What They Deserve

{ UWU warninggggggg! WEE WOO WEE WOO! }

" You're sure this is okay?" Lotor asked, looking around himself in an anxious manner. He knew that Lance didn't really care for him, and he also knew that Lance and Keith shared a house. If they ended up meeting under those circumstances, he didn't doubt they would've butted heads, though he didn't want to fight with him.

Romelle pulled him through the front door by his hand gently, laughing to herself as she did so.

" Yeah. Lance and Keith are out of town visiting Lance's family. They're not even here." She assured, and Lotor felt like he could breathe again. Well... that made things easier.

Kosmo barked and came toward the door, his ears flopping back when he saw Lotor. He growled and barked at him specifically, almost as though he was threatening him. He had never really been very good with new people. Except for Lance. He had pretty much pounced on him the first time they'd met.

" Easy." Romelle told the dog, petting the fur atop his head and stroking him. She had become quite close with Keith's pet and knew how to calm him down, and though Kosmo still seemed uneasy, he stopped growling. " Good boy..."

Lotor gulped and looked down, nearly breaking into a nervous sweat. But then as he realized Kosmo was no longer in attack mode, he felt better. It was just so weird that he was with Romelle... alone... and they weren't at his place.

" So... what were you looking to do?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

Romelle blushed and tucked some of her blonde hair behind her ear. She'd left it down just for Lotor, wanting to look cute and nice, plus she knew how the other had come to love playing with her hair.

" Well... what were you looking to do?" She asked back.

Lotor thought for a moment.

" We could order in and watch a movie?" He suggested, and that seemed like a great idea to the omega. It wasn't like they could go out and act lovey dovey with each other. All they could do in front of others was talk casually and keep their conversations on anything besides themselves. They wouldn't even be able to lean over the table to look at each other better.

But they didn't have to worry about that so long as they stayed hidden.

" That sounds amazing." Romelle said, smiling. Her hand ran up Lotor's chest and gripped the front of his shirt lightly in her hand. It was a soft material shirt he was wearing, one that was almost dry fit. She tried not to think about what he'd feel like minus the shirt, but then shook the thoughts away.

They went over and sat on the couch, Kosmo hopping up on the other end of the sectional and watching them. He was still protective over her and wanted to make sure nothing would happen.

" So... how is Keith doing? After everything?" Lotor asked as Romelle switched the TV to Netflix.

She thought about when he'd been to the hospital and how Lance had basically been the maid of the house afterwards. Keith had seemed fine before they left, but if she was being honest, it was hard to really tell. Her brother could be such a closed book.

" I think he's alright. He just wants this mess to be over."

" I can see why."

" Yeah..." She looked down. " Keith basically had a long time boyfriend betray him. I remember when he used to come over to our house all the time. I know most of the time they would hook up in Keith's room and he would crash there... but they were happy once. Keith was happy with him because he was charming and not as into alcohol as he is now. It's sad that he has to wait for the appeal to go through before they can even sentence him for the harassment..."

Lotor frowned, reaching down and grasping her hand into his own.

" But if we're lucky the appeal will go through and we can rack up more charges on him..."

Romelle was quiet for a moment before she turned over to him.

" Allura tapped your phone... right? What are the chances that she might've actually bribed the jury?" She asked hesitantly. That was a very serious accusation and they had no way to prove it, but she did wonder what Lotor's thoughts on it were.

" Well... yes. I wouldn't put anything past her. With her money and charm there's almost nothing she can't do." Lotor honestly told her, and Romelle nodded in a depressed fashion. It was all so disgusting to her, the way that LA put such a higher value on money.

" Why don't we think about something else for a while, hm? We're together and have this night all to ourselves." Lotor changed the subject, squeezing her hand a little bit more as they sat together, and Romelle nodded again.

" You're right."

She flipped through Netflix and put the thoughts into the back corner of her mind, even if she did truly wonder. What was all of this doing to Keith's mental state if it was already altering her own?


After having spent the night at Lance's place and slept in the alpha's childhood room, the couple was up, bright eyed and metaphorically bushy tailed. The sun was shining and pouring in every window that the farm house had, and Lance smiled as he looked out onto the strawberry fields. The ravishing red color was something that reminded him of Keith, so strong and fierce and vibrant. He sat there staring at it for what like hours by the window.

