Lost to Her
Nothing could compare to thy beauty
Not even the Greek goddess Aphrodite
No words to explain it
It is the truth that I see
The gods may strike me
I shall not bow to thee
They cannot change my heart's beat
That will love you eternally
"It's no wonder you're falling for this one." Max chided Sara as she finished reading through all the other letters until this last open one.
"But isn't it crazy to just fall for someone's words?"
Sara had told her best friend about her growing feelings for her secret admirer, but of course she left out the part about being confused with her feelings about Nyssa. She and Nyssa are slowly getting back to their old ways and are getting more comfortable being around each other again. They have also begun studying and training, with some laughter, teasing, and flirting added to the mix every now and again.
"You're thinking about it too much. Just wait until you meet. Just a couple days more." Max seemed even more excited than Sara. Sara was excited but also as nervous as one could be in a situation like that.
"Yeah. You're right."
"So what's your plan on your birthday?"
"I don't know." Sara haven't been thinking about what to do on her birthday at all. She normally has plans already at this point, but her mind has been floating around lately, she hasn't gotten around on it.
"Can I have a go at it?" Max was hopeful that Sara would let her plan a party for her or maybe just a small get together. She wants to do something for her after how much she's helped her with Nyssa.
Sara looked at her suspisciously, then smiled. "Sure. Just make sure I don't regret it."
"I'll make it unforgetable." She hugged her friend in excitement.
Max met up with Rebecca and Nyssa to plan for Sara's party. Though Sara mostly spends the day of her birthday with her family, it doesn't mean they can't celebrate it some other time or day.
Nyssa didn't know why she was even there. She doesn't like parties or any type of social gatherings. And she has no idea what they were talking about.
Max and Rebecca fought over whether to make it big and grand or just intimate and simple. Max thought that a big glamorous party would take Sara's mind off things and would allow her to have fun, but Rebecca believed that a small intimate one is all that Sara needs right now. She doesn't need to be around a bunch of people who doesn't really care about her and some who she doesn't even know of. After making her point, Max agreed with her and so did Nyssa.
They quickly went through with the planning with ease, making compromises on things they don't actually agree on. They said their goodbyes and agreed to meet up again to make the final preparations.
Max walked alongside Nyssa as they made their way to their rides.
"Heading home?"
"Yeah. Sara's waiting. We have training today."
"Oh. Do you mind if I watch?"
Nyssa just wanted another chance to be alone with Sara. Just the two of them. Though there are times that they don't talk, knowing that the other is there with them, at their side, was enough for both. She really wanted to say no, but didn't want to seem rude or anything.
They made their way to Nyssa's house with Max following behind Nyssa's bike. Sara was sitting by the front steps of the house and was smiling when she saw Nyssa coming down the road, then her smile dimmed a little when she saw Max's car. She tried to smile again and just be cool with it.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Sara greeted Max with a hug.
"Nothing. Just thought of watching you kick some ass."
"Nyssa's? I wish. Not even close to it."
"True. So shall we start, Sara?"
Nyssa didn't have to change. She was wearing comfortable pants that she can move in on, and though her boots are a bit high, she's used to moving and jumping around in them. She removed her jacket and went to get some weapons.
"You've warmed up already, right?"
Nyssa threw a long staff at her, which she caught. They started going at each other without any warning to Max who was shocked with the sudden action unfolding in front of her. Nyssa would go on offense and criticize Sara on her bad defense. When she tells Sara to go on offense, she would point out her flaws and tell her to try harder.
They were lost in their own world, which Max could see. It was as if she wasn't even there. The intensity of their stares, she was surprised they weren't burned by the heat coming from it. The way they would smile at each other as if sharing a secret. Nyssa had never looked at her like that. Never smiled at her like that. She didn't know why she didn't see it before, there had always been something different in the way everything about Nyssa lighten up whenever Sara was around. And that Sara looks at Nyssa the same way. She left without any of them even noticing that she did.
Max didn't know what to do with the sudden realizations she had. She thought of talking to Sara, but she decided against it. She knew she would just deny her feelings. Feelings that maybe she hasn't come to terms with herself. She helped her out with Nyssa, even though, as Max could see now, she has even deeper feelings for her.
She went to Nyssa. It hurts that maybe the only reason she stayed with was because of Sara. To be closer to Sara. To keep a promise or whatever. She wanted to be mad at her, but the way she's always been nice to her and sometimes sweet, she couldn't. After seeing what Nyssa and Sara share with each other, she felt terrible that she got in between.
"Nyssa, can we talk?"
"About what?"
"What are we to you?"
"I..." Nyssa didn't know what to answer. It was the reason why she never liked to label things. You'd have to live up to whatever you define it to be.
"It's okay. I get it."
Max smiled at her, leaving Nyssa confused.
"I guess I've known from the start that this was never going to work out, but it ain't bad to hope. Sure hurts though."
"I'm sorry."
"Yeah. Are you in love with Sara?"
It wasn't how Max wanted the conversation to go, but it was what's been punching holes in her head, so when it suddenly came out, she didn't do much to stop it.
Nyssa debated with herself whether to tell her or not. Max's warm and accepting smile decided for her.
"She's the reason I stayed in Starling City."
