Inspirational quote: I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.
Okay so maybe I shouldn't have killed her after all. She was my long lost daughter. It feels weird murdering a relative. She was the first ever relative I had ever killed in my life.
Actually no. I'm glad I killed her actually. She was as annoying as hell.
Thoughts like this kept on filling Dr Kozak's mind as he stared at Lauriel's now deceased body on the floor for a long time, blood still leaking out of her.
He couldn't believe he had just killed her.
He then looked at the gun on the floor he used to kill her with, picking it up cautiously and shot her again even though she was already dead.
After killing her the second time, Dr Kozak threw the gun in the air, making it flip around a lot before he caught it.
Dr Kozak then kind of held the gun, like he was about to kill someone again but he didn't, blowing the gun and then unexpectedly kissing it.
"Whoopsies. Guess I must have just let go of my gun trigger by mistake." He muttered to himself quietly, still staring at Lauriel's deceased body in fascination, before throwing the gun away because it had ran out of bullets anyway.
He could've just bought some new bullets but he really didn't have time for that.
He had barely even made it ten steps before he stopped as Kieran was casually walking back, not clueless on what had just happened.
"What just happened?" Kieran echoed, making the whole place vibrate. Dr Kozak just stared at him, moving his eyes up and down along Kieran's face but didn't move or speak whatsoever.
"Oh hey Kieran. Didn't see ya there. You seriously don't wanna be here kid." Dr Kozak tried moving forwards except he couldn't because Kieran was blocking his pathway again making Kozak seem kind of aggravated.
He wasn't completely aggravated as his annoyance died down after he had killed Lauriel. Guess one could've said that killing her was Dr Kozak's safety valve, as in he murdered her as a result of his anger & frustration towards her.
"I heard everything that had happened... Just didn't see anything. What have you done?"
Again, Dr Kozak didn't respond. He couldn't tell anyone he had just vindictively killed Lauriel.
He only mentioned the words 'something you don't need to know' very quietly and softly for Kieran not to hear.
Kieran could tell something was up. He could feel it in his body, blood even. Dr Kozak in the meantime was looking at Kieran in annoyance.
"Hmmmm..." Kieran trailed off, trying to read Dr Kozak's mind. "If I didn't know any better sir, I think you're hiding something."
Dr Kozak just rolled his eyes before making some crazy hand gestures in which were yet to exist.
"Me? 'Hiding something'? Pfft... Why on earth would you think that, Kieran?" He answered still making some crazy hand gestures in the process as he said so as well.
"You're blushing, Dr Kozak," Kieran told him, almost frowning at him. "So you must have been up to something."
Dr Kozak stopped what he was doing mainly because he was reading Kieran's mind.
Kozak's hiding something... And I'm going to find out what it is. Whether he likes it or not.
None of them had said anything after that. Kieran tried to get past Dr Kozak but Dr Kozak wouldn't let him and kept on blocking his path the whole time.
Kieran then thought that it would have been a 'smart' idea to trick Kozak despite the fact that Kozak was highly intelligent, there was never usually a test he didn't get lower than 90% on and that he was about 20 years older than Kieran.
"Hey!" Kieran echoed, pointing to the farthest corner on the ceiling. "Look over there!"
Dr Kozak just stared at him blankly before grabbing his hand and smiling.
"I'm not naive or gullible kid. There's nothing there."
Kieran half heartedly groaned before continuously looking at Kozak perniciously, Dr Kozak doing the exact same thing.
Making sure that Kozak wasn't looking, Kieran swooped behind him when he wasn't fully paying attention and gasped in horror when he saw what Dr Kozak had malevolently done.
"You just killed Lauriel! Why the heck would you do that?"
Dr Kozak replied by examining his fingernails in frustration before sighing, not looking at Kieran once throughout the whole thing.
"Because I did. Problem?"
Kieran didn't say anything. He couldn't without sounding downright stupid.
