Part 4
Kimberly turns up an hour later, she knows the boys well and is one of the hospitals Psychologists, one they trust impeccably.
"Anything I should know before I go in boys?" Kimberly asks as they walk her to Louis room.
Kimberly is tall and slender with long black hair, she's beautiful and Andy has had a major crush on her for years, the feeling is mutual but both of them are to shy to ask the other out.
"Well, one minute he is adamant he didn't take the pills and the next he confesses to accidentally taking them" Andy says
"He's 100% been abused but we have no idea by who and we think his version of what happened was a lie, or at least a half truth" Edward says
"He has had a rough year, we lost our mum and he's also been uprooted back to London and a new school, he's only really been back in our lives the last three months" Andy says
"Okay, well, let me have a chat to him and see where we are at" Kimberly says smiling kindly
The boys nod and they knock on Louis room door and walk in. Louis is awake, sitting up and he looks like he's been crying again. His dad standing next to the bed, he looks angry. There is clearly tension in the room.
"Hi there Louis, my name is Kimberly, it's nice to meet you" Kimberly smiles warmly
"Hi" Louis whispers out looking down and playing with the blanket.
"Lou, we are going to leave you and Kimberly to talk for a little while okay. Do you need anything before we leave?" Andy asks
Louis shakes his head no
"Okay, just buzz us if you need to okay" Edward says
Louis nods
"Dad?" Andy says, letting Troy know to come out of the room
"I can't stay?" Troy asks his tone a little clipped
"Not right now, I'll chat to Louis first and then yourself afterwards" Kimberly says, parents usually try to stay for the session, most coming from a worried overprotectiveness.
Troy looks to Louis then back to Kimberly and the boys.
"I really think it's best if I stay" Troy then says
Louis is becoming nervous and agitated, scared even and Kimberly notices his body language and uncomfortableness
"Unfortunately I can't let you do that, Louis will be okay, we are just having a chat, he'll be fine" Kimberly tries to reassure
Troy is getting angry at Kimberly's words
"Dad, it's okay, come on, we can go get a coffee together, we're on break anyway" Edward says
Troy sighs and tries to control his anger, he takes a deep breath and nods, finally agreeing to leave with the boys.
Before he leaves he makes sure to make eye contact with Louis who looks away and back to the blanket on the bed
Once the room is empty Kimberly smiles at Louis and grabs a chair, she pulls it over towards the bed
"Do you mind if I sit?" Kimberly asks smiling
"Oh, of course not" Louis says shyly
Kimberly smiles and sits down
"Now, I know this is all scary and a little overwhelming but I promise we are just going to talk okay" Kimberly says gently
Louis looks at her and nods
"K, yeah" Louis says
"Great so, let me tell you a little about me first hey! My name is Kimberly I've worked here for nearly 8 years now and I work with teenagers like yourself, is there anything else you'd like to know?" Kimberly asks
Louis is taken aback, Kimberly is so kind and makes Louis feel safe and at ease
" I don't think so" Louis says shyly
"How about you, tell me about you Louis" Kimberly asks
"Ummmm, my name is Louis and I'm 17 and in my final year of school. I have three older brothers and yeah, I guess that's it" Louis says smiling slightly
"So you're the youngest are you? I bet your brothers are extremely overprotective of you" Kimberly says
She sees Louis demeanour change a little.
"Well, they were, we were really close and then my dad moved us away when I was 10 we weren't really in each other's lives until three months ago. Our mum died and dad and I moved back here" Louis confesses
"I'm so sorry Louis, that must have been very hard on you" Kimberly says
Louis shrugs
"We were really close and I miss her a lot but it is what it is I guess" Louis says solemnly
"You know, losing someone who you're very close to causes so many emotions, none of which are wrong and it takes time to grieve and that's okay. There is no time limit on how long you can grieve" Kimberly says
"Well it's been 10 months and my dad says I should be getting over it by now, but it's hard" Louis says
Kimberly sighs,
"Louis, losing your mother is not something you just get over okay and that's nothing to be ashamed of, it's good to talk through those feelings though" Kimberly says
"I don't want to" Louis says as he begins to close up.