"Wow. Tha's big. I see I never really had a chance. I've already lost to her before it even started."
Nyssa didn't say anything. There were no right words that she can think of to say in that situation.
"Take good care of her. If you break her heart, I don't care how badass you are, I'll find a way to kick your ass."
"And I will let you."
Max was comforted at how deeply Nyssa cares for Sara. It hurts, but she knew that they were better off together. She'll find her own.
"Does she know?"
"If you're asking if I've told her, no, she doesn't."
"I made it complicated, huh?"
"Maybe, but we'll be fine."
"You and Sara? Or you and I?"
"I'm hoping for both."
There she was walking in the middle of a beautiful green meadow. Her long lustrous golden locks flowing down her sides. Her eyes lighting up in joyful bliss. Then suddenly she smiled, laughed so happily, and twirled around. She painted such a beautiful picture in my mind that I could have sworn my heart had stopped beating seeing her like that. And as if noticing my presence for the first time, she paused and gave a shy smile, then said, "join me." She kept laughing, twirling and gliding through the vast meadow. I started walking closer to her, and she laughed even louder. Her laugh was so beautiful, I could listen to it for a lifetime. She quickly sped off, glancing back to see if I was chasing after her. Every time she does, I would see her smile, and I was lost. Lost to her. I caught up to her and grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up high, spinning her around with me, making her laugh even more. I put her down and just held her tight. Cherishing that moment, I placed a soft kiss on her shoulder. She turned around, placing her arms on my shoulders, looked deep into my eyes with a sweet smile and said, "Hey, you." Then and there I knew that I was hers for the rest of eternity.
Sara can't believe that after how much letters, poems and notes she's received from this person, every word stil has the ability to make her knees go weak and her heart melt. He painted a picture of her in her own mind of something so beautiful. Something she hoped would be true. She liked the idea of laughing and playing around in a beautiful place like that. Enjoying every moment. Not thinking about anything else other than being in that moment with that someone very dear to you to share it with.
Her phone buzzed, ending her day dreaming.
From: Max
Hey. Need to talk. Nyssa and I are over.
Sara didn't know what to feel. Should she feel sad, angry, hurt, happy, relieved, confused? Here she was dreaming of another person she's falling for, then she'll find out that she can now be with Nyssa. Could she really be with her? Not just because she was no longer seeing Max, but was she certain that she wants to have that, share that with Nyssa? For real?
To: Max
Are you okay? What happened? Should I come over?
From: Max
No need. I'll be fine. Too lazy to talk anyway. I ended it.
Sara was really suprised. Max ended it? Why? Could it be because of her? Sara started to panic, then she realized that Max didn't seem like she was angry. She shouldn't be jumping into conclusions.
To: Max
From: Max
Realized it wasn't really going to work out. Thanks though
To: Max
You're really okay?
Max being totally okay with it also made Sara nervous, but she didn't know why.
From: Max
Yeah. I don't want you to stop being friends with her for my sake. You were friends even before you got us together. And she and I are cool.
Sara was seriously confused. But it was obvious Max was not going to tell her much of the details, so she'll get it out of Nyssa.
She borrowed her mom's car and hurriedly drove off to Nyssa's house to confront her. She passed the huge lawn and saw herself in that same scene in the letter. Running and laughing around, with a familiar face chasing after her. Nyssa.
"Geez! Brain, you're not helping!"
She got out of the car and went looking for Nyssa. Oddly enough, she found her in the bathroom, soaking up in the bathtub. Her heart skipped a beat seeing her like that. Her head tilted back as if she was sleeping. Her naked body deep underwater but still exposed to her. But she didn't let it distract her from her purpose of coming.
"What happened?"
Nyssa looked up. She had noticed her presence even though she still hadn't spoken. She felt her eyes gazing up and down her body when she wasn't looking. And now she tried so hard to look at just her face. And it made Nyssa smile to herself a little.
"About what?"
"You know what I'm talking about."
"I'm afraid not."
Nyssa did, but she just wants to hear Sara say it.
"Why did Max break up with you? What did you do to her? What did you tell her?"
Sara was annoyed that she has to ask. She felt like she was meddling with their business.
"I don't like the accusatory tone in that. I didn't do anything. She's the one who just told me that she wants to end things."
Sara looked at her still unconvinced.
"I told her I have feelings for you."
It took Sara a couple of minutes to process what Nyssa had just said. She told Max that she has feelings for her? Was she hearing it right?
"You did what?"
"I told her I have feelings for you. Well, actually she asked me and I confirmed it."
"She asked and you said yes?"
Nyssa started to get out from the tub and walk up to Sara. She made her way to her with no effort of hiding herself, water still silking of her body.
"How many times do I have to repeat it? I have feelings for you. She's okay with it. Are you?"
"I...I..." Sara stuttered, not knowing what to say and becoming highly aware of Nyssa's close proximity with her body still naked. Heat was once more rising in her body.
"I have feelings for you, you got that?"
Nyssa closed out the distance between them and pulled Sara even closer to her.
"I'm falling for you, Sara Lance."
Then she crushed her lips to Sara's in a heated kiss that melted all thoughts from Sara's brain, making her forget about everything else and just lose herself to Nyssa and that kiss.
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