"Yeah. I thought as much."
Kieran was mad at him. Who wouldn't be if they found out what Kozak had just done?
"You didn't answer my stupid question, Dr Kozak. Why on earth did you kill Lauriel?"
Dr Kozak just glanced down at the floor solemnly, not saying anything, but then remembered something that Kieran had said so therefore he commented on that....
"Kieran, if your question is so stupid then why on earth do you want me to answer it?"
Kieran groaned.
"And why I killed Lauriel? I had my reasons. She did things to me.... things I didn't like.... it's not at all what you or anyone would expect.. Lauriel did things I can't tell you or anyone else because I don't trust anyone... I didn't just kill Lauriel because I was mad at her."
Kieran frowned at him, Dr Kozak doing the same thing back.
"Yeah but why did you kill Lauriel?"
Dr Kozak nearly strangled him next.
"Kieran did you not listen to anything I just said? I can't tell you!"
There wasn't a response to that from Kieran. Instead, he was looking straight at Dr Kozak's face, his eyes even, and something about it told him that Kozak was stressed out, and in pain.
Dr Kozak realised that Kieran was looking at him directly, and when he had noticed that, he just glared at Kieran back heinously.
"Erm... Why are you staring at me like that?"
Kieran didn't say anything.
"Honestly. You're creeping me out kid. Stop looking at me like that."
Kieran blinked once, before finally saying something else.
"Dude have you been crying?"
It was highly unlikely for Dr Kozak to cry, after all, adults hardly cried, plus Kieran had never seen him cry before.
"It's possible." He stammered. "Lauriel said some pretty malevolent stuff to me about me before she..." He paused for effect " 'ceased to exist'." Again, he used air quotes for the words ceased to exist.
"So you had an argument basically." Kieran interpreted.
"Yeah." Was all Dr Kozak was bothered to say back.
"Who started it?"
Dr Kozak didn't say anything, just gave Kieran a long hard look that possibly read 'well who do you think started it, Kieran?'.
"Lauriel. Hence why she's dead. Use your brain."
Kieran tried diverting the subject a little bit again before continuing.
"I thought Lauriel said that that gun you killed her with was fake?"
Dr Kozak shook his head in disbelief.
"Realistically? She was lying. It was real. She just said that to make you feel less... Oh I don't know? Intimidated."
Instead of saying something back, Kieran walked further away from Dr Kozak and closer to Lauriel's dead body with the loss of blood, half looking like he was about to tremendously cry on her.
He then looked back at Dr Kozak again, still kneeling down and through tears he said something else.
"I knew you were a villain all along. You killed someone truly important to me. That technically makes you a villain."
Dr Kozak was meant to remain calm but he didn't, his head had practically exploded. Kieran could tell he was agitated, mainly stressed, this was because it wasn't entirely his fault on why he had to kill Lauriel.
"Oh what; so now you're making up stereotypes? Besides, I'm not a 'villain', just because I killed someone doesn't make me one either. And it kind of annoys me thinking that you think I'm a villain when you know I'm clearly not. How many times must we go through this conversation Kieran? And for the last time I killed Lauriel for a specific reason and I can't tell you what it is."
Kieran just raised an eyebrow at him and scowled at him in return.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?"
Dr Kozak lost it.
As in, physically and mentally lost it.
He brought out his phone from his pocket, before going on his photo gallery.
He then scrolled up his photo gallery to about two hours ago where he showed Kieran a photo from the normal, original version of the perilous obstacle course test.
"Kieran, you're driving me crazy. Read this."
Dr Kozak kept on moving his phone around making Kieran want to scream at him and tell him to stop but he didn't.
Instead, he had just kindly asked him to stop and give his phone to him so that he could at least read it properly.
"Do not kill any of these insects or animals unless you surely want to perish."
Then after that read another message:
Failure to oblige to these rules lead to instant death.
