
{ Smexy smut warningggg !!~~ But highkey I don't think I can remember enjoying this kind of smut writing in a long time. }

The heat had set in before long and Keith was immobile in his bed, victimized by the temperature inside of his body. He was dripping sweat and shivering from withdrawal. He was ready to cry out for Lance, but Lance had just stepped out to knock on Romelle's bedroom door. It had been so difficult on him to leave his omega alone, but someone had to tell her what was going on.

He knocked and she was welcoming him in right away.

" Lance, what's going on?" She asked. Being the omega she was, she wasn't very sensitive to the scent Keith was giving off. Her body wasn't biologically attracted to omegas, so it made perfect sense.

" I was just coming to tell you that Keith is going into heat. It came on suddenly so I'm assuming that he didn't warn you about it." Lance told her, and he had a sweat bead on his forehead as well. It was a lot of work to keep himself in place and not rush to help his omega.

" Heat? Why are you still here?!" She asked, realizing that something had to be up.

" He wanted me to stay." Lance told her.

Romelle took a second to analyze Lance's face, trying to tell if he was being truthful. She knew how scared Keith was of his heat, and it didn't seem like he would just agree to let an alpha spend it with him out of nowhere. There was a lot that went into that, and if they were close enough, fine... but she needed to know that Keith wanted it.

" You're sure?" She asked. " He specifically told you that and you specifically asked?"

Lance wondered if she thought he was lying, but he would clear everything up if need be. All he wanted to do was make sure she knew everything that was going on.

" Yes and yes. I asked him before it kicked in so I could know for sure. I was surprised too..." He told her, and that was enough for Romelle. But still... this was her brother they were talking about. If Shiro wasn't around to be overprotective, she had to. Lance was a great guy and she knew that he and Keith were cute together, however, she wouldn't feel right if she didn't give her thoughts on it.

" Alright. But don't lose control of yourself." She put her pointer finger against his chest. " If I find out you pulled anything, and I mean ANYTHING, you're toast. Got it?"

Lance rapidly nodded, actually a little scared of her. And once she got that assurance, she smiled and he was allowed to return to his omega. He did so eagerly, unable to throw the door open fast enough.

" Lance..." Keith groaned.

" I know, Princess, I know..." Lance told him in a soft voice, locking the door and almost instantly beginning to shed his clothes. He couldn't help Keith if he still had them on, being that body contact was one of the essential parts to getting through heats.

Keith was curled up in the mound of Lance's clothes, along with personal items from all of his other friends, who'd graciously brought them over before things could escalate too far. He yelped and held his abdomen, as it stung and hurt all over the place. He could hardly tell where it was coming from anymore being as the pain was so widespread.

Lance crawled on top of the bed and let his hands roam on Keith's body, one of them taking Keith's hand away from clutching his tummy. He massaged it for Keith, hoping to ease some of the pressure with his hand.

" Please..." Keith whimpered. " It h-hurts so bad..."

Lance knew exactly what he had to do to help Keith. His instincts began to take over and his eyes were clouded by lust as he leaned down, rolling Keith on his back. He spread the omega's legs easily and then reached down and began to pump his length. It didn't take long before that wasn't enough for Lance, though. He was ready to completely ravish Keith in hopes of giving him relief.

Keith tilted his head back and moaned from even the slightest bit of touching. He was beyond sensitive and was out of it when it came to his surroundings. All he knew was that Lance was there and doing everything he could.

Lance honestly had no clue if Keith had remembered to take his birth control or not, but thankfully he was prepared. He had bought some condoms which were equipped to stretch with his knot, so he would be able to use those. The last thing they needed on their hands was an unplanned pregnancy.

Lance unwrapped the condom carefully and pulled it down over his length, which was hard just from the scent of Keith that filled the room. He shivered from the touch and then looked down at Keith, how pitiful he looked right then. It was only in the alpha's nature to want to help him.

" Just one second, Keith..." He whispered in a husky tone, then leaned over him. Keith was panting while he laid there, and once he felt Lance over top of him, he buried in the larger male's neck. The scent there was helping to calm him down and keep his PTSD at bay.

Lance wouldn't do what James did.

Lance wasn't James.

