D̺͆e̺͆a̺͆t̺͆h̺͆'s̺͆ d̺͆o̺͆o̺͆r̺͆
There's quite a bit of description in this chapter so please just hang tight and read it since I did put in quite a bit of effort into all of this. Thanking y'all.
Kirumi and Kaito were slowly giving into their worst fears after standing around for what must've been at least twenty minutes at the entrance to the kitchen as that was where they had been told to meet with the detective once he'd checked in with Kokichi and Maki to see how they were doing.
But that's when they finally put the puzzle pieces together and came upon the realisation that Shuichi had lied to them about the plan and was most likely doing something drastic or facing the mastermind all by himself, which wouldn't end with triumph..
"Where's Maki Roll then and Kokichi, library or something was it?" Kaito mumbled out, not wanting to wait for a second longer. Kirumi replied almost instantly but the true nature of her worry wasn't particularly present within her tone. "Your memory is actually quite accurate. Yes, it was the library and I gather that you wish to head over there now instead of waiting here as instructed.."
"He's not coming Kirumi, no way, he's played us."
"And yet you speak of him as is he were a criminal which he is not. I will accompany you but only to restrain yourself from your own idiocy." She then began to walk, her manor still staying composed and well together.
The journey there was rather silent but they were otherwise preoccupied by the panic which ensued after their thoughts took ahold.. and with that, the corridors felt like mazes and the doors felt like they were as heavy to lift as if they were made of stone. Even time was moving slowly as the steps seemed to carry more and more weight with them as they trudged forward, as if their own bodies were begging them not to go into the library due to what they could find. However, curiosity and fear controlled their better sense and took hold, forcing them through into the library and then through the secret door.
What was waiting for them was a sight so unimaginable and so terrifying that they could only stare down in petrified awe.
What laid there, what.. what was slumped there was the mangled and tormented dead body of the assassin, cuts and slashes lacing from the very flesh on her face to the faint and near to ghostly skin which clung to her muscle covering her thighs. Her pupils were shrunken and mouth left agape as if cemented in eternal agony. To the side of her was the shaking body of Kokichi who himself was covered in her blood which showed to be more than slightly prominent on his uniform. The only noise that finally startled him was the body discovery announcement that rang out from every one of the speakers in the school announcing a death of their fellow classmate, comrade and friend.
"Phuhuhu! A body had been discovered! Please make your way to the library and make sure you fall into des-bear!"
Yet, neither Kokichi, Kaito or Kirumi moved a single inch or indeed processed what was happening in front of their eyes.
Shuichi was grabbing onto both parts of the severed hand with his other hand and ached over to the ground, crumbling right down to his knees with a bundle of muffled screams of pain. Originally the pain had been numbed slightly by the shock but now it was raw and unrelenting and honestly he couldn't fight on in his current condition. The flesh had been severed right down the middle of his hand so that his last two fingers were reeling off, as if unstitching every seam of his skin agonisingly slowly.
Tsumugi was cackling to herself as she held her butchering knife up in front of her to admire the blood traces which had trailed and slithered down the handle so that her delicate hand was painted in the same redness as her weapon. It was clear to see by her delighted expression that killing gave her unexplainable joy and elation, so much so that she wished to savour it, every last second.
Shuichi knew that there wasn't much hope in saving his hand now so with his own blade, he severed the left over skin in one large swoop which send the back end of his hand limply to the floor as he dug his teeth into his arm to stop himself from screaming out.
"I'm pretty impressed with your commitment to the role Mr Ultimate Detective, I mean cutting off your part of your own hand like that! What a twist, what an interesting twist! Although you've seriously damaged your MP health levels.." The cosplayer approached him and slowly began to untie her bow and then wrapped it around his hand with ultimate delicacy in order to slow down the bleeding.
But then the announcement rang through the silence. "Phuhuhu! A body had been discovered! Please make your way to the library and make sure you fall into des-bear!"
Shuichi's world broke instantly. The library.. that's where Maki and.. Kokichi had been sent.. he had sent them there.. and now.. he felt the urge to throw up and slapped his unharmed hand over his mouth the gag upon the thought.
After the devastation, there came anger.
It rose in him like a volcano preparing to erupt as his stare hardened at the cosplayer who had dared to put her face close to his, bandaging up his wounds so innocently when she was most likely responsible for either his most trusted friend's death.. his fellow survivor who he had shared so much with.. or Kokichi.. who he loved more than anything and anyone, the person he least expected to have carved open his heart the way he did.
It was a snap second decision that Shuichi made. He abruptly snatched forward and grabbed ahold of the cosplayer's bow tie which he swiftly wrapped around her neck and began to tighten and tighten using his teeth and his unharmed hand to pull at the cords.
She squirmed and squabbled out of his grasp and scrambled up onto her feet, hand to her throat and deep, uncontrollable breaths scraping out from it. The control button to the hydraulic press was within her reach as she slammed down her hand onto it and sent the press whirring up which gave them both around 30 seconds before it closed.
The heels of her shoes clacked against the floor as she strode back down to where Shuichi was, grabbing him by the foot and scraping him along the floor towards the press, a more than frustrated look on her face as she did so. "Agh- You put up a good fight for me! Good for you, you entertained me for a little while but now your time has come to plunge into despair just when victory was within your grasp! And you were so close.. I almost feel guilty for killing you Shuichi."
He could hear the sound of the press get closer and closer to his head and begged for a near miracle.
He had to end the game.. that's what this was all for, that's what he promised Monomi when she had come to him when he thought that a second chance was all he needed.
A stern kick to the stomach made the cosplayer scowl and grimace, walking backwards on her own to vent out her frustrations. "GIVE UP! EVERYONE THAT YOU LOVE IS DEAD SHUICHI!" She expelled in one last cacophony of anger before realising her mistake as her body seemed to tip backwards on its own.
One look towards her feet and she saw it. The smallest and thinnest line of nearly transparent trip wire had been placed along the edge of the press. Tsumugi's mouth fell open as she dramatically began flailing her arms around for something to grab hold onto but to no avail.
The last thing she saw was Shuichi's face plastered with a smirk before she smashed into the press back first, bent over like a sandwich. The new, altered press had no trouble in crushing her entirely, blood seeping and pummelling out of all four sides of it on impact, leaking onto the floor like sludge made of poison. As the press went down, it initially folded her over so that her spine snapped, then it lowered down, her bones collapsing and puncturing all of her vital organs.. then, the more fleshy parts, muscle, lips and eyes and they squelched together, popping open, spewing their gunk which mixed into the muscle and bone that had already been disintegrated.
In the end there were no screams and no begs, only a slow crunch of her spine and a squelch of blood, muscle and cartilage.
Tsumugi Shirogane, the mastermind was dead but Shuichi couldn't celebrate yet.
He still couldn't believe it. After saying that he would never be a murderer.. he killed Tsumugi. She technically tripped but no technicality would change his mind.
It had cost him his hand, but now Tsumugi was truly dead.
You know who you are who drew this. Just hahaha, thanks! It's seriously amazing.. perfect in every way..
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