The Weird and the Expensive

{ Did someone ask for an extra long chapter? >o<


Comin' right up! }

" I love you..." Keith murmured as he and Lance laid in bed. Lance's sheets always felt so much softer than his own, though Keith knew that it was all in his head. Something about being there just made him feel safe and like he could do anything.

Lance looked down at Keith, who was sprawled over him and basically laying on top of him. He couldn't help but smile while running a hand through Keith's hair.

" I love you more." He flirtatiously said back.

It was too early to sleep, so he figured he could poke some fun at Keith.

" Are you trying to declare war?" Keith asked, picking his head up from Lance's chest.

" What if I am?" Lance asked, smirking.

" Then I'll fight until you admit that I love you more..." Keith chuckled and scooted closer, leaning his face by Lance's. There was no fear, no nothing as he stayed curled up on top of him. He held Lance's cheek and caressed it, pressing him back to the cushioned headboard gently.

Lance felt a part of himself spark with interest, but it wasn't the kind he was used to. It was one that he hadn't felt since before Keith's ordeal. Was... was Keith really starting to think that way again so soon?

" You'll lose~" Lance purred back. He figured if Keith wanted to have fun, he would let it happen. But still... if Keith pushed too far and it seemed like the clothes were going to come off, Lance knew he'd have to put his foot down. It didn't matter that they were alone and having a private night together. Keith was still emotionally damaged as far as he knew.

Keith felt his heart beat faster as he listened to Lance's deep voice. His inner omega adored it and he wanted to just succumb to it. But he didn't just yet.

Keith felt like he was weird, like he shouldn't have been wanting to pick up where he and Lance had left off. Stuff like what he went through was supposed to be life altering and change a person forever. But... getting naked and letting Lance touch him... it was somehow appealing.

He looked up at Lance and met their eyes together, though he couldn't see them insanely well. They'd only turned on Lance's bedside lamp, after all.

Lance swallowed and felt tension growing between them. He wasn't quite sure if Keith was waiting for him to do something about it, but he decided he would take a leap of faith instead of just sitting there. He leaned in and kissed the other's lips, holding behind Keith's back and keeping the omega steady.

Keith blushed and sank into Lance's lips, loving the way that they melded onto his own. It was like it was meant to be. Everytime he was with Lance it made him feel free to do anything his heart desired.

Lance felt himself getting worked up when Keith didn't pull back right away, his inner alpha beginning to take the control from him. He carefully rolled Keith onto his back and stayed over him. It was like Lance was a backseat driver in his own body as he stuck his tongue into Keith's mouth and kissed him deeper.

Keith wrapped his legs behind Lance and went along with it, truthfully loving every move the alpha made.

" Mmm..." The omega let out into the contact, gripping the fabric that covered Lance's back.

Lance put his hand behind Keith's head and pulled him in deeper, appreciating the kiss and everything about it. The way Keith felt, tasted, looked. He was in love with it all.

Keith wasn't scared. Lance didn't make him afraid in the slightest, even as weird as that might've been. He should've been terrified and he knew that, but he wasn't. Everything that he should've been... he wasn't.

" L-Lance..." Keith turned his head to the side. His breath was broken and Lance held him closer, kissing just below the other's jawline very lightly.

" What is it, KitKat?" He asked, voice low.

" I... I still want to..." Keith confessed and found the courage to look his alpha in the eyes. That seemed to snap Lance out of this trance Keith's body had put him in. His ears picked up what Keith said, though at first he felt like he might've been hearing things.

Lance pulled back and looked over his smaller boyfriend with concern.

" Keith... I..." He gulped.

Keith's eyes beaded with nervousness as he heard the tone in the other's voice. Was Lance scared to touch him? That was the last thing in the world he wanted to hear.

" I don't know if that's a good idea..." Lance murmured and brushed Keith's bangs from his face. He ran his thumb over his cheek gently and massaged him in a sweet motion.

Keith didn't want to be an idiot and ask why.

" Lance... please don't pity me." He whimpered and felt like he might've gotten emotional and lost it if even his alpha started to treat him differently.

Lance's eyes widened and he panicked.

