The Cuddle Monster
(( *trying to reach the fluff powder on the top shelf* Almost... almost got it! Ther- *drops it and it spills everywhere* *chokes on it* aCK!))
It had been a while since he'd slept so soundly, woken up so refreshed. Maybe knowing that Lance was in the house had made it all possible.
Keith sat up, stretching his arms above his head and yawning. He looked around drowsily and saw Kosmo laying beside him, causing a smile to lift up his features before he stepped out of bed.
His feet were quiet on the hardwood as he walked out of the room. The light coming in through the windows was pretty and helped him wake up, and birds could be heard chirping in his backyard. It was ten in the morning, but it definitely didn't feel like it.
Then there was something else.
Keith perked up when he heard it, going toward the couch. Lance's snoring was light and cute as he laid sprawled on his back, having sunken into the comfy fabric over the course of the night.
The omega smiled more when he saw him like that, loving it more than he'd admit to.
Maybe... maybe he could return the favor. Lance had made him breakfast in bed a lot when they were on vacation, but Keith had never done that for him before.
He wanted to change that.
Normally, Keith would've been insulted if an alpha asked him to cook breakfast all the time. But Lance hadn't asked, and it wasn't an all the time thing. It wasn't like Lance felt entitled to it, so that was exactly why Keith could do it.
It was about 25 minutes later before Keith had whipped up some french toast for Lance. He was also planning on making a breakfast smoothie with frozen fruit and everything, but to do that, he'd need to use the blender. And that would've woken Lance up.
He needed to be sweeter about it than that. Lance had taught Keith some elements of romance and flirtation, and he was going to use them on him. Approaching the couch slowly, tiptoeing, Keith circled around it. It was big enough to fit two people sideways, but that wasn't his plan. He leaned down and pressed a kiss on Lance's cheek, combing through his hair with his fingers.
" Lance... wake up..." He whispered, kissing him a couple more times.
A large groan exited the alpha as his eyes struggled open. He rolled over and pulled the throw blanket closer to himself.
Keith made a face, pursing his lips.
" Lance. Come on..." He pleaded and shook him a little. " Don't you want breakfast?" This whole cheesy boyfriend thing was way harder than it looked.
When that didn't work, Keith said fuck it and crawled onto the couch. He laid by Lance and nuzzled to his scent gland, kissing it once or twice and trying to get his attention.
That was what made Lance's eyes shoot open, his scent gland being toyed with. Alphas were very sensitive there especially. He looked over at Keith after rubbing his eyes, then realized that his omega had been trying (failing) to get him up.
" KitKat... hey." He spoke in a rough morning voice. Lance couldn't help himself as he pulled Keith against his chest and cuddled him. He breathed in the omega's scent and smiled, yawning soon thereafter.
Keith blushed and let Lance do it, admiring the warmth the alpha had.
" I made breakfast..." The smaller male murmured in Lance's ear. Now there was something exciting, music to Lance's ears. He needed to tease him about it still, obviously.
" Oh yeah?" Lance asked, pulling back to look at him. " Is the kitchen burnt down?"
Keith pouted.
" I'm a decent cook, you show off." He insisted, and Lance chuckled while sitting up and pulling Keith to be with him. They were both so clingy that it didn't bother anyone.
" What'd you make?"
" Nope. Now you don't get to have any." Keith huffed and folded his arms. He wanted to get back at Lance.
" Oh come onnnn! KitKat? Princess? I'll wither away to nothing..." Lance whimpered and snuggled in Keith's neck, begging him. " What is it?"
Keith gave him the silent treatment.
" I'll tickle the answer out of you." Lance's eyes gleamed and he smirked evilly.
" No!" Keith flailed and nearly fell off the couch.
" That's what I thought." Lance pridefully spoke, and Keith regained his composure while rolling over to look at him.
" French toast. And I have a smoothie whenever you want me to finish it." The omega finally spilled, causing Lance's face to light up. He looked so excited.
" Perfect."
