


🖤_________________________________ 🖤

A/n pov

yn woke up with the sound of her phone ringing. she picked it up without looking at the caller id 



Yn: what the fuck do you want *cold and irritated*

??: yn we have a mission get up i'll be there to pick you in 15 mins

Yn: cha-enwoo i swear to god i'll kill you. its not even been 2hrs i came back from my mission!!

Enwoo: i know y/n but pls it's a really important one.

Yn: ok you wait I'll be there

Enwoo: no I'll come to pick you up in fifteen mins be ready ok.

Yn: hmm

Call ended

She lazily got up from her bed and went towards the washroom to have a bath.

Yn (in mind): Sometimes i really hate this job as an agent but then i remember why i joined this agency and i won't leave till i get what i want.

She  came out of the washroom and wore her clothes and went downstairs.

She went to the kitchen, took an apple and headed towards the main gate. There she saw enwoo waiting for her. She went and directly sat on the passenger seat.

Y/n: so what mission do we have *eating her apple*

Enwoo: actually we don't have a mission


Enwoo: calm down y/n i called you becuz Agent Lucifer wants to talk to us about smth important and if i have told you the truth you would have never came sooo....*nervous smile*

Y/n: thank God that you are my best friend if it was someone else he/she would have been dead by now

Enwoo: i know i am special

Y/n: special my ass. Now start driving or want me to go back to my house and sleep again

Enwoo: no no let's go

He started driving and she played some of her fav songs while sitting in the car. Soon they reached their headquarters and they both wore their masks and lenses

(NOTE: Y/n wears blue contact lenses when she is working as an agent)

Y/n swapped her card on the machine near the door and it opened. She went inside and the security system checked her. Then they both headed towards the Agent Lucifer's office.

While going everyone bowed to her cuz why not she is the 2nd head of this agency but GD handles almost all the work when she goes on mission and he is the main head of this agency and she really respect him.

After 5 mins they reached Agent Lucifer cabin  and y/n barged in without knocking
(AL is Agent Lucifer)

Y/n: hello Agent Lucifer *cold*

Enwoo: Agent Black (y/n) can't you knock

Y/n: nah not my habit *cold*

Enwoo: but- *cut off*

AL: leave it Agent Ace (enwoo) it's her habit.

Y/n: now tell me fast why did you call i have other works to do *cold*

AL: well Agent Balck our agency has made an decision  *serious*

Enwoo: what is it *cold *

AL: we are opening the HCFM case again

Y/n & enwoo: WHAT!!

Enwoo: but wasn't it closed yrs ago

AL: yes it was but we want to open it again. And we thought that Agent Balck will be the best for this mission.

Enwoo: what's ur ans Agent Black.

Y/n: *no response*

Enwoo: *went and shook her* Agent Black

Y/n: huh? Yes

AL: so what's ur ans agent black. If you are not ready the case will be closed again.

Y/n: can i get time to think *cold*

AL: sure tell me your ans by tomorrow morning

Y/n: ok we'll take our leave now *cold*

Y/n & enwoo: *bowed and left*


Enwoo: y/n what are you gonna answer Agent Lucifer

Y/n: I'll think about it enwoo. Now drive the car to Starbucks

Enwoo: why?

Y/n: you are gonna treat me breakfast

Enwoo: why me you have your own money right

Y/n: that's your punishment for waking me up and lying to me

Enwoo: but i don't have money

Y/n: yeah the owner of one of the biggest companies in Korean doesn't has money whom do you think you are kidding huh?

She said sarcastically

Enwoo: but you have more money than me so you are the one  who should treat me

Y/n: *death glare*

Enwoo: ok ok I'll treat you breakfast good

After breakfast we again sat in the car and drove off.

Y/n: enwoo drive the car to your house

Enwoo: why?

