Chapter 33
The March breeze surrounded the air as Soraru, Urata, and Sakata were heading to school. It was the first day of their second year, the cherry blossoms decorated the sky as the wind blew them off the trees. The third-years had left the redhead alone after witnessing the green eyed brunette's violent side firsthand. The others were glad that Urata was by the redhead's side, Sakata was grateful that Urata protected him. They saw the others were already by the gate.
"Hey guys." Amatsuki said as he waved at the three approaching.
Sakata greeted back with a warm smile. The others smiled at the sight of a cheerful Sakata. They were happy that the redhead was smiling again, he was no longer afraid of being alone.
"Let's check out our classes for this year." Kashitaro stated as Shima grinned.
"Wonder who's going to be with who?"
"I want to be in the same class as Soraru." Luz teasingly said as the raven-haired stared at him blankly.
"Bet you wanna be in the same class as Nqrse." Soraru muttered quietly, the light haired male heard his comment and blushed madly.
"But you probably want to be with Mafu too!" Luz retorted back.
The raven-haired glared at him, which made Luz stick his tongue out childishly. Soraru rolled his eyes at the taller male's antic before walking to the board that was posted to show their classes. Soraru found his name and mentally groaned. Much to his luck, he was stuck in a class with Mafu and Luz. He was thankful that Senra was also there, he would at least have someone to talk to with while the other two would go on their own.
"So I'm with Soraru, Mafu and Luz." Senra said as the raven-haired sighed.
"Eh?! Why do I have to be with the idiot?!"
"How mean!"
Shima sighed as he looked at the two males that were bickering. I have to be stuck with the old married couple. Sakata heard the purple-haired's remark and glared at him. He was about to retort before Soraru covered his mouth.
"Oi. You don't want Shima to question your retort."
Sakata realized what the raven-haired meant and nodded his head in understandingly. Soraru removed his hand and sighed, I seriously act like I'm your babysitter.
"Hey!" Sakata shouted in protest as the raven-haired chuckled.
"Then that leaves me, Kashi and Nqrse." Amatsuki said as he found his name on the list.
"Our classes aren't that far from each other." Nqrse pointed about, their classes were all next to each other.
"That's great, makes meeting up a whole lot easier." Kashitaro said as the others nodded.
"Well see ya later guys." Soraru said as he walked towards his class.
"Wait for me~" Mafu said as he ran to catch up to the raven-haired.
"Oi." Soraru said in annoyance as he felt the albino tackle his back.
Soraru glared at him before sighing. Mafu then spoke to the raven-haired in a quiet voice so only Soraru can hear.
"I'm glad that I have the same class with Luz for another year."
Soraru sadly smiled at the albino's happy expression. And I'll have to watch you two act buddy-buddy with each other. The raven-haired felt like fate just enjoyed twisting the knife in his heart.
Urata was watching the two walk in the distance and sighed. He felt bad that Soraru had to watch his crush act lovey-dovey with Luz for the whole school year.
Senra and Luz began to walk to catch up to the two while the others went to their class. Soraru and Mafu entered their classroom, the raven-haired took the seat closer to the window while Mafu sat in the seat behind him.
"Hey Soraru, does Nqrse like anyone?"
Soraru became silent after the albino's question, he wasn't sure what to say to him. Should I tell him the truth? But he knew that the albino would ask who and the raven-haired didn't have the heart to tell him. He decided to question the albino to figure out why he was asking that.
"Why do you ask that?"
"Just curious~"
"No he doesn't."
"Is that true?"
Soraru stared at the albino with an expressionless face. He had expected the albino to drop the topic but was mistaken. Mafu pouted at the raven-haired.
"Is there a reason you're not telling me?"
Soraru opened his mouth to respond but closed it immediately, he didn't know what to say. What could he say? Did he want to make the albino become insecure once he finds out that Nqrse likes Luz? But also not telling him will make Mafu upset when he figures it out on his own.
Soraru was hesitant in replying, and the albino's accusing gaze didn't help his nerves. Luckily for him, Senra and Luz had entered the classroom and Mafu turned to look at them. The albino brightly smiled as he saw the light haired male.
Soraru could only watch in guilt as the two males began to talk. Guess I'm terrible for making him cling onto false hope. Soraru sighed as he turned to look at the front of the class and decided to focus to take his mind off things.
Lunch time arrived, the guys were on the roof as usual. Soraru was watched the guys in amusement, they kept joking around and teasing each other. They never fail to amuse me. The raven-haired slightly chuckled as he watched the nice sight.
"You know Soraru we haven't checked out the book yet."
The raven-haired slightly turned his head to look at the green eyed brunette. He had forgotten about the book.
"Guess we probably should see it later."
"You haven't check yet?" Amatsuki questioned the two, he would've thought that they already had. Urata and Soraru shook their heads.
"A lot of things were happening, with the bullies and Sakata, so the book wasn't on my mind." Soraru said.
The mentioned male looked down at the ground. He felt like he was burdening the raven-haired for having to worry about him. Urata noticed Sakata's sudden down mood and lightly elbowed the redhead next to him. Sakata winced a bit at the sudden jab and glared at the green eyed brunette.
"Oi. Don't look so down. You look ugly like that."
