
"He traded his life for ours. He was a hero. Which I'm pretty sure is the last thing he wanted to be remembered as." Ray said lightly but sincerely.

"But that's what he was." Sara added solemnly.

Going into the expedition, Sara didn't think that she would find herself caring deeply and genuinely about anyone of those in her team. She wasn't a complete cold hearted person, but she knew how to detach herself from her emotions. She knew going in that it would be a dangerous ride. They were bound to lose some. He wasn't the first person that got killed off from the team. She just didn't know it would hit her hard when it came to him.

She had grown fond of him. He was the only person who seemed to understand her, and reach her to some level. They even had a moment where he inclined of thinking about the future, his, hers, their posible future together. And she simply teased him about it, that he has to be one hell of a thief to steal a kiss from her. She wouldn't have admitted it then, but the thought of them together excited her. She thought that it would be one fun ride to start, and as fun through out.

But that's all where they got. Leonard Snart wasn't supposed to be a hero. He wasn't supposed to be the one to die for them. Yet there he was, giving his life to save theirs, just like a hero would.

Having destroyed the time masters and the Oculus, they no longer have means to track down Vandal Savage. After the loss they suffered, Rip decided to return them back to 2016, closest to the time that they had left, where they could not interrupt any of the events that had happened.

Sara made her way to the Arrow cave, and was greeted only by her father. He told her about recent events that had happened while she was gone that led to her sister's death.

She felt as if someone was clenching at her heart. It can't be. How could it have happened? Quentin tried to comfort her daughter as much as he could, but Sara was furious and thought of something she could do and someone else to blame.

Sara found the others signaling the Waverider with a beacon and waiting for its return. Once there, Rip told them that he made no progress at all on his own, having no means of tracking Savage. To the surprise of the team, Sara attacked Rip and had a knife to his throat.

"You knew that Laurel was going to die, and now you're going to take me back, and I'm going to save my sister." She said outraged.

"I'm afraid that that - "

"You should be afraid." She threatened.

The rest of the team tried to calm her down, then Rip just stunned her. She was then put in the holding cell on the ship. Rip talked to her. He told her that her sister's death was inevitable, and if Rip hadn't taken Sara with him, she would have died there along with her sister and father.

"Please take me back. I need your help. I need to save my sister." Sara continued to plea nonetheless.

"And you know that I would do for you, Sara, but I just can't."

"I have never asked you for anything. And you of all people should understand. You have tried everything. We have tried everything to save your family."

"And I would not wish the pain of that failure upon anyone."

"I would rather live with that pain than this."

She thought losing a friend in Leonard was painful, but it was nothing compared to what she was feeling in that moment. And it was Laurel who pushed her to go save the world. She hadn't wanted to, but Laurel convinced her. She was a hero through and through, and Sara had always looked up to her.

"There's got to be a way. Rip, I have to be able to do something."

"I'm so sorry."

"Look, I can't. I can't do this without my sister. I can't."

"Yes, you can. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met, Sara."

People always seem to tell her that. She's strong, but she never saw it in herself. Then she thought of Laurel. There was only one way she could honor her, and it was to finish the mission and be the hero her sister told her to be.

Gideon managed to track Savage's whereabouts. Still, they were not able to stop him but were able to save Kendra and Carter. Back together, they put the pieces together and figured out Savage's plan.

Savage contacted himself in the other time periods, then traveled to 2021 to cause the explosions at the same moment in all the three time periods. Stein explained to the team that the meteorites had given him immortality but because he would expose them in three different time periods at one he would make himself vulnerable. They could split up in three teams and kill all three versions of Savage at once. Palmer and Rory in 1958, Sara, Stein and Jefferson in 1975 and Rip, Kendra and Carter in 2021.

Sara, Stein and Jefferson watched themselves as they fought at the auction and Stein and Jefferson flew away with the armed nuclear bomb and absorb the explosion. As Savage activated the meteorite Jefferson, Stein and Sara revealed themselves. Savage tried to shoot at Sara with a rocketlauncher but Jefferson and Stein blocked the shot. Sara blocked the knives thrown at her and engaged Savage in close combat.

Using her staff against the knife wielding Savage, Sara managed to gain the upper hand, and after disarming him, she then killed him by breaking his neck with her staff. The meteorite was about to explode but Jefferson and Stein managed to use their new found power and changed the meteorite into water.