Y/n: i have to go to my company so i need to change and your house is near my company

Enwoo: ok

(So let me tell you y/n and enwoo are partners so they do missions together and many a times they came late so they stay at his house. Y/n has her own room and clothes in his house they also do solo missions sometimes. Now let's continue.)

They drove to his house. Y/n directly went to her room and changed in her formal clothes to go to the company.

(NOTE: y/n wears hazel contact lenses when she goes to the company)

She wore her mask and lenses. But the lense were different this time cuz you know if someone from their agency saw them they can be revealed

Enwoo dropped y/n to her office as he is also going to his company for some work.

She went inside her company and everyone greeted her and she greet them back. She went to her cabin and started doing some hacking work as her secretary is not here. So she don't know what work she has to day.

(Y/n's cabin)

Y/n was hacking some info when she heard a knock

Y/n: come in *cold*

Soon her secretary Hana came in.

Hana: oh miss yonna i am really sry to come late i woke up a bit late today i am really sry it won't happen again.

Y/n: relax miss Hana it's me who came early today cuz i woke up early for some work.

Hana: why are you calling me miss Hana

Y/n: cuz you called me miss yoona

Hana: but you are my boss so I'll call you miss yoona when we are in the company

Y/n: then I'll also call you miss Hana when we are in the company

Hana: but- *cut off*

Y/n: no buts i told you not to call me miss still you do the same thing so I'll also call you miss Hana

Hana: ok ok I'll call u y/n

Y/n: better. Btw unnie what's my schedule for today

Hana: you have 2 meetings today and then you have to check some files and sign on it then you are done for the day.

Y/n: thank you unnie. Unnie can you pls check those file for me *pointing towards the files kept on the table*

Hana: sure why not. I'll be in my cabin.

Y/n: ok

She left.


Y/n was working without noticing the  time it was already time to go home. Then she heard a knock on the door

Y/n: come in *cold*

Hana  came inside and kept the files on the table.

Y/n: unnie i told you to go home right.

Hana: i just completed the work you gave me.

Y/n: ok now go shu shu otherwise your lovely husband will blame me for giving you so much work

Hana: *chuckles* he wont otherwise I'll kick his ass if he blames my sis like that. Ok I'll leave now y/n and don't overwork and go home early ok

Y/n: ok eomma

Hana: aish this kid.

She left. After 5 mins someone barged into her cabin without knocking. She was ready with her gun behind her back to shoot that person who entered 

y/n: WHO THE- *looks at the person* enwoo i swear stop barging in my cabin like that I'll some day really kill you *puting her gun back*

enwoo: hehe i just came to pick you up for dinner at my house today 

y/n: you go i am not hungry *doing her work*

enwoo: no you are coming with me nonna (hana) told me that you didn't even eat your lunch so you are coming with me either you are hungry or not

y/n: *sigh*ok lemme check this file and sign it then we can go ok

enwoo: ok I'll wait till then 

he went and sat on the couch which is there in her cabin. Soon she was done with her work

y/n: lets go i am done *packing her stuff*

She packed her stuff and was walking to enwoo thats when she felt a bit dizzy. She was about to fall but enwoo catched her.

Enwoo: you ok?

Y/n: i feel a bit dizzy

Enwoo: you wait here

He kept her on the desk and went out. He came back with a chocolate and a glass of water

Enwoo: here eat this

Y/n:  chocolate?

Enwoo: i think your blood pressure went low becuz of less sleep and not eating your lunch. Now eat it I'll hear no excuse of yours

Y/n: ok ok geez

She ate the chocolate and they both went home. After reaching home enwoo told the maids to serve their dinner. While eating the dinner it was very quiet so she thought to break it.

Y/n: enwoo we'll go to the headquarters tomorrow. I'll tell Agent Lucifer about my answer

Enwoo: what are you gonna answer him

Y/n: you'll get to know tomorrow.

Enwoo: won't you tell your bestie

Y/n: no! now eat your food we have to sleep too and dare to wake me up early tomorrow you are really dead

They ate their food and headed toward their respective rooms. She changed her clothes and drifted off to her sweet dream land.


