Part 10

"Hiya kiddo" Drew says when Louis slides into Drew's Rover the next afternoon

"Hi" Louis says shyly

"How was your day?" Drew asks as he makes sure Louis is buckled up and begins to drive

Louis just shrugs

"Ready to see Kimberly?" Drew asks

Louis sighs

"Yeah I guess" Louis responds

"The boys are looking forward to having you over tonight for dinner" Drew then says

"Okay" Louis says

"You okay?" Drew asks confused

"I'm fine, you guys really don't have to have me over for dinner, or take me to my appointments I can get there myself or I don't really need them" Louis says

"We know Lou, we want to do these things and spend time with you though, do you not like spending time with us? Is that what this is all about" Drew asks warily

"No, I just....I like spending time with you I....just" Louis sighs out

Drew doesn't respond, he just smiles slightly and they drive in silence just the radio playing.

They pull up at Kimberly's and Drew leads Louis in, his arm around his waist. Kimberly greets them and notices Louis looks out of sorts

"Can we have a chat first Drew?" Kimberly says nicely

"Of course, is that okay Lou?" Drew asks

Louis nods

"Have a seat Louis and we won't be long, help yourself to anything" Kimberly says smiling

Louis makes his way to the waiting room chairs, Kimberly's office is huge and beautiful, it has a nice calming feeling about it which eases Louis mind. He watches as Drew and Kimberly make their way to Kimberly's office and the door is shut.

Drew sits down and Kimberly sits opposite him

"How's things been? He looks out of sorts" Kimberly says

Drew sighs

"He was absolutely fine, the whole week he was with us, laughing, smiling, eating, contributing to the conversation. We had a great week, even though he was sick. The day before he was due to go home, that's when he became upset, agitated, wouldn't talk to us and he's still like that" Drew says worriedly

Kimberly nods in understanding, writing a few things down

"Do you think he might harm himself?" Kimberly asks

"I don't know Kim, I really don't know. Walking in and finding him, it hit me hard, I don't want to lose him, the boys and I will do anything to help him we just can't lose him too" Drew says shakily

"I know Drew, it's okay alright, we will get Louis through this, all of us, together" Kimberly says reassuringly

Drew nods smiling slightly

"He's got a sore shoulder, won't admit it, Harry and Scott caught him skipping school yesterday, buying bruise cream in the grocery store. He freaked out when they asked him about it, he took off" Drew says

"There's something going on that he's hiding and we will get to the bottom of what it is, okay. I promise" Kimberly says with conviction

"Thanks Kim" Drew says

Kimberly smiles and they both get up, they step out of the office and Kimberly calls Louis in

"I'll be in the waiting room" Drew says as he kisses Louis on the head and walks to the chairs

Kimberly escorts Louis into her office and gestures for him to sit. Louis takes it all in, it's beautiful and so calming, he loves the place already

He sits down on the big couch and Kimberly sits opposite him in her own chair

"So Lou, how have you been, how's your week been?" Kimberly asks smiling

"Fine" Louis says

"Are you feeling better?" Kimberly asks

"Yep" Louis says

"How's school" Kimberly then asks

"Fine" Louis responds

"Well, I can see you're up for a chat today then" Kimberly jokes

Louis blushes slightly embarrassed

"I don't really feel like talking" Louis says honestly

"That's okay sweetheart, I understand you've been through alot and it's easier to keep things to yourself, but I promise you, talking about things does help" Kimberly says

Louis sighs, he doesn't see how talking will help his situation

"How's being back at home been?" Kimberly asks

Kimberly instantly sees Louis demeanour change and she doesn't like it

"Fine, I'm not going to kill myself if that's what you're asking" Louis says

"Well no, but that's good to hear, I know your brothers are worried" Kimberly says

"I didn't try to kill myself okay, I didn't, why can't anyone understand or believe that. I'm not suicidal" Louis says getting angry

"It's okay Lou, I do believe you, we all do, we're just worried about you" Kimberly says

"I don't need anyone to worry about me, I'm fine alone and can handle things alone" Louis says as he gets his breathing back under control

Kimberly decides to change the subject slightly

"Drew mentioned you hurt your shoulder and skipped school yesterday" Kimberly says

Louis Scoffs, of course Harry and Scott said something

"I hurt it at football, it was nothing" Louis says

"Is something happening at school Lou? Something that you don't want to tell anyone" Kimberly asks

Louis then starts getting upset again

"No, and I'm not talking anymore" Louis says and he sits there looking grumpy.