Urata smirked at the redhead's annoyed expression. He was having too much fun teasing Sakata. Luz looked at the two and smirked inwardly.
"Ah~ how cute~"
"Luz." Urata threatened the light haired male, who ignored the shorter male's glare.
"Www like Urata would do anything to his best friend."
"You wanna bet?"
"Oi, cut it out you two."
Soraru glared at his two childhood friends, he didn't want to have a headache because of their bickering. Urata just crossed his arm in annoyance while Luz smirked in victory. Lunch was going peaceful— except for a few instances were Urata and Sakata would bicker or Luz would tease the raven-haired.
Once lunch was over, they were heading down the stairs to get back to class before Sakata bumped into someone. The others stopped and turned to look at the redhead.
"Seriously, how many times are you going to bump into people?" Urata asked in exasperation.
The redhead looked up to glare at the short male before his ruby eyes meet emerald eyes. The person he had bumped into was staring at the redhead, trying to understand what happened. Sakata just stared at them before apologizing to the person.
"I-I'm sorry."
"No it's okay, I should be sorry. I wasn't paying attention either." The person said as they smiled at the redhead.
Sakata sighed in relief that the person was okay before he took a better look at the person. He widened his eyes a bit as he looked at the person in astonishment. The others noticed the redhead's surprised face and looked at the person, before becoming shocked too.
The male looked similar to Urata, with some features similar to Soraru. He had raven hair, it seemed soft enough to make someone want to run their hand through it. His emerald eyes matched the green eyed brunette's. He was also about as tall as the short male.
"Did Urata clone a fusion of him and Soraru?" Shima jokingly asked, the mentioned male glared at the purple-haired.
"Oi." Urata said before noticing the redhead from the corner of his eye.
It seemed like Sakata was lost staring at the male that he bumped into. The green eyed brunette began to feel his heart becoming uneasy at the sight. Does Sakata like him? The green eyed brunette frowned at the thought. Sakata eventually shook his head before apologizing to the male again.
"It's fine really." The male said as he laughed at the redhead.
"There's nothing great about this guy."
Urata crossed his arm as he pouted, his cheeks were slightly puffed out. Soraru heard the green eyed brunette's comment and smirked to himself.
"Is someone jealous?"
"Ah, sorry for not introducing myself," the male said as he turned to face the others, "I'm Sorato."
"He even has a name similar to Soraru, you sure you guys don't have a long lost twin." Amatsuki said teasingly as the raven-haired pushed him away.
"No we don't."
"I wish I was related to someone as popular as Soraru or Urata." Sorato said as he smiled at the raven-haired. Soraru just stared at them with a blank expression.
"How do you know about us?" Urata said defensively.
"Pretty much everyone in the school knows about the popular guys." Sorato chuckled as the green eyed brunette looked at him with a bored expression.
"Well I have to get to class, bye." Sorato said as he walked away while the others watched him leave.
"That was sure surprising." Senra said, the others nodded their heads in agreement.
"Let's get back to class or else sensei will chew us out for being late." Luz said as he started to walk.
Urata turned to look at the redhead, Sakata seemed to still be in some trance as he stared at where the other male had gone. The green eyed brunette frowned and walked up the redhead. He pinched the redhead's cheek, making Sakata snap out of his trance as he felt the pain.
"O-Ow! S-Swop!"
"Hurry up or else we'll leave you."
Urata let go of the redhead's cheek and walked to catch up with the others. Sakata rubbed his cheek to ease the pain before glaring at the green eyed brunette. He quickly walked to catch up with Urata and Shima. Urata is too violent. The redhead thought as he glanced at the short male in front of him. He felt something strange but brushed it away as he walked to class.
Soraru and Urata were in the raven-haired's room. Urata was still slightly annoyed at the fact that the redhead seemed to constantly stare at the other male. What's so great about him? The green eyed brunette continued to sulk in the corner while Soraru went to look for the book on his shelf. The raven-haired spotted it and went to grab it. He lost his grip a bit and the book fell on the book with a loud thump, scaring the short ghost who was lost in his thoughts.
"Oi! Don't scare me!"
"Yeah, yeah." Soraru replied lazily, ignoring the green eyed brunette's glare.
The raven-haired flipped the page, he saw the story for Urata and Sakata's tattoo continue. Just like Akimasa said, the lover gave up half their soul to bring back their significant other. He flipped to the next page only to see it blank.
Urata floated towards the raven-haired to look at the book. He saw that the page was blank and frowned in confusion and irritation.
"Why's it blank?"
Urata grabbed the book and flipped the page again, he saw that the page after had a design.
"Oh, here it is."
"But why is there a blank page in between?"
"As if I'd know." Urata said nonchalantly as he looked at the design.
"Only four of them are left...."
Silence surrounded the two as the green eyed brunette's words sinked in. Soraru had already seen half of them die, he sighed as he glared at the floor. Why am I suffering? The raven-haired was wondering why fate choose him to be apart of this.
Urata was wondering what would happen once they all get their powers. Something has to occur, why else would we get powers for nothing? The green eyed brunette was frustrated with all of this, many questions being asked but none answered. Urata went back to staring at the next tattoo design.
A red rose.
Who's the next victim~
And what's with this new character~
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (•w•)
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