The Next Level
((One week later))
((PS ....... NSFW WARNING!))
" A reported 200 hundred injuries reported after the Vidcon riot. Authorities are calling this the worst spur of violence in LA in the past ten years, although no one was killed. It is believed that the riot began as a clash between popular YouTube celebrity, Lance McLame's, supporters and another YouTuber's, Allura's, fans. The two stars have quite a history, filled with tension, scathing claims, and steamy accusations. They had a relationship lasting 6 months, followed by a messy breakup." The news lady said. The story was still on the national news even after a week had passed. " At this time, several people are in custody on battery charges, as well as theft."
Lance had Keith in his lap as they watched, unable to listen to it anymore. He grabbed the remote and switched the TV onto YouTube, where the home screen was beginning to load.
Keith turned back in Lance's lap, the alpha's hands sliding down his sides.
" It wasn't our fault." Keith murmured, leaning closer. " You need to stop beating yourself up."
" I know... I know." Lance sighed and nuzzled in Keith's neck. He already felt bad enough about Vidcon, but then over and above that... he had something weighing on him. " Keith... I-um... I have to tell you something."
Keith ran his hands through the other's hair.
" What is it?" He asked quietly.
" I'm... I have to leave soon. Sometime in the next couple days." Lance confessed. Keith's eyes beaded out of nervousness as he wondered why.
" What are you talking about? Leave where?"
Lance closed his eyes and focused on Keith's scent before pulling back, looking at Keith.
" Every year my family takes a trip to Cuba to visit my Dad's Mom. She's my other grandma, and the only family we have left from his side. We're the only people she has as well." Lance explained. " And... as much as I want you to meet her and everything, she kind of lives in a shack in the middle of nowhere, and it's a close family sort of deal. Not even Acxa can come." Lance paused, trying to figure out a way to explain why. " Imagine her like Shrek. She lives alone and she likes it that way, and she doesn't take kindly to outsiders."
Keith felt better upon hearing that, but was still scared.
" How long will you be gone?" The omega frowned.
" Usually we're there for about ten days." Lance grimaced, and Keith's heart sank. He would miss him so much. That was all it took for the omega to bury in Lance's chest and hold him closer. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with him before his departure.
Lance didn't say anything at first, only holding Keith in his lap. Until he couldn't stand the guilt anymore, that was.
" I'm sorry, KitKat. How can I make it up to you?" Lance gently asked.
Keith pressed a kiss on Lance's cheek, not wanting to make him feel worse.
" How about... you take me out on a date and we call it even?" Keith smiled a tad. It seemed like forever since they'd gone on a formal outing.
Lance smiled as well, then cupped Keith's cheeks.
" And just where do you want to go?" He purred playfully, his mind leaving the topic they'd been discussing.
Keith blushed and looked around his house for a moment, seeing Kosmo sleeping in his bed and trying to think. It had to be somewhere secure and nice, considering the drama they were in.
Allura had made a whole video accusing Lance of using his alpha voice on her, so that was great. But the couple ignored it, since they knew what happened.
" What about that fancy restaurant like ten miles from here? I think it's called Marmora's or something like that. Shiro took me there with Matt and let me third wheel once and it was cool." Keith suggested.
" Would I have to make a reservation?" Lance groaned.
Keith nodded.
It was about four in the afternoon, so they still had time.
The omega sent Lance pleading eyes, then rubbed his chest and kept staring into his blue orbs.
Lance gave in, smiling and sighing.
" Anything for you."
Even with millions of dollars, fame, and anything they could ever want, there was one thing deemed inescapable for the couple. Heats and ruts.
Matt laid in the nest Shiro had made him, sat atop their huge Barbie-like bed. It had taken months for people to hand carve it and it was big enough for many people at once.
Being unable to take suppressants, this was his only option. Matt had been allergic to them ever since his first heat at 16 years old. Shiro had adjusted to that and knew whenever a heat was scheduled to come, Matt had to be home, and he had to also be there for him.
" Matt. I'm going to ask again." Shiro said, crawling on the bed. He'd shed his clothes aside and gotten over him. " You're sure you don't want me to use a co-"
Matt shook his head rapidly and pulled Shiro closer, whimpering. They'd already spoken about it and made their choice, and Matt wasn't about to change his mind.
He felt around for Shiro's length, then wrapped his hand around it.
" P-Please... please just do it... I can't wait..."
Shiro stopped holding back his instincts and let himself sink against Matt. Their bodies pressed together and he gripped the omega's hair.
They were both ready to go, and Matt was ready to beg him more if he didn't hurry up.
" Knot... give me it..."
Matt was panting and sweating, Shiro heeding his request and sliding inside of him. He grunted, Matt being tight and hot and way too pleasurable for words.
" God, Matt..." Shiro leaned down and began to nip at the omega's neck. He was so tempted to bond him right then, but he wouldn't go through with it until Matt asked.
Matt gasped, his voice cracking. He wasn't much of a moaner per se. More like... labored breaths and an occasional shaky whine.
