Beauty Beyond Clear Blue Skies

Max was doing laps in the pool early in the morning at school. She was surprised when she resurfaced. She found Nyssa standing by the edge of the pool waiting for her with a towel in hand. Max took the towel and wrapped it around her sleek body.

"Hey. Thanks."

Max waited for Nyssa to say something as she went to fix her things.

"I know Sara has probably talked to you already about the group studying. I hope you take no offense on it. It's just that I don't really do that kind of thing."

Max looked at Nyssa curiously as she toweled off her hair.

"But you do it with Sara because you owe her."


"Okay. Nothing to worry about anyway. Got talking to Rebecca and she offered to teach me. She's kind of a chemistry nerd."

"Yes, she is." Nyssa smiled as she remembered the times she and Rebecca would study and Rebecca would just scoff at her chemistry works.

Nyssa was on her way out when Max called out to her again.

"Hey! Rebecca and I are hanging out this Saturday. I haven't asked Sara, but would you like to come with us?"

Nyssa thought for a moment which made Max nervous that she would refuse.

"Sure. I'll be there."

Max bit her lips together to stop the goofy grin that was forming.


"By the way, we're going out on Saturday. You, me, Becca, and Nyssa."

Sara and Max were at the cafeteria line getting their food.

"Really?" Sara was surprised at the arrangement.

"Yeah. Rebecca asked me if I...we want to hang out, and I said sure." Max shrugged her shoulders for emphasis as they looked for empty seats.

"So, she and Nyssa are going and they invited us?"

"Technically, Becca invited me. I said I'll bring you along, then Nyssa talked to me, I ended up inviting her. Already told Becca."

Before Sara could answer, she was tripped by someone, making her drop her tray and falling on the floor.

The guys at the table snickered finding it funny, obviously one of them did it.

Max offered Sara a hand to get up, but Sara didn't take it, instead she knelt down and picked up the remnants of her fallen tray.

"What the hell's your problem?" Max shouted at the guy.

"You should watch where you're going."

"You did that on purpose."

The guy got up and stood face to face with Max.

"Can you prove it?" He challenged.

"Back off, man." Nate was suddenly standing next to the guy. "They didn't do anything to you."

The guy then turned to Nate and shoved him a little. "So, you're friends with these bitches now, Nate?"

"Oh just shut up!"

Annoyed, the other guy pushed Nate hard that made him trip on one of the chairs to make him fall on his ass.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Nate tried to get up, but by the time he did, a strong arm was holding him off before he lept at the guy. He saw Alec with a stern face holding him.

"Not worth it."

Nyssa then walked past Nate and Alec. She knelt down in front of Sara, who stopped picking things up when Nate fell.

"Are you alright?" Nyssa looked straight into Sara's eyes. She saw embarrasment there, but Sara nodded okay, so she let it pass for now.

She helped Sara to her feet then turned to the guy. Sara reached out for Nyssa's hand trying to stop her.

"Nyssa, no."

She wasn't planning on doing anything rash, but it helped keep her calm.

"You're lucky I had him held off."

The guy scoffed. "He can't take me. Even you can't. You gonna shoot me with those arrows of yours? "

Nyssa gave him a grim smile and a deadly stare. "Don't test me."

"I ain't scared of you."

It was Alec who answered next. "You should be."

"Take him." Nyssa said to Alec referring to Nate.

"Sure. I'm getting quite fond of this ugly fellow."

"I'll be fine." Nate protested, but Alec dragged him off.

"You don't argue with Nyssa. She's looking out for you. If I left you there, you'll get beat up by the time I get out the door."

Nyssa and Max took Sara to the bathroom to clean her up. Sara had scraped her hand a little when she fell, and got some food on her clothes. Nyssa tended to her hand, while Max tried to wipe off the stains. Sara just sat by the sink and let them.

"Do you have an extra shirt? I can't get the stains out."

"I think I have one in the locker room."

"Okay, I'll get it."

Max rushed out the bathroom, leaving Nyssa carefully washing Sara's scraped hand.

"How did you get this?"

"I'm not sure."

Nyssa then patted Sara's hand dry. She looked at her carefully, then lifted her chin to make her look at her eye to eye.

"I'm okay." Sara said weakly as she tried to look away.

Surprising Sara and herself, Nyssa leaned in and gave her a light kiss on the cheek, just a brush away from the lips. When she pulled back, she saw the sheer astonishment on Sara's face and the blush creeping in on it.

"What was that for?"

Nyssa let go of Sara's chin and took both of her hands, that was laying on top of Sara's lap, in hers. She looked solemnly deep into her eyes and smiled.