They regrouped in 2021 but the meteorite there had advanced to far in the radiation. Palmer was unable to shrink it and Jax could not transform it. Rip told them that the earth would get blown up by the meteorite. As the team tried to think of a way Rip transported the meteorite on the waverider and threw it in the sun. Rip returned with a timejump and explained what he had just done. The team talked about the situation and Rip informed them his work was far from done as he would now have to protect the timeline since the Time Masters were disabled. Rip asked the team if they wanted to join him.

Sara talked with her father at the Laurel's grave and told him she wanted to help him with Darhk. Her father told her that it seemed the work she had done with Rip was important as well.

"I wasn't going to go the first time. Then Laurel convinced me. And now I'm going to do this for her." She said recalling the last time she had been with her sister.

"Well, she'd be proud of you."

"How do you know?"

"'Cause I am."

And that was all Sara needed to hear.


It's been years since they've seen her last. Their last time with her was when Sara had come for them in the dungeons. They heard that she had gone on a time travelling mission to save the world. And it made Nyssa smile when she thinks of it. Sara being the hero she has always been.

A lot had already happened since then. She and Nate had broken out of imprisonment with the help of a number of loyalists. Nyssa devised a plan to get the title of Ra's al ghul with the assistance of Oliver. Oliver fought Malcolm on her behalf and managed to take the ring from him by cutting off his hand.

She finally had the title but it no longer meant anything to her. She craved for it her entire life. She fought for it. Now she had it, it gave her no pleasure to have at all. She then melted the ring of Ra's al Ghul and disbanded the League of Assassins. That moment, she felt free and happy. Finally free of her father and all that he represented. And it made her happy.

She wished Sara had been there with her, to share that with her. It was a tumultuous moment, and she had wanted her by her side, but she wasn't there. She hoped she would see her when Laurel had died. She wanted to be there for her to comfort her through it, but yet again, she wasn't there.

She misses her daily. Though she and Nate have built a life away from it all, her thoughts always wander back to her past, since it was filled with memories of her. She loves her still, always will, but she doesn't know if she would trade what she has now to be with her again. She could at least wish that she be a part of it.

"I gotta go to work." Nate said sipping the last of his coffee. He got himself a work in construction, since it was a fairly easy job for him to get into, with minimal background check.

"Okay. I'll be going to the market later. You need anything?" Nyssa said as she cleaned out the table.

"No. You just be careful." Nate said holding her from behind, then placing a kiss on her shoulder.

Nyssa turned around and smiled at him. "Of course."

Nate then knelt down and placed his hands on either side of Nyssa's rounded belly. "You be good to mommy, okay?" He then kissed it before looking up at Nyssa who was also smiling back down at him.

Yeah, Nyssa was indeed happy and she wouldn't trade that life of hers for anything in the world. She may not have Sara, but she has Nate who loves her as much and a beautiful gift of a baby coming their way. She found a life away from it all. She found something else to live for and she was happy.

Nate walked out the door and sensed something was off. He felt someone was watching them. Though they have left that life behind, it still comes back to haunt them from time to time, with Nyssa being who she is and her disbanding the League. There were a lot who weren't happy with what she'd done, but she would never go back and undo it.

They never really stay long in any town or city to prevent tracking and surveillance. That was the first time they stayed more than 3 months, because of Nyssa's pregnancy. They were just more careful and prepared. They're more exposed due to the span of time they've spent. And it was no longer just about protecting themselves. There's a little person coming along their lives soon. They can't ever let that go.

Nate walked around their block a number of times, looking around for anything suspicious. When he found nothing at that moment, he went and left for work. While working, all he could think about was the safety of his family. What more precautions he could do to protect them? He was restless until he got back home.

"Hey." He greeted Nyssa, who was finishing up with dinner in the kitchen, with a kiss to the side of her head.

"Hey. Place this on the table, will you?" Nyssa handed him a bowl of salad.

Nate took it and placed it on the table at the dining room. Nyssa soon entered with a cooled out pan of lasagna and a plate of baked chicken. Nate couldn't help but smile. The sight of Nyssa being so comfortable with the life they have now, eases his worries away.

"What's the occasion?"


"You made lasagna."


"You only make them on special occasions."

"I wanted some so I made some."

"Okay." Nate dropped it because Nyssa was already raising her eyebrows at him. And he wouldn't jeopardize his chance to eat her delicious lasagna.

