Part 1
"What have we got" Dr Styles asks as he grabs the side of the gurney and helps rush the patient into one of the empty emergency rooms
"Male, 17, overdosed on sleeping pills, he was found by his older brother unresponsive" Sammy, one of the ambulance officers states as they begin handover
"Okay, I want fluids up, toxicology run, we will try to flush the drug through his system first" Harry says to the nurses as he gets to work trying to stabilise the patient
"Louis" Sammy says, Harry nods in acknowledgement
"Harry?" Scott asks as he enters the cubicle quickly to help.
"Overdose, sleeping pills" Harry says as Scott gets to work on assessing Louis breathing
"Breathing laboured and uneven, let's intubate" Scott then says
Harry grabs the equipment needed and begins
He moves behind Louis and opens his mouth as he tries to place the tube
"I'm in" Harry says when he successfully places the tube in.
Medical jargon is then thrown around, as they do everything they can to stabilise Louis.
"Boys" Amy says as they are about to leave the room, having handed over their patient
Scott and Harry look towards Amy and Sammy
"Drew is the one who found him, he's Drew, Andy and Edwards little brother" Amy says sadly
"What?" The boys both ask worriedly and aghast
They both look back towards the bed and really take in the small boy. They had no idea the boys had a brother, but they will do everything they can to save him.
In the waiting room Drew, Edward and Andy are pacing pack and forth as they anxiously await news on Louis.
Louis is the boys half brother, Andy was 9, Edward 8 and Drew 7 when their Mum Joanna married a man called Troy, Louis was then born 3 years later. The boys loved their little brother and absolutely doted on him, he was the absolute light of their lives.
When Louis was 10 Troy got a job 5 hours away from London and the boys had the choice to move with them or stay in London. They were all in medical school and decided to stay, move out and live together in the city so they could all complete their degrees. The day Louis left with their parents was heartbreaking, the boys were so upset and Louis cried for weeks before he settled down. The boys tried to visit as much as they could, but as Louis grew up and became a teenager, they lost touch a little.
Ten months ago, Joanna died from cancer and three months ago Troy moved Louis and himself back to London when his work transferred him back into the city. The boys have been trying to slowly get to know Louis again and they were going to take Louis to the movies today as it's the boys day off.
Drew went to pick Louis up, when he found him on the floor in the bathroom, unconscious with the pill bottle beside him.
They know Louis is in good hands with Scott and Harry but they are worried.
Once Scott and Harry manage to stabilise Louis, they make their way out to the waiting room to find the boys.
"Boys" Harry calls as they see them standing in the corner worriedly
The boys look towards Scott and Harry and make their way over
"Is he okay?" Andy asks concerned
The boys all met in medical school and decided to move in together their first year. They are true friends and wouldn't know what to do without each other. Harry and Scott are in a relationship and have been for the past four years and they all together run the whole ER
The boys though, haven't yet told Harry and Scott about Louis, they were trying to ease him back into their lives again first and were planning to introduce them soon.
"We've managed to stabilise him, we've intubated and are flushing the drugs through" Scott says
"Oh thank god" Drew says
"We will keep him with us until he wakes up and then assess him" Harry says
"Thanks boys" Andy says
"Of course, we will talk later about why you didn't tell us you had a brother though" Scott teases
"It's a long story, but yeah, we will" Edward says smiling shyly
Harry and Scott nod
"The hospital has called his next of kin, is that your dad?" Harry then asks
"Step dad, he's Louis biological dad" Andy says
"Okay, well when he's awake we will come back out and talk to you all" Scott says
"Thanks guys" Drew says with a slight smile
Harry and Scott can tell the boys are still extremely worried about Louis.
"We've got him boys, don't worry okay, he's safe with us" Harry reassures
The boys are so thankful for Harry and Scott and they hug each other in reassurance. Harry and Scott then make their way back to Louis room.
They enter just as Louis is starting to come to, they both make their way over to Louis bedside and try to calm him.
