Wasn't Mine to Keep

The rest of the dinner fell into silence. At first tension could be felt in the air but slowly the silence became comfortable for them. Nyssa cleaned up after they had finished. And Sara chose to leave her alone for a while and played with Nathan.

"Hey, what are you playing?" Sara sat beside Nathan on the floor of the living room.

"Cars. My cars."

"I see. They're very nice cars."

"They fast!" Nathan said as he wooshed around a car right in front of Sara's face.

The sound of her laughter echoed through the house, making Nyssa pause with what she was doing. She would never actually use the words, but it sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

Nathan put his cars down and walked up to Sara. He looked at her closely, as if examing every inch of her. And as the little boy stared at her, something else came into place. It was those eyes. The same eyes that were staring down at her in 2046.

"Of course, it was you." She said smiling.

Nathan just looked at her curiously, not knowing nor caring what she was saying. After concluding that he liked Sara, he smiled at her then enveloped her with a warm embrace with his tiny arms. The gesture surprised her at first but she welcomed it with open arms as well.

And that was the sight Nyssa caught of when she entered the room, the two most important people that ever came to her life entangled in each other's arms. It melted her heart. She wanted to go over to them and join in that beautiful moment, but she held back and just watched them.

Nathan pulled away slightly and smiled widely at Sara once more, which she returned. Then they both looked up to see Nyssa wistfully watching them. They shot her huge smiles as well. She smiled back but Sara could see the same longing in Nyssa's eyes that she knew was in hers. She wants to pull her close to her and just hold her, but she doesn't want to push it. She knew it wouldn't be easy to get back to her, and she won't give up. She will take all the time needed to make it work again, to make her believe she loves her and that she meant when she said she wasn't going anywhere.

"I see you made a new friend." Nyssa said to her son.

"Yes!" He said proudly as he hugged Sara again.

"That's great. You have to clean up and get ready for bed though."

"No. I don't wanna." He refused, clinging onto Sara harder.

It pulled at Nyssa's heart that Nathan quickly warmed up to Sara and that he would hold onto her as if asking for her to defend him. He would grow to love and trust her the way she has, and she was scared that he would be hurt the way she had been. If it was only her, she can take it all over again. She will take the aches even if it only meant a short while with her, but it's no longer just her. She has to think about Nathan as well. And she wants to shield him from all the pain as much and as long as she could. But she knew she could never really shut Sara out of her life. Despite the fear, she never could. She loves her too much. She just has to tread carefully.

"Come on. I'll go with you."


"Yes, of course."

It struck them both when a doubtful look dawned on his face. Their hearts were breaking. How would an innocent boy know not to trust and believe? Could he feel Nyssa's doubts hence his own?

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying with you." Sara reassured him with a kiss on the top of his nose. He smiled again and kept holding onto her.

And Nyssa hopes that Sara would never have to go back on her words to her boy.

Sara got up and carried Nathan up to his room, where Nyssa wiped him down, changed his clothes and tucked him to bed.

"Story! Story, mama."

"Okay." Nyssa sighed as she stroked his hair. She thought about what to tell him. She would often tell him stories about her adventures back then, or other stories she had read or heard somewhere. She then started to tell him about the girl and the yellow bird. The same one that she had told Sara. And her words came back to her knocking, 'You have set me free, but I will always go back to you.' Is that what it is? Sara finally going back to her? Or will she keep flying off?

Sara was touched as she remembered the story as well. It held much meaning for the both of them. And she found it sweet that Nyssa would share it to her son while she was there to hear it.

Nyssa kissed Nathan on the forehead when he had finally fallen asleep, before leaving his side. She walked up to where Sara was but made sure to keep some distance. She was still unsure of things to close that gap between them.

"Where are you staying?" She asked.

"What makes you think I've been around long?" Sara replied, trying to keep things light.

"You knocked on my door. If you just came, I would have found you in my room in the middle of the night waiting."

