Chapter 95- Cynthia Rescues Kozak
Inspirational quote: If you're ever feeling down... Just know that there's someone out there in the world that's pushing a door that says pull.
"Okay, Dr Kozak... You can stop hugging me now..."
Cynthia Rose and Dr Kozak were locked up in Diana's basement, with Dr Kozak still hugging Cynthia Rose for what felt like ten hours but was really only about two minutes.
Cynthia Rose didn't mind the hug, at first, but after she realised how long it had lasted for she started to slightly become irritated.
"Dr Kozak...." She told him, tapping him everywhere.
"Dr K, you can stop hugging me now!" Cynthia Rose screeched, which was when Dr Kozak stopped and just stared at her.
"Sorry about that. Everyone seemed to be against me for killing them, except you."
Cynthia Rose just beamed at him.
"It's fine, and don't worry. I liked the hug."
Dr Kozak just raised an eyebrow up at her in return because he was genuinely so confused.
"If you liked it then why did you start yelling at me to stop hugging you?"
"Because I couldn't breathe!" Cynthia Rose answered, hyperventilating.
"Oh. Well, sorry again. I guess." Dr Kozak replied, sitting down right next to her.
Cynthia Rose didn't say anything as she went to go and get something from the fridge which hadn't been used in nine years, however, for some reason the foods in the fridge were still okay.
She then brought something out of the fridge and placed it on the table in front of Dr Kozak, with two knives and forks as well.
"Raspberry cheesecake?" She offered, which was when Dr Kozak screamed his head off, stood up and defended himself with the chair that he was currently sitting on.
"What? No! Get that away from me!"
Cynthia Rose just stared at him blankly, slightly perplexed on why Dr Kozak was just suddenly acting like this.
This was not like Dr Kozak at all.
"Are you feeling okay, sir? You're acting real strange."
"I'm not acting strange, I'm allergic to raspberries, and like I said, get that raspberry cheesecake away from me."
Cynthia Rose just blinked at him once before saying anything else.
"Ohhh. You're allergic to raspberries! I didn't know that. Sorry."
Dr Kozak silently watched Cynthia Rose return the raspberry cheesecake in the fridge, remaining silent and not saying anything for a short amount of time.
Dr Kozak: *drums his hand on the table casually, still intently watching Cynthia Rose* Hey, Cynthia Rose?
Cynthia Rose: *heads back to table with lemonade for both her and Dr Kozak* Yeah?
Dr Kozak: *Avoids the lemonade* You know when you said that I "inspire" you, for some crazy reason?
Cynthia Rose: *Doesn't entirely know how to respond* Yeah... What about that?
Dr Kozak: *Looks everywhere but at Cynthia's face, Cynthia is doing the opposite* Well... It feels kind of weird saying this but it's the truth. You kinda inspire me too.
Cynthia Rose: *eyes widen and smiles* I inspire you? Really?!
Dr Kozak just stared at her.
Dr Kozak: Well, yeah, if you never inspired me then would I be telling you right now that you did? And I'm sure if it was a joke, I would have told you by now, right?
He had a point.
Cynthia Rose: *nods head in agreement* Yeah you have a point.
Cynthia Rose: So how do I inspire you? I'm basically your arch nemesis' daughter. And you hate your arch nemesis.
Hate wasn't even the right word. He wanted to kill her. Even if she did look really nice today. Holographically, anyway.
Dr Kozak: Hey. Just because I hate your mother doesn't mean I hate you. And I don't hate you, Cynthia Rose. Never have and never will.
Cynthia Rose: What about my brother?
Dr Kozak: I have mixed feelings about your brother Martinez. Just like I have mixed feelings about Kieran.
Cynthia Rose: Mainly positive or negative?
Dr Kozak: I mean... I don't like your brother but at the same time I guess I can tolerate him. Just like Kieran.
Cynthia Rose: Don't worry. I don't really like Martinez either and *gasps* you don't like Kieran?
Dr Kozak: *rolls his eyes* I don't not like Kieran... I just wouldn't classify me and Kieran as "friends".... He gets on my nerves quite a lot especially when he eavesdrops or gets jealous. But he's nice and his handwriting is amazing.
Cynthia Rose: That doesn't sound like something Kieran would do. And yeah I've seen Kieran's handwriting. Really neat.
Dr Kozak: Yeah well, you don't know Kieran well enough, Cynthia Rose. He does eavesdrop and gets jealous really easily. But let's not talk about Kieran behind his back. Doesn't seem or feel right.