" You okay?" Keith chuckled from behind him, putting his hand on Lance's shoulder and massaging him with his thumb.

Lance wasn't startled, only having known Keith was there beforehand. What with their pre-bond and everything, he could pick up his boyfriend's scent with ease.

" Yeah..." He said. " And Keith? What's your favorite color? Don't you dare say black." Lance snickered, turning around and standing up, running a hand down the other's waist gently.

Keith laughed.

" My emo ass could never." The omega mocked. " Uhh- probably red."

Lance smirked to himself. He knew that without Keith even having to tell him. That was a sign to him that they were growing even closer without even having to try and deepen the bond.

" Why?" Keith asked.

" It's nothing, KitKat. I was just wondering." Lance insisted and ran a hand through Keith's bangs, sweeping them back. The rest of his hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and his face was void of makeup, but his black nose ring was there along with a smile on his lips. And it almost seemed like his stormy indigo eyes were sparkling in the sunlight.

" Does my hair look sexy pushed back?" Keith asked, smirking up at him. Lance found himself chuckling at the Mean Girls reference. " Come on, tell me it does~"

" You look sexy no matter what~" Lance purred and leaned closer, pressing a kiss onto Keith's lips and leaning him back somewhat. He felt Keith's hands slide up and cup his cheeks, pulling him closer. Teasingly, Lance licked at Keith's lower lip.

" Does he taste good or something?" Luis asked from the doorway to the living room, making them both jump. Keith covered his mouth and looked to the side shyly.

" Luis! Uh- hi!" Lance fumbled and coughed, still embracing Keith. " I thought you were at the grocery store with Mamá?"

" We got back half an hour ago." Luis snickered.

" I see..." Lance said. " Well go play somewhere. It's not nice to spy on people."

" Fineeee..." Luis went running off and up the stairs, Keith still standing there and blushing. Man, he was not talented with kids at all. Thank god Lance was or else they would've been in deep shit.

" Anyways..." Lance turned back to Keith. " What do you say we have some lunch under the tree in the backyard? We can film ourselves and be done with this series bullshit."

" Now you're speaking my language."


After preparing some sandwiches, some lemonade, and some other sides, Lance and Keith were outside. Keith had on one of Lance's too large t-shirts, one which had the Wings of Freedom on the back from Attack on Titan. And Lance was wearing a tank top and cargo shorts, both of them having slipped out of their shoes. The tripod was set up at a slightly elevated angle to view them.

" So... we'll get through it no matter what."

" I don't want to talk about it anymore. The appeal will happen, but until then, we need to focus on each other. The more I let that asshat's name come out of my mouth the less time I have to heal. I want to heal with you, Lance."

" Are you saying I'm your medicine?"

" Well... in a way... yeah. Being around you is something that I don't think I can live without anymore." Keith confessed, then set down his sandwich. " I wish the world would see that. You're the best guy... you really are. All the times you've woken up in the middle of the night to comfort me through my PTSD or all the times you've put me first. Never have you ever hit me, never made a selfish decision, and we hardly ever fight. You protect me as best you can, and I think it's time the world knew about what we have..."

Lance's eyes widened as he realized what Keith was about to tell the people.

The omega turned up to the camera, making direct eye contact with the lense.

" Our pre-bond... it's the strongest thing I've ever felt in my life. The connection I have with you..." He turned back to Lance. " Is something I couldn't ever have with anyone else... and I love you with all my heart, even if it took a lot of me to admit it at first..."

Lance felt tears welling in the corners of his eyes. Ever since he was a kid he had longed to have such a relationship with someone. And at first he'd been called a hopeless romantic or a gullible fool for that. He'd been played, hurt, broken, had his feelings ripped apart and tossed to the floor, but Keith had saved him.

" Keith... I..." He began, but couldn't find the words. Instead, he only wrapped his arms around the omega and buried in his scent gland, emotional and trying not to cry in front of the millions of people who would eventually watch this. He didn't want to be seen as a weak alpha, one of his greatest fears. Keith was the only one who ever got to truly see that side of him.

