
Sara arrived at Starling City along with Nyssa and the League of Assassins. She found Oliver and explained to him that she had offered to go back to the league in exchange for their help in fighting Slade Wilson. Oliver wanted to protest but knew they needed all the help they could get, and Sara did what she thought she had to do.

Oliver with his team, along with Sara, Nyssa, and the League of assassins made their way to Slade's hideout, where they were met by mirakuru soldiers. Sara felt a sense of belonging, fighting side by side Nyssa and Nate once more. It had been quite some time, and she had missed the way their moves seem to synchronize together. Then something clicked, and she was seeing how Nate would fight so close to Nyssa in a different light. He didn't change in that manner, since he has always been adamant in protecting her, but to Sara, she was seeing and feeling something that shouldn't be there.

She was envious of the chance Nyssa had given him, but knowing all that he had done for her, and how much of a friend he had always been to the both of them, she could not find it in her to resent him even a little. He deserves the attention and love Nyssa was to offer him. She just hopes there would still be left for her.

Slade managed to slip away from them, but Nyssa was able to kill Isabel Rochev, Slade's second in command. Having turned against killing, Oliver disagreed with her actions, but Nyssa told him that there are some battles that you just have to, and that he has to learn to kill again if he wants to win and save his city. Sara had the same opinion, when she told him that in order to defeat the unthinkable, he must be prepared to do the unthinkable.

Oliver was able to device a plan to take down Slade by using Felicity as bait. After Slade had kidnapped Laurel, knowing her to be the woman Oliver loved the most, they fed Slade information using a bug he had planted in the Queen mansion, saying that Oliver has to keep Felicity safe there because it was actually her that he loves. Then he was once again faced with the choice between two women he cared for, but this time, he had come prepared. Felicity stuck a needle with the antidote on Slade and they were able to apprehend him.

With Starling City safe from the hands of Slade Wilson, Sara had to make good on the promise she had made to Nyssa. She was to come back with them. Her father and sister were there to see her off and try to change her mind.

"You don't have to go back there, baby." Quentin tried to reason with her.

"I made a promise. It was to make sure you're safe. It was my decision, daddy. It's okay." She looked back at Nyssa, who was waiting for her as she said her goodbyes. She smiled thinking she was going back to where she felt she belonged.

She gave her jacket to her sister Laurel, telling her to keep it until they see each other again. She said her final goodbyes and went aboard the ship with Nyssa. Inside, Nate was waiting for them. He scoffed and sat silently on one side, when he saw them walking in hand in hand. Nyssa noticed his discomfort, but still sat beside him with Sara in tow.

Thinking of the circumstances, Sara felt like she was back on the island, when Oliver had to choose between saving her or Shado. It was what started all of Slade's rampage. Now, she felt like the gun was pointed back at her, and it was Nyssa who has to choose between her and Nate. And the worse part, she seems to be the one to hold the gun. She doesn't want to make her choose. It is unfair, because despite everything, if she asks, they all know Nyssa would choose her. She can't ask that of her, because it would hurt everyone involved all over again.

There she was, beating herself up again over the decisions she had made. She had to stop. They were all getting by, day by day. They were all okay, not in the best of terms but at least also not in the worst. She said she was happy. She should be happy for them, but still it hurt. She will endure. Her actions led to it anyway.

"You'll have to forgive her, Al-Hami." Nyssa said breaking the silence.

They were very close friends once. He had been there for her before when she needed someone to talk to. He stood by her when she was troubled with Nyssa, though they knew he already had feelings for her even then. He knew she never meant to hurt her. He wants to be that friend to her again, but the rage and hurt was still there.

"But it doesn't mean it has to be now."

Sara would take that, at least there was hope that her friend will forgive her.

The following weeks went by well enough, though Nate still hadn't talked to her. She got by. She simply hoped he would find it in him to forgive her and remember the close bond they once shared. She knew she broke that, but still she hoped. She has come to accept that Nyssa had really opened her heart to Nate. Every time she sees her smile, the pain of not being with her becomes less.

"Never thought you'd be trading places, have you?" Alec surprisingly spoke to her.

"Never thought we were on talking terms either." Sara spat back. Ever since she joined the League, Alec barely talked to her, even for League businesses, let alone personal ones.

"You're no longer a threat, now that you're not with her."

"And he isn't as well."

"He doesn't mess her up the way you do. With him, she has control."

It pained her to hear that, even if it came from Alec. He mostly has bitter things to say, but that hit her hard, that she couldn't just ignore it. She thought she and Nyssa were doing well keeping each other in balance, but it wasn't enough. She still let it all crumble down on them. Maybe Nate is exactly what they need at that moment, but she still hopes to fix all that she had broken.

