Part 30

The squad come across the cabin after about an hour of searching the woods. When Charlie and Joey see the wood piled up over the doors and windows they nearly move on, until they notice Louis shoe on the doorstep.

When they break down the cabin and find Louis and his dad unconscious they rush to Louis side.

The team make quick work of cutting the handcuff off the bed head and carrying Louis out, while another squad make sure the scene is stabilised.

Another ambulance team head in to check Troy and find him already gone

Sammy and Amy work on Louis though, he has a slight pulse and they work to stabilise him.

The boys are called and they rush to be at the hospital when Louis is brought in, they won't have anyone else touching him. 

Amy and Sammy manage to stabilise Louis and they rush him to the hospital, he's critical and his pulse is starting to become erratic and then slow down.

When they meet the boys at the hospital it's a flurry of activity

"Carbon monoxide poisoning, was stabilised but now his pulse is erratic, dislocated shoulder, bruises, possible broken collarbone and wrist. We haven't been able to check for other injuries" Sammy says on handover

"Okay, we need to get a line in now, fluids up, let's get his pulse stabilised before we send him for scans" Harry calls to everyone. They know they all don't need to be in the room, and Drew, Andy and Edward let Harry and Scott officially take over, they will be there if they are needed

Louis is intubated and given high levels of oxygen to flush the carbon monoxide through his system. Harry and Scott stabilise Louis and he's sent for scans.

The boys know it's touch and go and they just have to wait for results and to see how Louis goes overnight. He will be put in ICU and the boys know they won't leave his side no matter what the ICU nurses try to tell them.

Louis scan results come back and his brain activity is strong, so the boys are confident he hasn't suffered any brain damage. His collarbone, and left wrist are broken as well as his shoulder being dislocated. Scott will have to operate again, but he can't until Louis is awake and stabilised.

Louis has also suffered extensive internal bleeding and damage to his kidney but it's all treatable, it will take time but they are hoping Louis is going to fully recover.

They all head up to Louis room in ICU and they don't plan to leave. They just stand around the room not taking their eyes off Louis.

"It's a full house in here, you know you're not all allowed in here" Katie, one of the ICU nurses smiles as she walks in to check Louis.

The boys relax when they see Katie is on shift

"Thank god you're on shift Katie" Edward smiles

"Well Vanessa is on in six hours and you know what she's like, so you'll have to set up camp before she gets here, I hear she also likes hazelnut chocolate" Katie winks

The boys smile,

"Thanks Katie" the boys say

Katie smiles and finishes up checking Louis

"You boys are never this quiet" Katie says sadly

The boys smile slightly in apology

"He's doing great boys, his obs are looking promising" Katie says in reassurance

"Thanks Katie, we really appreciate you looking after him" Harry says

"I'm monitoring him 24/7 I promise, any sign of anything I'll be here, I'll let you in, I'll let you treat him" Katie promises

"You're the best" Scott tells her

"Well I like peppermint chocolate" Katie smiles as she leaves and the boys crack a laugh.

They all then get together, they go downstairs and grab spare blankets and pillows and a few spare recliners from other rooms. Even though they aren't all talking much, being together and there for each other is what they all need right now

When they all return to the room, Drew and Edward get comfortable on one of the recliners together, Scott and Harry together on another and Andy on his own. They just huddle together in comfort, watching Louis. They aren't used to being on this side, they don't know their patients personally, or their family and that allows them to disconnect, but the fact they can't right now, hits them hard.

"He looks so small" Scott says

"He doesn't deserve this, we didn't protect him" Drew says sadly

"We should have been there, the traffic was bad, we should have been there sooner" Harry says

"Charlie and Joey said it was literally a matter of minutes, there's too many if's, you can't beat yourselves up over this. We found him in time ,  we have to be thankful for that and be there for him now" Andy says

"We all know how serious his injury's are, it's going to be a slow recovery, no football for a long time, the scouts, University, he's going to miss out on his scholarship" Edward says angrily

"Ed, we will be there for him, it's all going to be okay if we can just be there for him. He needs us, he's lost both his parents in the matter of a year. Regardless of what dad has done, he's gone and Louis needs us to be there emotionally" Drew says 

"I don't want to even imagine what he went through in that cabin, and we weren't there to help him" Scott says

"You love him don't you" Drew turns to Harry and Scott to say

Harry and Scott look to the boys and then to Louis.

"Yes, we absolutely love him, so much" Harry says

"He means so much to us" Scott says

The boys share a slight smile between them

"We're really glad he has you two" Drew tells Scott and Harry sincerely

Harry and Scott smile and they all settle down waiting for Louis to wake up.

Louis comes to a few hours later, his body is in agony, he slowly opens his eyes to a rapid beeping sound. He has oxygen on his face and he's hooked up to so many things.

"Hey there sweetheart, you're okay" Harry says as he reaches out to swipe Louis fringe of his forehead

Louis groans

"It's okay, just try to relax kiddo" Edward tells Louis from the other side of the bed.

Louis sees Edward, Andy and Drew on his right and Scott and Harry on his left.

Louis can't help it when he begins to cry, he's so sore and he is so confused

"It's okay to cry baby, we're here" Scott reassures as he kisses Louis head

Louis reaches out and pulls the oxygen off his face

"Only for a few minutes okay, it's helping you" Andy says as he helps Louis take it off

"Hurts...make it stop, please" Louis says upset

"We will angel, we will, just breathe for us" Harry says gently

Drew administers some pain relief to Louis drip and it relaxes him instantly

"There you go darling, is that better" Scott asks smiling slightly

"Why am I here" Louis asks, he's so confused

"What do you remember kiddo?" Edward asks gently

"Everything" Louis whispers

"We're so sorry baby" Harry says

"But why am I here?" Louis asks as his eyes well up

The boys look to each other confused

"You were rescued darling" Scott says

"Why? I was supposed to die, it's all my fault and ....I don't want to be here's my fault...I want to go" Louis cries as he begins to panic.

"No kiddo"

"It's okay bud"

"Just breathe Lou, this is not your fault"

The boys all say trying to calm Louis.

"Andy administers Louis a sedative and Louis begins to relax and get sleepy

"Mum hates me" Louis hiccups before he is completely out  

Andy places Louis oxygen back on and they boys all sigh.

"His pain is going to make him a little delusional. Every-time he wakes up hopefully he will be a little more with it" Andy says

The boys nod and bunk in for the night, waiting for Louis to wake up again.

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