Kieran just stopped reading Dr Kozak's phone and looked up at him in confusion, not returning his phone back whatsoever.
"There aren't any insects or animals around?"
"I know but Lauriel killed my chicken so I killed her. That's how it works. You do not kill any of my animals during the perilous obstacle course test."
"So you killed your long lost daughter because she killed your chicken? Are you crazy? You should have had mercy on her."
"Partially. To the first question. Now shut up."
Kieran didn't shut up, he still kept pestering Kozak as to why he had killed Lauriel.
This drove Kozak insane, obviously, but he didn't say anything because him yelling at Kieran most likely would've caused Kieran to listen o him less than him not yelling at Kieran, or shouting at him in his normal voice.
If that made sense.
"Anyway... About Lauriel," Kieran said, trailing off.
"What about Lauriel? She's no longer with us anymore."
"Bring her back!"
Dr Kozak looked at Kieran blankly, and then realising he was stepping on Lauriel's foot, half turned to face her and moved out of the way.
"I can't. She's dead. The past is the past. Suck it up and deal with it Kieran."
Remembering what Dr Kozak's phone had said about killing animals in the perilous obstacle course test, Kieran brought it back to memory by talking about it.
"What? So you killed Lauriel because she killed your chicken?"
"And pterodactyl, yes." Dr Kozak added, nodding in agreement. "Also because she cheated as well. And she was really annoying me."
Then the rest of the conversation pretty much went like this:
Kieran: How'd you find out? About her killing your chicken I mean.
Kozak: Kind of hard to explain. I was about to say CCTV cameras but then I realised I don't have any for that test... I really should get some though.
Kieran: Also...Anastasia cheated. You never killed her did you?
Kozak: I've already killed Anastasia, all I had to do was kill Lauriel.
Kieran: Okay. So what are you going to do with Lauriel's dead body?
They both took a rapid glance at Lauriel's dead body again, not saying anything.
Kozak: Don't know. Don't care. Never really liked her anyway. I was only nice to her because she was my long lost daughter. Trust me kid, if we weren't related then we'd basically be sworn enemies. She was really annoying like 97% of the time. So I was bluffing about all those nice things I said to her before I killed her.
Kieran gasped in shock surprise.
Kieran: Just because she's dead doesn't mean you can badmouth her. Also, that's a bit confrontational isn't it?
Dr Kozak rolled his eyes in disbelief and chewed on his lollipop before saying anything else. He had one in his bag, he just kinda forgot he did.
Kozak: Okay. Fine. I do know, but I just don't care. We'll just take her to the mortuary and freeze her dead body before disposing of her dead body one month from now. Have a funeral or something.
Kieran: Why specifically a month?
Kozak: Don't question it, kid. Plus I didn't make up that rule. So I wouldn't really know.
There was nothing to say.
Or do.
But Kieran didn't like silence, so he had to come up with something to say, whether he liked it or not.
Kieran: Right... So do you regret or feel any remorse whatsoever for killing her?
Kozak: Well, yeah. Kinda. But then again, before you came, she was ranting on about me being the reason for so many people's deaths so...
Kieran: But you are the reason for so many people's deaths.
Kozak practically swore at Kieran.
Kozak: No I'm not! Oh my gosh. Why does everyone always act like they know everything about me when they don't?
Kieran: Are you hiding something?
Kozak: I might be.
Kieran: Any particular reason on why you don't wanna tell me?
Dr Kozak did a massive face palm and avoided his question immediately.
Dr Kozak: Kieran, were you not listening... for the third time. I don't freaking trust anyone!
Kieran: So what now?
What now? There were so many things that happened now. Dr Kozak was glad he killed Lauriel, and wanted to have a party about it.
But he didn't, he didn't even say that.
Kozak: What now? Oh yeah. Congratulations Kieran. You are now a spy.
Moral of chapter: Just because someone annoys you doesn't mean that you have to kill them! But you should already know this, to be honest. Haha.
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