"We really should decide on a name, you know. I'm almost due." Nyssa started after a few bites.

"I told you, let's just name him after me." Nate smiled smugly.

"No way I'm having two of you in the house."

"I'm hurt by that. You know you love me."

"Still not worth the risk."

Nate knew that though she never really said the words, she loves him in the way he wanted, not as much as her love for Sara, but she loves him. That counts.

"Okay. How about...Oliver?" He teased. No way in hell he's gonna name his son after Oliver Queen. He never really liked the guy even when they were in high school. When he turned out to be a better person, he just had to get married to the woman he loves. So, never gonna happen.

"Really?" They both knew what the other feels about Oliver. She respects him, but to name her child after him? She still remembers losing Sara to him. So, also a no.

"Yeah. Maybe not. How about..." There was a glint of mischief in his eyes that Nyssa caught.

"No! No! Don't you dare even say it."

"You don't think Malcolm is a good one?"

"You are aware that I still sleep with a knife under my pillow, right? And I would die before I name my child after that man." Nyssa seethed with loathing.

And Nate just laughed. They both hated him, but he just enjoys getting on her nerves once in a while.

"Well, you're not giving any suggestions."

"And yours aren't any good." She shot back. It had to be one of the most difficult things she has to do. Name her own child.

"They found us." Nate said breaking her thoughts.

"I know."

"At the market?"

"I think I saw someone that was watching me there."

"You should have called me."

"Nothing happened."

"You still should have called me."

"I can still protect myself, and I had my knife with me."

"Besides the point, Nyssa. Remember, you're pregnant."

"I know. I would call you if I needed you."

"No. You call me when you already think something's up."

Nate never let up with being overprotective of her, then added the fact that she was pregnant just adds more reason for him to be. She appreciates his efforts but it annoys her sometimes because she doesn't like relying on anyone with regards to protecting herself or anything else. But she knew she could never really make him stop whatever she may say to him. So she just lets him.

"Alright. Next time."

Then the morning, just after Nate had left for work, Nyssa noticed someone passing by their house. She then took her time to check all the weapons they've hidden around the house. She knew they would need to keep it in better places once the baby was born, but where they were would have to make do. Then she noticed the same guy pass by their house a second time. She checked every lock of every door and window. They're not gonna get to her that easily. She's to protect her baby.

And like she promised, she finally grabbed the phone as she placed her knife next to its cradle, and dialed for Nate.

"Where are you?" She quickly asked when he picked up.

"I just got to the site." Nate's heart sank to his stomach. There had to be something wrong.

"There's a man circling our block for what seems like the third time now."

"I'm on my way back. Be careful, Nyssa." Shit. He cursed himself. He never should have left her alone after what she had told him yesterday.

Nyssa took her bow and quiver out from the hidden compartment at the back of their wardrobe. She won't take any chances. She won't even let them get near her and her unborn child. She may have just seen one person lurking around, but they know better to send only one after her, especially with Nate around. She was sure that it was only a scout and that there were more waiting to strike.

She heard a creak on the floorboard by the stairs that told her that they already got inside the house. She calmed herself. She needed to be the ruthless cold hearted assassin she was, and be the careful loving mother to be that she is. She will protect that baby no matter what it takes.

She saw a shadowed figure by her window, and by quick reflexes, she grabbed one of her knives, threw it through the window glass, piercing the guy's chest making him fall off the ledge. She heard another creak, now by her bedroom door. She pulled her bow string back and immediately let go when the door opened. Someone quickly ran over when the guy fell, and she shot him twice as well for good measure.

She went out of the room to check for more intruders. She then grabbed her scimitar from the back of a display cabinet by their hallway. She slung in on her back and inspected the second floor further.

Someone then went up the stairs and at the sight of her, threw a knife in her direction. Luckily, she was still swift with her movements and it missed.

Then another jumped out of her room and engaged her in close combat, which the other assassin from the stairs joined in on. She used her bow to deflect their attacks as she took her scimitar out to inflict hers. In a short while, she was able to take down both of them. Pregnant or not, she will not be bested by those low level assassins.

She finally heard the sound of Nate's car arriving. And the moment he got out of it, he quickly ran into the house calling out her name.

"Nyssa! Nyssa!"

"I'm here." She answered from the top of the stairs. "What took you so long?"

"There were two of them waiting foe me by the site."

"Two? I dealt with four, and I'm pregnant."

