Part 3

Louis has a pretty rough night pain wise and is extremely uncomfortable. Harry and Scott are in and out of Louis room trying to settle him as best they can.

"I just wanna go" Louis says sniffling, he's so sore and tired but he can't sleep

"Just take some deep breaths Lou, Scott and I will get you more comfortable okay" Harry reassures stroking his head

"There you are Lou, that will make you feel so much better and really sleepy okay" Scott says as he puts something in Louis drip and sits on the side of Louis bed. Louis eyes begin to droop.

"Just get some rest, it's okay" Harry says as Louis finally falls asleep.

When their shift ends at 7 Andy and Edward take over. Scott and Harry go in to say goodbye to Louis and as they enter they see who must be Louis dad sitting next to his bed, Louis lying on his side facing his dad. His dad didn't get to the hospital in time for visiting hours overnight so he wasn't allowed in until now.

He and Louis are having what looks like a very personal conversation and Louis wipes his tears with his hand as his dad talks to him closely. The boys can't hear what's being said, but as they enter, Louis and his dad both look towards the door.

"Good morning, I'm Dr Wolf and this is Dr Styles, we've been looking after Louis overnight" Scott introduces himself and Harry.

"Oh, morning, I'm Troy, Louis dad, it's nice to meet you" Troy says politely

"You too" Harry and Scott say as they shake hands

"Thank you for looking after Louis, I hope he didn't cause to much of a circus" Troy says chuckling uneasily

The boys put his behaviour down to worry but they aren't sure, Troy seems nervous but then again his son nearly died.

"Of course not, we're just glad he's okay" Harry says as he looks to Louis who looks so exhausted

"We've just finished our shift so we thought we would come and say goodbye" Scott says

"Oh sure, I was just going to get a coffee anyway" Troy says smiling and he looks back to Louis as he moves towards the door.

"I'll be back Louis" he says and Louis doesn't respond

Troy leaves the room and the boys make their way over to Louis. He sits up in bed slowly, he was able to come off the oxygen mask this morning so he's feeling a lot better that it's gone.

"Can I go home now?" Louis pleads with the boys

"Kimberly is coming at 9, once you see her and get the okay from your dad you can come home to our place with Drew okay" Scott says

Louis nods

"But that doesn't mean you are better and can go back to normal, you need to rest and recover and do as we all say, that's the deal" Harry says pointedly

"Yeah, k, okay" Louis says nodding

"Good boy" Scott and Harry say at the same time

"We are going home to get some sleep, we will hopefully see you soon okay" Harry then says

"K, I....thanks for um everything" Louis says shyly

The boys smile widely

"Anytime darling" Scott says

Louis gets a shiver down his spine, a good shiver. He can't deny that Harry and Scott are both insanely gorgeous, they are also so intimidating though.

Andy and Edward then come into the room and smile towards the boys.

"How are you feeling Lou?" Andy says as they stroll in

"I'm fine Andy, I promise" Louis says, he's very sore but nothing he isn't used to at all. He just wants to leave. He hates lying to his brothers, he feels like he's disappointing them

Andy looks to Louis like he doesn't belive him.

"Well you're due more pain relief" Edward says

All the boys are dressed in their navy scrubs and Louis thinks they look so intimidating.

"I don't need any" Louis says

"Lou, you have two broken ribs and a kidney infection, it's okay if you need pain relief" Andy says in reassurance

"I know, but I don't need it, I can handle the pain" Louis says

"Louis, listen to me, we don't think you're weak for taking pain relief okay, the thing is, if you don't take it regularly, your body can get overwhelmed and won't heal itself, if your body has to focus on dealing with pain instead of healing, it can really impact how your body deals with your infection" Scott says gently

Louis sighs and rubs his hands over his face

"Taking the pain relief won't make any difference in how long you stay here, not taking it will. We can't let you home if you're pain isn't managed" Harry then says

Tears prick Louis eyes but he won't let them fall

"Look kiddo, Kimberly will be here in an hour, let's get you comfortable and rested before then okay" Edward says smiling

Louis doesn't reply he just lies back as Edward gently helps him. He's given pain relief in his drip and the effects are instant, he feels instant relief and tiredness

"Just relax with it Lou, you're safe okay" Edward says

Louis ends up closing his eyes and dozes off

The boys look at each other concerned

"He really doesn't want to be here does he" Scott says

"Which makes me belive he really didn't take those pills on purpose" Harry says

"Yeah but what? Someone gave him 20 pills and he thought it was okay to take them?" Edward asks

"It makes no sense but I think there's more to it" Andy says

"Well hopefully Kimberly can get to the bottom of it" Scott says

The boys hope he's right, Andy and Edward get back to work and Scott and Harry reluctantly leave a sleeping Louis when his dad makes it back to the room.

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