Cynthia Rose: *pretty much over the moon now, practically dancing in her seat* So... How do I inspire you?
Dr Kozak: How do you inspire me?
Cynthia: Yes. *shakes Dr Kozak* Tell me.
Dr Kozak: *says this once he has commanded Cynthia to stop shaking him* Okay, okay. Jeez. You inspire me by staying happy and positive even when things are going the opposite way. Because I've realised. You are a happy person quite a lot.
Cynthia Rose smiled for about two seconds but then stopped smiling, and remained like that for the rest of the conversation. Dr Kozak noticed this.
Dr Kozak: *waves his sprained right hand right in front of Cynthia Rose's face*
Cynthia Rose: Why are you doing that?
Dr Kozak ended up avoiding her question completely.
Dr Kozak: *stares at her blankly, Cynthia is blinking continuously* You okay?
Cynthia Rose: Yes. I'm fine. Why?
Dr Kozak: Because I just watched your majestic smile turn into a solemn frown.
Cynthia Rose just remained frowning.
Dr Kozak: Hey, look, is something bothering you?
Cynthia Rose: Yeah. Kind of.
Dr Kozak: Well, would you like to talk to me about it?
Cynthia Rose: I don't think you'd understand... But I might tell you later if I feel like it.
Dr Kozak: Oh. Okay.
Then a monotonous silence filled the basement for a while because neither Dr Kozak or Cynthia Rose knew what to say next.
Dr Kozak: So, Cynthia... What brings you here?
Cynthia: *is discombobulated yet slightly laughs* Dude, I live here.
Dr Kozak: Yes, I know that, but I meant what brings you to the basement? I thought that this basement was a booby trap that your brother Martinez and/or your mother didn't want in your *air quotes* house" *air quotes end*
Cynthia: I came here to rescue you.
Dr Kozak: *half surprised* You came here to rescue me?
Cynthia Rose nodded, still frowning.
Dr Kozak: *stands up and wears his light purple sleeveless hoodie all over again* Look, kid, I think that's nice but you can't rescue me.
Cynthia Rose: Why not?
Dr Kozak: I believe Esperanza told you this but I'll tell you again... This is a mission. You can't help me. I could get disqualified. I'm sorry, Cynthia Rose but you might have to leave.
Cynthia Rose: *half annoyed* So I came here for nothing, basically?
Dr Kozak didn't say anything major, just scanned Cynthia up and down, especially her eyes.
Dr Kozak: I don't know why but you kinda look like you're about to cry.
Cynthia Rose: I'm not about to cry.
Dr Kozak: Well, you seem like you're really mad at me.
Cynthia Rose: I'm not mad at you. Don't worry.
Dr Kozak looked unconvinced. So because of this he refused to say something to reply back to what Cynthia Rose had said.
Cynthia Rose: See. This is the problem.
Dr Kozak: *sits back down again once she says that* Why? What's the problem?
Cynthia: It depends. Can I rant to you?
Dr Kozak: *nods vigorously* You can rant to me about anything, Cynthia Rose.
Cynthia Rose smiled faintly at him before saying anything else.
Cynthia: Really?
Dr Kozak: *smiles at her* The smile meant yes by the way.
Cynthia Rose couldn't say anything without sounding stupid.
Dr Kozak: So... What's the problem then, Cynthia Rose?
Cynthia Rose: It's quite long. I just don't feel like it would get your full attention.
Dr Kozak: Well you obviously haven't met me... But what's the problem though? I'm getting slightly impatient.
Cynthia Rose: *sighs in frustration, no words coming out of her mouth*
Dr Kozak: *slightly concerned* I'm becoming kinda low key worried now... Cynthia Rose, are you sure you're okay?
Cynthia Rose nodded.
Dr Kozak: So are you going to tell me the problem or not?
Cynthia Rose: I will.
Dr Kozak: Okay then. Speak. I'm listening to you every step of the way.
And with saying that, Dr Kozak stared at Cynthia's eyes the whole time, not taking his eyes off of hers once as she spoke, Cynthia Rose doing the same thing to him about 90% of the time.