" Keith, no! That's- no- er... that's not what I mean at all!" He exclaimed and pulled his omega into a hug. Lance felt Keith trembling slightly, like he was trying not to cry.

Keith sniffled and buried in Lance's neck, hugging him back.

" What do you need from me, Keith?" Lance whispered. " Say the word and I'll hop to it. I just... I want to treat you right." He stroked the back of Keith's hair and closed his eyes. If something... below the belt... was what made Keith feel better... then Lance would love Keith with everything he had. But still. He had to make sure that Keith was serious and not deciding this rashly.

Keith took a moment and got himself together, pulling back.

He thought about everything he'd been through, but at the same time... everything he wanted. He wanted Lance, wanted a future with him and wanted to finally take things to the next level with him.

" Lance." The omega said, clear and trying to be concise. He didn't want Lance to think he was hesitant. " I want you to... make love to me... here and now."

Blush overtook both of their faces, Lance getting ten times more serious after he knew Keith meant exactly what he said. He wanted to do exactly that now that he was sure Keith wanted it.

" Well then..." The alpha smirked. " Go freshen up, Princess... and I'll be waiting right here." He assured and then moved to the side of Keith so he could get up. The omega scooted aside and wondered what Lance was up to.

" O-Okay..."


" Allura! I can't stand it!" Lotor yelled.

" He didn't even do anything. You're overreacting!" She exclaimed.

" Right! That's why I feel like a guest in my own home!" Lotor folded his arms. " He leaves his goddamn beer bottles everywhere and he makes you clean it up and he gives me a bad vibe!"

Allura looked at him with a shocked expression.

" Lotor! Don't be rude! He's my friend and I would appreciate it if you would refrain from insulting him like that!" Allura huffed and walked away, her fuzzy pink slippers scuffing on the hardwood until she plopped down onto the couch. James had already gone to bed at that point.

Lotor grit his teeth and followed after his girlfriend, sitting beside her. She scooted away on the couch and kept her arms folded. After having taken her out for dinner, Lotor hadn't expected to come home to a disaster area at the house, and Allura didn't even seem to have a problem with it!

" Allura. I don't want to fight with you. I just want my house and my girlfriend back." He said. And if it would've been a house Lotor had bought with his own money, he would've kicked James out after the first sign of him being trouble.

Allura crossed her legs sassily and reached for the TV remote, flicking it on in a disrespectful gesture. If Lotor was going to be rude, then who was to say that she couldn't do it too?

Lotor saw the TV turn on and once it was fully working and everything, he realized it was on the news channel. He stopped Allura when she went to change it, something already having piqued his interest.

" Authorities are still in pursuit of fugitive James Griffin. Description: 23 years of age, brown hair and tan skin, 6 foot tall and slender. If you see this man, he is wanted for the sexual assault of an omega whose name is being kept private at this time. Call 911 if you believe you've seen him." The news woman said. Apparently they didn't have a picture or mugshot of him to use.

Lotor looked over at Allura with his mouth hanging open and Allura was mentally panicking.

" Th-That... could be anyone?" She said, awkwardly letting out a chuckle. " I'm sure there's other James Griffins in LA-"

" Just stop. Stop..." Lotor held his face. He knew he had a bad feeling about him, and they were apparently hiding a criminal in their house. That was a crime, and now he could be dragged into whatever the fuck was happening.

" Lotor-"

The alpha stood up and went toward the door, not saying a word.

" Where are you going?"

" Out." He replied in a low tone of voice.

" Where-"

" Just leave me alone. I need to think." He put on his slippers and snatched his keys and he was out the door. It was just starting to sink in... Allura knew what James was. She was purposely shielding him from the law... and that was almost worse than what James was being accused of in Lotor's mind. He had a lot on his mind as he pulled out of the driveway.

He'd been driving around for a half hour before he ended up at Starbucks. As much as he might've liked to stop for a beer or something else to numb him, he was driving himself. He exercised some self control and figured that green tea from Starbucks would have to do.

Walking into the store, he had tunnel vision pointing at the floor. He wasn't even sure what to do with himself, but it became clear after he smashed into someone. Spritzes of cold hit the front of his shirt but obviously he hadn't been the main recipient of it.