"I thought you might need it."

Sara smiled back.

They both looked by the door, when Max entered, and didn't even think to pull apart.

Max looked at each one of them, their linked hands, then back. She felt like she was intruding on something, but she proceeded to hand Sara her shirt.



Sara took the shirt with one hand, the other still holding onto Nyssa. She turned back to Nyssa and hesitated a little before saying, "I'll just go change."


Sara slipped her hand away from Nyssa's and went into a stall to change.

Max carefully examined Nyssa with a steady gaze, which didn't go unnoticed by Nyssa.

"Is there something you want to say?" Nyssa said without even looking. She was staring blankly at the door of the stall Sara was in.

"Nothing." Max replied and kept to herself her own thoughts that she definitely has to do something before she loses all her hope with Nyssa, because she could see whatever it is that is going on between Nyssa and Sara in bound to get somewhere. She needs to do something while nothing serious is going on between them. She knew she could just be being paranoid, but the way they look at each other, hold each other's hands, linger on every moment together, she can't help it. She should at least give the matter with Nyssa a try. Soon.

Sara went out of the stall with her stained shirt in hand, still feeling a bit embarrassed, but she tried to force a smile.

"Thanks. I know that I must be a bother to the both of you by now, especially to you, Nyssa. I appreciate you being here with me."

"Bother?! Who the hell do you think I am? I'm not some random kid lending you a hand! I'm your freaking best friend! You're never a bother to me, so cut that out!"

Max raised her voice a little, feeling hurt and offended by Sara's words. Then, she looked at Sara and softened her disposition.

"Come her." Max pulled Sara in a hug wanting to comfort and protect her friend. "Never think that, okay?"

Sara nodded her head in response.

"I guess I'll go ahead now. You'll be okay?" Nyssa interrupted. She wanted to stay by her side, but knew she shouldn't.

"Yes. Thank you, Nyssa. We'll still study later, right?"

"Of course, if that's what you'd like, but I'll just meet you there."

"I'll drive her home later." Max suggested, thinking it would give her time to talk to her friend to get her thoughts out and preoccupy Sara's.

"Yes. I think that's best. I'll see you later." Nyssa walked up to Sara again and lifter her chin to make her look at her, but Sara diverted her gaze elsewhere.

"Smile, Sara." When all it got her was a sigh, she added, "for me?"

And a small smile did bloom on Sara's lips, then looked Nyssa in the eye.

"Thank you." Nyssa smiled in return before she headed off.


Time flew by for both Nyssa and Sara. All Nyssa could think of was how would she comfort Sara to see a bright smile back on her face.

She let out her frustration in a sweaty sparring with Alec. Throwing and receiving blow after blow. She couldn't get the sadness she saw in Sara's eyes out of her mind; she didn't notice that she had beaten Alec unconscious to the ground, until Nate pulled her off him and she almost swung a fist at him for even daring to do so.

"Sorry." Nyssa's chest was heaving and she wiped some of the sweat pouring on her forehead with the back of her hand.

"It's okay." Nate was dumbfoundedly staring at Alec's unconscious form.

"Don't worry about him. He'll be fine."

Nate looked at Nyssa, quite astonished by what she did.

"Oh. Not worried about him even a little. Amazed that he's still breathing after what you did to him though. And it's good to see him like that sometimes. He seems...harmless." He grinned at Nyssa and Alec's lying body.

"Yes. It appears so." Nyssa took the water Nate handed her and downed half the bottle. She grabbed a towel and wiped at the sweat dripping out of her skin.

"I would like to drive you home." Nate was standing nervously and was a bit surprised with what he had blurted out, but it's out there, and he actually does want to do it. It would give him some time with her.

"I'm not going home yet after this. I'd be heading to Sara's."

"I'll drive you there. Please."

Nyssa wanted to decline, but the pleading look on him as if he didn't just want it but needed it, made her say yes.

"I'll just take a quick shower."

Nate was anxiously waiting for Nyssa by his car. He left the gym the moment Nyssa went for the showers. He didn't want to be there alone when Alec wakes up. He might get beat up if ever the other guy wakes up in a foul mood.

He opened the car door for Nyssa to get in when she arrived outside.

Nyssa cautiously slid into the passenger seat, then Nate quickly strided to the driver's side. They pulled out of the parking lot in silence with only the low hum of the air-conditioning heard in the background.

Nate looked over at Nyssa, who was looking out the window. He wondered what thoughts would occupy the mind of such a person. What would put the longingness in the eyes of a person with such strong character?

"How's Sara, by the way?"

Nyssa took a huge breath of air in before answering.

