Part 14

When the boys come into Louis room, Troy is with them and Louis just doesn't want to be anywhere near his dad, he feels himself getting worked up and agitated.

The boys are relieved when they see Louis is okay, Louis senses his dad is angry and cold at the sight of Louis alive, he really thought he'd killed him this time

"Hey kiddo" Drew says and he makes his way straight to Louis side, Louis is lying on his side and Drew grabs his hand and kisses his forehead

Louis can feel Drew's love and it makes him want to break, he doesn't want to put Drew through this, Louis can tell Drew is really upset at the thought of losing him.

"Drew" Louis whispers so only Drew can hear

"Im here, I've gotcha, I promise" Drew tells Louis and Louis couldn't be more thankful for Drew in this moment

Scott and Harry hang back and observe the interactions, Troy seems emotional but withdrawn and normally Harry and Scott would say he's a distraught father, but there are little things giving him away that Scott and Harry both notice

"Louis, kid, we're so thankful you're okay" Edward says as he comes to sit next to Drew on a chair

"We thought we'd lost you again Louis" Andy says

And if Louis isn't mistaken he and Edward sound a little clipped, god only knows what rubbish Troy has fed them

"How are you feeling" Drew asks

"Im fine" Louis whispers

"Louis, we don't understand what pushed you to do this, can you help us understand, please" Andy says looking towards Louis.

Harry and Scott notice the second Louis is asked he looks straight at Troy. Troy smirks slightly back at Louis. He's loving this, making everyone think Louis is crazy and going off the rails.

Louis doesn't say anything

"Please don't close off Louis, we want to help you and we can't help you if you don't let us in" Edward says

Louis avoids everyone's eyes and doesn't respond

"You're being a little selfish Louis, I'm not going to lie, putting dad through this and so soon after mum? I just don't understand" Andy says upset

"Dad said you weren't taking your kidney medication, Louis, do you know how dangerous that is?" Edward follows up

"We didn't realise how bad things were Louis, how much dad was putting up with. We're disappointed to say the least" Andy says

"Andy, maybe we shouldn't be doing this right now" Scott tries gently

Scott and Harry understand Andy and Edwards frustration comes from love, it comes from a place of worry, but Louis doesn't and they can see him starting to break

"He needs to understand how much his actions have hurt everyone" Andy says defensively

"Dad doesn't deserve this and doesn't need to be treated like this, look what Louis did to his face" Edward says pointing to the scratch on Troy's face

Harry and Scott look on confused, there's no way they believe Louis did that

"Boys it's okay, we will get Louis the help he needs, even if that means keeping him here longer than seven days" Troy says

That gets Louis upset, he sits up completely and starts pulling his drips out

"Lou, you can't do that kiddo, just relax" Drew says as he tries to calm Louis,

"No, I'm not staying here, this is so unfair, you just believe whatever he tells you, I hate him, I hate you for listening, just leave me alone I want to get out" Louis yells as tears are streaming down his face as he gets more worked up

"Okay we need you guys to leave while we calm him down" Harry tells Andy, Edward and Troy

Andy and Edward watch on as Drew tries to calm Louis, he's upset and it clicks then and there that there's more to this than they first thought. They listen though, and leave

"Listen to me kiddo, you can't leave and we will have to sedate you if you don't calm down" Drew says as he gets up and sits behind Louis and brings him back to his chest

"It's okay Lou, we're here and we are going to listen and we believe you okay" Harry tells Louis as he and Scott sit on the bed in front of him

Louis begins to calm down at their words

"Good job Lou, everything is okay" Scott reassures

"It's not okay Scott, nothing is okay, I can't do this anymore" Louis says brokenly

Drew's grip tightens around Louis

"Louis, listen to me, I don't believe what dad has been telling us, I know you. I know we haven't been around a lot but I know my little brother and I don't believe it" Drew says

Harry and Scott are so thankful that Drew is on the same page as them and they all share a look of understanding

Louis wipes his eyes with his bandaged hand.

