ani!! I just want you to be safe and not to go around boys

Y/n: that's called possessiveness

Yoongi: call it whatever but just stay away from him.

Y/n: btw you know he is my friend IU's 'boyfriend'

She said emphasizing the word boyfriend. She heard no reply from the other side. She laughed mentally.

Yoongi: umm... I'll go i have a class

The line disconnected and y/n giggled. She was about to go out but she heard the main washroom door open. She was about to step out but stop hearing smth because of which her eyes widen. She quickly took out her phone to record their voice

??#1: did you got the drugs

Y/n stopped on her tracts to hear them

??#2: yes i got them from him

Y/n (in mind): who is him?

??#1: good. You know its really hard to get  drugs from him as he has many costumers

??#2: and he is also leaving this university after a weak

Y/n(in mind): leaving the university!oh no we need to find him soon

??#1: yeah i know now lets go before someone comes

they both went out and y/n heard he door close she quickly went out thinking whatever sometime ago.

Y/n (in mind): who were those girls? Who is the person selling drugs to students? i think i should tell this to yoongi hyung. 

she was in her own thoughts when someone shouted


She flinched and turned around to see IU

IU: where are you lost i have been calling you since last 5 mins

Y/n: sry i was just thinking abut something

IU: its ok now lets go we have class  

IU smiled at her and she smiled back.

Y/n (in mind): she seems a nice girl to me

 IU held her hand and dragged her to their class. while attending her class she messaged yoongi from her agent number as they both decided to work on their mafia/agent number only

meet me on xxx street after school

she messaged this to yoongi. After sometime she got his  replay saying



As soon as university y/n packed her bag to head out. While she was going someone stopped her. She looked behind to see IU, Jung-suk and Roy

jung-suk: hey y/n me, IU and Roy are going to hangout would you like to join

Y/n: sry guys i have some work i have to go

she said with a sad face

IU: its ok gurl maybe some other day

Y/n: sure see ya all

she waved at  them they waved back. She went to the parking lot and took he bike and headed towards xxx street. She reached there to see yoongi already waiting  for her leaning on his car looking cool af. 

(A/n:He is cool af!!!)

she went infront of him and removed her helmet

Yoongi: this is your bike!!! cooooool

Y/n: lets talk inside the car. it will be much safe.

he nodded. Y/n went and sat in the passenger seat and Yoongi went and sat on the drivers seat.

Yoongi: we could have talked at home then why here

Y/N: at home your brothers will be there and if they see us together i don't think they would let us talk peacefully

Yoongi: true though. Now tell me what did you want to talk about

Y/n: Here.....

she showed him the voice recording. His eyes widen hearing the recording

Yoongi: Did you saw their faces

she shook her head

Y/n: unfortunately no. if i went outside they would have not talked about it

he nodded understanding.

Yoongi: so we need to find the drug dealer before the week ends

Y/n: right! you found something?

Yoongi: I feel that some people are suspicious but i need to confirm. so I'll tell you tomorrow

she nodded.

Y/n: ok then I'll get going

Yoongi: hey lets go together I'll tell someone to bring your bike

Y/n: Aniyo i have somewhere else to go so i have to go there. I'll be home till evening

Yoongi: ok then bye take care

Y/n: bye hyung

she got off his car and drove her bike to her mansion. She went inside her mansion and got changed to go to her company. She wore her mask and lenses. She then told the driver to take her to her company . 

When she reached the company she got off the cat and went inside. Everyone bowed to her and she nodded. She went inside her cabin and saw Felix and Lia talking to each other

Y/n: Hey love birds

Lia: don't call us that

Y/n: Wae!!! you both look sooooo good together

Felix: we know that

Y/n: anyways what work do i have today

she said sitting on her chair.

Felix: you have some meetings till 6pm then you are free

Y/n: ok then lets start

she started working. 


The whole day y/n has been working too much and now she is fucking  tired. she didn't even ate her lunch because of her work . The last meal she ate was breakfast in the morning. She didn't even eat in the university only a few bits that's it as she wasn't much hungry. 

She closed her laptop finishing her work for the day. Felix and Lia already went home as they had some other work. Y/n packed her stuff and directly headed towards the Kim mansion as she was too tired to go to her mansion and change her clothes. she removed her mask while she was sitting in the back seat and the driver was driving the car.

Yes, all  the people who work for her in her mansion know that she is Miss Yoona the CEO of the diamond enterprises. They all don't tell it to anyone as they are too loyal to her.

soon y/n reached the Kin mansion. Before getting off the car she said to the driver

Y/n: I have ordered food for everyone in my mansion. just take it and gave it to everyone *cold*

Diver: thank you so much for caring for us mam

she nodded and left.