Once Shiro began to thrust, there was no stopping. One turned into two, and soon he was going in and out so fast Matt lost count. The alpha had learned that with him, he could never go too fast. That was how Matt liked it, especially heat stricken Matt.
" Sh-Shiro..." Matt stuttered, craning his neck for him.
Shiro gripped Matt's hips and pulled him down more so, sinking as deep as he possibly could. And Shiro... well... he was huge. Huger than pretty much anyone.
It wasn't long before Shiro was ready to knot him. He roughly flipped Matt on his stomach and laid over top of him, keeping his cock inside.
Matt whined and buried his face in the sheets. He was so desperate and it definitely showed.
" Hang on... almost..." Shiro grunted, then buried in Matt's neck from behind, taking his scent in. His knot began to expand at the base of his cock, keeping them locked together.
No condom.
No protection of any kind.
And that was exactly what they'd planned.
They'd made it happen. Marmora's had one table of two to spare at 7 that night. After stopping by Lance's place so he could change, Keith waited in his boyfriend's living room. Pidge was watching Kosmo at the omega's own place for the night.
Keith had to say... he felt good going on a fancy date without being forced into high heels. His skin wasn't showing everywhere in the outfit he'd picked. And that was another thing... Keith had been allowed to pick his own date night look. That was a first.
The omega had on a red button up shirt and black slacks, and black dress shoes that shone and were polished. He also had on a black necktie, having pulled his mullet back into a ponytail.
He perked up when he heard the sound on Lance's stairs. The click of shoes, nice ones.
" Damn..." Keith blushed and bit his lip when he saw his alpha. He was... jaw droppingly hot.
Lance's hair was slicked back and he had put on a blue and white plaid button up. The top couple buttons were undone, showing off his collarbone. He had on some form fitting khakis and tan shoes, and Keith found his eyes wandering downward. Damn... those pants... Lance's-... he could tell it was there.
Keith had made Lance cover his eyes on the whole way to his house, not wanting to ruin the surprise of them seeing each other.
" Holy fuck-" Lance said, staring at Keith with beading eyes. At the sight of Keith, he felt many things. His lower half was beyond excited, but thankfully didn't show it. His inner alpha felt the need to protect Keith, give him a nice evening, and then pleasure him till morning. And then there was Lance in actuality, who was just overtaken by how stunning Keith was.
Keith blushed and walked toward the stairs, Lance immediately embracing him and leaning down to kiss him. It was passionate but reigned in. Lance's hands had a mind of their own, however, as they rested on Keith's backside.
Keith placed his hands on Lance's chest, not minding the touching if he was being honest. Lance squeezed him a little, making him jump.
" Sorry..." Lance chuckled.
Keith decided to play along. After all... if he truly did want to take things to the next level with Lance, he had to say what he meant.
" Who said I didn't like that?" Keith purred and leaned closer, not really believing he was doing it. He looked up at Lance, making it clear he was serious.
Lance hadn't been expecting that. He figured out Keith wasn't joking and decided to let his inner alpha guide him.
" Well... if that's the case..." He reached behind Keith again and gripped him firmer, using both hands that time. " I might just have to do it again."
Keith made a decision right then and there. He thought back to his talk with Pidge, about Lance, and about sex. He thought about all the times Lance had been there for him, and he decided to see where the night took them. If it led to their clothes on Lance's bedroom floor... he was starting to think it was alright.
" Play your cards right and maybe you can do more, Loverboy~" Keith chuckled, making Lance turn redder.
Lance wondered if this was truly Keith, and not just some alien sent from outer space. Sexual references??? Was Keith even ready for that? Would he ruin the mood if he asked and make the omega mad?
Lance decided he couldn't risk it at that moment. They got in the car, Keith driving. He had taken Lance there in his cherry red sports car.
The radio was on iHeart Radio and Shawn Mendes began to play. Keith glanced over at Lance, who blushed and then looked out the window.
" C'mon, Babe~" Keith teased with a snicker. " Sing for me."
Lance shook his head and folded his arms. He was a toddler in his actions but he didn't care.
Keith pouted. He kept his eyes on the road, them being halfway there by then. All he wanted was to hear Lance's voice again, being as it was so smooth and gentle.
" Please?" Keith pleaded.
Lance pursed his lips.
" What's in it for me?" He looked over. This was one of his biggest insecurities, as well as dreams, to sing... but still. Why did Keith care so much?
" I won't cuddle with you after dinner. Don't test me." Keith threatened. Of course he wouldn't force Lance to, but he really would've loved it if he did.
" I don't believe you. You love cuddles too much." Lance stuck out his tongue. He wouldn't do it yet, not yet. Keith would have to wait.
As they pulled up to the restaurant, they discovered there was valet, Lance smiling politely at the driver while getting out. Keith tossed the keys to him and then held Lance's hand on the way inside. Lance held the doors for Keith and was a total gentleman.
Approaching the host, Lance smiled again. Really the look had never left his face, since he was just so happy with Keith.
" Hi, table for two. McClain?" Lance said, holding Keith against his side.
The host took a moment and then found Lance's spot.
" Ah, right here. You may follow me this way."