Y/n woke up with the a nightmare again. She was breathing heavily so she drank the water and calmed herself down.

Today she has to give her answer to Agent Lucifer about the mission. She lazily got up and went to the washroom to take a bath and wore her clothes and headed down stairs.

She reached to the dinning table to see her  stupid partner aka her best friend waiting for her

Y/n: good morning

Enwoo: am i in a dream cuz the one and only great y/n greeted me. *Dramatic ass*

Y/n: yeah yeah whatever stop being a drama queen. We also have to go to the headquarters

They both ate their breakfast, wore their mask and lenses and headed towards the headquarters. After reaching she scanned her id and went inside. Everyone bowed to her to which she just nodded.

They reach the Agent Lucifer's  cabin and she went inside without knock. Agent Lucifer got startled by her sudden entry.

Al: oh Agent Black you made your decision

Y/n: yes sir *cold*

AL: so?

Y/n: i am ready to take this case *cold*

AL: i am glad you u accepted it. You have to move to Seoul for this mission as you know

Y/n: yes i know can you pls tell which all agents are gonna work with me *cold*

AL: sry to say Agent Black but no agent agreed for this mission it's only you and Agent Ace. I hope you know the reason they decline

Y/n: *nodded* ok I'll leave for Seoul tomorrow *cold*

AL: I'll tell the agency in Seoul about your arrival. hope this mission is successful because you are the best agent in the whole agency and if you want you can abort this mission whenever you want

Y/n: Agent Lucifer you very well know Agent Black either I'll complete my mission or I'll die but i won't abort.  *Cold*

AL: i know. I'll tell GD to  send the details of this case in few days till then you can enjoy in Seoul.

Y/n: hmm *cold*

They both left from there and she went to her cabin which is in the headquarters to collect her stuff kept there before leaving. They both entered the cabin and enwoo locked the door behind so that no one hears them

Enwoo: what did he mean no agent agreed

Y/n: all the agents who investigated this case before were found dead so that's why no one ever said yes *packing her stuff*

Enwoo: then why did you say yes

Y/n: you know this case is related to my past and i think i would get the answers to my past if i took this case in my hands.

Enwoo: but you need to be careful. I don't want to lose my only best friend

Y/n: aren't you coming with me

Enwoo: actually i have an other mission here in US so I'll complete it and then join you in Seoul

Y/n: *nodded* let's go

In the car

Y/n: *heavy sigh*

Enwoo: what happened are you worried about the mission

Y/n: no i have many things to do today

Enwoo: like?

Y/n: i have to go to my company and tell everyone about me going to Seoul i even have to check if the mansion in Seoul is in good condition or not. I have to go to my university and tell the principal about my transfer. And then i even have to find someone who'll handle the company here in US when i am not here.

Enwoo: ok listen you go to your company and  I'll go to our University and apply for your transfer and then I'll go to your mansion and tell the maids to pack your stuff after you are done with the company work come home and pack the other essentials

Y/n: thank you enwoo idk what have I done if you weren't there with me

Enwoo: it's my duty as your bestie but you have to treat me dinner today

Y/n: are you taking revenge for yesterday

Enwoo: u can say so

Y/n: *done face*

They both reached home and she changed her clothes, mask and lenses. After changing she took her car keys and headed towards the company.

After reaching she went inside and everyone greeted her to which she greeted them back.

She went inside her cabin and saw Hana  talking to one of the employees

Hana & employee: good morning Miss yoona

Y/n: good morning *cold*

Then the employee went out and she  went and sat on her chair.

Y/n: unnie do i have any work today

Hana: actually no only a small meeting

Y/n: ok unnie cancel the meeting and tell all the employees to meet me in the meeting room on the 13th floor

Hana: is there any problem y/n

Y/n: Ani i just have to tell them smth. I'll do some work till then tell them to be there in 15 mins

Hana: ok

She left. After 2 mins there was an announcement in the office system.


