
(( BEWARE!!!



" Thank you so much for agreeing to watch him." Keith said, hugging his sister. Kosmo sat on his leash, Romelle holding him as she stood on Keith's doorstep.

" Yeah, of course." She replied, smiling. " I always love watching him. He's such a cuddle buddy."

Keith chuckled, and his sister laughed as well. Romelle had long blonde pigtails that swayed with even her slightest movement.

" And speaking of cuddle buddies..." She smirked and poked Keith's shoulder. " Do I get to meet him?"

Keith got all flustered and blushed, looking behind himself and then back at her. Ever since mom adopted Romelle, she really was in his business. But still. He couldn't complain when she made such a good sister.

" He's still sleeping." Keith covered. He wanted Romelle, his mother, and his stepdad to all be surprised when they met Lance for the first time.

" Uh huh." Romelle narrowed her eyes. " But anyways, I'll bring him back in a few days."

" Thank you again. Drive safe." Keith told her, to which she nodded and took Kosmo along with all of his toys and necessities.

He would miss his dog dearly, but at the same time, he had Lance to snuggle up by. Keith still couldn't believe that he'd asked Lance to sleep in the same bed as him, and that he'd loved every second of it. He'd just have to get used to the fact that he needed him.

Keith perked up when he heard the fridge open, then began walking to investigate. He was greeted with Lance, who was chugging orange juice from the carton. He had a bedhead and looked really tired, but Keith somehow still found him hot.

" You better finish that now." The omega told him, leaning on the doorframe and smiling.

" I was planning on it." Lance dashingly smiled after wiping his mouth.

There was a pause between them.

Keith had recovered from the night before and was back to his usual self, and Lance was still the best boyfriend in the world.

" So... I have my bag packed for Vidcon and everything. I'll drive and we can stop by your place so you can grab your stuff?" The smaller male asked, and Lance set the pretty much empty orange juice on the counter. He came over and lifted Keith up, holding him giddily.

" Sounds great, Princess~" He smiled and kissed Keith's cheek while he held onto him.

Keith madly blushed, hooking his legs behind Lance's back and keeping his hands behind Lance's neck.

They would be sharing a room in the hotel, but there were two beds. It was apparently up to Keith as to if they both got used or not. All he knew was that Lance had put everything else aside to come to his aid, neglected his own responsibilities, and done plenty more just for him.

He was worthy of Keith letting down his walls for him.


As the YouTubers all arrived at the hotel, the venue for Vidcon could be seen across the street. It was huge and packed with fans already.

" Hey, gays. Lance and I are just getting to the hotel room." Keith spoke to his phone, as he and his boyfriend were live-streaming on Instagram. They rolled their suitcases and carried duffel bags through the hall. " We decided to film a Q&A for Lance's channel, so could you all tweet questions at us?"

" Nothing sexual please! I know how you fangirls think!" Lance chimed in from the side, Keith panning the phone over at him for a second.

Keith blushed heavily and shook his head, ending the livestream after telling them when the video would go up. They were hoping to have it edited and posted within the next day.

Keith took out the key card and opened up their room, which was a luxury suite. It had one other bedroom in it as well with one king sized bed, but that was for Matt and Shiro when they got there. Pidge and Hunk had rooms across the hall.

" Woah..." Keith looked around.

" This is... suite." Lance joked and laughed aloud, thinking he was so funny. Keith rolled his eyes playfully. The joke was so bad it was almost good.

" You're such an idiot." Keith laughed.

" Your idiot." Lance replied, setting down the bags by the door. He swept Keith off of his feet as they explored the massive room, which was equipped with a full kitchen, huge living room, and even a formal dining room. Then there were huge windows that they could use to look out across the whole city.

" It's so beautiful, the view." Keith said, content as Lance held him in a princess carry.

" Yeah, that's cool and all... but the real view is right here." Lance winked, looking at Keith. The omega couldn't have been anymore worked up and blushing. He couldn't help himself as he pulled closer to Lance and kissed him, Lance holding him up the whole time.

His lips were soft and gentle, and Keith couldn't get enough of them.

Until the door opened.

In walked Matt and Shiro, seeing the two's position and turning crimson.

" O-Oh..." Shiro blushed and covered his face. Keith pulled back from Lance, who set him down to his feet.

" I didn't realize we were interrupting." Matt coughed. Seeing his friends like that really made him feel like he was intruding.

" You're not." Lance told them, clearing his throat. " C'mon, Keith... we have to start filming anyways."

" Yeah! Right!"

They awkwardly grabbed their bags from the front and migrated into their room, leaving Shiro and Matt as blushing messes as well.

" Well... I guess we should just get settled in our room?" Shiro said, but it sounded like a question. Matt nodded, following him there. They walked in and closed the door, seeing the huge bed with a canopy above it.

