Taking the Leap

"Has Nyssa asked you out yet?" Sara asked when she had finally caught up with Max to chat the day after she asked Nyssa for the favor.

"No. I haven't seen her." Max said casually, then her expression changed to being a little mortified when it dawned on her what Sara actually said. "You told her to ask me out? Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah. She said she'd do it." Sara shrugged as if it was no big deal, but inside her there's a battle whether she should be disappointed or relieved that Nyssa still hadn't asked Max out.

Max was overwhelmed with countless emotions: excitement, panic, extreme happiness, horror, and so much more. "Seriously? I won't forgive you if you're messing with me."

"And you're gonna owe me big time if I'm telling the truth. But I only asked her to go out with you, what happens after that would be totally up to you."

"That's more than I could ever hope to achieve by myself, so if you'r really not messing with me, I am so gonna love you even more."

"That's not good for me. I don't need your love. I know how much you love me already. You have to do better than that." Sara feigned disinterest with exaggerated hand gestures.

"Sure. I'll think of something. God! You're so demanding. My love can never be enough for you. You'd rather have me slaving around."

Both girls were laughing so hard when they parted ways.


That day, Sara found a box inside her locker with a note attached to it.


I know that it's a bit early for this. For your birthday. But this is like a preparation of some kind for that special day of yours.

Inside this box are letters. Each letter corresponds to the number of days there are until your birthday. You may open any of them as you may like. Open them one at a time, or all at once. It's all up to you. I would just ask that you open the last one on your birthday itself. It's the one stuck at the bottom of the box.

I wouldn't want to spoil anything that's written on the other letters, so I'll just stop myself here.

See you soon.


Sara was at a loss for words as to how to describe it other than sweet, but it definitely is more than that. And the 'See you soon.' gave her hope that maybe she'll finally be able to meet this person. She opened the box and counted the letters folded into heart origami's, which she found so endearing. There were 50. 50 letters for the 50 days, including that day. She took one and nervously and excitedly opened.

I never thought I had ever fallen in love or wanted to be with someone more than anything until I saw you dance for the first time. It's funny because I don't dance. I know nothing about it. I have always wondered what it is so fascinating about it that people enjoy doing it, watching it. Then I saw you. The way you moved; so graceful, so beautiful, so perfect that I was captivated.Then and there I guess somehow I understood. You have opened up a whole new world for me.

Sara never thought how much her dancing affected anyone. She only ever danced for herself, because she loves it. Yet, without knowing, she had inspired someone and had showed them something beautiful. She wanted to open another one but stopped herself and just neatly folded the one she had just read into a small square to distinguish it from the ones she still hasn't read.

 "What's that?"

Startled, Sara dropped the box and the letters fell out onto the floor. She hurriedly knelt down to pick each of them up. Nyssa knelt down beside her to help.

"I didn't mean to startle you." Nyssa picked up the last folded letter and handed it to Sara.

"It's okay." Sara felt shivers go up and down her spine when her eyes met with Nyssa's.

"I just wanted to ask you where would you like to study today."

"Your place seems ideal. It's more quiet there."

"Alright. Are you ready to go then?"

"Very much." Sara tucked the box safely inside her bag and took the hand that Nyssa had offered.

They took a ride with Alec which was mostly composed of nothing but silence. Sara looked out the window of the jeep counting down the days until her birthday; until the last letter in the box; and maybe the fated day to meet the writer of those sweet and beautiful letters.

They arrived at Nyssa's and would have gone straight to her room, if Sara hadn't stopped to watch the number of League members training all around the place.

"Sorry. I forgot to mention that there were some people here."

Sara continued watching as Alec took out a weapon and joined the others. She was in awe with all that she was seeing. She had learned self-defense, but she would love to know how to fight like that.

"I could tell them to stop if you want."

"No, it's okay. It's just fascinating. Who are all these people?"

"They...they work for my father." Nyssa didn't want to open a conversation that would lead to questions about that side of her life. The dark and lonely side.

"And what does your father do exactly?"

