Chapter 8

To help build up a list to potential trophies to at least mention, in the next chapter of each story, starting with this one, I'm going to include a list of potential trophies each team could have, except for the JSA, Team Artemis and Team Kid Flash, just because they're still the new kids.

Anyways, for Batwoman, in addition to Batman trophies like Bane's Venom, the Joker's Joybuzzer and acid flower, Penguin's umbrella, Mad Hatter's hat, Clayface's mud, Killer Croc's tooth, Mr. Freeze's freeze serum, Poison Ivy's vines, Catwoman's whip, Scarecrow's fear toxin and Condiment King's condiment gun, but also some trophies from Batwoman like one of Hush's masks, one of Alice's knives, Magpie's claw gloves and zipline, one of the Detonator's ground plates, Executioner's axe and Black Mask's mask.

The moment the lights went out, it was all chaos as Kate, Sophie, Ryan and Bruce all went into survival mode and began beating the shit out of the cats and rabbits that Alice had brought with her when she crashed.

"So much for giving her the benefit of the doubt." Kate muttered under her breath as she slammed another rabbit into the ground.

"Someone help me!" She heard Catherine shout and Kate sighed, since she should've known that this whole ambush was just a diversion so that Alice could take Catherine. She knew her sister still had a score to settle with Catherine and while it was justified, killing Catherine was not the way to do it.

"I'm going after her." Kate said and before anyone could stop her, she rushed after Alice, who she now saw was dragging Catherine away at gunpoint into an elevator and Kate quickly took another one down.

When the elevator reached the garage, Kate rushed out to see Alice forcing Catherine to walk.

"Beth, please don't do this." Kate begged.

"I'm sorry Kate but you know how I feel about leaving things unresolved and Catherine is one of the many people on the list of people who've wronged me and now she's going to make amends." Alice said.

"Please don't." Kate begged.

"I'm sorry Kate, but it's her fault we couldn't grow up together or with our mom. Or well I guess, you couldn't grow up with mom. I did." Alice said, stunning Kate, since she hadn't known that.

"What? I thought mom was dead." Kate said, not daring to hope.

"Just like you thought I was dead. No dear sister, mommy dearest is still very much life, though I have to say, she's in even worse shape than you might say I am since my damage is only mental, but her's, well, there's only so much you can do when you're locked in a basement with no medical supplies or training." Alice said.

"Where is she?" Kate demanded, since now that she knew that her mother was alive, something that she knew she owed Oliver Queen for big time, she would not rest until she brought her home.

"Why would I tell you that? It kind of spoils all the fun if you know where to look. That is, if daddy bothers looking." Alice said.

"Beth please, stop this before anyone gets hurt. We can be a family again." Kate said, even though she knew it was futile, but she saw a look on Alice's face that she registered as reluctant.

"Sorry Katie, but this is how the big girls play, when someone screws with you, you screw them back and after everything I've suffered through at the hands of this woman, well, she is going to pay big time." Alice said, right as a bullet just barely missed her.

"Wow, you shot your own daughter. I'm really regretting that world's greatest dad mug I made you when I was in second grade." Alice said as Jacob Kane joined them, his gun aimed right at Alice.

"Dad, don't." Kate said.

"She's not your sister Kate. Beth is dead." Jacob said.

"No, she's not, she's standing right in front of you, so put the gun down." Kate said.

"I'd do what she says, commander. Otherwise, this time, you'll actually find your wife's body." Alice said as she held her butterfly knife to Catherine's throat.

"Beth, don't do it. You're not a killer." Kate said, even though she knew that wasn't true.

"You're right, Beth isn't a killer. But I am. Daddy's right, Beth Kane is dead, my name is Alice and I will do whatever I have to do in order to survive and win." Alice said angrily as she pressed the blade against Catherine's throat.

"Please, please don't." Catherine begged.

"It's funny Catherine, if you had just minded your own damn business and stayed away from my family, none of this would be happening now." Alice told her angrily.

"What are you talking about?" Jacob asked.

"Tell him now." Alice snarled.

"Or you'll kill me?" Catherine asked.

"You, no, that's no fun. Your daughter on the other hand." Alice said and Kate saw red upon hearing that.

"Leave Mary out of this. She's innocent." Kate said.

"Oh I'd love too Kate, but you know how I feel about sharing, especially my sister." Alice said.

"Please tell me Mary is being protected." Kate said to Jacob.

"Both Sophie and Ryan are still upstairs, she'll be fine, but what is it that Alice thinks Catherine needs to tell me." Jacob demanded.

"I don't know." Kate lied.

"Tell him or everyone you love will suffer." Alice said as she dug the blade in deeper.

"Okay, okay, the bones in both Gabi and Beth's graves belong to deer. I paid the city officials to make it look like they belonged to Gabi and Beth in order to get both you and Kate to finally move on with your lives." Catherine admitted as Alice shoved her to the ground.

"See, the truth can set you free. Sometimes metaphorically, sometimes literally. Though something tells me your freedom won't last long. Have fun, I'll be on my way." Alice said.

"Alice, you're not going anywhere." Jacob said.

"Dad, we can't take the chance that she's not Beth." Kate said.

"Why?" Jacob said.

"Because she said that mom is alive and if that's true, she's the only person who knows where she is. Until we find out if it's true and find her if it is, we can't touch Alice." Kate said and Jacob sighed.

"Smart choice commander. I'll tell mommy dearest you send your regards. If she even cares about you anymore, which I doubt. You wouldn't believe the things she had to do in order to keep me safe, because you gave up on me." Alice said as she walked out of the garage.

"Jacob, I." Catherine began, but Jacob just walked up to her.

"Get out, before I call the police or just arrest you myself for tampering with a police investigation. Catherine, you didn't just lose me because of this, you've lost everything. I'm going to make sure that you pay for what you've done, because only a monster would think that letting a man believe that his wife and daughter were dead is a good thing." Jacob said angrily as he walked away, most likely to call the police.

"Kate." Catherine said.

"I'll give you a chance to tell Mary yourself before tomorrow, otherwise, I will tell her, since she deserves to know exactly what kind of woman her mother really is." Kate said as she walked away from Catherine as well.

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