" Gee... it's almost like our bed at home." Matt said, and Shiro put their huge suitcases down, as he had carried Matt's for him.

Shiro scoffed, laughing.

" Our bed at home as seen way more than this one, I bet." The alpha said.

Matt smirked a little, jumping on it. Though he was 23, he still acted like a kid sometimes. Shiro was 26, and Matt loved making him feel like that, too.

Matt pulled Shiro down on the bed as he tried to fold clothes.

" Wa! Matt!"

Matt snickered, laying under Shiro and placing his palms on the alpha's shoulders. He smiled, looking into his eyes and just feeling like goofing off.

" We have to do makeup and stuff before our panels." Shiro chuckled, Matt clinging to him.

" That can wait." He justified, whining a little.

Matt was just happy that he could still come to Vidcon with Shiro. His heat was due in a week, so he had just enough time.

Shiro shook his head, not knowing what to do with him.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, Lance had set up the camera and whatnot. Keith was on the bed, scrolling through Twitter and looking for replies. There were already thousands of them.

Lance smiled and took a deep breath.

" You ready, KitKat?" He asked sweetly, Keith nodding. And with that, he turned on the camera and came over to sit beside him. Now for Lance's intro. " Hey what's up you guys? Yes!"

Keith laughed a little, setting down his phone and looking at the camera. Lance was such a dork, but he loved it.

" I know I haven't been on a lot recently, but I promise I'm not dead. I've just been busy with my beautiful boyfriend, Keith~" Lance spoke, then combed Keith's hair with his fingers. " We've been getting a lot of questions about us, so we just decided to have a Q&A. We're actually at Vidcon right now, but before the panels start tonight, we wanted to clear some stuff up."

" Sorry for stealing Lance from everyone." Keith joked, then went back into the questions. He choked when he saw one, then burst out laughing and fell back on the bed. " Fuck! I can't..."

" What is it?" Lance asked with a laugh.

Keith flipped the phone around to show his alpha, who sputtered and spit out the breath he'd taken.

" Did Lance get you pregnant yet?" He read aloud, then looked to the camera with a deadpan. " Wow. Okay-..."

" I-..." Keith cut himself off, blushing.

" Just go to the next one." Lance said, Keith nodding and doing it. He couldn't believe people.

Keith was just relieved that he wasn't feeling triggered or anything like that. After what happened with James, a question like that should've triggered him, but it didn't. Lance helped to deter that from happening.

" Keith, why do you have a semicolon tattoo?" Lance read aloud as he ended up with Keith's phone.

Keith got more serious, not knowing if he could really share the story in depth. It wasn't like people knew about his... attempt. Only Shiro and Pidge did, and he planned on keeping it that way.

" Well... after James... I was really depressed and felt like my life was worthless. I got it to remind me that my story isn't over yet." Keith explained and looked down at his wrist, rubbing it with his thumb.

" You're everything to me, though..." Lance whimpered and wrapped his arms around Keith, pretty much making him sink into the bed.

" Cheeseball!" Keith exclaimed, squirming. Lance tickled him a little and his legs kicked out and he laughed. He had pretty much forgotten about the question already. " What's next?"

Lance just decided to pull Keith in his lap after that, both of them still facing the camera.

Keith took his phone back from Lance, looking over the replies on his tweet.

" Does Lance treat you right?" He read, then looked back at Lance, blushing. " You all have no idea. He's perfect..."

" Awww! KitKat!" Lance gushed and kissed his cheek. He might've uwued into another dimension from Keith saying that.

" You do..." The omega blushed and leaned back against him more so.

" I'm happy you think so..." Lance hugged him tighter. He really did just want to be a good boyfriend.

" Next. Uh... is Lance kinky?" Keith read, then smacked his palm against his face from disappointment. People.

Lance turned utterly red.

" No!" He exclaimed. " I am not!"

Keith took a second to think, then breathed deeply. He was fine. That question totally didn't bother him. He wouldn't let it.

" He's really not." The omega shrugged. " Lance just likes to cuddle and do cliché romance stuff most of the time."

" Thank you." Lance chuckled. He didn't wanna look like a sex crazed alpha.

" Is Lance a good cook?" Keith read next. He nodded with beading eyes, looking back at the taller male. " He is so good at making homemade waffles."

" Oh, you~" Lance remarked in a playful tone. " Can I read the next one?"

Keith handed him the phone, and Lance scrolled for a second before one caught his eye. He didn't even notice the door clicking in the background as he read.

" Have you two read any Klance fanfictions? I'm Not Easy and This Isn't Easy are my favorite. They're both on Wattpad XD." Lance said.

" That's a funky name-"

" Knock knock." Pidge said from outside Lance and Keith's door. She came in after getting permission and seeing they were filming. Matt and Shiro must've let her in, they assumed.