Those tiny scars on Keith's neck would never happen again.

Keith felt safe, felt comfortable. He didn't even flinch as Lance slid inside of him gently. He held his breath and let the feeling set in, whining.

Lance grunted and wrapped his arms behind Keith, his length tingling all over from the wet heat that had just overtaken it. He could've sworn that he'd never felt a feeling more blissful than that. It also helped that their pre-bond amplified feelings felt during heats and ruts. Even the condom couldn't stop his pleasure in that moment.

" A-Ah..." Keith gasped, feeling Lance shift the slightest bit inside of him. The tiniest movement was like a full on thrust to him right then, as his nerves were hypersensitive in heat.

" I love you so much..." Lance murmured.

Keith's back arched and he shivered as Lance slowly began to move inside of him. He couldn't tell him how much he appreciated it and loved what Lance was doing, but the sounds he was making spoke louder than any word.

Lance had never felt more passionate about anything in his entire life. That was certain and it was all because of his love and devotion for Keith. The attachment he felt to him was something otherworldly for sure, something he couldn't begin to explain.

Driving his hips in harder, Lance aimed for Keith's sweet spot, which he had memorized by then. Almost immediately he got a reaction from the omega, who cried out against his neck.

" L-Lance!"

This was the only time Lance would ever truly feel dominant, and that was because of his instincts taking complete control. Keith was his. Keith was his territory and no one else got to have him. No one. Those were the kinds of thoughts that roamed through his head the faster he went.

Keith's nails raked down Lance's back without either of them realizing. The omega was too caught up in the haze of heat to notice and Lance was basically a living, breathing alpha machine. He had more important things to worry about than some minor scratches.

The temperature between their bodies was only going up as Lance's length plunged deep and then came back. The cycle continued and friction built up everywhere until it reached an inevitable breaking point.

Keith's orgasm was much more difficult to elicit in the state he was in, but the same couldn't be said for Lance's knot. With Keith's scent practically filling the room and numbing Lance's mind, providing unlimited stimulation for his body, it didn't take long at all for it to activate.

" It's coming, Keith-" Lance grunted, keeping his face buried in Keith's collarbone and holding him still. That was the one natural thing in the world that could temporarily ease the symptoms of heat.

Keith's eyes squeezed shut and he braced as his walls stretched and everything felt ten times better. There wasn't any burning associated with knotting, no. Not in heat. The bigger the better.

Lance stilled over top of Keith as they locked together, and Keith's nails eased in their clawing of Lance's back. It was a sweet release as they remained there like that and relaxed them both.

Kissing Keith's neck gently, Lance did every little affectionate thing he could think of to help Keith feel better. All he wanted was for him to be in the least amount of pain possible.

" I'm right here..." He murmured, running his hands through Keith's hair and not giving a damn that he was sweaty.

Keith lazily nodded and craned his neck for Lance instinctively. Did that mean he was ready to bond? No. Not even close. It was just a primal urge omegas often reverted to when in heat.

And thank fuck for Lance's self control, because the thought was definitely tempting as he stared down at Keith's neck. He shook the thoughts away and just held his omega closer.

It seemed like they'd spent the whole night together before Lance's knot gave out and he climaxed, moaning Keith's name under his breath and filling up the condom. It was a magical experience for him indeed.

Keith panted and looked up at Lance as the other pulled out, quick to pull him into another embrace. The cramps were gone for the most part in that moment, something which he was beyond grateful for. He snuggled against Lance like a blanket and knew that he could make it through the heat with him by his side.

" I love you..." The omega managed to whisper. And Lance smiled to himself while rolling and spooning Keith.

" I love you too, KitKat..."

They had a long way to go, but their test run had proven that Lance could control himself. Keith loved knowing that he could trust Lance with his body, no matter how coherent he was. It gave him a peace of mind that he'd never had before.

" Please... never leave..." Keith pleaded under his breath.

" Never in a million years..." Lance told him. He wouldn't even know what to do with himself if he didn't have his omega. Keith had become such a big part of his life that one without him just wouldn't work.

It was a while later, and a few more knotting sessions, before Keith managed to get some sleep. Lance was exhausted as well, but he didn't want to sleep. He was distrusting at that moment and wanted to stay up and make sure Keith was safe.

