Part 23

"Lou, can you come here please" Andy calls from the kitchen the next day.

Harry and Scott left Louis room around midnight after he fell asleep, they don't want to make Louis uncomfortable or make him think they expect him to sleep in their bed. They want Louis to tell them when he's ready. They also wanted to chat to the boys about everything and make sure everyone's okay with what's going on, which they are. The boys are really happy for them.

Louis has just finished up his shower and is about to get some breakfast, he's already bored and it's only the start of his suspension.

"Coming" Louis calls

He pulls his black tee over his head and makes his way to the kitchen, hair damp

Louis walks into the kitchen to all five boys home, none of them in uniform which only happens rarely. Louis senses something is wrong as soon as he walks in and he stops in his tracks

"What did I do?" Louis asks and the boys instantly see him withdrawal and tense up, something they haven't seen him do in a few months.

"Nothing kiddo, well, kind of" Drew says

"Am I in trouble?" Louis asks and his breathing picks straight up

The boys have not seen Louis react like this since his first month with them

"No bud, you're not" Edward says

"We were going to tell you we promise" Louis says as his breathing becomes heavier

"Tell us?" Andy asks confused

"Are you talking about you, Harry and Scott?" Drew asks

"Lou, just relax, the boys know, they are extremely supportive darling, you've done nothing wrong and nobody is mad at you" Scott tries to reassure

"We can talk about that all later bud and like Scott said, we're not upset, we're actually really happy for you" Andy says smiling slightly

Louis relaxes a little at that but he's still upset

"Then what have I done" Louis asks

"Listen, just relax your breathing first Lou, everything is okay" Harry says

"I'm really sorry okay, I promise I won't do it again, please don't get rid of me" Louis says slightly begging

The boys hearts break at the sight of Louis, so scared

Drew steps forward towards Louis but he flinches instantly

"Relax, I would never hurt you, neither would the boys, you're safe, I'm safe Lou" Drew reassures over and over

Louis let's Drew bring him in and hold him, and calm him down

"That's it, everything is fine Lou" Edward says the boys all try to calm Louis down

When Louis is somewhat calm he pulls back from Drew's chest he swallows hard and looks at the boys to continue

"Lou, we had a call from the school this morning" Andy says

"I handed my letters in, I apologised" Louis says

"We know, but this call was from your soccer  coach" Edward says sympathetically

"I'm kicked off the team!" Louis asks panicked

"No, but you're on probation and for the next two games Robbie is captain and coach wants you to prove he shouldn't take the captain badge off you" Andy says

"But, but that's not fair" Louis says upset

"We know kiddo and we have spoken to your coach. He understands and is on your side, but he can't be seen to be playing favourites and you did hit someone. You just have to ride it out I'm afraid" Edward says

Louis looks like he's about to break

"How am I supposed to prove I should still be captain" Louis asks

"He said to come to training all week, and the game Saturday, even though you will be benched" Andy says

"Benched?" Louis asks worriedly

"We're afraid so, just Saturday's game " Drew says

"This is so unfair, why do they always win?" Louis asks upset and angry

"Why do who always win darling?" Harry asks concerned

"The bad guys, dads won, he's living his life away from me, probably on some beach somewhere and Robbie gets to bad mouth me and spread rumours with no consequence, the scouts will see him instead of me. I know I shouldn't have hit him but I tried to do the right things, and I still get the sucky end" Louis says on the verge of tears.

"Oh Lou, sweetheart, we know it seems like that but it's really not like that. I promise you they will both get what's coming to them" Scott says

"And dads not on a beach living his best life Lou, we promise" Andy says

"What do you mean? You know where he is?" Louis asks

The boys look to each other and sigh

"Do you? Tell me" Louis demands

"Do you remember Charlie and Joey, you might not, you were only about 8 when we became friends with them" Drew asks

Louis thinks back

"You mean the guys who fixed up my skateboard when I busted the wheel on the front steps, and skinned my knee?" Louis asks

"Yeah! That's them" Andy smiles

"They were really nice" Louis says

"Yeah, they are really nice, well, they are police officers now, they work in London and they've been overseeing the case with dad" Andy says.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Louis asks

"Because you didn't need to know, you've been doing so well and you didn't ask, so we didn't want to bring it up" Edward says

"I was just scared to know anything and I didn't care, I wanted him far away from me" Louis says

"Well the police have been trying to find him, he is facing jail time for what he did to you Lou" Harry says gently