He panicked as he saw a blonde girl before him, one whose pink sweater was completely brown from iced coffee all over the front of it.

" Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Lotor gasped and rushed over to grab napkins, the girl standing there staying still to prevent dripping anywhere else. He returned with a bunch of paper, which she took from him.

" Thanks... for that." She sighed and tried her best to dab it off. But they both knew that shirt was history.

Lotor stood there and mentally kicked himself. It was even in her pigtails, which were very long and looked almost like she had hair extensions. Something about her said that they were real, though.

" What were you drinking? I'll buy a new one." He offered.

She looked up.

" You really don't have-"

" I insist." He said, trying to muster a polite smile.

The blonde caved.

" An iced pumpkin spice latte, grande." She said. It didn't matter that it was August. Starbucks had brought it back and she was going to enjoy it.

" It's not even fall yet." Lotor joked. He really was just trying to make the best of the situation.

She raised a brow at him.

" And?"

He laughed a little and extended his hand.

" I'm Lotor, by the way."

She gulped and blushed slightly while shaking the alpha's much much larger hand.

" Romelle." She said.

Lotor smiled. That was a pretty name.

" I'll go get you your drink." He said, heading toward the counter. She couldn't help but be taken off guard at how polite he was. It was hard to find in people where she was from. But really... she'd just needed to get out of the house.

Hearing Krolia and Kolivan getting intimate in the other room was not a recipe for good sleep, but then again, neither was a latte at night. Romelle didn't care. She would sacrifice it so long as she didn't have to listen to them doing that.

Lotor returned with his drink and her own, handing it to her.

" All is forgiven?" He asked, and she giggled.

" Sure."

Lotor went ahead and sat at one of the tables by the counter, and Romelle decided maybe she'd found an excuse to stay there. She pulled out a chair and sat across from him.

" I don't feel like going home yet. You mind?" She questioned, and Lotor didn't seem bothered. Funny. He had exactly the same dilemma.

" So what are you doing at Starbucks at 9:30?" The alpha asked her. He had always been good at small talk.

" My parents decided to do something in the other room and we share a wall." Romelle grimaced, sipping her drink.

Lotor laughed in his throat and then sipped his tea. It was a nice distraction from what was going on at home.

" And you?" Romelle asked.

Lotor wondered if maybe this was the right time to tell a white lie. But whatever.

" My girlfriend did something bad... and I'm trying to figure out what to do." He said honestly. At least when speaking to a stranger, it was easier.

Romelle felt like an idiot once the alpha said he had a girlfriend, but she figured that it was expected. Any good looking and polite alpha would get snatched up right away.

" Well..." She began. " Do you love her?"

" Yes. So much." Lotor took his hair tie and put up his mane of hair as a way of fidgeting. It ended up in a messy yet put together bun.

" Then you'll forgive her." Romelle smiled gently. " I don't know much about love, but I know that it takes effort on both sides."

Lotor looked up at her, wondering where he'd seen that smile before. It almost reminded him of what Allura had had when they first met.

" You're easy to talk to." He said.

" Thanks. Would... would it be weird if I thought we could be friends?" Romelle asked, her cheeks tinted pink somewhat.

Lotor shook his head.

" Not at all."


" Rev that engine louder, Daddy~"

" You want me to?~" Shiro purred back, Matt only nodding from the passenger seat. They stopped at a red light, but Shiro wasn't allowing it to dampen their fun. They sat in their bright yellow Lamborghini together, on their way to go shopping. The engine purred and Shiro revved it up really loud before they took off at the green light.

Matt bit his lip and looked over at the alpha with admiration in his eyes. He loved watching Shiro do things like that just to impress him.

" I still can't believe you took the day off just to go shopping..." Matt chuckled a while later. " Well, actually, I can, but still."

" We have a lot to celebrate, Sweetheart..." Shiro smiled in a mushy way.

" Hey-" Matt poked his pointer finger into Shiro's arm and pursed his lips. " We don't know for sure yet."

" I can feel it." Shiro replied right away, reaching over and running his hand over Matt's tummy. His arm was long enough where he could get away with that and still drive safely. His hand was large compared to his omega's body, covering up a lot of his tummy with just his palm.

