It has been eating away at Nyssa the entire weekend. The horrified look on Sara's face after she thought that Nyssa was trying to kill her with an arrow. She had frightened Sara. She didn't mean to. She was saving her from a possible fatal hit to the head by a football. But she had frightened her. She would really want to get a chance to talk to Sara and apologize again, but she doesn't know if Sara would even let her near her. She has to figure a way somehow.
Nyssa tried early in the morning that day. She was already in school even before it opened like she normally does. She was seated by the ledge of the stairs at the front entrance of the school, waiting and pondering about what she has to do about Sara. She didn't want to leave it like that.
The school janitor finally arrived and opened the doors. "Good morning, Nyssa. I see you beat me to it again." The old man greeted her with a smile.
"Good morning, Harry." She absently smiled back, her mind clearly elsewhere. She stood and walked inside behind the man.
"Something on your mind, dear?" He asked keeping his tone light.
"Yeah. Something. Oh, I almost forgot." Nyssa took out a small paper bag. "I made some muffins earlier. This is for you. Banana walnut."
"You always give me something, yet again I have nothing for you." Harry accepted the bag and smelled the delicious fragrance of the content.
"Your warm greetings in the morning are more than enough to brighten my days, Harry."
He thanked Nyssa for the muffin and the sweet words, then headed back to opening the other rooms of the school.
Nyssa sat at the top of the stairs overlooking Sara's locker. She waited there for her, thinking over and over of how to approach her. She could offer a muffin and apologize, but dismissed the thought. She thought of countless numbers of ways of how and what she's going to say, but the moment Sara arrived by her locker, all thoughts vanished from Nyssa. She stood and tried to walk to Sara, but she froze at the end of the steps. She had never been so nervous her entire life. We'll she never had to apologize to someone who thought Nyssa wanted to kill them.
Nyssa surrendered all thoughts of apology that moment and walked away, but all she could think of was that horrified look on Sara's face.
Then there was the look they shared before she left the field. Nyssa didn't know what to make of it. All she knows is that it made her heart speed up, the way it is speeding up now just by thinking about it.
"You're troubled." Alec said to Nyssa, breaking her reverie.
"I'm fine. You should get to your next class. I'm going to mine." And as if on cue, the bell rang.
"Alright. I'll see you later." Alec left with a slightly worried look on his face.
Nyssa went to her next class and sat at her usual spot. By the corner, near the windows, at the back of the room. She really likes that spot, because from there, she can easily observe all that's going on inside the room, even the outside. And it's easier to be alone with her thoughts while looking out the window.
Everyone came rushing in, chattering with each other, and took their seats when the teacher came.
"Alright, like I said last week. We will start working on things by partners. I'm quite sure that everyone has already chosen, so please go sit next to your partners." Their teacher instructed them. And just at that moment, Sara and Max came in to the room.
"Sorry we're late, Mr. James." The two girls apologized at the same time.
"It's fine. We're just getting started. Do you have partners already? And please tell me, you didn't pair up together."
Sara looked at Max questioningly. She still doesn't have a partner and she doesn't know if Max already has one.
"Sorry, Sara. Paired up with Ben, last Friday. He asked me and even offered to do all the work. So, sorry." Max then walked over to where Ben was seated.
Sara just stood there by the door not know what to do and who to approach to be her partner. Everyone seemed to be paired up already.
"Ms. Raatko, do you have a partner already?" Mr. James asked Nyssa.
Nyssa looked up from the book she was reading and answered, "No, sir. I don't."
"Alright then. Ms. Lance, you'll be partners with Ms. Raatko." Mr. James motioned for Sara to sit next to Nyssa.
Sara followed to where their teacher was pointing and when she realized who it was she tried to protest. "Sir, I can't be partners with her."
"Unless you can tell me that you can pass this class on your own Ms. Lance, you'll pair up with Ms. Raatko, whether you like it or not."
With no other choice, Sara made her way and sat next to Nyssa.
"Again, I apologize for what had happened last Friday. I never meant to frighten you. I...I'm sorry. I know you really must hate this arrangement, if you really want to change partners, I will talk to Mr. James." Nyssa said to Sara without even looking at her. She just kept on glancing from the front of the class where Mr. James is discussing and to the notes she was taking.
Sara looked at Nyssa, studying her. The sheer focus of Nyssa's eyes, her striking cheekbones, and her mouth set on a grim straight line. She does look intimidating. But looking at her closely, Sara noticed that there's a subtle hint of softness and genuineness about her.
"There's no need for that. I'll be alright. Don't worry. I promise that I won't try to kill you, when you piss me off again."
Nyssa couldn't tell if she heard a playful tone to how Sara said the last part or if she was just imagining it, and that made her look at the girl beside her. And Nyssa saw a sweet smile on Sara's face. It made Nyssa smile as well, but she didn't say another word. Afraid that she might break the chance she has for Sara's forgiveness.
Class ended and everyone got out, except for Nyssa. She always waited for everyone to leave before she does as well. She didn't notice that Sara was waiting for her by the door, and was surprised when she got up from her seat and turned to leave.
"I still haven't forgiven you, just so we're clear. But if you help me not fail this class, maybe I'll consider it." Sara said teasingly and gave Nyssa a smile.
"Thank you, Sara." Nyssa smiled back.
Sara turned and left the room. Nyssa waited a little, trying to get a hold of her heart which once again was beating fast.
Sara and Max were sitting under the same tree that Nyssa shot her arrow at, eating their lunch.
"I'm so sorry! I left you hanging and got you stuck with Nyssa. If you want I'll talk to Mr. James and have us exchange partners. You can take Ben."
"No, it's okay. There's no need for that."