"I think that's a conversation for some other time. How about we head up stairs already."

Nyssa wants to keep Sara out of that as much as she could for as long as she could. She doesn't want the purity of Sara's goodness be tainted by her darkness. She knew that the best way to do that is to just stay away completely, but that's something she no longer can't do.

Sara put her things down on the edge of the bed, kicked her shoes off, and lied down in the middle of the bed, where Nyssa joined her.

"You haven't asked Max out."

"No, I haven't"

"She thinks I'm just messing with her."

"I told you I don't do things like that, but I'll do it this time for you, so please just let me get in on my own pace."

"Alright. How about we just all hang out together first, so you won't feel...pressured? obligated? Whatever. What's important is that you get to know her? I know you'll like Max, Nyssa."

"I don't doubt that, Sara. She's your friend, so I like her already."

Sara blushed. She wondered why when they talk about this, it always goes back to being about her.

"I don't want you to just like her because of me. I want you to like her for herself and because you do."

"We'll see. Let's just not rush things."


"And here I was thinking you just want me for yourself, but all you do is push me towards someone else."

A tender smile formed on Sara's lips.

"You're flirting. Geez."

"Why? Is it so bad?"

"No. It's nice." It's more than nice. It's sending butterflies in Sara's stomach in a frenzy. Even if Nyssa hadn't meant what she had said, but the thought of Nyssa wanting to be with only her is enough to make her fantasize a whole lot of different things.

"Nice enough that you'd give me a kiss?"

Sara just stared at her. Was she seriously asking for that? For her to kiss her? Sara's heart was racing. If she did it, it won't be some impulsive action that one or both have no idea was going to happen, it would be something both are highly aware of. Part of her, one she wouldn't even acknowledge existed, definitely wants to kiss Nyssa. Another part of her is telling her that she shouldn't, because she was just setting her up with Max and it would be totally wrong if she went along kissing Nyssa, which would make things seriously complicated.

"So if you feel like it, it's alright. But if I ask for it..." Nyssa said it as light and cheerful as possible to make it pass s if she was just playing around, but the words still hit Sara like a brick.

"Nyssa. It's not like that." Sara was starting to feel bad that she even hesitated; that kissing Nyssa means more to her than it should be. Maybe it was just getting to be a normal thing for them, but she was making a big deal out of it. She doesn't want whatever she has with Nyssa to change, but she's the one making it happen.

"I know. I was just kidding, Sara. But if this is what's going to happen when I go out with Max, I don't know if I want to do it."

"What do you mean?"

"If going out with her will make you uncomfortable being around me, I won't do it. But if I don't do it, you might end up getting mad at me and not wanting to even be around me. Wow. Whichever I do, I could lose you."

"You won't. You're not going to lose me, Nyssa. I promise." Sara then gave her a gentle kiss on lips, wanting to take all her worries away.

Nyssa hoped that it would really be true, even for a little while; even if it's just for this part of her life.

Sara looked at Nyssa and saw that she wasn't convinced by her promise.

"You don't believe me."

"You don't know me well enough to promise that."

Sara didn't know what else to say. She knew Nyssa had a point. They've only known each other for a few months. She can't assure her anything. But deep down she knew that knowing all of Nyssa won't make any difference. She would make the same promise. Nyssa won't lose her, because she wouldn't want to lose Nyssa. She want her to know that, so she kissed her again, held it for a moment, then deepened it.

Nyssa responded by putting her hands on the back of Sara's neck and on her hip to bring her even closer to her. When she grazed her tongue on Sara's lower lip, she was granted access and their tongues danced together with the heat of passion building up within them. They broke apart to catch their breaths with their foreheads resting against each other.

"Do you believe me now?"

Nyssa gave her another gentle kiss on the lips. And it told Sara that Nyssa wants to believe her but still doesn't. She'll have to settle with that for now, but she's not giving up until she does.


Sara opened another letter the very next morning, even before she got ready for school.