Holding the omega against his side, Lance stayed in bed. In his left hand sat his phone, which he figured might distract him from his alpha anxiety. He decided to check Twitter for the first time in days, and was met with thousands and thousands of tags from his fans. There was a link to Allura's latest video, and normally he wouldn't have paid much attention or cared about it, but that all changed when he saw the title.

She was pregnant?!

His eyes bulged and he choked on air, pulling Keith closer to himself out of instinct. She had absolutely NO business being a parent whatsoever. She couldn't even remember to switch the laundry over, and yet she would have a kid?! That wasn't a good idea in the slightest.

Lance thought about the poor little baby who would be stuck with her and his heart ached, but he knew it shouldn't have. She wasn't his problem anymore, right? Why did it matter?

Okay... it did matter. Lance wondered if maybe all the nights he'd spent taking care of his siblings made him have a soft spot for kids. And in that assumption, he was right. After dad died his mother had needed a lot of help from he and his older brother. It was only natural that he'd be concerned.

" This is fucked up..." He murmured to himself. And the even more fucked up part of it was that he couldn't do anything.

Lance knew that he needed to talk to someone about what was going on, so he went to his group chat with Hunk and Pidge over iMessage.

Lance 1:34 AM: Did you guys know that Allura is pregnant?

They had to be up. Pidge didn't sleep and Hunk had insomnia sometimes.

Pidge 1:35 AM: You didn't? I didn't think I had to say anything about it

Lance 1:35 AM: I've been off of social media to focus on Keith. I haven't heard anything until just now

Pidge 1:36 AM: O-O

Pidge 1:36 AM: Ya... I feel bad for Lotor. He's basically stuck with her now

Hunk 1:36 AM: He technically could leave her. It would just be bogus

Lance 1:37 AM: You really think he would do that? He's nicer than I am

Pidge 1:37 AM: Honestly? No. I think he'll stay and Allura will use her baby for clout

Hunk 1:37 AM: ^

Lance thought about everything that it meant to have a child. He thought about how happy Shiro and Matt were once they found out they'd be having one, and it made him disgusted to think about how Allura would treat her baby.

Lance 1:39 AM: It makes me mad. I know it shouldn't but it does

Pidge 1:39 AM: I can see why it would. But she's not your problem. I'm sure your series with Keith will expose her for what she is

Lance 1:40 AM: I hope so

Hunk 1:40 AM: How is Keith?

Pidge 1:40 AM: Wait did you stay with him?

Lance 1:40 AM: Yeah. He's fine. Sleeping now. I'm just up to make sure that fuckhead doesn't decide to show

Pidge 1:41 AM: I'm sure James has other shit he could be doing

Lance 1:41 AM: Last time Keith was close to heat he showed up on the doorstep because he knew

Pidge 1:42 AM: How the fuck would he have gotten in tho? He'd either have to scale the wall or dig a hole under it right?

Hunk 1:42 AM: A hole? Wouldn't Keith notice something like that?

Pidge 1:43 AM: Idk

Lance 1:43 AM: Anyways

Lance 1:43 AM: I just want to make sure he's safe. I can't do that if I'm sleeping

Pidge 1:44 AM: You won't be worth a damn later to help him if you don't get sleep. Just trust the security system. Plus Romelle is there. I'm sure she'd hear something if James pulls anything

Lance sighed to himself and blinked a few times. He was getting a little tired and he'd admit to that, but still. Would Keith have really been fine if he dozed off? It was hard to tell his alpha instincts what to do and think about things, especially since it was so cut and dry.

Pidge was right. How the hell would he have the energy to help Keith if he didn't rest? It wasn't like he could just coast through the heat on his alpha instincts alone.

Lance 1:45 AM: Fine. I'll sleep. But if James shows up things won't be pretty

Lance looked down at Keith and set his phone aside, easing down next to him, letting his head rest on the pillows. He pulled the omega closer to himself and breathed in his soothing scent, nuzzling by his messy black hair.

" No one's ever going to hurt you on my watch..." Lance murmured and kissed Keith's head before finally closing his eyes and letting sleep take him for the night.

{ No one:

Absolutely no one:

Not a single soul:


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