Kimberly sighs and writes a few notes and they sit in silence for the next 20 minutes, Louis playing with the lint on his pants. Kimberly just observes him.

When it's time for the session to end they say goodbye and Kimberly chats again to Drew, she tells him what went on and that she wants to see Louis again next week. Drew agrees and he leads Louis back to the car.

"Didn't feel like talking today?" Drew asks, no judgment in his voice

"Not really" Louis says

"That's okay you know bud, we would like you to keep seeing Kimberly and to open up when you want too, but there's no pressure okay, just go at your pace" Drew says

Louis looks at him, he's truly thankful he has such understanding brothers

"Thanks Drew" Louis says sincerely

"Anytime bud" Drew smiles

They pull up to the penthouse and as soon as they enter the lift Louis feels so calm and safe, it's like a warm blanket engulfs him and he wishes he could feel this forever

The boys all greet him and Drew when they walk in and Louis smiles, even if it's only slightly he lets them hug him and fuss over him. They sit in the lounge and order take away pizza, Louis isn't hungry but he supposes he will eat a slice to not cause anymore suspicion on him.

Andy ends up going for a shower before dinner comes, Drew goes to change and Edward takes a phone call which leaves Louis with Scott and Harry alone. Louis doesn't want it to be awkward so he breaks the silence

"I'm sorry about yesterday" Louis says shyly

"You've got nothing to be sorry for darling, we shouldn't have pushed with the questions" Harry says

"I just, didn't want my dad to find out I skipped, my shoulder just hurt that's all and I didn't feel well so I wanted to go home that's all" Louis says

"Can you let us look at your shoulder?" Scott asks

Louis gets a bit upset, he's dealing with the pain, and he doesn't want to cause more pain, the thought of someone touching it gets him agitated, he can't let them see the other bruises

"We will be so gentle Lou, I promise you, I'd really like to see it though, just to make sure you're okay" Scott says gently

"I don't want to take my shirt off" Louis blurts out. If he takes his shirt off they will definitely see the bruises

"That's fine sweetheart, let's just undo the first couple of buttons okay, that's all we need" Harry says, his voice soothing

"Promise?" Louis makes sure

"We never break a promise" Scott says as he comes in front of Louis on the couch.

Harry comes to sit next to Louis on his right side and Scott undies two of Louis school shirt buttons slowly and gently

Louis breathing picks up

"It's okay, relax, Scott is really good with this sort of thing I promise" Harry says and Louis relaxes a little

Scott gently pulls Louis shirt away from his shoulder and holds in his gasp

"Lou, darling, that's extremely nasty bruising, and a bad dislocation" Scott says as soon as he sees the shoulder, he hasn't even touched it yet

" shoulder dislocates a lot cause of football and I usually get it back in myself but I...I couldn't and that's why I needed the bruise cream cause I thought it would make it go down and I could pop it back in" Louis rambles

Scott and Harry look to each other, Louis story is troubling but they won't bring that up just yet

"I'm going to have to have a quick feel of it okay, I'll be very gentle" Scott says and Louis psychs himself up for the pain.

Harry brings Louis in front of him and holds him around the waist

"I've got you okay, we can do this together" Harry says

"If you need me to stop, say it and I'll stop straight away no questions okay" Scott says lovingly

Louis nods frantically as he tries to stop fidgeting at the thought of Scott touching his shoulder 

"Good boy" Harry says

Scott gently reaches out for Louis arm, Louis hisses in pain but doesn't tell Scott to stop. Scott presses gently around the shoulder and noticed it's healing outside the socket and that's a bad sign.The bruising is also quite significant which raises questions in Scott's head

"Okay, I'm going to try to put it back in its socket, I'm only going to try once and if I can't get it back in I'm going to have to take you to work and put you under while I try to get it back in" Scott says

Louis freaks out at that

"No Scott, I'm fine please, I can handle the pain, I promise please" Louis says in one go

"Shhh, it's okay, relax, relax, it's all okay! We will try first okay" Harry reassures

The boys have all made their way back into the lounge but they stay out of the way, watching on, thankful for Harry and Scott right now. Thankfully they seem to care for Louis as much as they do and they are so gentle, patient and loving towards him.

