Part 11

The next morning Louis wakes up in pain, his arm is so sore and so is his kidney, he hopes it's not getting infected again now that his dad threw his antibiotics away, it's the last thing he needs

He wanders out to the kitchen where all the boys are already, Harry and Scott are the only ones  dressed for work so Louis assumes the other boys have the day off.

"Morning kiddo" Drew greets Louis

"Morning" Louis responds tiredly

The other boys greet Louis good morning,

"How's your arm feeling?" Scott asks

"It's a bit sore, but I'm fine" Louis says shyly

The boys look at each other and Louis notices

"What?" Louis asks quietly

There's an awkward silence as the boys contemplate how they should bring this up.

"Nothing bud, have things been with you and dad at home?" Edward asks

Louis immediately gets an unsettling feeling in his gut, he's scared, why the hell would the boys be asking him that question.

"Ummm....fine why? What's wrong" Louis asks, a little panicked

The boys notice instantly

"Nothings wrong, just when I spoke to dad last night, he mentioned you were having a bit of a hard time at home" Edward says

"A hard time?" Louis asks confused

"Yeah, said you were getting angry at things and might be taking them out on dad" Andy says

Louis doesn't know what the hell is going on, he's so confused

"What......what do you mean?" Louis asks

"Lou, dad said you attacked him and fell over, and that's how you hurt your shoulder, not football" Drew says gently

Louis is absolutely about to panic, what the hell is his dad playing at, why does he have to do this. The boys are not going to want anything to do with him, just like his dad threatened and promised

"I.....what? I don't understand" Louis says as his breathing picks up

Louis cannot have his brothers thinking he would do this to someone, attack his own father when he's put up with so much at the hands of his dad. The boys are going to hate him

"Lou, if we need to pick up the appointments with Kimberly we can, you can see her more often if you'd like too" Edward suggests

"What? No...." Louis says shaking his head

"Lou, we just want to help and we know we haven't been around but we are now, so please let us" Drew says

Louis is so upset, his dad is ruining his life completely and he doesn't know what to do.

"I...I need to go" Louis says

"We don't think it's a good idea to go to school today Lou" Harry says

"I need you to come into the hospital so I can look over you shoulder" Scott says

"I don't want to" Louis says on the verge of tears

"Lou, you need to, I might need to operate" Scott says

Louis looks at Scott, his eyes wide, this is all too much

"Look, we can talk about this all later okay, how about you go get dressed and go with Scott and Harry okay, then we can pick you up and take you home" Drew says

Louis doesn't want too argue so he just nods and leaves the kitchen to go get dressed

"Maybe we shouldn't have said anything" Drew says

"If he's acting out and becoming violent then we need to get it sorted before it becomes worse" Andy says

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm not convinced Louis is violent, it may have been taken out of context or something, we deal with violent, off the rails, mentally unstable kids all the time. Louis doesn't fit any of the signs of that" Scott says

"I have to agree, I'm not convinced something else may have happened, he looked so confused at the mention of attacking your dad, maybe it is a misunderstanding" Harry says

"Well I hope so, but like Kim said, there's something going on and we need to figure out how to help Louis with it" Drew says

The boys agree and Harry and Scott get ready to leave for work.

In the car Louis is quiet and withdrawn, he just can't get over what his dads is doing to him. He needs to distance himself from the boys he just can't have them thinking badly about him.

"Okay Lou?" Harry asks as they pull up to the hospital

"I guess" Louis says quietly

Harry and Scott don't like seeing Louis so sad, it breaks their hearts, Louis deserves the world and to be happy

"I promise you won't be here long darling, I just want to double check everything okay" Scott says

Louis nods and Scott and Harry lead him into the ER

Louis is intimidated by everyone in the ER and he keeps to Harry's side like glue. Harry notices of course and reassures Louis with his arm on his lower back, that he rubs up and down when Louis tenses.

After Louis has had his scan, he's led to one of the private rooms to wait for the results

Scott comes back in twenty minutes later with Harry by his side

"Okay Lou, I've had a look at your scans and I'm a little concerned" Scott says gently as he disinfects his hands and sits in front of Louis on his chair

Louis has his legs hanging over the side of the bed and he stops swinging his legs instantly, he panics at what Scott May have found.

Harry comes and sits next to Louis on the bed in comfort as they chat

"Wh...why?" Louis asks scared

"Well to be honest, your shoulder is severely damaged, there is a lot of muscle damage and the joint doesn't hold your bone in properly" Scott says as calmly as possible so as Louis doesn't get too scared

"What does that mean" Louis asks

"It means, there is old bruising and wounds to your shoulder that haven't healed properly" when did you say you hurt your arm? Monday? At football?" Scott asks

"Yeah" Louis confirms

"Well there is a lot of older bruising and damage, I need to operate to repair it" Scott breaks the news

"What? No, I'm going home now, I'm not having an operation" Louis freaks out

"It's okay relax, I'm not in theatre until Friday, and I can't fit you in until next week, but it needs to be done or you're going to have permanent damage" Scott says

Louis is so frustrated, he hates his dad so much

"In the meantime I have to treat your arm like it's broken and stabilise it, if you move it and it pops back out, you will need emergency surgery. So I'm going to brace your arm and you won't be able to put your shirt on properly okay, your arm will have to stay underneath, I really don't want it moving" Scott says

Louis just nods, he's so overwhelmed and just has to go along with it all.

He's quiet as Scott gets to work and uses his shirt to cover his torso so Scott can't really see any new bruises, his old ones are still there anyway.

By the time the boys come to get him he's refusing to talk, he just needs to leave. The boys book in Louis surgery and they leave the hospital to take Louis home.

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