After 10 mins she got up and made her way towards the meeting room. After reaching she saw Hana  standing there waiting for her

Y/n:. Miss Hana pls sit

She sat down

Y/n: so everyone i have an important announcement to make. I am shifting to Seoul so the main branch of  Diamond Enterprise (y/n's company) is being shifted to Seoul. And I'll tell you all in sometime that who will be the person who'll handle the company here hope you all co-operate thank you *cold*

Employee 1:  have a nice time in Seoul miss yoona

Employee 5: yes mam don't worry everything will be ok over here and pls take care of yourself

She smile at how caring her employees are. She exited the meeting room and went towards her cabin.

She sat on the chair and started to do all the pending work which is to done by her cuz she  has to sign on it.

Y/n(in mind): argh it's toooooooooooo much.

Its now night and still she is doing the same shit I mean work. But smth clicked her mind she quickly called Hana . After 2 mins she heard a knock

Y/n: come in*cold*

Hana  came inside and y/n signalled her to lock the door so that no one can hear their conversation.

Hana: yes y/n

Y/n: actually unnie i have decided who will handle the company here when i go to Seoul

Hana: who?

Y/n: you

Hana: WHAT!!

Y/n: ya unnie don't shout

Hana: sry but did i hear  wrong i mean me you are kidding me right

Y/n: no unnie i am giving you the company to handle

Hana: why me you can give it to enwoo

Y/n: Ani he is also coming with me and unnie you are the only one all the employees trust and i trust you too  so plss

Hana: *sigh* ok. Btw y/n there are some more files you need to sign before you leave

Y/n: more files *sign*

Hana: if you are tired let it be sign it later

Y/n: no unnie it's ok I'll do it

Hana: tell me if you need smth

Y/n: unnie can i get a coffee

Hana: sure.

She went out. 
Y/n again started to do her work.

Hana came back with a cup of coffee, she knocked the door but got no response. So she thought to go inside.

When she went inside she saw y/n sleeping on the desk on top of those files. She kept the cup aside and went to her

Hana: i guess she is really tired.

Hana called enwoo and told him to come to y/n's office. After few mins he came inside

Enwoo: what happened noona why did you call me

Hana: *points to y/n sleeping on the desk*

Enwoo: *sigh* aish this girl only knows how to overwork herself

Hana: you take her home I'll lock everything and come ok

Enwoo: ok noona be safe.

Enwoo carried y/n in bridal style and went to the car. He made her sit on the passenger seat and drove off.

After reaching he again carried her in bridal style and went towards her room. He gently placed her on the bed and told the maids to change her dress. He then went to his room and slept

Somewhere in the city of Seoul

A person driving a car got a call.


$$: Hello Jackson

Jackson: we got an important information for you

$$: What is it?

Jackson: y/n is coming back to Seoul

$$: What!! When?

Jackson: maybe today or tomorrow

$$: Ok keep me updated

Jackson: yes

Call ended

The person stopped the car and said to himself/herself

$$: See you soon y/n!

He/She said with a smirk on the face.

To be continued.................... ◉⁠‿⁠◉



Age:  17
He is an orphan but his uncle is  his  leagal guardian. The cha enterprises belongs to him but his uncle is the CEO as he doesn't have experience. His uncle lives in Canada and doesn't know that he is an agent. He is with y/n since she was 7 yrs old they both met at the agent training camp and as time passed they became bestfriend. He knows everything about her past.

Age: 30
She is married and has a cute son named Leo. She is y/n's secretary. She is one of the people  who knows about y/n being the youngest CEO that's why she calls her y/n not yoona when they are alone. She thinks of y/n as her own sister. She only knows about y/n being the CEO not the agent or the hacker.

(NOTE: y/n's CEO name is YOONA.  No one knows her face that's why her name is also different.



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