((Two weeks later))
James was clear. There wasn't enough evidence to place him at Keith's house on the night of the break in, even if the motive was present. Thankfully Keith and Lance were fine after that, enjoying the rest of their vacation.
After having said their goodbyes to Camila and all the rest of Lance's family, the couple returned to LA. Other than Keith's panic attacks and whatnot, the trip had actually gone well. They had a bunch of cute pictures together, happy memories, and a warm invitation to return whenever they wanted to.
Keith felt good about it, felt good about being with Lance-even if they still weren't sleeping in the same bed.
" You hungry?" Lance asked from the driver's seat. Wind was blowing in through the Jeep's rolled down windows, and they were on the freeway home.
" Maybe a little." Keith said, and Lance reached over and grabbed his hand.
" What do you say... we take the next exit and go get something to eat then?" The alpha smiled. Keith looked down at his attire, which consisted of sweatpants, converse, and a tank top.
" Uh-" He stammered. " I don't really look presentable right now."
" Drive thru dates exist, you know." Lance teased, and Keith shrugged in agreement. But then he blushed, realizing that stopping and getting food qualified as a date.
" Are you kindly asking me to eat burgers with you?" He asked in a mock formal voice, to which Lance laughed.
" That I am." Lance replied, squeezing Keith's hand. " Do you accept my invitation, Princess Keith?"
" I guess." Keith told him, and they veered right on the next exit. There was a Wendy's that way.
After they arrived, Keith rolled up his tinted window. The last thing they needed was to get mobbed by fans right then.
" Can I get three double bacon cheeseburgers?" Keith asked Lance, who shot him a wide eyed look. " Oh, and fries and a chocolate shake."
" You're going to eat that much?" He skeptically asked.
" Wanna bet?" Keith retorted, and Kosmo barked at Lance from the backseat as if to say the same thing.
Lance had never known an omega who could eat that much-well... Matt could. But that was Matt, who had grown up with a little sister and been around guys a lot. They betted on eating stuff all the time. Still, though, if that's what Keith wanted, he wasn't going to stop him.
" I believe you." Lance chuckled.
Keith's face melted into a smile. James would've made him settle for a salad most likely. Something weird his ex had always done was make Keith eat daintily. Even if they were having frozen pizza or something low budget, there was a way Keith had to eat.
Not with Lance, though. Not ever again.
They drove around and ordered, and Lance got a couple burgers as well. He got french fries and a vanilla shake, and after they'd pulled up to pay, he put his window back down.
" OMG! IT'S LANCE MCLAME!" Was squealed from the drive thru window, a fangirl in there beginning to cry.
" Hi." Lance said, then posed with a dashing smile.
" AND KEITH?!" She hyperventilated, and Keith waved. " I-I can't..." Wheezing was heard. " I ship you two so hard I- I'm such a big fan."
" Thank you." Lance said, blushing after the shipping comment. He handed over a couple twenties for the bill, and the worker fumbled while giving them their change. " Have a good one."
" Y-You too!" She cried and shut the window, and Lance chuckled. They were handed their food a short time later, then pulled around into a parking stall. With all the windows rolled up, they were safe.
" People ship us?" Keith asked, reaching into the bag and grabbing a ketchup packet.
" You didn't know? Fanart and stuff of us is all over Twitter." Lance told him, still blushing. " They named us Klance."
Keith blushed as well, putting ketchup on his fries. He didn't realize people liked the idea of his and Lance's relationship so much. But then again, Allura's followers were really the only ones making a big stink about it.
" Wow..." Keith said. " What do you think they'll do if we post a couple's picture on Instagram?" He was genuinely curious.
" Are you trying to break the internet?" Lance laughed. " Uh- no... I'm really not sure. Did... did you want to try it and see?"
Keith nodded and pulled out his phone. He and Lance had taken many pictures on the farm, but the prettiest ones were in the strawberry patch. It was sunny and they were hugging and smiling, and it really was just a perfect picture.
" What about this one?" Keith asked, showing Lance.
" I love that one. Should I post another one that goes with it? So they sort of match?" He suggested. Then his eyes widened in an idea. " We could have captions that go together."
" Like?" Keith's face flamed with blush. That was so cheesy but he couldn't help but love the idea.
" I could say... My Princess." Lance smirked.
" I'm not calling you my knight in shining armor." Keith stuck out his tongue.
" What's your nickname for me then?" Lance leaned by Keith's face with a smirk, getting closer. " Hm?"
Keith couldn't really recall having a pet name for Lance... other than maybe... Loverboy? He'd called him that a couple times. Ouch. There Lance was with a quadrillion nicknames for him and Keith could barely think of one.
" Loverboy... for now." Keith told him. He would need to come up with another name for Lance soon.
" That's cute. Loverboy Lance." Lance snickered and felt through Keith's hair.
They posted their photos soon enough, Keith's being captioned: My Loverboy. They both received hundreds of likes in seconds, and soon it turned into thousands. A bunch of comments flooded in and the two looked at each other with smiles on their faces.
Things really could get better.
Seeing the photos of them... it made a feeling of guilt pang in her chest. At the same time, however, anger took over. Lance didn't get to just move on and be happy like that after calling her a liar and kicking her out.