Taking the Leap

This feeling I''m feeling is so brand new

But I know in my heart that it is true

I'm scared, I'm terrified to take the chance

But maybe it's time for me to learn the dance

Here I am, finally taking the leap

Won't make any promises I can't keep

If you'd let me, let me show you

My words and intentions are sincere and true

I'd understand if you'd rather be friends for now

But I'd still be hoping to be more somehow

I cannot promise that I won't fall

You're the most beautiful thing I've seen after all

If you're not ready, know that I'd wait

Cause like I said, I'm taking a leap of faith

Months, years, it doesn't matter how long it'd take

Cause you're worth every effort I make

Reading through the poem, Sara could hear Nyssa's voice saying each line, each word, to her. She knew it was insane to hope for that, but somehow, each word rang true for her. She wants to hear Nyssa say those words to her as much as she wants to say those words to Nyssa herself. She also knew that she was being unfair to the person writing to her. There he was giving all his time and effort to her, and she can't even fully appreciate it, because she has someone else in her mind. Someone she shouldn't even be thinking of in that way. What kind of friend would she be to Max, if she were to act on the growing feelings she was having for Nyssa? But she can't just avoid Nyssa altogether. She promised her she won't lose her, and she intends on keeping that promise. She just needs to find a way to keep that without complicating things.

Sara took a quick shower and got dressed for school. She paused when she was putting on lip gloss. She touched her fingers to her lips, remembering the lingering sensation of the heated kiss she shared with Nyssa. A real one. Not just something she conjured up in her dreams. Her phone buzzed, interrupting her reverie.

From: Nyssa

Good morning,Sara.

It was the first time she had ever gotten a text from Nyssa ever since she took her number. Well, she hadn't texted her either. And the thought of Nyssa thinking about her as she woke up was enough for her to smile and send the butterflies in a frenzy once more. She then typed and sent her reply.

Nyssa just got out of the shower. She hadn't had much sleep. She can't stop thinking about Sara. The way they seemed to fit perfectly when they kissed. And when she was taking a shower, she thought how nice it would be to have her there with her. Holding her close to her, under the warm spray of the water. Kissing her there. Touching her. She can't seem to get enough of Sara, so she texted her to let her know she was thinking about her. And moments later, her phone buzzed with a reply.

From: Sara

Good morning, Nyssa. I was just thinking about you. :)

Nyssa smiled. She was glad that Sara was also thinking about her. And she was relieved that Sara wasn't one of those girls who shorten the words or use abbreviations that she barely understood.

From: Nyssa

That's nice to know. I was also thinking about you. Can't seem to stop doing it.

From: Sara

I know you were and are thinking about me. How could you not? I'm awesome and quite unforgettable.

From: Nyssa

Yes, you are.


Oh, God. Please tell me you weren't just thinking about that.

From: Nyssa

About what?

From: Sara

You know what I'm talking about.

From: Nyssa

I'm not sure I follow.

From: Sara

I can't believe you. You just want me to say it.

From: Nyssa

Maybe. Why are you so uncomfortable to even mention it?

From: Sara

I'm not.

From: Nyssa

Then say it.

From: Sara

You weren't thinking about the kiss, were you?

From: Nyssa

Even if I wasn't thinking about it earlier, I am now.

From: Sara

You're enjoying this. I'll see you at school.

Nyssa couldn't stop herself from smiling. She was really enjoying the playful bantering she and Sara was doing. She liked teasing her. She wondered if the kiss had meant more to Sara the way it meant to her, that's why she was a bit uncomfortable about it.

Nyssa found Sara and Max talking by Sara's locker, when she arrived. She decided to get on with the promise she made to Sara.

"Hi, Sara. Maxine."

"Hi, Nyssa." Max replied for both of them, while Sara was trying to clamp down a laugh that was threatening to burst. Max raised an eyebrow at her.

"Nothing, Maxine." Sara couldn't hold it any longer and bursted out laughing. She hadn't heard anyone call her that for ages. Even her parents only call her Maxine when they're really mad or disappointed at her. Max had always hated being called that. And seeing her friend letting Nyssa call her that was priceless. She really must like Nyssa.