"Hey there Louis, just relax, I'm going to take the tube out of your throat so you can breathe better okay" Harry says gently
He pulls the tube out and Louis coughs and begins to opens his eyes, his breathing still irregular
"Just relax bud, I'm just going to put this on to help you breathe okay" Scott then says as he places an oxygen mask over Louis face
Louis is completely confused and disorientated, he doesn't know where he is or what's going on. He groans, he can't seem to talk and he feels like shit
"It's okay Louis, my name is Dr Styles and this is Dr Wolf, we are here to look after you okay" Harry says smiling as they try to calm Louis
Louis has no idea why he's in a hospital, he begins to panic as he realises he can't remember anything. He sits up and takes the oxygen mask off his face, he winces as he does
"It's okay bud, just relax, you're safe" Scott says as he and Harry grab Louis around the waist and try to stop him from leaving. Louis struggles though and becomes upset.
"Everyone out please" Scott then turns to the nurses to say, Louis is obviously overwhelmed and they need to calm him
Everyone exits quickly, when you are asked to do something by Dr Styles or Wolf you never argue.
Once everyone is gone they turn back to Louis
"Hey, hey, hey, everyone's gone now sweetheart, just breathe for us" Harry says gently
They don't turn soft for many people, mostly little kids, but there's something about Louis that makes them want to be gentle and loving towards him.
Louis has tears in his eyes
"We know this is scary and confusing, but we will look after you, nothing is going to happen to you okay" Scott reassures
"I....I..."Louis tries, his voice a little croaky from the tube
"Can you remember what happened? Why you're here" Harry asks calmly
"No, I....what happened?" Louis asks and the boys can see how utterly scared he is. Louis big blue eyes stare back at them and the boys can't help but want to wrap this gorgeous boy up and protect him
"You were brought in via ambulance about an hour and a half ago, you took an overdose of sleeping pills" Scott says as gently as possible
The reaction they get from Louis is not one they've seen before. They've absolutely had their fair share of suicide attempts and accidental overdoses but Louis looks more confused and scared than ever
"I don't take sleeping pills?" Louis questions as he tries to wrack his brain
"They were your dads kiddo" Harry says
"No, I didn't do that, I" Louis says shaking his head. He tries to get up but Harry and Scott stop him as they tighten their grip around his waist
"Not so fast, it's okay, you're not in trouble kiddo" Scott says
Louis is weak and he doesn't want to fight anymore. He then remembers what actually happened as it all comes back to him in one go. He knows he can never tell anyone what actually happened and he panics.
"I'm going to be sick" Louis says in realisation
Harry, ever the professional, grabs the sick bag off the shelf behind the bed and puts it in front of Louis as he vomits up the remainder of what's in his system.
By the time Louis is done he's exhausted and he lies back down with no complaints, as Harry and Scott help him.
Scott places the oxygen mask over Louis face again and can't help himself as he runs his had through his hair
"It's okay, just rest as much as you can okay" Scott says
"We need to monitor you overnight, so you're going to stay with us a little longer and we can let you go home tomorrow okay, just rest now" Harry says and Louis can control his body as he closes his eyes and falls asleep
Harry and Scott look at each other when Louis is off and sigh, they are both drawn to Louis and they know that he isn't just another patient. They want to be there for whatever Louis is going through and they hope they get the chance to get to know him now they know he's the boys brother.
Scott and Harry call the nursing staff back in again and ask them to change Louis into a hospital gown and get him ready to be taken to the monitoring ward.
They then leave the room to finish some paperwork before they go to talk to the boys.
As Harry is finishing organising Louis an appointment with the hospital psycologist, before he's legally allowed to leave. One of the nurses, Abby comes over.
"Dr Styles. Dr Wolf" she says timidly
"Yes?" Scott asks voice full of authority
"We think there's something you need to see" she says.
The boys look towards each other confused, they then follow Abby back to Louis room.
What they see though sends their blood cold. Louis is on the bed stripped to his boxer shorts and absolutely covered in black and purple bruises. His entire torso and thighs.
"What the hell" Scott worries
"Send him for a CT and MRI and I want full bloods done ASAP" Harry commands
Harry and Scott have seen abused kids before but nothing like this, Louis looks broken and so skinny. The team cover him with the hospital gown and then get Louis sent for his scans.
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