Chapter 22

Two males could be seen walking around the town. It was Sunday, the light haired male and raven-haired decided to hang out together. Well, it was more like Luz had dragged the raven-haired male out of his house. Soraru was laughing to himself as he watched the light haired male drag him by the hand while they walked.

"He still acts like a doggy."

Urata joked as the raven-haired nodded his head. Luz did always cling to their sides when they were younger. Walking around with the two males brought back memories for the brunette. A wave is nostalgia would crash into him and he'd feel.....sad.

Urata wished that he was brought back by the reset just like the others, but he was forced to stay only as a ghost. He wished that he could hang out with Luz just like before. He glanced to see Soraru and Luz were talking about the past. Urata would make small comments to the raven-haired.

"Hey Soraru, do you have feelings for anyone?"


The raven-haired slightly blushed at the light haired male's sudden question. The albino appeared in his mind, but he shook the thought away. I'm helping him, my feelings don't matter.

"I'm just wondering if the cold, emotionless Soraru is able to become soft for someone."

"You are soft for someone~ a certain albino in fact~"

"Urata. Shut it."

"Wwww. Can't deny the truth~"

Soraru ignored the brunette as he thought on how to respond to Luz's question. He knew that if he said yes the light haired male would ask him who. The raven-haired thought for a while before deciding to lie.





Soraru continued to ignore Urata, who was pouting at the raven-haired but also giving him a disappointed sigh. So you still want to help him.


Luz stared at the raven-haired for a few seconds as Soraru was staring back. The raven-haired was wondering why Luz looked like he was conflicted on something. The light haired male then went to hold the raven-haired's hand and dragged Soraru to the cafe he saw nearby.

"I want to try the cake here~"


"Look at you acting like a kind boyfriend. Mafu and Nqrse would be jealous."

Soraru glared at the brunette before turning his attention to the taller male in front of him as they entered the cafe. Luz was the first to sit in the seat and looked at the menu, his eyes showed happiness. Soraru chuckled at the light haired male's energy. When it interest him, he'll do anything. They ordered their food and talked while they waited.

"Hey Soraru, does Nqrse like you?"


Soraru gave Luz a questioning look, he noticed that the light haired male seemed to be asking him questions about love all of the sudden. Soraru shook his head as an answer to the taller male's question.

"Is that so?"

Luz looked down at the table in thought, their food arrived and the two began to eat. Luz would sometimes glances at the raven-haired, who was too busy eating to notice. Urata was watching Luz look at Soraru, he was wondering why Luz was acting a bit different than usual.

After time had passed by, the two males finished eating and left the cafe. Luz was still pondering about something that the raven-haired male couldn't figure out. While they were walking, the two males had heard someone call out to them.

"Hey guys." Amatsuki called out as he walked up to the two, the others following behind him.

"Eh? How'd you know we were here?"

"I might've used my ability to see you guys." Amatsuki sheepishly replied.

Luz saw that Nqrse, Mafu, and Sakata were with the red eyed brunette. Mafu turned to look at Soraru and Luz and felt his heart jump. He noticed that the light haired male was holding the raven-haired's hand. Nqrse waved at them, making the light haired male wave back. Luz blushed a bit and mumbled under his breath as he looked down at the ground.

Soraru saw the light haired male's cheek become slightly pink, the raven-haired then noticed that Luz was making small glances towards Nqrse. Does Luz like Nqrse? If the light haired male did then Soraru was happy for Nqrse since his feelings would be requited. Though the raven-haired would feel a bit bad for the albino, who'd be rejected if that were the case.

"If Luz likes Nqrse then you can steal Mafu."

Urata gave Soraru a knowing smile, the raven-haired just gave him an annoyed stare. Nqrse heard the brunette's comment and slightly smiled, he wanted Luz to understand how he feels and also wanted Soraru to have his returned as well. Soraru's suffering from enough already.

"Soraru likes Mafu?"