"Yeah well, he's not stupid, he won't come back to London" Louis says

The boys look to each other

"What?" Louis asks looking at them all

"Lou, we don't actually think he left...London" Andy breaks the news

"Wha?" Louis asks confused, why would his dad be hanging around, he wouldn't risk being caught

"He hasn't used his credit card for four months until two days ago, and he was in London, he withdrew a lot of money so they think he's trying to go back into hiding" Andy says

"Is he trying to find me?" Louis asks

"He knows where you would be, he knows we would take you in, so we don't think so, he's just laying low so he doesn't get caught" Edward says

"We think he might use the money he withdrew to skip town. Maybe he thinks if he waited a few months, things would die down and no one would really be looking for him" Drew says

Louis nods, not really sure what to do with all this information, he just takes it all in

"So, is it okay if one of you drive me to practise" Louis then says changing the subject.

"Sure Lou, Scott and I can take you" Harry says smiling

"Thanks" Louis smiles back shyly.

"Lou, if you ever want to talk about dad or anything, we're always here okay" Drew says

Louis nods

"I know" Louis whispers

He heads to his room, and brings out his laptop, Louis settles on his bed and decides to watch a movie, he may as well take advantage of no school for a week.

Scott and Harry of course knock on Louis door and come into his room.

"You okay?" Scott asks as they both sit on Louis bed facing him.

"Yeah, just was going to watch a movie before training" Louis says shyly

"Well, would you like to watch with us? We have a big tv in our room AND our bed is a lot more comfy" Harry says in jest winking at Louis

Louis chuckles slightly

"If you wanna watch Back to the Future, sure" Louis says

"Again?" Both boys say at the same time in jest

Louis blushes

"Of course we want to watch with you darling" Harry says smiling

Louis smiles and Harry and Scott help him off the bed. And lead him to their room.

Louis lays down with the boys and they get comfy watching the movie.

Louis feels so safe with Harry and Scott and loves being in their arms.

The three of them end up kissing each other and forgetting about the movie.

Louis is gently pushed onto his back and Harry and Scott lay either side of him, lightly touching as they kiss. Harry and Scott pull back and smile at Louis who blushes.

"Okay?" Scott asks gently

"Yeah" Louis whispers

"You're so beautiful Lou" Harry says

Scott then leans down and cups Louis face he uses his tongue to gently open Louis mouth up and Louis gasps and lets out a quiet moan.

That turns Scott and Harry on and Scott deepens the kiss, letting out a moan himself.

When Scott pulls back they are both panting hard

"That was hot" Harry says and Scott smirks

Harry then claims Louis lips and Scott watch's on.

Harry and Scott taste so different yet they are both so dominating yet gentle with Louis and he can't get enough of them.

Things turn slightly heated as they take turns kissing, their tongues and breath cast over each other and they begin to move. Scott and Harry begin to rut up against Louis and Louis moves along with them.

"Shit" Harry moans as they get more turned on.

"Uhhh" Louis breathes out

"You're so beautiful Louis, god you're so gorgeous right now" Harry says

Louis moans as Scott starts sucking bruises on his neck

Harry and Scott then both reach down slowly to Louis crotch, just to the outside of his sweats. They start massaging Louis and Louis starts panting hard

"So good for us darling" Scott says

He and Harry start to turn dominant and Louis sees the instant switch, it turns him on so much.

"We love those noises Louis, moan for us, sounds so good" Scott says sexily

"Shit, ahhh" Louis says and he bucks his hips into Harry and Scott's hands

"Does that feel good baby?" Scott asks

"Mmmmm" Louis says

"Words sweetheart, tell us how good it feels" Harry says

"Ughn, so good, so good" Louis whispers

Scott and Harry are so turned on watching Louis come undone and they are both ready to come as they rock harder against Louis

"Do you want to come sweetheart? You going to come like a good boy?" Harry asks as he leans down and flicks his tongue over Louis ear making him shiver

"Please" Louis breathes out desperately

"We're going to come Louis, come with us" Scott demands and Louis does

They all moan together as they kiss each other and ride out their highs.

"You okay?" Harry asks Louis as they all regain their breathing

"Yeah" Louis whispers out with a slight smile

"If this is moving to fast for you Lou..." Scott starts

"No,'s not at all, I'm fine honestly I..." Louis says and blushes at the end

Harry and Scott smirk, they then lean down and kiss Louis. They then clean Louis and themselves up, settle down and hold each other close for the rest of the day.

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