Sara continued to wander around, feeling lost in the familiar structures of the place. Though she had come to terms with being back in the League, there was still something amiss. It was not the fact that she had to go back to the killing that she had previously denounced. It was the hollowed out relationship she seemed to have at that time with Nate and Nyssa. Nate still would not talk to her and would barely acknowledge her presence at times, but with Nyssa, it was her who avoids encounter. She wants to at least talk to her, but she can't bring herself to. She is bound up by guilt and fear. What would she say to her? How would she talk to her? How would things be for them?

She wants to fix things between them, but there she was cowering in a corner. Sara was seriously out of her own element. She cursed herself inwardly. What is she going to do? She thought to herself. And as if sensing her dilemma, Nyssa appeared behind her.

"Are you avoiding me, Ta-er al-Sahfer?"

Sara was caught off guard by Nyssa's straightforward comment. She didn't know what to say. How would she explain to Nyssa why she has been avoiding her?

"I miss you, Sara. I barely see you, let alone talk to you."

Sara's heart melted with her words and by the soft tone she had said it with. There shouldn't have been any reason for her to feel uneasy around Nyssa. And whatever reason she had blew away, now that Nyssa was there by her side.

"I'm sorry," was all she could offer.

"What's wrong?" Nyssa asked moving in front of Sara, to have a better look at her.

And in that moment, Sara simply can't deny herself the sheer calm and comfort of being with Nyssa, of just talking to her.

"I miss you, Nyssa."

"Then why have you been avoiding me?" Nyssa reached out for Sara's hand and simply held it. That small gesture was enough for Sara's heart to skip a beat. Her lightest touch was enough to warm Sara's insides. She had indeed missed her so much. And she can no longer pretend and hide from her.

"It hurts and I'm scared. I'm happy that you're doing well, but it hurts."

"It hurts to see that it's not you." It was not a question. Nyssa knew. Sara never really had to explain much to her. Somehow, she always knew and she always understood whenever she hurt.

"Yeah. I know it's stupid."

"No, it's not. We've been through a lot. It would hurt me, if that doesn't hurt even a little for you. And come on, between the two of us, you handle it way better than I do."

Sara smiled thinking of Nyssa being jealous of Oliver. She's wanted to slit his throat for quite a lot of times. Though that was different, since Nyssa and Oliver didn't have a close friendship that she and Nate had.

"I miss him as well." There was a wistful note to her words.

"Nathaniel's just being stubborn. He will come around."

"I know. I just miss him, and you."

Nyssa pulled her in her arms in an embrace. She held her close and tight, making all of Sara's worries fade away. Being held by Nyssa again, she felt that everything would eventually be alright again.


She was then given a mission that allowed her to return to Starling City, to confirm the rumors whether Malcolm Merlyn was still alive. Unbeknownst to her, danger loomed in the shadows. Moments after talking to her sister, Laurel, she was met by someone familiar to her. Next thing she knew, she was shot at with arrows. She was close to the ledge, thus forcing her to her fall. She fell just in time for her sister to see her demise.

Weeks have come and gone, and Nyssa worried that Sara had ran off once more. Her mission should not have taken that long. She went to Starling City in search of her. She went to team Arrow's lair, ready to find her and confront her there. She was only met by Oliver and the others.

"Where is she? Where is Ta-er al-Sahfer?"

No one answered her, but the looks they were giving her gave her all the answer she needed. She couldn't believe it. She doesn't want to. Sara's dead. Her beloved is gone. Who dared take her life away? It didn't take much to fuel her rage. She will find whoever was responsible and make them pay.

After Nyssa revealed that Malcolm Merlyn was still alive and that Sara was in Starling to track him down, Oliver was convinced that it was Malcolm who killed Sara.

Nyssa went to visit Sara's grave. There she made a blood oath to avenge her death. She didn't deserve to die. No matter how much darkness had consumed her, she was still one of the few real good people she had the privilege of saying was part of her life.

She also met Sara's sister, Laurel, there. She's heard much about her from Sara. She's seen her before, but it was the first time that they would have actually met. Laurel blames her for Sara's death. It was not difficult not to blame her, look at her, she's an assassin who simply fell in love with a sweet girl.

"If it wasn't for you," Laurel had said, "Sara would still be alive."