"How can you be so calm about it? Did you forget that she shot an arrow at you?" Max eyed her curiously.
"So, now you're concerned?" Sara said teasingly. "Anyway, she did apologize and said she wasn't actually shooting at me. And she seems nice."
"I think you're traumatized. Well, whatever. What about your secret admirer? Figured that one already? Did you get another one today?"
It hadn't really crossed Sara's mind since the almost getting shot by an arrow incident. After that, all she could think about was the way Nyssa looked at her, the grave concern in her voice when she asked Sara if she was okay, and the heated stare they shared before Nyssa walked off. Yeah, she totally forgot all about the notes that were secretly left for her in her locker.
"No, still no idea and haven't gotten another one yet." Sara absentmindedly took another bite from her salad.
"It's just the middle of the day. You might still get one. I'll be disappointed if you don't. He's been so consistent so far."
When they finished eating, they headed back inside to check Sara's locker for the note, and as if the person who had been writing them heard their conversation, there indeed was a note stuck in between her books. Well, not just a note, it was an envelope with Sara's name on it. Sara nervously opened it.
Sara Lance,
The ever so beautiful Sara Lance.
The first time I saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. And that face like an angel's is something I will never forget. The sweet enchanting smile of yours that seem to brighten even the darkest places, your eyes that are as exquisitely beautiful as the clear blue skies, and the way you seem to get lost in your own wondrous world while you dance. They have captivated me.
You have captivated me.
Sara breathed out. She didn't notice that she was holding her breath. She was breathless and speechless. She just stared at letter. She never had anyone describe her like that, say such sweet and beautiful things like that. And she doesn't even have a clue who this person is.
"What did it say?" Max asked excitedly, but Sara didn't answer.
Overwhelmed, Sara shut the door of her locker, folded the letter, tucked it in her bag, and turned to walk away. She wasn't looking at where she was going and she bumped into someone. She almost fell, but a strong arm was around her, catching her. Sara looked up at the person holding her.
"Are you alright, Sara?"
Nyssa helped her stand straighter and asked once more, "are you alright, Sara?"
"I...I...Excuse me, I have to go." Sara hurriedly walked away.
Max followed Sara, and when she finally caught up with her, she was a bit annoyed. "Why the hell did you run off on me like that?"
Sara took out the letter from her bag and handed it to Max.
"Oh. Wow. I mean wow! This is... It's like a novel or movie thing. Alright, you're forgiven. But seriously, WOW! Who on earth is this guy? He's like... Oh, I can't think of a guy who writes sweet letters right now."
"I've never had anyone say things to me like that before. It's..."
"A bit overwhelming?" Max finished for her. And Sara nodded.
The lost look on Sara's face when they bumped into each other, had Nyssa worried.
"You look troubled again, Nyssa." Alec was spinning the long wooden stick they were going to use as weapons to spar with today. The weather's good, so they decided to do it outside, so they could freely move around.
Nyssa finished tying her hair and picked up her own long stick. She ignored Alec's worrying and struck at him, which he quickly blocked.
They went at it with each other, going all over the place. Jumping over hedges and benches. Going atop tables and the bleachers. Everywhere.
Then Nyssa caught sight of Sara heading toward the parking lot with Max. She hit Alec on his side and at the back of his left knee, and made a run for it. She headed toward Sara, staff still in hand.
Sara saw Nyssa running toward them, but still continued walking. She noticed she was covered with sweat, but still looked splendid. She saw her jump over the hedge, twirl in the air, and land with ease just a few feet away from where they were, staff still in hand. The gracefulness of her movements made Sara stop in her tracks. Nyssa walked up to them.
"Hi, Sara."
Sara saw Alec, who was chasing after Nyssa, getting close and was ready to strike. "Nyssa! Watch out!" Sara shouted.
Nyssa swiftly turned and blocked Alec's attack. Alec kept on striking, taking advantage of the fact that Nyssa was a bit distracted.
"Excuse me for a while. If you could wait just a minute." Nyssa said in Sara's direction in between attacks and counterattacks.
Sara and Max were fascinated by the fight happening before them. The quick and precise movements of the two combatants. It was like watching an action movie up close.
Nyssa pinned down Alec's staff and delivered a spinning kick to his head. He fell to the ground and was clearly knocked out. Nyssa then walked back to Sara and Max.
"Sorry about that."
"What about him?" Sara asked a bit worried about the guy.
"Oh, Alec. He'll be fine. He'll be up in a few."
"Will he attack again?" It was Max's turn to ask.
"He knows he's beaten. So, no, he won't." Nyssa reassured the both.
"Why were you fighting?"
"Sparring." Nyssa corrected. "We're like partners. We train and spar with different weapons every now and then, and sometimes without one."
"That was awesome. Especially, the way you jumped over the hedge and the spinning kick." Max said not able to contain her amusement.
Nyssa smiled at her and said thanks.
"What were you going to say? Before he attacked." Sara said finally.
"Oh, right. I was going to ask if you're alright. You looked...lost earlier." Nyssa said trying not to let out much of the worry she was feeling, but Sara saw it in her eyes.
"When you bumped into me earlier." Nyssa filled in.
Then Sara remembered the way Nyssa was holding her and the worry in her eyes then was more obvious than it is now, but she can still see it.
"I'm fine now, Nyssa. Thank you." Sara gave her a soft smile that made Nyssa's heart race. "We should get going, though."
"Oh, sorry I kept you." Nyssa felt a little disappointed that their conversation will be cut short.
"See you tomorrow, partner. Remember, I still haven't completely forgiven you."
That left Nyssa smiling as she watched Sara and Max walk away.
'And I will not rest until I have completely made it up to you.' She thought to herself.
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