"She's tough. She'll be alright."

"I really wish you hadn't stopped me."

"You couldn't have taken him. And the other guys would have ganged up on you, if you had."

"At least I wouldn't feel so useless and pathetic."

Nyssa's head snapped to look at him and saw how bad Nate was feeling.

"That wouldn't have avhieved anything and would have only gotten you in trouble. I don't take back what I did. But know that you standing up to that guy like that is much appreciated."

"Sorry about them. I don't know what on earth's wrong with them."

"Why are you friends with them?"

"I don't know. It's just the way it is, I guess. Being on the same team and all."

"You might be on the same team, but it doesn't mean that you should be friends."

Nate looked at Nyssa and back at the road. He knew she had a point, but he couldn't help but feel that he is one of them.

"I know what you're thinking. You're not like them, Nathaniel. You're better, so do better."

"Can I just tag along with you and Alec then?"

He gave Nyssa a wistful smile which she returned with her own.

"It's fine by me. I just don't know with Alec."

"I think I'm growing on him...and on you."

Nyssa shifted in her seat a little, preparing herself for where the conversation was heading.

"Yeah, I guess."

"I told you I'll change your mind. And be honest, I am getting there."

"About that..."

Nate braced himself for the rejection that he knew was coming.

"You are turning out to be quite different from what I had assumed you to be, and I do enjoy your company from time to time, but this won't be going anywhere. There won't be anything more between us."

"Is there another guy? There has to be another guy for you not to be interested in me, if you're saying those things. Or I'm just full of myself to even assume that I can convince you."

"There is no other guy."

"So it's just me. I'm not exactly what you're looking for."

"As a manner of speaking, yes. To tell you the truth, it's not just that I'm not interested in you, well in any guy for that matter. I'm actually more interested in women."

The admission had caught Nate off guard that he had almost swerved to a lamp post.


Nyssa had expected a reaction such as that, but still didn't know what to say in return, since she had never really said it out loud to anyone. Nonetheless, she decided to continue telling him the truth.

"I've never actually admitted that to anyone. I never thought that I have to explain myself to anyone. Explain who I am.  I don't care what others think of me. But you, you're like...a friend. And I think you deserve to know."

Nate just looked straight on at the road ahead, trying to digest the information and contemplating on how to respond to it.

Nyssa didn't want care about what Nate would think, but somehow, it means something. She really does have considered him a friend. A luxury she had denied herself of, because it is also a weakness for someone like her. She just hopes he would understand. If he doesn't, she would be disappointed, but she will accept it. At least she wouldn't have to worry about him being a part of her life.

Nate didn't speak for a while. His face painted with frustrated confusion, then it relaxed a little with a sigh, and broke into a smile.

"That's quite something. I thought you were going to tell me some shit that I'm just not good enough or whatever. But that's...yeah, something."

He took a quick glance at Nyssa and saw that she was smiling as well. She was glad that he was taking it well.

"So, I guess I've never really had a chance, huh? What if I was a girl? Would it have had a difference?"

"I don't know. Maybe, if you were pretty and not so full of yourself like the first time I met you."

Nate laughed. He was glad that even though he doesn't have any chance with Nyssa, he knew that they could be good friends. And he knew it would be interesting.

"I think I'll be pretty."

"See, I told you, you're full of yourself."

And they both ended up laughing. Nyssa also thought the same about them being friends. She already feels that she could trust him, which isn't something easy for her to do.

"Hey. Why don't we stop by for some ice cream? I really could use some. A great way to cool off and take the edge off the day."

He knew that she might be considering it, but he also knew that she already had  plans. He continued on, when Nyssa didn't say anything.

"We won't eat there. Just buy some. Maybe you could buy some for Sara. It would sure make her feel better."

With the mention of Sara's name, Nate saw a glint of light in Nyssa's eyes. And right then, he knew that there may not be another guy, but there definitely is someone else.

"Sure. I think that'll be great."


Max and Sara arrived at Sara's place after a long quiet drive. Max was worried about her. She had looked a bit glum all day. Max had offered to grab some pizza or ice cream before they left school, but Sara refused and just sat quietly at the passenger seat of her car, while distantly looking out the window.

They entered the house and went straight to the kitchen, where Sara plopped herself down on one of the chairs by the counter, while Max rummaged through the cupboards to get some glasses and went to get some juice from the fridge, feeling quite at home.

"So, what's the deal with you? You don't normally let those things get to you." Max poured juice into the glasses and handed one to Sara.

"I don't know. Getting tired of it, I guess. Can we not talk about it?"

Max looked closely at her sulking friend and decided that it was better to just talk about something else.