They both smiled at how accurate Nyssa's conclusions were. She still knew her well no matter how long it had been.

"Hey, it only took me one night to muster up the courage to knock." Sara justified.

"I'll get the guest bedroom ready. And don't even think of refusing. It may not seem like it, but I am glad to see you again, Sara."

Nyssa left to get some pillows and blankets for Sara. She didn't want to stay long to see where that conversation might have gone. She's glad to see her. She wants her there. She's just afraid she won't be staying long.

They said their brief goodnights and went to their separate rooms. Both stood by their windows, looking out, wondering about the other. How long could they resist their longing for each other?

Sara had a hard time sleeping as she hadn't been sleeping much lately and the thought of Nyssa being in the other room, so close but still too far, is not helping her sleep at all. She went Nyssa's room but hesitated at the door.

Nyssa too couldn't sleep for the same reasons. She heard Sara's footsteps approaching. Part of her hopes that she comes in and finally hold her, but there is still that part that isn't ready for it yet. She felt an ache and relief when she heard retreating footsteps. And Nyssa fell into slumber, while Sara stayed awake.

The entire night, Sara stayed by Nathan's crib. It was better for her to watch after him though he didn't really fuss much, than be in her guest room all alone with her thoughts flooding her in waves. She studied his face. She noticed that other than his eyes, he also got his lips from Nyssa. The rest were Nate's.

She remembered that there had been times when she and Nyssa had talked about having a family. And there's this little boy now. Nyssa's little boy. If she stays, could she have this with her? Would she let her in and be the family they once dreamed of?

The morning after, Nyssa found Sara still in Nathan's room with him still asleep in her arms. Her heart ached at the sight. She hadn't known how much she wanted to share the life she has now with Sara til that moment. Sara so beautiful and lovely with her wonderful son in her arms. She would love to have that. They could have that family, but she was still guarded by her doubts.

"Was he crying?" She said, getting Sara's attention.

Sara gave her a lazy smile that was still so warm it could have melted her knees.

"Not really. He did a bit a while ago, so I carried him."

"You stayed here the entire night?"


"Did you get some sleep?"


"Was the bed or the room not to your liking?"

"It was fine. I have just been having some trouble sleeping lately."

"I see." Nyssa paused before offering her some coffee. "Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes, please."

"I'll prepare some. You just go down whenever you like."


Sara carefully placed Nathan back in his crib, then followed Nyssa down to the kitchen. Nyssa already had the coffee brewing, and was getting things ready for breakfast.

"What would you like?" Nyssa asked.

"Anything would do."

"Have you been eating well?"

"The food on the ship is okay. But of course, a well cooked meal is always better. We try to get something good to eat whenever we have time in some places."

"I see."

Then there it was again, the silence. Sara watched Nyssa's smooth movements in the kitchen. It's different when she's fighting, but she's as comfortable at both. When someone sees her in the kitchen, they would not think she's a deadly assassin, unless she throws the knife she's holding at you.

"I missed seeing you work in the kitchen. I guess the last time was when we were still in Starling."

It was true. In Nanda Parbat, though Nyssa could have cooked, she rarely had time. And when she does, Sara's not around to see her.

"Yes. I remember that there was a time you threw a CD at me while I was cooking."

"Oh my god." They both smiled at the fond memory. "Were you cooking then? I just remember being so mad and confused that time. Did I hit you?"

"I let you. Thought it would ease the anger, but it didn't."

"Maybe I should let you throw something at me."

Nyssa looked at her solemnly. She was taken a back with what she meant by that. "Sara, I'm not mad at you."

"I know." She smiled weakly.

They were then interrupted by Nathan through the baby monitor. Nyssa turned the stove off and excused herself to get Nathan. Once back in the kitchen, she sat him on his high chair and continued with making breakfast. Sara had already poured them a cup of coffee each.