Keith looked around and saw live music on the stage, a pianist and violinist up there and creating beautiful sound. People sat at tables all around, most of them drinking wine.
They took a table in the way back, candlelight creating a romantic atmosphere.
" This place is... upscale." Lance chuckled and looked around himself.
" That's what I told you." Keith laughed, then took a look at the wine list. He figured as long as they were out, they could have something.
Their waitress arrived soon enough with waters and an artisan bread basket, along with whipped butter.
" Could I get you both any drinks right away?" She asked, laying down heavy, leather-looking menus in front of them.
Keith wasn't sure what a lot of the wines were, then turned to Lance, conflicted.
" How about... a bottle of your finest champagne?" Lance asked, to which she smiled.
" Of course, sir. Right away."
Keith felt his heart flutter, and he squirmed in his chair ever so slightly. His body was already trying to tell him things... get him ready for things. Lance was just able to turn him on with every little thing he did as of late.
He snapped out of his thoughts when Lance reached across the white table cloth covered table and held his hand.
" I'm... I'm really glad we're doing this, Keith." Lance affectionately said.
Keith blushed and squeezed Lance's hand back.
" Me too. I'm really going to miss you." The smaller male replied.
" I'll miss you so much." Lance puffed out his lip. " But at least we can enjoy this night together first."
Keith nodded. And with that, the waitress arrived with a silver colored pail, filled with ice and with a bottle of champagne. She opened it with a loud pop, then poured Keith and Lance glasses.
Once she was gone again and giving them time to look over the menu, Lance raised his glass.
" A toast, to the most beautiful omega in the world."
Keith was completely red. How anyone could put up with and like Lance's cheesy romance, he didn't know. He would never explain it himself, and had given up on trying to.
" In other words... who?" Keith raised his glass, being coy with him.
Lance narrowed his eyes and played footsie with Keith under the table.
" Why, my omega, Keith. Thank you for asking." The alpha answered dramatically, clinking his glass to Keith's. They both knocked back a drink of it.
Keith tangled his legs with Lance's beneath the table, hoping the other tables wouldn't notice. But still... he wouldn't have stopped even if they did.
" So..." Keith began, opening up his menu. " I forgot what I got last time. I just know it was good."
" Well, it's my treat. Get whatever you want." Lance smirked and opened his menu. He loved knowing he could provide for Keith if he was being honest. Maybe that was just his inner alpha talking, but still.
Keith wanted to protest, but he decided not to. After all... he did like it when Lance spoiled him sometimes. He'd be sure to reward him for it later.
His eyes fell over the menu, and immediately caught on the gourmet cheeseburger. Homemade french fries and all the fixins made him excited.
" I'll probably get the cheeseburger then." Keith smiled.
Lance looked over the menu as well, seeing a lot of fancy and expensive things.
" Oooo... crab legs. Yes." The alpha said. He would totally do that.
Keith reached and grabbed some bread, eating it plain.
Lance gasped.
" How could you do bread dirty like that?!" The alpha frowned.
Keith had his mouthful like a chipmunk and had to chew and swallow.
" Like what?" He asked in a confused way.
" No butter?" Lance grabbed a piece, and Keith shrugged. " Let me show you how it's done, Princess."
He swiped butter across the bread slice and ate some politely, Keith deadpanning and not caring.
" Who's the princess again?" Keith laughed. Lance huffed and then the waitress showed back up to take their orders. From then on, the two drank champagne and laughed.
It was what seemed like an hour til the food arrived, but a good, fun hour.
Keith squirted a bunch of ketchup on his burger-which had extra pickles per his request- and Lance grimaced playfully.
" Do you want some burger with that ketchup?"
Keith glanced up.
" Leave me alone." He pouted and folded his arms, wondering what Lance would do. The alpha only chuckled and ran his foot up Keith's leg.
" Fine."
As they began to eat, Lance was practically moaning from how good the crab was. Keith had noticed Lance did that when something tasted really fantastic.
" Save it for the bedroom~" Keith purred, blushing.
Lance choked, nearly spitting out the crab meat and covering his mouth. He frantically chewed and swallowed, then downed the rest of his glass.
He made eye contact with Keith, who was still as serious as before.
" K-Keith... um..." The alpha stammered. He wondered what all was going to come of this.
Keith raised an eyebrow and ate a french fry. He wanted Lance to know... he wanted to go there, get to that level with him. It had been long enough... and he had needs.
" You're serious about this? Earlier too...?" Lance asked. He didn't want to find out Keith was joking and accidentally make a move on him. That wasn't how this worked.
Keith shyly nodded.
" Lance... I..." He began, gulping. " I really, really like you. I can't keep lying to myself about what I want, and..." He stared at his lap. " I want you. I want our relationship to get deeper."
Lance blushed very heavily, thinking about it. He would be gentle with Keith. If that really happened, he wouldn't have a choice. All he knew was that he would make it the best night of Keith's life.
" Okay, KitKat..."
(( UWU I smell character development ˚ ҉✧ෆ ҉*₊( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)₊* ҉ෆ✧ ҉˚ ))
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