The red eyed brunette's question made Soraru mentally groaned. He could tell that Urata was grinning widely. Nqrse felt pity towards the raven-haired, he knew for sure that the brunette was going to tease Soraru.

"Yep~ but Mafu likes Luz and Luz likes who knows who. Such a big love triangle."

Soraru glared at the brunette, who's grin only grew wider, before sighing and deciding to leave him alone. Amatsuki looked at the raven-haired in pity after hearing the brunette's statement. Soraru was starting to get annoyed at everyone's pitiful stares, he knows they're worried about him but it only made him feel weak. The red eyed brunette just smiled bitterly, he can never get a break huh.

"So what are you two doing?" Mafu asked as he pointed at them, mostly at their held hands.

Mafu made a small, and slightly glaring, glance towards Soraru. The raven-haired rose his eyebrow at the albino's weak glare before realizing what Mafu was pointing at. Soraru removed his hand from Luz's grasp, making the light haired male pout slightly.

"Luz just wanted to hang out."

"I was bored and had nothing to do~"

"Why didn't you ask all of us?" Mafu said as he crossed his arms, pretending that he was angry.

"Cause everyone else was busy."

"Is this a date~"

Mafu tried to hide his uneasiness by teasing the two. Soraru gave him an annoyed glared while Luz blushed in embarrassment, the light haired male glanced at Nqrse before looking back at the albino.

"No." Soraru bluntly said as Luz stuttered a bit.

"Y-Yeah, I have no feelings for Soraru."

"Well then you don't mind if we join you?" Mafu asked innocently, Soraru could tell that the albino was jealous.

"Sure!" Luz replied as he smiled at the other four.

"Wwww, so what are we going to do?" Mafu said as he linked his arm with Luz's. The light haired male then began to talk to the albino as they walked ahead, leaving the other four behind.

"Does Luz like Soraru?" Amatsuki asked as he looked at the raven-haired.

"Eh? Luz likes Soraru?"

Sakata was surprised by the brunette's question. But Mafu.... He slightly frowned, Urata noticed the redhead's expression and went to pinch his cheeks. Sakata let out a small cry in pain as he rubbed his cheeks, confused by what just happened. Urata laughed to himself as he looked at Sakata's face. Too cute.

"Why is everyone asking that?"

Soraru was starting to get annoyed with everyone asking the same question. If someone asks me again, I swear I'll— Soraru sighed to stop himself and just shook his head in response to the red eyed brunette's question.

"So why is Luz clinging to you?" Sakata asked.

"I'm interested in knowing that too." Nqrse commented as he looked at the raven-haired.

Soraru just shrugged at the three, he still didn't know why. But he was slowly noticing that the light haired male seemed to hold onto to him as if it would be his last. Could it be that.... Soraru shook his head to get rid of the thought.

"Luz is like a little brother to me."

"So he acts like a a younger brother when he's around you?" Nqrse said, though it sounded like a question.

"Probably." Soraru shrugged his shoulders.

"Only this little brother is taller than the older one." Urata teasingly said, causing the raven-haired to glare at him.

"Www but you're even shorter Urata." Amatsuki commented, the brunette smacked the red eyed brunette's head.



"We should probably catch up to those two." Nqrse said as he saw that the two males were farther ahead of them.

"Yeah." Soraru agreed as he began to walk to where the two had gone.

The six of them were walking around town. The four males just sighed and watched Mafu drag Luz around. Sakata and Soraru were both thinking about leaving the two alone. Nqrse and Amatsuki both felt like they were third wheeling. Honestly, all of them did.

"Can't we just leave them be?"

Sakata whispered to the raven-haired, Soraru nodded his head in agreement. The two males were about to turn around to walk away but Amatsuki grabbed their hands.

"Nope~ you're not leaving."

"Amatsuki~" Sakata whined, Urata chuckled and went to pinch the redhead's cheek again.

"Listen to Amatsuki." Urata said even though he knew the redhead couldn't hear him. Sakata yelped at the sudden pain on his cheek again.