"Oh shut up. Anyway, I gotta go. I'll leave you two to talk."

"I actually wanted to talk to you."

Max stared at Nyssa as if she said something alien, then she looked at Sara who was smiling knowingly at her.

"Oh. Okay."

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out somewhere this weekend."

Max can't believe that it was actually happening. Nyssa was really asking her out.

"But I'd have to be honest, I don't really do this kind of thing. I'm willing to give it a try, but don't keep your hopes up at having me as an entertaining company."

Max still couldn't respond and she just turned to Sara for help.

"Maybe we could all hang out together. Less pressure. And it would let both of you get more comfortable spending time with each other a little easier."  Sara suggested.

"What do you think?"

"Sure." Max still couldn't wrap her brain around the thought of spending some time with Nyssa like that.

"Alright. See you."

"Wow! You're speechless. I told you, didn't I?" Sara said when Nyssa had already left.

"I can't believe that actually happened. I'm no longer going to doubt you. I love you so much."

Nyssa was seated at her next class, waiting for it to begin, when she got a text.

From: Sara

Thank you. I owe you.

To which she replied,

Anything for you.


That weekend, Sara, Nyssa and Max, together with Rebecca, went out and spend some time at the mall. They went to see a movie about a sappy love story, which everyone, except Nyssa, clearly enjoyed.

"You didn't like it?" Max asked her.

"It was fine. I also don't watch much, that's all."

"You don't like watching movies. Okay. So, what do you like?"

"I prefer reading books."

"I see. What kind of books?"

"Different kinds. What suits the mood at the moment."

Sara stayed a little bit behind them as they were walking to give them a little space. She was happy that Max was finally getting to spend some time with Nyssa. Something that she obviously has wanted for quite some time. Yet, she also feels a bit jealous that they are getting along quite well. But she's not sure of whom she is jealous of.

"I'm a little disappointed that you got them set up." Rebecca interrupted Sara's thoughts.

"Why? I think they're nice together."

"I like Max. I told her that, then she confessed that she liked Nyssa. I told her I'll give her time to sort that out. If she can't get the courage to tell her, or it doesn't work out between them, I'll be there to take the chance."

"And I ruined your chances. Sorry, Becks."

"It's alright. It's nice to see Nyssa going out with someone though."

"Same with Max."

"To be honest, I thought you and Nyssa would be together, not with Max. Well, I was hoping it was you, rather than Max." Rebecca gave out a small laugh, making Sara smile.

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. Maybe the way Max talks to me about the two of you. Or the way Nyssa talks about you."

"She talks to you about me?"

"Yeah. She isn't much of a talker, but I can get her talking if I want." Rebecca said, leaving no room for question that could lead to Sara knowing how Nyssa really talks about her.

Sara felt a warm sensation wash over her at the thought of Nyssa talking to other people about her.

They finished the day with dinner at the pizza place they all went to the first time they were all together. They chatted over about a lot of things. Most things Nyssa didn't even know what to say to, so she just kept quiet, sitting next to Max. From time to time, she would look at Sara, when she knew no one was paying attention to her, and Sara would just smile at her when she catches her looking. It was funny that they were exchanging text messages even though they were just sitting across from each other.

From: Sara

You okay?

From: Nyssa

Yeah. I'm good.

From: Sara

You look bored.

From: Nyssa

Maybe because I don't know half the stuff you're talking about.

From: Sara

Thank you for this.

From: Nyssa

You already thanked me. It's nothing.

From: Sara

I know. But still, thanks.

From: Nyssa

I promised I would.

From: Sara

And you kept it. I'll keep mine.

From: Nyssa

We'll see.

From: Sara

You still don't believe me. I'm kinda hurt.

From: Nyssa

I'm sorry. It's just difficult to believe something so uncertain.

From: Sara

I understand. But I hope one day you'd be able to believe that.

From: Nyssa

I hope so too.

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