"Okay Lou, Harry is going to hold you still for me okay, and I'm going to count to three, grab your arm and be as quick as I can" Scott says

Louis releases a few tears as he nods

"Don't cry sweetheart, we're here, it's okay" Harry says gently as he thumbs a few tears away

"Okay ready" Scott says

Louis nods and Harry's grip on him tightens and Louis can't move his breathing picks up significantly

"Good boy, breathe darling, just breathe" Scott says

Scot grabs Louis arm and counts

"1,2,3" Scott says and he pulls harshly on Louis arm, twists it and it pops loudly back into place

Louis screams but it's instant relief when it goes back in.

"Shhh, good boy, great job it's all okay, shhh" Harry comforts Louis.

Scott places Louis arm across his chest

"Good job Lou, now it's going to be very sore for a while, and I'm going to need you to come into the hospital tomorrow so I can take some scans and make sure it's all in place okay" Scott says

Louis nods as Harry and Scott wipe his tears away gently

"I'm going to go grab you a sling, you won't be able to move it for a few days in case it pops out again okay" Scott says

He stands up and kisses Louis head 

Louis calms down in Harry's arms and Harry loosens his grip

"I've got some strong pain killers you can have after you've eaten something okay" Harry says gently

Louis shakes his head no

"I don't like how they make me feel" Louis says sniffling

"The pain killers?" Harry wonders

"Yeah" Louis says

"Ohhh darling, I know, but it's much better than being in pain I promise you" Harry says

Louis doesn't believe Harry on that one, he can't really remember a time when he didn't feel pain in some part of his body, a time when he wasn't scared to move to fast, walk to far, or reach for something and it wasn't going to hurt

Scott then brings the sling back in and Edward answers the door for the pizza guy.

"Here Lou, how about we go get you changed, so you can be more comfortable" Scott says

"I don't have any clothes here" Louis says

"Well, you do actually, we set up the spare room for you for when you stay. We brought some clothes for you, I laid some sweatpants and a sweater out for you on the bed" Andy says as he comes out of the spare room smiling

"You brought me clothes?" Louis asks in disbelief

"Of course we did, do you need help changing" Drew asks

Louis can't believe his brothers, he's so thankful for them

"I can change myself" Louis says and the boys nod

"Just be careful with moving your arm okay, call me in when you're changed and I'll put the sling on for you" Scott says

Louis nods as he goes to get changed

Louis is slow going as he gets changed, he's so sore and it takes him a while. When he's all dressed and warm Scott puts his sling on and they get Louis comfy on the couch. He manages a slice of pizza and 10 minutes after his pain relief kicks in he's out like a light, snuggled to Scott's side as Scott runs his hands through Louis hair. Harry watches on fondly

"Maybe we should ask dad if he can stay over, he's zonked" Andy says as they finish up dinner

"He should have a few more days off school with his arm" Harry says

"I'll call dad" Edward says

Edward leaves the room to call Troy and the boys settle on the couch ready for a movie.

Edward walks back in ten minutes later

"What did dad say?" Drew asks

"Dad said he can stay but........apparently dad said he's been acting out and showing some real anger issues towards him" Edward says confused

"Louis? Anger issues?" Drew asks

"That doesn't sound like Louis at all" Andy says

"Well dad said it's been happening for a while and he's getting a bit fed up" Edward says

The boys look at each other in complete disbelief

"Well I guess we can chat to Louis about it, he's definitely hiding something" Drew says

"I know we haven't known Louis long, but I definitely wouldn't pick him to be violent or anything" Harry says

"Apparently dad said Louis attacked him and when dad tried to push him off, Louis fell and that's how he hurt his shoulder. Dad didn't realise he'd actually dislocated it" Edward says

"What?" The boys all say

"Louis attacked dad?"

"I just don't see that happening, like at all!!"

"Well that's what dad told me, I guess with the suicide attempt and his attitude lately it makes sense, I think we really need to spend more time with him and see for ourselves" Edward says and the boys agree

They end up tucking Louis into bed and really hope they can figure out what's wrong because Louis being violent just doesn't make sense at all

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