Though still a bit sleepy, Nathan showed his excitement to see Sara still there. He kept smiling and fluttering his lashes at her, which she found very adorable. He was a very nice and welcomed buffer for her and Nyssa.

"You know I've met him." Sara said as she started on the breakfast Nyssa had prepared.

"Who?" Nyssa asked.

"Nathan. He made sure I came back."

"What do you mean?"

"I came across this house in 2046. I met him there. I didn't know who he was, though I should have known he was your son. He has your eyes. We almost fought. We didn't, because he knew who I was."

Nyssa didn't know what to say. It was difficult to fully comprehend that somehow, in the future, her son would be the reason Sara comes back to her. She looked at her son in wonder and smiled. She would just be thankful of what ever it is. Nathan wanted Sara to come back to them. That should count as something, why should she fight it? But there still was the fear.

"Thank you." Sara interrupted her thoughts.

"For what?"

"Telling him about me."

"You meant everything to me. For as long as I remember, you're the only one that mattered most in my life. There wasn't much more to tell him about. You were my life."

"Now, it's him."


Sara understood and respected that. She would not dare contest that. Nathan is a wonderful gift, and she herself can't help but love the boy. All she wants is to be a part of her life again. May not be everything, but still mean something more to her other than a beautiful memory.

The rest of the day went by like that. Both avoiding having to talk about sentimental matters. And using Nathan as an adorable buffer. Though it was silent, they just enjoyed each other's company the rest of the day.

Night came and they were in their own rooms, still unable to sleep. Sara then wandered around and saw that Nyssa's door was open. Nyssa was standing by the window, looking out into the dark, blissful sky. The moonlight shining down on her features was enough to take her breath away.

She walked in and stood next to Nyssa. She knew that her entry was noticed and was glad that Nyssa didn't seem to mind her intrusion.

"Can't sleep?" Nyssa asked without looking at Sara. She wanted to close the gap between them, but was afraid to even move an inch.

"Yeah. You? What are you thinking about?"

"Nathan and you. Us." Nyssa admitted but said nothing to elaborate. Sara found no need for it as well. She knew her hopes and fears. She doesn't need to hear them to understand.

"I'm sorry it took me a long time to come back. I know you didn't expect me to, but I should have been with you. I don't deserve all the love you have given me, and I can't even offer you as much in return. But I know I have to try. You only asked for my love and for me to stay, and I have regrettably refused it to you several times. I don't deserve another chance, but I will ask for just one more. I've been stupid and selfish, but I know now that this has always been where I should be, where I want to be til my dying days, by your side. I love you, Nyssa. I know it would take some time for me to make you believe that I am no longer going anywhere but here with you. I won't give up. I have fought so much to save the world. And I will give all that I am to fight for us, because you mean the most to me. You are my world."

Nyssa finally looked at her with eyes clouded by tears.

"Can I hold you?" Sara wanted to so badly, but she didn't want to push. With Nyssa slight nod of her head, she closed the gap between them and held her tight. They both felt a surge of completeness. It was as if they have finally found the missing piece of who they are that they have lost for a long time. They bot let go and surrendered themselves in that embrace. It was what they needed. It made all their worries seem less important, because they were finally back in each other's arms.

"I'm scared, Sara. I'm scared that if you do leave, you won't be leaving just me, there's Nathan as well."

Sara's heart broke with her admission, but she was determined. She will not waver.

"If you tell me you don't want me here or that you don't love me anymore, I would leave you alone. But I still know there's hope, so I will not back down. Please don't push me away. Let me be here with you. It has been painful to be so close to you and not be able to hold you like this. I know it won't be easy, and I can't erase your doubts right away, but please don't fight it. If you still can't believe me, that's fine. But at least be happy. Let me make you happy. Let's be happy together. Please, Nyssa. Let me love you again."

"How could I ever say no, especially when you put it like that? I never stopped loving you. I don't think I ever could. And you're right. It's better that I'd be happy with you even if I'm not sure it will last, because even the shortest time I spend with you is the best of my life."