"Can I ask you something?"

Sara didn't answer, but Max took it as a sign to continue. She took a deep breath as she gathered courage for what she was about to say.

"Do you like Nyssa?"

Sara swiftly whipped her head up to stare at Max, wondering where did that all come from all of a sudden.

"Of course, she's great!"

Sara stated as if she had been asked the most absurd question she has ever heard.

"No. I mean, do you LIKE her?" Max repeated, giving more emphasis on the word 'like' as if that would stress her point.

"Where are you getting at?"

Sara deflected, not know what to answer to the question herself.

Max started pacing back and forth, trying to figure out how to tell her friend what was on her mind.

"Remember that I promised to tell you about the person I really like?"

Sara didn't say anything and just nodded in response, still a bit confused where it was heading.

"The truth is..." Max let out a breath that she hadn't realized she was holding and looked directly at Sara. "I like Nyssa."

Sara was stunned. She didn't know how to respond to Max's revelation.

Max took her lack of response negatively, and she also kept quiet while fidgeting.

"Really?" Sara finally said. "Nyssa?"

"I kind of have had a crush on her for a year or so."


"Are you mad?"

"Mad?! I'm pissed!! Sara raised her voice that made Max cringe. "How could you keep something like that from me?! You preach about being best friend and all, yet you're the one keeping vital information!!"

Sara was steaming a bit, but Max was relieved. She thought she was mad about her liking Nyssa, but it was only because she didn't tell her. It was still a big deal, but it's easier to get over with, as long as you tell her everything now.

When Sara had finally calmed down, she smiled and said, "Now, tell me all about it."

Max told her about the story they first met by the pool. How it was like. How it made her feel. And about all the other encounters she had with Nyssa, whether when she was with Sara or not.

By the end of the stories, Sara's eyes were filled with amusement she could barely contain. She was happy for her and was glad that she finally told her. It was like seeing her friens in a new light. Max had never seemed the gushing type over anyone, but when she was talking about Nyssa and had finally let her guard down, Sara could see that maybe she was, even a little.

"So when you asked me if you could study with Nyssa..." Sara left the statement hanging.

"Sort of. You know I really need help in studying, but spending some time with her would have beena great plus."

Sara then boomed out laughing, and Max followed suit.

Nyssa had heard their loud laughter even before she reached the front door of Sara's house, and it made her smile, knowing that Sara must be feeling better now. She knocked and the laughter stopped. The two girls stared at each other like they were about to be caught doing something bad.

"That must be Nyssa."

They both smiled and were laughing again, when Sara got up and went to get the door.

"Hi!" She beamed at Nyssa and held the door open to let her in.

They went to the kitchen to find Max cleaning up and gathering her things.

"Hey, Nyssa."


"I gotta go ahead."

Sara was biting back a smile, knowing that Max was trying to avoid the confrontation, especially after what he had just confessed.

"I bought some ice cream. Please join us."

Nyssa took out the small tubs of ice cream she bought.

"Yeah. Even just for ice cream." Sara's tone had a hint of teasing, which got her a threatening look from Max.

"Really can't, but since you offered, maybe I'll just take one. Ooh! Choco chip cookie dough."

She grabbed it and thanked Nyssa before walking away.

'I'm going to talk to her.' Sara mouthed off to her before she got out the door.

"What was that about?"


"Okay. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Yeah, I am. What else do you have?"

"Mint choco chip and brownie fudge."

"You bought a lot."

"Didn't know what you like. I almost bought every flavor they had."

Sara laughed imagining Nyssa in the ice cream store relentlessly pondering on what flavor to buy.

"Nate said these were really good."

"You were with him?"

"Yeah. He drove me here. Let's start?"

Sara didn't know what to feel especially for her friend. She just grabbed a bowl and two spoons, then scooped up some ice cream to the bowl.

"Thank you for bringing this. It's soothing."

They were seated on Sara's bed with books all around, and were eating the ice cream. Well, mostly just Sara.

"It's nothing. Can you hand me your chemistry?"

Sara handed it to Nyssa. She then took a spoonful and offered it to Nyssa.

"Here. I've been eating almost the entire thing."

Nyssa was reaching out to get the spoon from Sara, but Sara insisted on her doing it. Nyssa hesitated a bit, but opened her mouth so Sara could feed her the ice cream. She could feel a knot forming in her stomach because of the small sweet gesture. She ignored it and went back to opening the book.

She flipped through the pages and found a paper stuck in it with Sara's name written on the outside.

"Do you know that there's a note here for you?"

Sara's eyes went wide in excitement, she had almost forgotten about those things.