" Disgusting." Allura spoke to herself, turning off her phone and setting it face down on the table.
" What is it?" Was asked from across the table, and she perked up to see Lotor sitting there. They were both eating their dinner, which was healthy of course. She prided herself on being a vegetarian queen, and Lotor went along with that lifestyle.
Allura just stared down at her salad and frowned. Keith was getting everything Lance used to do for her, and she wasn't okay with it.
" Just... I don't know. I feel bad for Keith."
" Again with that? Darling, forget about them. They can't upset you if you stop paying attention to them." Lotor assured, reaching across the table and holding her hand.
Allura just seemed really upset, and she knew she'd have to talk to him again later. The him wasn't Lotor, but rather... the person who was going to help her end all of this.
If Lance wasn't going to be okay giving her everything she wanted anymore, Keith didn't get to have it either. It didn't matter that she was with Lotor now. Lance had stopped providing for the nitty gritty needs she had.
" It's not that easy after what he did to me..." She mumbled.
Lotor frowned in a concerned way, rubbing her hand.
" I know... but is there anything that I can do for you now?" He asked, wanting to do absolutely anything he could to help her feel better.
" Let me get back to you on that." Allura looked up with a tiny smile. Lotor wasn't exactly sure what that smile meant... being that he'd seen it many times before. Never in this context, however. Could she really be thinking about that? He didn't want to misread the situation.
After they'd finished dinner, Allura felt like she needed to get her mind off of everything. She had a job to do later that night, and if she was being honest, she felt bad about it. As much as she did like doing it, her soul told her it was wrong. It was wrong to enjoy the torment.
Maybe she could distract herself with something else... something only Lotor could give her.
Its color was a pinkish lavender tone, and the silky fabric was definitely alluring. Her high heels clacked on the hardwood as she walked into the bedroom, standing in the doorway confidently.
Lotor was scrolling on his phone, sitting in bed. He wore boxers and a white t-shirt, winding down for the night. He glanced up when he felt eyes on him and heard the heels stop, his eyes widening.
So his earlier assumption had been correct.
As much as the blush on his cheeks formed and made him look flustered, he didn't let it show too much. The alpha smirked and locked his phone, setting it on the nightstand.
" I get the feeling you want something?" He smartly said, and Allura click-clacked closer to the bed, not saying a word. She might've been an omega, but when it came to this sort of thing, she didn't mind starting it off.
" Mhm..." She replied, standing by the side of the bed. Her lingerie was skimpy and propped up her tits, making them appear large and full. And her stomach was completely flat, exposed. The lacy underwear she wore were beyond revealing, and she'd let down her hair as well, where it fell to her waist.
Lotor was sitting on the bed still, and as she got closer, he put his hands onto her waist and pulled her in.
" I think that can be arranged." He told her, and she smiled. There was still a glimmer in her eye, and he wondered if she was really okay, but he knew if he pestered her about it, she would be angry with him.
Allura got in his lap and straddled it, leaning closer. They were soon kissing and her thoughts melted away.
A hot and heavy while later, she and Lotor were both lying under the sheets and nude, sweaty and such. It was really funny how a guy could get tired after mating, especially an alpha. She knew that, and it didn't take long before Lotor was down, out, and napping.
She rolled over and looked at the wall, and her phone vibrated as if on cue. It was time.
It was dark by the time they'd pulled up to Keith's house again, Lance holding Keith's hand. He put the Jeep in park and looked over at him in an affectionate way.
" Everything alright?" He asked the omega, who was staring down at his feet and looking dismal.
Keith glanced over and shook his head shamefully, and Lance wondered what had brought it on so suddenly. Keith's eyes cut to the house, then back at Lance. He didn't want to be alone... didn't want to sleep there knowing what had happened.
At least not by himself.
" Can... can... you stay? Tonight?" Keith asked Lance, his eyes beading nervously as they made contact with the alpha's blue ones.
Lance's eyes widened in shock. Keith. Keith wanted him to spend the night? Just them two? What?! Was he dreaming? Had Keith hit his head again?
" You're sure you're comfortable with that?" Lance questioned, rubbing Keith's palm. He didn't want to impose, or seem like he was rushing him. It was almost a relief that Keith would ask that, though. Lance had been worried about leaving him there alone anyways, so this could be a way to remedy it.
Keith nodded.
" I don't want to be alone." He admitted, not sure if he even believed his own words.
" Say no more, KitKat." Lance pridefully spoke, taking a deep breath and doing an Attack On Titan salute to his chest. How much more weeby could he get?
Keith laughed and smiled, leaning over and pressing his lips on Lance's cheek sweetly.
" You're such a dork." He said, getting out. Kosmo jumped out the back when Keith opened it, and the husky began to run and frolic in the yard. He ran over to the wall around Keith's property and happily dug, whipping grass around with his large paws.
" God damn it! Kosmo! No dig!" He shouted, and the dog came running back to Keith.
Lance looked over, then back at Keith while grabbing the bags from the back.
" Huh?" The alpha asked.