They stayed there in each other's arms under the glow of the moonlight streaming through the window. It was a beautiful moment. It may not be entirely perfect, but all that mattered was they were back in each other's lives once more.

No more words were said. They just slid into bed together still tangled in an embrace. They savored the moment. It fulfilled all the longing that they were having. It lifted all their worries. And after a long while of sleepless nights, Sara finally fell in a deep blissful slumber in the arms of her beloved.

Nyssa woke up earlier and one look at the beautiful woman sleeping beside her, she knew her world was complete. She decided not to worry of what could happen. She will make the most of the time she has with Sara, because at least she was there with her. She finally chose to be with her when she could be somewhere else.

She slipped out of bed, careful not to wake her. She could tell how much she needed that uninterrupted sleep. She went to check on Nathan and like her, he had just woken up from a good night's sleep. She then realized she was happy, even happier that she has Nathan and Sara in her life now.

Sara awoke to the smell of coffee. She followed the wafting scent to the kitchen, where she found Nyssa and Nathan. She kissed the top of his head when she passed by and he just smiled at her then went back to his own food. She wove around the counter to meet Nyssa. She snaked her arms around her and placed a meaningful kiss on her shoulder.

"Good morning." She said.

"Let me just finish this." Nyssa turned the burner off and plated the last of the eggs. She then turned around to face Sara. Their gazes met and it was as if it was just the two of them again. "Good morning. I didn't want to wake you. I thought you needed that sleep."

"Thanks. It seems you were all I needed to get some."

"Happy to oblige. You are always welcome." Nyssa then leaned her forehead to hers. "Thank you for coming back."

"Like I said, this is where I belong."

After breakfast, Nyssa left Nathan and Sara playing in the living room to take a shower. She was about to get in the bathroom when she noticed a folded piece of paper weighted down by something that glinted in the light. She went to get it, her heart clenched and her stomach was filled with butterflies when she realized what the shiny thing was. It was the same gold band, pieced with a single white diamond, encrusted by tiny blue sapphire gems, that she had gotten for Sara. She looked at its insides and there it was, the words 'my everlasting light' engraved on it. It was definitely the same one. She never wondered where it had gone. After Sara had left that time, she hadn't cared. But there it was again in her hands. She then opened the folded paper, and read through.


The very reason that pushed me to come back was when I realized my greatest fear going on those missions. It wasn't death. Though I have gone through that and know it was nothing pretty, I no longer feared it. What I gravely feared was not being able to see you again.

The longer I was there, the more I thought of you. And what haunted me was that the smile I used to see on your faces started to fade, and the one I come to see was your face whenever I left. It tore me apart. I wanted to be able to bring that smile back to your face. I wanted to hear your voice, your laughter, see your eyes sparkle. I wanted to be with you again. I knew the mission to save the world was important, but it no longer held any meaning for me. If the future is doomed or uncertain, I wanted to at least be with you before it all ends.

Now being back in your arms, I know I made the right choice. I don't need to be a hero or a legend. I just need to be with you. I was a fool to ever let you go, because whenever I was with you was the best and happiest moments of my life. And I hope you still haven't given up on me. I hope you still want that life, that life where there's just you and me. And Nathan just makes it even perfect.

I love you, Nyssa Raatko. I love you more than anything in the world.


Overwhelmed by heartfelt emotions, she didn't know how to react. She found herself slowly making her way back to the living room with the letter and ring in hand. Sara looked up at her and was a bit worried because of the look on her face.

"You kept it." Nyssa said holding the ring up for her to notice.

"I know it wasn't mine to keep, but I just couldn't let it go."


"It was a reminder of what I could have had with you. It was something to hold on to. Something to remind me that even in this dark and insane world, there could be hope for something beautiful."

"Why are you giving it back?"

"You never really got to ask me to marry you. And I hope that there would still be a day that you would want that."

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