" I don't even really know what fanfiction is." Lance scratched his head, and Pidge's glasses glinted.

" What do you want to know?" She asked mischievously.

Keith just took the phone from Lance and tossed it to Pidge so she could see for herself. She immediately began laughing.

" What's so funny?" Lance asked.

" Nothing..." She wiped her eyes under her glasses, then sighed in an amused way. " Just... I've read what they're talking about." A snicker left her throat. " Basically Lance is a football player and Keith is a cheerleader and spoiler alert- they end up getting together and Lotor is crazy and Keith has twins."

" Uhhhh-" The couple said in unison.

" There's like 60 chapters in each book, too."

" Who the hell has time to write two books about us?" Keith seemed stunned. He could hardly keep up with his uploading schedule after spending all of his time with Lance, so he wondered how anyone could have a life and still manage to do that. Not to mention... he and Lance had barely been together for two months. How?!

He knew he'd never figure it out, so he dropped it.

" I wanna read it now." Lance whined.

" Lance, you're sort of a dick in the beginning of it." Pidge laughed. " But I can try and find it for you after the panels."

" To answer the question, no, we haven't read it." Keith chuckled and looked to the camera lens.

" I just can't understand why people ship us so much." Lance shook his head and smiled. He loved hearing support for his relationship after all the hate from Allura's fans.

" I can." Pidge laughed. " Anyways I'll be next door. Just wanted to say hi before the panels."

" Okay. See ya." Lance waved. Keith did as well.

They continued their Q&A for a while, just having the standard relationship questions to answer. If questions were too scandalous, the pair stayed away from them entirely.

" Thanks for coming to this Q&A and if you stayed the whole time, thank you! If you want to see more videos with Keith, make sure you leave a thumbs up so I know. Anyways, see you all next time." Lance said, smiling, and after the video was over, they shut off the camera. " I think it should be pretty easy to edit."

" Are you gonna leave the part with Pidge in there?" Keith laughed.

" Hell yeah." Lance replied, then flopped over on the bed. He was tired, yet energetic at the same time. He crawled over and then laid on top of Keith, feeling through his omega's soft black locks.

Keith blushed heavily, leaning back into the pillows.

" Can I help you?" He asked, flustered.

Lance smirked a little and walked his fingers up the smaller male's chest.

" What do you say... I make a Starbucks run downstairs... and we can change for our panels?" He asked.

Keith got momentarily triggered when he heard Starbucks, but then figured it would be fine.

" I say... that sounds great. Could you get me Frappuccino?" He asked.

" What kind?" Lance purred and nuzzled by Keith's neck, kissing it lightly.

" Surprise me." Keith said, giggling once Lance kissed over his ticklish spot. " Now get out of here."

Lance pulled back, looking into Keith's eyes. He kissed his lips and cupped his cheek for a moment before getting off the bed.

" Don't miss me too much." He told the omega dashingly, then grabbed his wallet and made his leave.

Keith laid on the bed and sighed happily, thinking about Lance and practically daydreaming. He didn't know how he could've ever ended up with someone so perfect, someone he lov- huh?! Nani?! Not that word again.

Keith rolled over on the bed, then burritoed himself inside of the comforter. He blushed and thought about Lance some more, already wanting the alpha to touch and kiss him again.

He still wanted more... wanted to make Lance feel good, but he didn't know how to go about it. Getting stuck? Yeah. That was exactly what he'd done.

Keith hadn't meant to, he really hadn't, but the daydream of Lance had turned into a literal dream as he drifted off. It was unclear how much time had passed when he finally emerged from the blankets. He looked around, then saw Lance wasn't there.

Oh right!

He was supposed to change for Vidcon!

Throwing the comforter aside, Keith got out of bed and went over to his bag, rifling through it for the outfit he'd picked. Pulling out his own merch, Keith smiled. It was a black and red hoodie modeled after his conspiracy videos. It read: Mothman is real. Then to go with it, he had black leggings and red Converse.

He stood, putting the stuff at the end of the bed. Keith had only just shrugged off his shirt when the bedroom door opened, revealing Lance with a drink tray.

Keith blushed, turning over his shoulder.

Lance was completely red in the face.

" S-Sorry!" The alpha exclaimed, almost covering his eyes. He didn't want to be immature, though. Keith was  his boyfriend after all. He just had to get used to seeing him shirtless.

" It's okay." Keith said, trying to play it off. If he did eventually want to mate with Lance... he had to be comfortable with this. He walked over, not bothering with his hoodie. " Which one's mine?"

Lance watched Keith, a smile appearing on his face as the omega eased. Keith was comfortable waltzing around shirtless in front of him. Nothing could make Lance happier than seeing Keith that content.

(( Talk about that character deveLOPMENT THO! Also I'm sorry for the INE reference I had to lmao.))

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