Part 2
"Dr Styles, Louis scan results are back" Abby says as she lets Harry and Scott know. They've been waiting for the results before they face the boys and Louis dad.
"Thanks Abby" Harry says from behind the doctors desk in the ER
He brings up the scans so he and Scott can see
"Shit" Scott says
"His bloods are back too" Harry says as he opens those results
"So he's got two fractured ribs, an infected kidney and bruises covering his body" Scott confirms
"Looks that way" Harry sighs
The boys then head back to Louis room, Abby is inside checking Louis Obs.
"Abby, we need these antibiotics set up straight away" Scott says as he hands the script over to Abby
"Sure doctor Wolf, I'll get right on it" she says as she leaves
"Drew will need to come and help me strap his ribs" Harry says
"Yeah, he's the best one for that job" Scott says rubbing his hands over his face
"Well, let's go tell them what we've found, we can't really delay any longer" Harry says
They both agree and head out to the waiting room where the boys are still waiting. They are sitting down in the corner, their dad still not having arrived yet.
"What's happened? You guys have taken a while" Edward says as they all get up and stand in front of Scott and Harry
They both sigh
"We've had to do some scans and more blood tests, we're sorry, it took a little longer than we thought" Scott starts
"What, why?" Andy asks panicked
"When we went to change Louis into his hospital gown, we found him covered in bruises and we aren't talking 'kids just being kids' bruises. We are talking extensive bruises" Harry says gently
"He's got two fractured ribs and a really bad kidney infection, which, with the sleeping pills in his system, has probably heightened the strain on his kidney" Scott says
"We've put him on antibiotics but we need your help Drew, to strap him correctly, if you're okay with that" Scott asks carefully
"Of course yeah Where did he get the bruises from?" Drew asks concerned
"That we don't know, we haven't had a chance to talk to Louis and we don't want to stress him out further either. It looks like someone has done this to him" Harry says carefully
"Shit" Edward says upset
"Why would someone do that? Who would do that?" Andy asks angrily
"We don't know, kids from school? Maybe thats why he took the pills, because he's being physically abused by someone" Scott says
The boys don't have any words, they just think on it, they are so upset and just want to kill anyone who lays their hands on Louis.
"We will have to wait until he wakes up, but let's not pressure him too much to talk. We've set him up an appointment with Kimberly before he leaves the hospital, as you know, now he has the infection, he will need to stay a little longer " Harry says
The boys nod in agreement.
"I'll come help you strap him now?" Drew asks
"Yeah, then we can move him to monitoring and you can all see him" Scott says
The boys nod and Drew follows Harry and Scott back to Louis room.
"If this is to much D we can do our best to strap Louis ourselves, he's hurt and it's quite confrontational" Scott says before they enter the room
"Thanks boys, I'll be okay, I just want him safe" Drew says and the boys nod.
When they walk in, Louis is still out to it, he has an oxygen mask over his face and a drip in his arm, the navy hospital gown is on and a blanket covers Louis to just under his arms. He looks so small.
"I'll need to wake him" Drew says as he tries to hold in his emotions.
Harry and Scott nod
"I'll just get everything I need first" Drew says
The boys watch on as Drew grabs his medical bandages, tape and everything else he needs.
"Okay lets wake him up" Drew says
The boys nod.
"Louis. Bud can you wake up for us" Scott says gently to Louis.
Louis groans at Scott's voice and gentle shake
"It's okay, everything is fine, we just need to sit you up for a little bit" Harry says
Drew looks at the boys confused, who the hell are they and what have they done with the two most arsehole doctors he knows, he smirks at the thought of Louis turning them soft
Harry and Scott don't notice and Drew stores the scene in front of him away, he'll bring it up later.
Louis opens his eyes and looks towards Scott and Harry tiredly
"Good job Louis" Scott says smiling.
Drew then comes over beside Louis.
"Hi there kiddo" Drew smiles, so relieved to see Louis awake. The hurt behind his eyes though, breaks Drew's heart
"Drew?" Louis asks brokenly
"Yeah darling it's me, you're okay" Drew says
Louis sits up and launches for Drew, Drew is taken aback but welcomes Louis in his arms, he cuddles him closely and Louis cries
"Hey buddy you're okay, don't cry, everything is going to be okay. We're right here" Drew says and Louis latches on tighter.
Harry and Scott look on in sympathy, whatever Louis has been through is big and they want to be there to help him through it too.
"Listen bud, I'm not going to make you talk just yet, but I need to help Harry and Scott fix you up okay" Drew then says when Louis has calmed down a little
Louis tenses
He leans back off Drew and wipes his eyes, he looks towards Harry and Scott
"You know each other?" Louis asks shyly
"We do, we live with your brothers and we run the ER department together" Scott smiles
"So I'm in your hospital?" Louis questions, looking at Drew
"Of course you are, I wouldn't let anyone I didn't know or trust take care of my baby brother Lou" Drew says smiling
Louis can't help the butterfly's and fuzzy feeling in his stomach. He's not had the boys affection and love for years and he's missed them so much.