Matt blushed heavily, his entire face fading crimson. He didn't remember much of his heat, but funnily enough... he remembered the last time Shiro knotted him before it stopped. As much as he didn't want to tell Shiro he was right... he knew the alpha was. And that made him the happiest, most excited and flustered omega on the planet.

Shiro only laughed to himself softly when he saw Matt's face. It filled him with a sense of pride, knowing that he'd been the one to make it happen for him. Their plan for at least the past year had been to start a family, and it seemed as though they'd finally done it, and he finally gave Matt what he wanted so badly.

" I love you..." Matt confessed, putting his hand over Shiro's. He'd always loved how large the other's hands were, but it wasn't just because he was a kinky little shit. It was also because Shiro made him feel safe and protected.

" I love you too."

They arrived at the mall, a black Tesla following behind them. After all, they were filming a video that day as well. It was a task Shiro had put on the backburner to focus on Matt, but before they could go to the Gucci Store and pop off, they were heading to Sephora and Ulta.

Shiro's cameraman/assistant got out of the Tesla which had been parked beside them, and so did his two bodyguards.

" Just tell us when you're ready, Adam." Shiro told him, looking at the man with a camera. His red glasses were pulled up for a moment while he tinkered with the settings. In the meantime, Matt got out and circled around the car, where he was pulled against Shiro's side. The alpha leaned down and pressed a kiss to the side of Matt's head.

Adam flashed them a thumbs up.

" Hey what's up everyone? Welcome back to my channel. Today we are at the mall and I have some cash to burn, sweety, oh yes. I'm buying ten thousand dollars worth of makeup for my collection." Shiro announced and pulled Matt closer to himself. " Now you might be thinking, Shiro, don't you already have a hoarding problem with makeup? Yeah, I do. But fuck it! We're going in today."

They all made their way inside of the mall with various fans screaming at Shiro from everywhere.



" SHIRO! Where's Keith?! Why hasn't he been on social media?!"

Matt awkwardly waved at fans and kept his cool, and Shiro smiled at everyone politely. He had Adam film him hugging and signing various fans' things, then they went inside of the Sephora.

" Hi, Dior, how's it hanging, honey?" He said to the makeup case and Matt grabbed a basket. They put so much makeup inside of it that Matt couldn't even lift it. Shiro chuckled at him.

" That thing weighs more than you do, Babe..." He snickered.

Matt pursed his lips.

" Sounds like somebody wants to sleep on the couch tonight." Matt smiled up at him devilishly. He was sensitive about his size and Shiro knew that.

" I'm good!" Shiro nervously exclaimed. Plus... he wasn't about to get his probably pregnant omega worked up.

On their way up to the counter to pay, Shiro walked by a display case with Allura's face on it. It was full of all of her brand's makeup and he awkwardly laughed.

" Being a cheater doesn't look cute on anyone, sorry." He commented and put one of her palettes face down. Oops.

Matt burst out laughing and they went up to the register. When all was set and done between both Sephora and Ulta, they'd spent somewhere close to $12,000. That cost went up way higher after filming ended and they went to Gucci and many other luxury stores. Shiro was definitely out 50K after that.

Matt was looking pretty tired after walking around the mall all day, Shiro definitely having noticed it by then. He reached over and held the other's hand on the way back to the car.

" You getting tired?" The alpha asked him in a soft tone of voice. Shiro really was a gentle giant.

Matt shook his head.

" I just... my stomach doesn't feel so good."

Shiro really tried his best not to think it, but he couldn't help himself.

" Mr. Shirogane... I don't feel so good." He joked and leaned closer by Matt, who gasped and shoved him.

" It will never not be too soon for that!" Matt exclaimed, whining afterward and just leaning his head by Shiro's shoulder. " I'm serious."

" Alright. I'll get you home." Shiro assured and helped guide him to the car. In that moment... he knew. Matt was definitely eating for two.

{ AHHHHHHH! So much happened what the hell? This chapter was originally just supposed to be about Lance and Keith but... :D oops.

Hi, welcome to Second Chance can I take your order? Tea? Yes, hot or cold?

:3 }

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