Part 15

Andy and Edward are waiting in the break room for the boys and when they see them they sigh.

Drew shuts the door behind him and they just stand in silence until Andy breaks it

"We're sorry, we were so focused on fixing Louis and the problem we didn't see it for what it actually was, we don't think Louis did this to himself" Andy says

Drew, Harry and Scott all sigh relieved

"Thank god" Drew says

"Where is Troy?" Harry asks

"He's gone home, we told him he couldn't do much and that Louis was here for seven days and he's not allowed visitors from now on" Edward says

"Okay, we'll that's good then, it gives us seven days to get to the bottom of all this" Scott says

"I just can't believe this was happening and Louis didn't say anything and we didn't pick anything up sooner" Drew says upset

"Well we don't even know how long this has been going on for and, if Louis is being threatened of course he wouldn't say anything. He's only been back in our lives permanently for the last few months" Andy says

"Kim's due in an hour, we can see what she says about it all, we just need to focus on Louis and reassuring him, making sure he knows we are on his side and we believe him" Scott says

The boys agree

"We feel like arseholes, the way we acted towards Louis" Andy says shaking his head

"Louis is okay, he will understand, we just need to make sure we're there for him from now on" Drew says

Andy nods and they all just try to get their head around everything, ready to explain things to Kimberly when she makes it in

Kimberly tunes up an hour later, she listens intently to the boys and their evidence, what they've found out and what they think is going on.

"Well, I must admit things add up and Louis behaviour, little things I've noticed the last few sessions do make sense with this. I need to have a chat with him" Kimberly tells the boys

Before they can respond Abbey, one of the nurses is rushing into the break room

"Dr Styles, Dr Wolf, it's Louis" she interrupts

Harry and Scott are out of their chairs in an instant and race to Louis room, he's on the bed having a very bad panic attack.

Louis woke to remember he confessed to Scott, Drew and Harry. He's upset and can't believe he did that, can't believe he was so weak and now his dad is going to kills him, he can't find out he snitched

"Hey darling, calm down, you're okay" Harry says as he rushes first to Louis side.

"Harry, I didn't mean it, it's a lie I'm sorry I lied" Louis chokes out

Scott enters the room behind Harry and tells Abbey she can leave. Kimberly comes in and shuts the door behind her and keeps to the back of the room so as not to overwhelm Louis

"It's okay Lou, you're not in trouble bud" Scott reassures

"He's going to kill me, he will, he is" Louis says as he tries to breathe

"Listen to us darling, he is not going to hurt you ever again, we won't let him. He cannot touch you, especially in here. You're safe" Harry reassures

Louis tries to relax at Harry's words but how can he believe him

"Lou, sweetheart, take some slow deep breaths okay, we don't want you passing out on us. Just try to concentrate on your breathing" Scott says gently as he sees Louis oxygen stats going down.

Kimberly watches as the boys calm him down, impressed with how much Louis responds to them both and how gentle they are with him.

"Good boy, that's it" Harry says as Louis starts to calm. He swipes Louis sweaty fringe off his forehead 

When Louis is calm the boys rest him back on the bed sitting up a little

Scott then goes to the mini fridge in the room and takes out a cold lemonade bottle, he opens it and puts a straw inside

"Have a few sips of this darling, it will help okay" Scott says as he helps Louis take a few sips

"Good job Lou" Harry reassures

Louis then notices Kimberly

"Hey there kiddo" she says smiling gently

"Are you going to send me away, am I in trouble?" Louis asks innocently

"Not at all honey, no, but I need to chat to you about a few things and I need Harry and Scott to witness and back up some things medically before we move forward with anything" Kimberly says as she comes to sit next to Louis bedside in the chair.

"I can't say anything Kimberly, please don't make me" Louis says as tears threaten his eyes again

"Oh Hun, listen, we can't allow this to continue and your dad to keep hurting you" Kim says

"I can handle it I promise" Louis says

"Oh Lou" Scott says gently

"We know how strong you are Lou, but your dad needs to be held responsible for his actions" Harry says.

"Can you tell us what's been happening kiddo?" Kimberly asks gently

Louis looks at Kimberly then Harry and Scott, the tears, his innocence and his fear just breaks them all

"You have our word we will protect you, nothing bad is going to happen to you" Kimberly says.  

Louis looks down at the hospital blanket and plays with it in silence, everyone hoping Louis will open up. It's a long minute before he starts talking

"He said it was my fault mum got sick and that if he hurt me, maybe I would die instead of her" Louis whispers

Harry takes Louis good hand in his and squeezes tightly in reassurance, while Scott rubs Louis leg in comfort

"Louis" Kimberly whispers

"I....he...made me hide it, told me he'd kill me himself If anyone found out...mum never knew anything, when she died he got worse" Louis says

"So, your dad has been hurting you for three years? Ever since your mum got sick?" Harry asks gently

"Yeah" Louis whispers

"And you've never told anyone?" Scott asks

"No, he was serious, he would have killed me" Louis says

"Louis, did your dad dislocate your shoulder?" Scott asks gently

"Yeah, when I said it dislocated a lot, that wasn't a lie, it's just my dad was the one responsible, not football" Louis says quietly

"And the pills?" Harry asks

Louis wipes a tear that's fallen away from his eye before he responds

"Yeah, he forced me to take them, he threatened me when he found out I was still alive, told me not to tell anyone or he would hurt the boys" Louis says 

"He won't touch the boys Lou, we absolutely promise you, okay" Kimberly says gently

"Well he slit my wrist, told me it would work in killing me this time, I could tell he was really angry that I was still alive" Louis says as a few more tears fall.

"We won't let him hurt you anymore sweetheart" Harry says as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead

"He's going to know I snitched Harry, I'm so scared" Louis says and it's vulnerable and so choked and raw. Harry and Scott In that moment vow to protect Louis from every single thing that could possibly hurt him

"He's going to be held accountable, he won't be hurting you anymore, he will be losing custody of you Louis" Kimberly says gently

"Wha? Where am I going to go? A foster home?" Louis asks upset

As much as he hates his dad, Louis didn't take into consideration the fact his dad would lose custody and he would probably have to go to a foster home, he doesn't want to do that

"We will talk about that later darling, you're not going anywhere for now" Scott says

Louis is just so overwhelmed with everything. He doesn't want to deal with any of this.

Harry, Scott and Kimberly eventually leave Louis to get some rest and head straight to the boys to tell them what went on and what the next steps are, hopefully they will have Louis dad behind bars for what he's done the Louis.

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