"Louis, we need to have a serious talk about all this. You're in here because your dad has said you tried to commit suicide, for the second time. It's on record both times as an attempt on your life. We know, that this cut on your wrist couldn't have been made by you" Scott says

Louis looks at him and Scott sees the real fear, the real innocence, but the relief

"I.....I...." Louis says nervously

He can't snitch or his dad will kill him

"Please Louis, tell us what's been going on, tell us the truth. Has dad been hurting you?" Drew asks, his voice shaking

"Drew" Louis whispers as his breathing starts to become completely laboured

"We need you to say the words darling, please" Harry says gently as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead

"I can't....he mmm...I can't" Louis says terrified

"Did your dad do this to you" Scott says as he holds Louis hand gently and runs his hand over Louis bandage

"You're not in trouble and nothing is going to happen to you if you tell us" Drew says

"It's his word against mine" Louis whispers

"No Louis, it's not, there's a lot of evidence that tells a different story and we can absolutely protect you from your dad" Scott says

It's quiet and Louis just tries to breathe in and out

"Did dad hurt you Louis, has dad been hurting you" Drew asks again

Louis feels so safe in this moment and he needs to open up, he's so thankful that they even believe him and before he can stop himself he answers

"Yes" he whispers and then he breaks, he completely breaks and Harry, Scott and Drew engulf him tightly and tell him over and over again how proud they are of him and how everything is going to be okay.

"Louis, listen sweetheart, your breathing isn't settling down, I think it's best we give you a sedative. You need to rest and just let your body relax" Scott says gently

"No, I wanna leave" Louis says upset as he tries to get out of Drew's arms, Drew holds him tightly though.

"We know, but we won't leave your side and your dad will not be allowed near you okay" Harry says

"But he will know I said something" Louis panics

"We aren't going to say or do anything just yet okay, we will talk to Andy and Edward first. We will talk to Kimberly okay, just leave it to us. Your job is to relax and get better, leave the rest to us" Drew says

Harry gets up and gets something from the medical cupboard, he comes over with a needle and gets ready to put it into Louis arm

"Ready?" Harry asks

"No....Harry. I'm scared" Louis says

"We know, but you have us and we will all protect you, this will make you feel so much better" Harry says

Louis let a few more tears escape

"Hold my hand okay, we're here" Scott says and Louis holds Scott's hand tightly.

Harry then injects Louis with the sedative

Louis begins to relax instantly

"That's it Lou, go with it, just relax" Drew says gently as he holds Louis

"No..." Louis says as he tries to stay awake

"Close your eyes darling, we're here, you're safe, just go with it" Scott says as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead

Louis tries to stay awake but he can't and before he knows it, he's out.

The boys just sit in silence for a little while before Drew moves aside and tucks Louis back into bed. Harry then hooks his drips up again and they all sigh

"You guys think it's dad too?" Drew asks quietly as he stands up off Louis bed

"I strapped his arm so tightly Drew, he couldn't have made that cut without dislocating his shoulder" Scott says

"And when he first came in, he was adamant he didn't try to take his life, it makes so much sense now, and those bruises, they were something else. You saw them" Harry says

"Yeah, just....the way dad was trying to portray Louis, it just didn't sit well with me, I know Louis" Drew says

"Well we need to convince Edward and Andy, they don't seem to want to think of any other option other than Louis being the problem" Scott says

"I think they both get so caught up in what's presented to them emotionally, I think once they take a step back they will be able to see what we see" Drew says

"Well we need to chat to Kimberly about it all, try and get things together, before your dad finds out Louis told us" Harry says

"We also need to speak to Louis about what exactly has been going on" Scott says

"So what's the plan?" Drew asks as he looks at his little brother, so small in the hospital bed

"Well, we keep him here for seven days on suicide watch, under our care, we get him to open up and talk to Kimberly. At least he's safe here" Scott says

Drew and Harry agree and they head out of Louis room hoping to talk to Andy and Edward about everything.

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