Cynthia Rose: I've never really told anyone this before because I just don't feel like anyone would understand but I feel really invisible in this world. Anytime I ask someone if they need help with something, they always shoo me away or pretend like I don't exist. It really drives me crazy. People are always saying things about me behind my back or talking rubbish about me, and what they say isn't always true but people still believe it anyway. When I'm nice to people, they're always rude back to me and try their best to make me suffer, like Esperanza, who hates me a lot, for some reason, when I haven't even really done anything. Worst of all, it's like I'm better off dead because all I do is just to cause havoc in this world. Maybe the world is better off without me being here to mess everything up. Dr Kozak I really don't know why I'm ranting to you right now, you're a millionaire, you probably won't understand a word of what I'm saying but that's fine. I'm leaving.
And when Cynthia was about to go that was when Dr Kozak held her hand and practically squeezed it, bringing her back.
Dr Kozak: *is still technically squeezing her hand* Wait. No. Cynthia. Don't leave. Come back.
Cynthia: *sits down next to him again* Why shouldn't I leave?
Dr Kozak: Because, believe it or not, that long speech you just said there was actually really meaningful to me. Also Esperanza shouldn't really be treating you like that.. I know it's her birthday today and all that but that doesn't mean that she should treat other people unfairly, like you. I'll talk to her privately later on today when I get the chance to actually see her.
Cynthia Rose: You're probably just saying that it's meaningful to you to make me feel better.
Dr Kozak: *shakes Cynthia for three seconds and then stops* No. I actually meant it. Every word that you just said in that speech, I felt the same way, Cynthia Rose.
Cynthia Rose: But you're a millionaire. Why would you feel the same way as me, Dr Kozak?
Dr Kozak: Cynthia, just because I'm a millionaire does not automatically mean that I'm a happy person with a happy life. Because I'm not. And I'm trying to tell you that I always feel invisible as well, believe it or not, and I feel like the world is better off with me dead as well. Seriously. You're not alone. Thanks for telling me that.
Cynthia Rose didn't say anything, just kind of cried and then hugged Dr Kozak for understanding.
Dr Kozak: Oh and can I have your autograph as well?
Cynthia Rose nodded as she watched Dr Kozak bring out that same razzmatazz notebook he used to take notes when talking to Esperanza and gave it to her.
She signed it which was when Dr Kozak smiled at her, putting it away.
Dr Kozak: *checks his watch whilst standing up at the same time* Crud. I've only got 50 minutes until the mission is over. Come with me. You're going to help me out of here.
He walked forwards to the stairs that led to the end of the basement, Cynthia Rose following him.
Cynthia Rose: *Dr Kozak is squeezing her hand, as she follows him* But you literally just said that I shouldn't help you otherwise you'd get disqualified. I want to help you though, it makes me happy helping people but you said that I can't.
Dr Kozak: Yeah, well I'd rather see you happy than getting disqualified in the mission.
Cynthia Rose smiled.
Dr Kozak: And hey, if no one treats you fairly, then just know that I always will. Honestly, Cynthia Rose. If you ever need anything just come to me. I say that to people I trust, which hasn't been anyone... Yet. Except you.
Dr Kozak smiled at her one more time which was when Cynthia Rose smiled even more, not saying anything.
Cynthia: That's literally the nicest thing that's anyone has ever said to me! Thank you so much! *hugs Dr Kozak again*
Dr Kozak: You're welcome, now how the heck do you get out of here?
Cynthia Rose: And are you sure you won't get disqualified? I'll feel really bad if you did.
Dr Kozak: Doesn't matter. Making and seeing you happy is more important than me getting disqualified in this mission. Just tell me how to get out.
Cynthia Rose interlocked her arm with Dr Kozak's as she pointed somewhere and told Dr Kozak to go there.
Dr Kozak: You sure?
Cynthia Rose: Wait. No. Kieran and Esperanza went that way and they got booby trapped. Take the opposite way.
Dr Kozak: *goes up stairs* Okay. Thanks.
Cynthia Rose: Oh, and Dr Kozak?
Dr Kozak: *comes back down but not completely* Yeah, Cynthia Rose?
Cynthia Rose: If anyone asks you how you got out of here, do not say it was me, okay? My mum will literally kill me if she finds out that I'm helping you get out of this basement. And I do not want that. You know what's she's like.
Dr Kozak: *pretends to zip his mouth and casually chucks the zip away* I won't. Promise. Bye.
Cynthia Rose: Bye Dr K.
Then they both went their separate ways once and for all.
Moral of chapter: Cynthia Rose is the one of the most trustworthy characters in this entire book.
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