She would have agreed so herself, but Sara was her own person. She never forced her to choose that life with her. She tried so much for so long to keep that life away from her. If she were just able to stay away, but she simply couldn't, but she tried her best to shield her from the worst of it, then. And when she had found her on that island, there had been darkness in her already. She had begged her not to join, because she was afraid that the darkness might consume her. But each and every day that passed, she proved to her that she was still the light she can hold on to.

"There was already darkness in her when I found her on that island."

"You showed her that long before."

"I loved her. If I hadn't, she would have died on that island."

"She wouldn't have been on that island."

"Are you certain of that?"

It wasn't much to convince Laurel as to convince herself. As much as she denies it to herself, there is still the thought that maybe Sara would still be alive if she hadn't met her. She wouldn't have been dragged to that dangerous life of hers. But she can't imagine that life. They have been through so much pain together, but she could never imagine their lives apart. She would take all those pain over and over, than live a life without her. Then again, she's gone now. Sara's gone.

Later, they tracked down Merlyn's whereabouts through the information they gathered at Sara's warehouse. They found and fought him, but he was able to escape. Nyssa was furious that Oliver didn't even try to kill him, and was even more when she found out that they had talked and he doesn't believe that he had killed Sara.

After finding out that Oliver's sister, Thea, is Merlyn's daughter, Nyssa kidnapped her to lure him out. During her encounter with Merlyn, he planted the idea that it was her own father who could have had Sara killed. He never approved of their relationship, she knew that. But for her to do that to Sara? She was one of them. He wouldn't.

Oliver refused to kill Malcolm, and stated that he would not allow the League of Assassins to come near him. Angered, Nyssa shared her thoughts to Laurel and encouraged her in her training before she left Starling City.

"He doesn't deserve that after what he did to Sara."

She informed her father of the events that had transpired, who assure her that Malcolm Merlyn would face justice. But when Ra's al Ghul stated that Sara 'was never truly one of them', her belief in Malcolm's guilt seemed to waver. And when she mentioned Oliver's intent to protect Malcolm, Ra's declared war.

Nyssa arrived back at Starling, calling out for Oliver. He has to give her Malcolm Merlyn or people in his city will die. Oliver then said that he had killed Sara when she begged him to because she hadn't wanted to go back to the league, and Malcolm Merlyn took no part in it. Nyssa was in much disbelief about it. She knew that Sara had made peace with coming back to the League. She couldn't believe that she would ask anyone to take her life for that.

After admitting to the crime Nyssa knew he didn't commit, Oliver challenged Ra's al Ghul to a duel, which her father accepted. She didn't know what was really going on, though she was sure that Malcolm Merlyn had a hand in everything that was happening. She had told Oliver that she envied him, because he would be able to see Sara again soon.

Nyssa was present during the duel on the mountain. She wanted to stop because it was supposed to be Malcolm Merlyn fighting for his life. She knew deep down that it had to be him who has to suffer, but her father had accepted the duel. As per League rules, they are to fight to death, and she cannot interfere in that. Oliver had gotten himself in that.

Nate was with her through out, but it was as if he wasn't there. Nyssa barely registered his presence. After Oliver had been mortally wounded and thrown off the side of the mountain, it was only then that Nyssa gave herself a time to breathe. And it was only then she noticed Nate's unusual demeanor. He was too quiet. She hadn't noticed because she was too consumed with the loss of her beloved. She realized that not even once had he come to talk to her. During such times, like the times Sara had left her, he was there to say something, anything. But he was different then. It was like he was brooding in self-loathing.

"What's the matter with you, Al-Hami?" She said as the worry set in, but she got no response. He just stared out at nothing, and Nyssa could see the darkness clawing deep inside of him. She can't lose him as well. He'd been the one there to help her keep herself together. If need be, she would do it for him.

"Sara would not want you to wallow in despair."

"She's dead, Nyssa. She died thinking that I was mad at her. I let my pain get in between our friendship. She died thinking I was not her friend. And I can't fix it anymore. I let her think I was angry with her. I should have accepted her apology and apologized myself. But I can't do that anymore. I even got in the way of the two of you. I know you still love her. You would always love her. And I took the time you two could have had. And I can't give it back. She's gone. Sara's gone. And I can't do anything." He was trembling in rage that was directed to himself.

Nyssa could then see why he was so distant.

"She knew you were still friends and that you just needed time. She cared for you, Nathaniel, as you did for her. You were never in the way of us. If I had wanted to be with her at that time, I would have. Even you wouldn't have stopped me. But we were right where we needed to be. You are a very important person to the both us, and we would never have held any of that against you. But you got to stop this. Yes, she's gone. But we can honor her and avenge her death."

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