"Don't make light of this. Are you okay?"


"Are there any more?"

Nate checked the rest of the house for any more intruders. He went upstairs and down when there were no one else there.

"We're..." He trailed off, when out off nowhere, he felt a stabbing pain on his right abdomen. When the blade was retracted, he collapsed on the floor, revealing the person who had stabbed him.

"Alec." Nyssa said, surprise evident on her face.

"Come on. You should have known I was coming for you."

"How could you do that to him?"

"Nate? He's not dead yet. He'll live long enough to witness your death together with your baby."


"You just had to disband the League, hadn't you? That was everything to me! And you just had to take it away."

"There are lives outside the League."

"Not for me."

"So, you're going to kill me? I thought we were friends."

"We stopped being friends a long time ago. I stood by you because I believed that being Ra's was your birthright, but I made a mistake. You never deserved it, because look at what you did. So, I will give you the worst pain there is. The knowledge that I will kill you in front of your beloved Nathaniel with him being eaten up by guilt that he could not protect you."

Nyssa drew her bow and shot at him as quickly as she could, but he was able to deflect each shot with his sword, until Nyssa had no more arrows left with her.

"I prepared myself for this day. I am no longer at a disadvantage. I can take on you, Nyssa, even if you weren't pregnant. But it would bring you more pain that you are."

Nate lay bleeding on the floor. He watched as Alec attacked Nyssa ferociously. He knew Nyssa would not be able to get away from him that easily with her condition. He had to get up and do something. He has to suck up the pain and find the strength to fight and protect Nyssa even for one last time.

He pushed himself up, grabbed his scimitar, and charged directly at Alec. He dragged him forcefully away from Nyssa. "Leave them alone!" It was his duty. He will not let anything happen to Nyssa or their baby. He will protect them with whatever it takes.

Alec was caught off guard, and Nate was able to slam him to the ground. Alec was surprised that Nate was still able to stand let alone have strength to go up against him.

"Go now, Nyssa! I got this." Nate shouted. He just wants her to find safety anywhere.

"I'm not leaving you here." Nyssa stood her ground.

"Dammit! Go! Keep him safe!"

"I'm not going anywhere."

Alec continued with his retaliation. And desperately tried to keep up with him. Nyssa's heart raced as she watched Nate fighting for their lives, though he was barely alive himself. She couldn't make herself move. It was as if she was frozen in place and was forced to watch the awful encounter happening in their living room. Her heart wept silently for Nate. She knew it would be near impossible, but still she hoped he would live through the battle.

Then it all came in a big blur. She no longer could tell who was who. Then one slit the other's throat, painting blood everywhere. Her heart did a flip, frightened of the worst. Then when the body collapsed, revealing Nate looking all drained of blood and strength, she felt a slight relief.

He smiled at her. She returned the smile, but it quickly faded when Nate slowly fell to his knees, then flat on the floor.

"No! Nathaniel!" Nyssa screamed as she rushed to his side. "No. No. You can't do this. Stay with me."

"I got him, right?"

"You did."

"He never really liked me, did he?"

They just both gave that a small laugh. It was so like him to try and make light of such a situation.

"You have to stay with me. You have to fight, fight for us."

Nate was starting to drift off from the extreme blood loss.

"Hey. Stay with me. I think naming him after you isn't such a bad idea after all. Did you hear me?"

"See. I told you."

"You did. So don't you dare leave me, Nathaniel. I love you."

It was like music to his ears hearing those words spoken to him by her.

"Dammit, Nyssa. You had to wait for me to die to tell me that."

"Stay with me and I will keep telling you that."

Nate paused but was still conscious, then said. "Did I make you happy, Nyssa?"

The question brought new tears to Nyssa's eyes. He never asked her that before, but she knew he always wondered.

"Yes, you did."

"That's good." He said, smiling. "Look, we both know I won't make it any longer. Do something for me, will you? Tell Sara I did the best I could to keep my promise. I tried to keep you safe til my last breath. Tell her that."

When Nate saw the doubt in Nyssa's expression, he added. "This is my last promise to you. She will be back. She will come back for you."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because I would."

Nate sucked in another painful breath. He then reached out his hand and placed it on Nyssa's belly.

"It's your turn to protect mommy, little guy. She's the most precious thing there is."

He reached out to touch Nyssa on her cheek and said, "I love you." And when she said it back to him, he smiled and drifted off with his final breath.

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