"Urata I think you should stop that," Urata looked at the pink haired male that was talking, "Sakata would eventually become suspicious."

"As if this idiot would figure it out."

"But we probably shouldn't risk the chance of him finding out." Amatsuki added to Nqrse's statement, the brunette just playfully pouted as he let go on the redhead's cheek.


"Surprised you actually listened for once."

Urata glared at the raven-haired's comment. Soraru just laughed to himself, as they continued to enjoy the rest of the day following the other two. Mafu and the others eventually had to leave and waved goodbye to the two males as they parted ways.

"Www that was fun." Luz said as he was smiling.

Soraru looked at the light haired male, his thought drifted back to Amatsuki's question. Should I ask him? Soraru didn't know if it was a good idea to ask the taller male about his actions.

"If anything happens you can just reset."

Soraru remembered about his ability, whenever he was hanging out with the others he would forget about it. He sighed and stopped walking, making the light haired male stop too.

"Is something wrong Soraru?" Luz was confused by the raven-haired's action.

"Hey Luz..... do you like me?"


"I know the others are joking when they say that but you've been holding and hugging me a lot lately."

"A-Ah, so you could tell."

Luz was looking anywhere but the raven-haired's eyes. He then fixated his gaze on the ground.

"I-I'm just afraid that I might never see you again one day, just like Urata."

The last part was barely above a whisper as the two males froze upon hearing the light haired male's words. So that's why.... Soraru realized that Luz was afraid of losing his other childhood friend. The raven-haired could understand, if he lost Luz too, then he wouldn't know what he'd do. Urata looked down on the ground, he remembered how the light haired male reacted when he heard the news, just like Soraru. The two males felt guilty for making Luz suffer and worry about them.

"I-I wasn't able to be there when it happened so I decided to enjoy my time with my childhood friend whenever I can."

"Luz...." Soraru just stared at the taller male, he felt bad for making the light haired male fear losing him.

"I'm going to make up for my absence back then." Luz just smiled at the raven-haired, who smiled back. He was grateful to have a friend care about him.

"Yeah, though now I'm wondering about wanting to hang out with me today?" Soraru looked at the light haired male, who blushed.

"I-I was just confused on my feelings so that's why I asked you, to help me understand them."

Soraru gave the light haired male a confused look, he stayed silent as a way for Luz to know to go on.

"I have feelings for Nqrse, I've had them for a while actually, but when I saw you again I wasn't sure. When the others said that you two were similar, I was starting to believe that my feelings weren't genuine. I began to think that I might've actually had feelings for you instead and only liked Nqrse because he reminded me of you."

"So you made today seem like a date to help you understand." Soraru stated as the light haired male nodded.

"I thought that if my heart seemed to flutter whenever I'm around you, then it would mean that I liked you. But during the whole day, I kept thinking about Nqrse and blushed whenever I thought of him being in your place."

"So that means you like Nqrse." Soraru smiled at Luz, so his feelings are returned.

"Y-Yeah, but he might not like me back. He probably thinks I like you."

"That's not the case." Urata said as he looked at the raven-haired.

Soraru knew what the brunette meant by that look, but he was hesitant. He then remembered about the pain he would feel whenever he saw Mafu cling to Luz. He sighed and looked at the light haired male.

"Don't worry about that I'm sure he likes you back. I've seen him look at you whenever we're all together."


Luz's eyes showed a glimmer of hope as he beamed at the raven-haired. Soraru smiled and nodded his head, sorry Mafu. Urata smiled at the raven-haired, he was happy that Soraru had decided to follow his feelings instead of pushing them away. Luz hugged the raven-haired, happiness written all over his face. Soraru just laughed as he hugged the light haired male back.

"Thanks Soraru~"

"So now you can be happy."

Soraru laughed at the brunette's smiling face. I hope I can. The raven-haired was hoping that whatever twisted game of fate he was playing would let him live his life peacefully.


Luz likes Nqrse, but what about Mafu now?

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter~

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