Keith kept his head up, swallowing back any emotions he had as he wrapped his arms around Lance as well. And they sat there like that for a while, until it would've been bordering on awkward for whoever was watching.

" I love you too. More than you'll ever know." Lance told him, pulling back. " When we move in together, I can't wait to wake up to your face everyday. Whatever happens, I'll always be here for you..."

And that's how the series would end, fading out with them staring into each other's eyes.


A week later, the entire world and then some had seen the series on Lance's channel. His and Keith's subscriber counts had been boosted by 2 million each, and the ad revenue had raked in millions of dollars for them both.

Their relationship is so beautiful! I need a Lance!

Can someone protect them please?

Fuck Allura! Can't believe I would even think she was telling the truth!

Am I the only one who loves this but thinks Romelle and Lotor are lying? The way they look at each other is so... suspect

Keith I love you! Best wishes! You'll beat this! I know you will!

Lance honey I'm so sorry for what she did to you! We're all here for you <3

Tweets poured in and Allura lost 3 million subs in one day. James became one of the most hated people on the internet with omegas in America, however, there were a sick few alphas who took his side and some kinky omegas. The hashtag "uncanceljames" was trending on Twitter and Allura dropped off the face of the Earth for that week.

Though Lance and Keith were ready for retaliation, they couldn't have been more happy. They were liberated and their names were cleared. Lance wasn't an abusive alpha and Keith wasn't a liar and a weak omega.

As they sat on Keith's couch, cuddled up with Kosmo and Romelle in the loveseat across the room, the couple was finally free.

The phone began to ring from Keith's side and the omega reached over, seeing that Shiro was calling. He smiled and answered.

" Hey, what's up?" He asked.

" Hey, Matt and I are throwing a party at our place and announcing the pregnancy tomorrow. Wanna come over for it when the video drops?"

" You're finally telling people?"

" Yep. There's no time like the present." Shiro replied.

" One sec." Keith said, then turned to the other people in the room. " Shiro's throwing a party about he and Matt announcing the pregnancy on YouTube. Are we free tomorrow?"

" I don't see why we wouldn't be." Lance told him, and Romelle shrugged.

" Sounds good to me." She said, and Keith held the phone back up to his ear.

" We'll be there. Should we bring anything?"

" Nope."

With that, they all went back to chilling on the couch. There were so many things they could've been doing right then, like filming or talking to Kinkade about the appeal, but Keith's mind was finally settled. He just wanted to be calm with Lance and avoid any other distractions until after the move in, which was scheduled for later in the week. After all, Lance had a lot of stuff.

As they got ready for bed that night, Keith took down his hair and Lance grabbed a final drink from the fridge.

" What is it, KitKat?" The alpha asked, seeing how Keith was staring down into one of the drawers in the kitchen.

Keith's eyes stayed locked on the pack of pills that sat there and were always replenished at the end of the month. As he picked them up, he looked back at Lance, who stood in front of the fridge with a tiny glass of orange juice in hand. And he walked over to the waste basket, pressing the pedal to open the lid and tossing the birth control in.

Lance's jaw dropped.

" Keith, your pills-"

" I know what they are." Keith walked away from the trash and waltzed from the room.

Lance stood there with wide eyes and watched Keith strut from the kitchen in a tank top and short shorts, barefoot and heading to bed. He had so many questions, chugging back the orange juice and following him, finding his boyfriend already in bed with the lamp on and scrolling on his phone, Kosmo by his side.

" Keith..." He said from the doorway. " Don't you need those...?"

" With you around? No." Keith replied. He knew that sex happened only with his say so and was confident in thinking so. And he also knew that Lance kept condoms on hand, and so there was no reason to take the pills any longer. That chapter of his life had ended.

Lance blushed and stood at the foot of the bed, not sure how to take that. He only decided that Keith had made his decision for a reason and went to brush his teeth, then flopped into bed a few minutes later. He draped an arm over his boyfriend and closed his eyes, content.

It was what they both deserved.

{ Ya'll my emotions h u r t after this ;-; they're so cute and they deserve the world. Am I forgiven yet? }

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