Louis half smiles
"Now, Dr Harry and Dr Scott had to do some scans on you and run some more bloods, the scans showed you have two broken ribs and a kidney infection" Drew says carefully
" that bad" Louis asks upset
"Well it would be causing a lot of pain for sure and you're on antibiotics for the infection, you might be here a few more days" Drew says as he swipes Louis fridge off his forehead.
"I'm fine, I don't want to stay" Louis says scared
"It's okay Louis, Scott and I are on tonight and then Edward and Andy take over tomorrow, so you won't be alone at all" Harry says
Louis is upset and he just doesn't want to be here, the boys can see him become withdrawn and panicky
"Look, let me strap your ribs and make you more comfortable okay, then we can talk" Drew says
Louis looks at him and nods, he's so tired and doesn't want to think.
Drew nods and Harry sits down opposite Louis, he and Drew carefully take Louis gown off his torso. Drew can't help it when he gasps at what he sees
"Louis" he chokes up
Louis breathing comes out fast, this wasn't meant to happen, they weren't meant to see him like this, it's his secret to bare.
"Just look at me Louis, focus on me, it's okay" Harry says
"I....I want to go home" Louis says visibly upset. Harry holds him still while Drew starts strapping Louis
Scott comes over and sits on the other side of Louis.
"We know kiddo, but after what happened today we can't legally let you leave yet. We need to monitor you and you need to speak to someone" Scott says gently
"But I didn't take them, I didn't, I didn't" Louis says as he gets more and more upset
"What do you mean Lou, I found you next to the pill bottle" Drew says, he's trying to remain calm but he's also so confused and angry that someone has clearly hurt his brother
"I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't take them. I swear on my life" Louis says and he's eyes well with tears
"Than tell us what happened kid, tell me, you can't trust me, you can trust us" Drew says
Louis shakes his head. He can't tell them, he knows that, he just absolutely can't say anything. But he also can't take responsibility for taking the pills when he didn't, if he admits it, he'll be kept in on suicide watch, if he tells the truth his life will be completely over and he risks no one believing him.
The boys see Louis contemplating things in his head as he panics more
"How did you get these bruises Louis, how did you break your ribs?" Harry asks gently
Louis let's a tear slip and Harry on instinct reaches out to wipe it away. Louis looks towards Harry and into his eyes, he sees nothing but love and kindness behind them and he feels so safe but, as soon as they leave he won't be safe anymore, so he has to lie
"I skipped school yesterday, I was walking home and I got jumped by a group of older guys, they stole my skateboard and left me in the alleyway. I was upset and went home and took the pills because I was in pain and was upset and I was to sore to know what I was doing" Louis says without looking any of the boys in the eyes.
The boys take in what Louis just admitted to, they look at each other and know Louis is lying, they just don't know why. They don't necessarily belive he took those pills on purpose, he might not have realised how many he took, but they have a duty of care before he's allowed to go home.
"Okay kiddo, thank you for telling us. You will still need to chat to the psychologist before you can go home, her name is Kimberly and she's a very good friend of ours okay" Drew says
Louis is so done, he just doesn't want to go through all this.
"Can I speak to her now, so then I can go" Louis asks as Drew finishes wrapping his torso.
The boys sigh
"Legally you need to stay here for 24 hours kiddo we're sorry, I can't overturn that" Drew says
"We also need to make sure the sleeping pills are out of your system so we can monitor your pain and treat it, you're going to be in a considerable amount of pain with your ribs and kidney and we need to make sure you're okay" Harry says.
"I'm fine, I can handle it I promise" Louis says desperately
"We don't doubt that, but I tell you what, Harry and I will make sure we keep you company tonight bud okay, we will be in and out whenever you need us" Scott says
"After you talk to Kimberly, and she okays you to go home, how about I speak to dad and see if you can come back to our place so we can look after you there, that way you don't need to be here" Drew says
Louis looks to Drew thankfully
"You'd do that for me?" Louis asks on the verge of tears
"God Louis, the boys and I would do anything for you" Drew says
Louis begins to relax
"Okay, you promise?" Louis asks making sure
"We promise" the boys all say
Louis nods and they help him lie back down to sleep.
"Just rest now okay, everything is fine" Drew says
"Drew?" Louis then asks
"Yeah bud?" He answers
"Where....Um where is dad?" Louis asks nervously
"He's been held up at work he will be here a bit later, you just rest okay, don't worry, we will explain everything to him" Drew says
Louis doesn't respond and he rolls over trying to get comfy, he dozes off and the boys make their way out of the room determined to get to the bottom of what really happened to Louis
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