Driver: She is really sweet never lets us starve.

then the driver also left and went to y/n's mansion. Y/n went inside the Kim Mansion and directly went to her room. She changed her clothes and sat there doing some research on the university in which the drug thing is happening.

That's when she felt thirsty. She looked at the night stand but the jug was empty. She sighed and went to the kitchen.

She wasn't in a mood to see someone right now so she directly went to the kitchen. In the kitchen she saw Jin making food for everyone. She was drinking water that's when she heard a whimper.

She looked towards Jin to see that he was having a cut on his finger. She quickly took the first aid kit which was kept in the kitchen itself and went to Jin.

She dragged him and made him sit on the chair.

Jin: what are you- *cut off*

He stopped when y/n suddenly pulled his hand towards him and started treating his wound. She saw the blood and gulped once before starting.

Jin: you don't have to do it. You know you are phobic to it right.

Y/n: shut up!!!

He didn't say anything and let her do what she wants. After she was done she kept back the first aid kit. Jin was about to get up but she said

Y/n: don't get up stay there

Jin: then who will make the dinner

Y/n: don't worry I'll make it. Just tell me if i go wrong somewhere. Ok

Jin: but- *cut off*

Y/n: you are injured so just tell me what to make I'll make it.

Jin didn't say anything just sat there watching her make dinner for  everyone. Soon she finished making dinner. She went and kept everything in the dining room with the help of Jin as he insisted to help.

Then everyone came downstairs to have dinner.

Tae: Hyung what happened to our hand

Jin: I got hurt while making dinner

Yoongi: you should be careful 

 Everyone started eating and they were amazed by the food.

Jimin: hyung it's soo taste

Hobi: yes hyung. I didn't knew you could make soo delicious food

Jin: what do you mean i don't cook delicious food huh?

Jungkook: we don't mean that hyung but today it tastes different and it's really tasty

Jin: the food is not made by me

Namjoon: then?

Jin: Y/n made the food today as my hand is injured

Emma chocked on her food hearing that.

Yoongi: i didn't knew you could cook?

Y/n: actually idk how to cook. it's my first time cooking for someone


Tae: means you are saying that it's your first time 

she nodded while eating her food. Then Emma got up from her seat

Emma: i am going i don't want to eat the food made by this bitch

Y/n: no one forced you to eat you can leave if you want *cold*

Them Emma left from there angrily and BTS also didn't say anything as they didn't want to spoil the mood of eating so delicious food.

After eating everyone went to their room. Y/n sat on the bed and started doing some work on her laptop.

That's when she heard a knock on the door  

Y/n: Come in *cold*

Then the door opened. she was so into her work that he didn't look a the person as she thought it must be one of the maids who came to give her something. 

??: Y/n?

she looked from her laptop as soon as she heard jungkook's voice.

Y/N: Yes? *cold*

Jungkook: we all siblings are having a movie night so would you like to join

Y/n: No thanks *cold*

Jungkook: pls y/n i know you are angry one me but the others also want to have a bond with pls y/n

she sighed and closed her laptop.

Y/n: ok lets go *cold*

jungkook was happy that she agreed to come with them. Y/n came out of her room to see Taehyung also standing there. She was shocked to see that Taehyung came to call her.

The three of them started to walk downstairs. While walking on the stairs Y/n felt a bit dizzy. She lost her balance  and fainted but taehyung was fast enough to catch her

Tae: Y/n!!

he said tapping her cheek. jungkook came to them 

Jungkook: What happened to her

Tae: I think she fainted. you  go call others I'll take her to her room

jungkook nodded. Taehyung carried her in bridal style and took her to her room.  Meanwhile jungkook ran downstairs to tell others

Namjoon: where are Y/n, Emma and Taehyung

Jungkook: hyung y/n fainted

BTS x jungkook & tae: WHAT!!

Then they all ran upstairs to see her. They all went in side her room to see Taehyung trying to wake her up but she wasn't even moving

Tae: hyung she isn't waking up

Hobi : Wait I'll call the doctor 

he went to call the doctor

To be continued......... ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Hey guys!! So I have decided to give a double update today. The next part will come in the evening or maybe at night so pls wait till then.

And yeah I have noticed that many of you read my story and don't vote *angry pout* pls vote and comment i like to read and reply to your comments 😁

Luv you all..💜💜💜


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