" He has been digging in the yard again." Keith rolled his eyes, taking out his keys so that he could open the door. He also grabbed his duffel bag and put it over his shoulder, walking toward the front door.
Lance shrugged, following him and making nothing of it. He was more concerned about taking Keith inside and making sure it was safe.
" Stand back." He told the omega, who had only just removed his keys from the slot. Keith would've protested, but he had to admit, he was a little paranoid. Having Lance there was a blessing, and he was happy the alpha was so adamant on making him feel secure.
Lance pushed the door open, having Keith stay behind him at first.
They walked in, Kosmo rushing in behind them before they shut the door.
All the lights were off and nothing seemed amiss, and Keith gulped while looking around.
It took a good five minutes before they'd checked everywhere and asserted that no one else was there, and Lance was relieved to say the least.
" All clear, my Princess." Lance bowed his head and got on one knee, chuckling.
Keith smiled a little, and when Lance got back up, he was hugging him, nuzzling into his shirt.
" Thank you... for being such a good boyfriend." He told Lance, shy yet serious.
Lance's face was heavy with blush as he slowly wrapped his arms around Keith, pulling him closer. That wasn't something he could help.
" Thank you for letting me." The taller male replied, kissing the top of Keith's head once he pulled back. He brushed Keith's bangs from his face and looked into his indigo eyes, knowing that there wasn't a more beautiful sight in the world.
Keith was too flustered to function, not knowing where things would lead if he didn't change the subject.
" I'm hungry. Want to go get dessert with me?"
" Hungry?" Lance asked with his mouth agape. " Last time I checked, you ate Wendy's out of house and home." He teased.
" Hey!" Keirh whined, slugging Lance's arm.
" Ouch! Okay, let's go see what's in the kitchen."
Keith's scent was orgasmic and made chills run down his spine, causing him to shiver and make his hair stand on end. He couldn't ever get enough of it, not in his lifetime.
He held the briefs to his nose and practically inhaled like they were some sort of hard drug. Getting over Keith's scent was impossible, and James knew that it would forever be beyond his reach.
Snorting in the smell again, he heard his doorbell chime. He stood up from his chair and set the underwear aside, going and peeking through the hole. Not the cops again. Just her.
He pulled it open, allowing her inside.
" Nice job with the last one." James complimented, and Allura only nodded.
" This one should be even better." She said, looking around. It smelled strongly of alpha, not like Lotor or Lance. It was a raw type of scent.
" I see you're already ready." James looked over her attire of a baggy black sweatshirt and black leggings. Her hair was braided back and black sunglasses hid her eyes.
" Yeah. Now where is it?"
" In the kitchen." James said simply, and they made their way there. On the counter there was a photo album, chock full of pictures of Keith. With every page turn, they were more scandalous.
" Which one should we leave?" He asked, and Allura went through the pages, eventually coming to one that stood out. Keith had white liquid all over his face and mouth, and what could only be James' hand holding his face. He was covered in cum.
" This one." She handed it to James, who smirked to himself.
" Dirty. I love it." He said. Taking a sharpie from the cup on the counter. He put on gloves, then wiped the picture to prevent fingerprints.
Once he had put his note on it and given it to Allura, she smirked to herself as well.
" Make sure he'll see it. Or better yet... Lance sees it."
" Lance!" Keith giggled and squirmed around as the alpha tickled him against the fridge.
" Surrender!" Lance exclaimed and pulled him closer, and Keith had tears in his eyes from all the laughing. His stomach was tying up in knots.
" Never!"
All over a cherry flavored popsicle. There was only one left, and the two found themselves in the middle of a tickle war.
Normally Lance would've just let Keith have the popsicle and been a gentleman about the whole thing, but he was in the mood to play around with him.
" Come onnnn!" Lance pleaded and tickled him more. " Not even for a kiss?"
Keith shook his head.
Lance finally stopped and gave in, deciding Keith could have the popsicle.
" Fine." He groaned in defeat. " But can I still get that kiss?~"
Keith panted, out of breath from being nearly tickled to death. He felt Lance's arms around him, leaning him back against the fridge.
" I guess." He teased, and Lance leaned in with a smile. Pressing their lips together, he lifted Keith up. So perfect and light, just the right kind of guy to hold. Lance loved it, loved him.
Keith blushed heavily and kissed Lance back gently, cupping the alpha's cheeks and leaning closer. He tasted like everything he could've ever wanted.
Lance pulled back and broke the contact, grinning and leaning their foreheads together.
" I spoil you." He remarked.
" I know~" Keith replied, being set down so he could open the freezer at long last. He pulled out the popsicle and looked Lance dead in the eyes while unwrapping it.
Lance huffed and folded his arms, but that was before he saw Keith sucking on it. Oh no. Oh no no no no! Anything but that! His downstairs was not going to be good at putting up with that, especially after Lance hadn't had sex in months.
Keith slurped on the popsicle and raised an eyebrow.
" Hm?" He asked Lance, not even thinking about it like that.
Lance scratched the back of his neck and chuckled, feeling a twitch inside of his pants. His eyes beaded and he felt the urge to crawl under something and hide forever.
Keith couldn't see.
(( Ope-))
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