"That's also okay bud, we don't have to talk about anything you don't want too" Kimberly says
"So we don't have to talk about why I'm here?" Louis asks his tone has a hint of sarcasm
Kimberly smiles
"No, we don't, I do need to assess whether I think you're a suicide risk though, if I think you will harm yourself again" Kimberly says seriously
Louis sighs
"It was an accident, I didn't mean too" Louis says
"Emotional responses are very common at your age Louis, reacting to a specific event can trigger an emotional reaction that we regret instantly. I can tell after talking to you and your brothers that this wasn't something planned that you didn't mean for this to happen" Kimberly says
Louis is quiet, he doesn't know how to respond to that.
"That doesn't mean I don't think you'll try it again" Kimberly says
Louis looks away from Kimberly, sure he's had suicidal thoughts since his mum died, he's missed her like crazy but he never would want to actually act on those feelings. He's so lonely but having his brothers back in his life has been a godsend and he's been the happiest he's been in a long time. His secret that he's been keeping for years and bearing alone has been easier to deal with now that he has his brothers. After this hospital stay though, he knows things will get worse and he's going to have to learn to be tougher and hide things better.
"I won't do it again, I don't want to put my brothers through losing someone else" Louis says
"And what about your dad?" Kimberly nudges. Louis has yet to acknowledge his feelings about his dad.
"Yeah and my dad" is all Louis says
"Do you want to talk about the bruises?" Kimberly asks
Louis sighs
"I was jumped, it was my fault for skipping school, I won't do that again either" Louis says
Kimberly can sense there is something off here but she doesn't pry to much, it's only their first session and she wants Louis to be open to more with her.
They chat a little more before Louis is tired and showing signs of shutting down. Kimberly says goodbye to Louis and leaves the room to go find Louis dad
She finds him in the cafeteria with Andy and Edward
"How'd you go?" Andy asks
"Fine, Louis is a wonderful kid and I've cleared him to go home. I don't think he's a danger to himself" she says smiling, the boys sigh in relief
"So he won't try something so stupid again?" Troy asks and the boys and Kimberly are a little taken aback by his aggression
"Something triggered Louis to respond with an emotional head rather than a logical head, that's very common for this age group. He's been through some trauma and I think that's what's pushed him" Kimberly says
Andy and Edward nod in understanding, Troy just shakes his head in disappointment
"So he can come home now?" Troy sighs
"Yes, if he's medically cleared by the boys. I would like to keep seeing him though, once a fortnight at least" Kimberly says
"I can't afford that" Troy says
"We will pay for it dad, don't worry" Edward says
Troy sighs clearly agitated
"If that's what you want to waste your money on then that's your choice" he says.
"Well, we don't see it as a waste so yeah we will pay for it" Andy says pointedly
"Did Drew talk to you about Louis staying with us for a week, so we can keep an eye on him and his pain" Edward asks trying to change the subject a little
"Yeah, I wasn't happy, but I guess i could use a break" Troy says
The boys are confused even more, a break from what? They don't push Troy or ask him though, not wanting to upset him further
"Okay well, Drew will come and pick him up now then" Edward says
"I guess I'll go say goodbye to him then" Troy says as he excuses himself
Kimberly, Edward and Andy watch him walk off back to Louis room.
"He's acting very weird if you ask me" Edward says
"He might just be in shock, he nearly lost his son and so close to losing his wife" Kimberly says
"Yeah I guess you're right" Andy says
Troy enters Louis room and they just stare at each other
"I didn't snitch" Louis says scared
"Well I bloody hope for your sake you didn't" Troy spits as he walks closer to Louis bed
Louis flinches on instinct
Troy grabs Louis hair and pulls it back hard
"Remember your place Louis, you say one fucking word to anyone while you're at your brothers and I will not hesitate to end you for good, I'll make you swallow more than pills next time, am I clear" Troy spits evilly
Louis swallows hard
"Yeyyyesss sir"He says
Troy let's Louis hair go with a harsh shove
"I could use a break from you anyway, you make my life hell just by looking at you. Remember, you fucked up big time Louis and when you get home, you'll pay for it" Troy says
Louis looks at his dad scared out of his mind
"Enjoy your little break" Troy smirks and he walks out of the room leaving Louis alone and scared once again.
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