Nyssa handed it to her. She thought for a moment and asked Nyssa to read it to her, which she obliged.

Sara Lance,

You're beautiful. You may not know it, but you are
You're the most amazing person I know by far
Your adventurous spirit intrigue me the most
But beside all you can do, you dare not boast

Your eyes, oh those precious eyes
Captures so much beauty beyond the clear blue skies
They're all I can think of day and night
As wonderful and stunning as the stars shining bright

These words, this poem, they're not enough to capture the sense of your beauty
It would take a lifetime to do that fairly
I hope this simple gesture would make you smile
It would make all my efforts worth while


While Nyssa was reading the poem, Sara couldn't help but get captivated by the way she was saying those words. She had drifted off and hand imagined Nyssa putting down the paper and driven by the emotion radiating from the poem, had grabbed her and kissed her. The kiss was fierce and passionate. Her lips parted, offering entrance for Nyssa's tongue. Then...


Nyssa had finished reading and was still seated at the other side of the bed opposite her.

Sara blushed.

"Wow. That was..."

She didn't know what to say. She had barely heard anything Nyssa was reading after she started daydreaming of them kissing.

"Beautiful." Nyssa finished for her. "Like you. And just for you."

Sara was feeling breathless with the way Nyssa was looking at her. She put the bowl she was holding aside and also took the note and book from Nyssa.

"I don't feel like studying today."

Sara sat herself between Nyssa's legs and leaned her head back on her shoulders. She grabbed Nyssa's hands and wrapped them around her, but she could still feel the stiffness of Nyssa's posture.

"Relax. I can't, if you don't."

Nyssa's body slowly relaxed and was surprised by the way Sara's body fits with hers.

"Tell me about something."

"About what?"


Nyssa thought for a good story to tell. She remembered one that her father had always told her of when she was little.

Halfway through the story, Nyssa noticed that Sara had fallen fast asleep. She stayed there, not wanting to disturb the beautiful girl she was holding in her arms.

Sara was having a dream. Nyssa was lying on top of her, looking deep into her eyes and then was kissing her. Slow and tender. Her hands were also on her. On the back of her neck to deepen the kiss, and on her hip gently caressing the exposed skin between her top and shorts. She moaned which gave Nyssa the opening to push her tongue in. There was no battle for dominance. It was like a sweet sensual dance in her mouth.

Nyssa's hand was gently moving up and down her side. It would stop by the side of her breast and gently caressed it there and then move back down to her hip and thigh. Everywhere she touches were sending intense heat through her body.

Sara was moaning in her sleep, which was doing so much to Nyssa to stir her desires. If she doesn't stop her and wake her, she might end up grabbing her for herself.

"Sara. Sara. Wake up."

Sara stirred a little and opened her eyes. Her heart was still racing after that dream. She can't believe she was having that dream. About Nyssa. She felt her heart go faster, if it was even possible. And she felt her cheeks heat up.

"Sorry. I must be very tired."

"It's alright. It was kind of nice to watch you sleep. You seemed so relaxed and peaceful." Nyssa could see Sara's flushed cheeks and feel her heart pounding, and wasn't able to resist to tease. "And you also seemed like you were enjoying it."

Sara raised her brow in question of what she meant.

"You were moaning."

Her face then went red and her eyes wide in embarrassment and horror.

Nyssa slipped out from behind her and off the bed.

"It's getting late. I should go. Rest, Sara."

Sara thought and decided that she wouldn't let her leave like that. She wouldn't be the only one sleeping restlessly that night.

"Nyssa, wait."

Nyssa turned back and before she knew it, Sara was holding the side of her face and was kissing her on the lips. She then placed her hands on both sides of Sara's hip. And they stood there unmoving for what seemed like forever, but was just really a couple of seconds.

Nyssa pulled back and just rested her forehead on Sara's with their eyes still closed, not trusting that she'd be able to stop herself if it continued. Even if it was just a simple touch of the lips that lasted a couple of seconds.

"What was that for?"

"To light up the darkness of your dreams."

They both smiled, and when they opened their eyes to find the other's staring back, they realized that it was much harder to pull back from than the kiss they shared.

Nyssa used all her strength and control to do just that, after she placed a light kiss on Sara's lips.

"Goodnight, Sara."

"Goodnight, Nyssa."

When Sara plopped down on her bed with her head still spinning from what had just happened and what her thoughts were going, she saw her phone blinking. There was a text. From Max.

So, did you tell her?

Sara couldn't help but feel bad about her thoughts and actions. It was totally uncalled for, especially after her friend had just told her that she had feelings for the person she was just kissing and erotically dreaming about.

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