" Do you want it now or not?" Keith chuckled, and Lance's arms snaked around his waist. He held the smaller male's hips and pressed a light kiss on his lips, one that was full of appreciation.
Keith blushed heavily, his eyes lidding as he settled into the feeling.
" Of course, Princess..." Lance murmured. He didn't want to get up, not because he was tired or anything like that. It was that cuddling Keith was easier when he was on the couch.
" You'd have to let me up then..." Keith whispered, trying to squirm away.
" I don't know... that's asking a lot." Lance teased. He eventually let Keith up, though. As the omega walked to the kitchen, Lance sat up on the couch. He was just wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt. His toned arms were shown off fairly well, and even though he had a bedhead, his hair looked wonderful.
He stood up, yawning and keeping the throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders while heading to the kitchen. Keith had just finished pouring the almond milk into the blender for the smoothie, putting it in the fridge.
Keith put the top back on the blender, pressing the button to incorporate the strawberries and bananas together with Greek yogurt and almond milk. He jumped when he felt arms around him from behind, a blanket covering his arms. Lance's chin rested on his shoulder as he embraced him.
" Can I help you?" Keith snickered.
Lance snuggled closer.
" There's a couple ways this can go, Kogane~" He purred. " The cuddle monster has you now."
" Oh yeah? What are his plans for me?" Keith teasingly rolled his eyes. Lance smirked and lifted Keith up, engulfing him with the blanket. Keith was a victim of how much Lance loved cuddles at that point.
" Top secret." Lance whispered, and as they both stood under the blankets, their heads being hidden and the light being blocked out... it was hot. The temperature between then rose somewhat.
" You're such an idiot." Keith ran his hands up Lance's chest and eventually found his cheeks, standing on his tiptoes and kissing him.
Lance smiled into the contact and let his hands slide down Keith's sides, gripping his waist. He tasted good, felt good, was the most perfect omega ever. Wanting more of him... Lance knew it was selfish and he could never tell Keith yet... but still. In that moment, he could have a kiss. An amazing, whimsical kiss with the most perfect guy ever. That was more than enough.
Keith came out from under the blankets, turning off the blender.
" Come on. Let's eat." He told Lance, going and grabbing some plates from the cupboard. He grabbed the silverware and cups, and Lance only then noticed the plate of french toast on the counter. It had all been dusted with powdered sugar and Keith had taken out the syrup.
After pouring the smoothies and making themselves plates, the couple went to sit at the dining room table.
Kosmo was sitting by Keith's chair soon enough, whimpering and sniffing around.
Keith tossed down some french toast, which the husky practically inhaled. Apparently the luxury dog food Keith bought for him wasn't enough.
" Keith-" Lance tried to say.
" Huh?"
Lance facepalmed, not knowing if a dog should've been eating that stuff. But whatever. Kosmo seemed to enjoy it.
" Nevermind." Lance shook his head and laughed. He forked some french toast into his mouth and smiled. It was really fucking good. " Damn. How long have you been hiding this from me?"
" Hiding what?" Keith drank some of his smoothie.
" The fact that you're a secret Gordon Ramsay." Lance talked with his mouth full. Keith decided to take that as a compliment, tangling his legs with Lance's under the table.
" I... I just don't want people to expect me to cook for them, that's all." Keith admitted. Lance tucked some hair behind his ear.
" I'd never do that, KitKat. How about we take turns?" He asked. " And when we're both too lazy, we can order in."
" Now you're speaking my language." Keith smiled. Lance was so caring and kind, and literally the softest alpha to ever exist. He almost seemed too good to be true. Almost.
They ate up the breakfast, smiling and playing footsie the whole time.
" I... I wish you didn't have to go home." Keith admitted, pushing his empty plate aside and resting his cheek into his palm. He couldn't believe he'd told Lance that, but at the same time he could. He felt like he could tell him anything.
" I know... but we have to start filming again soon. I think our fans are getting mad." Lance chuckled and awkwardly glanced to the side. " Plus... I have to take another break soon... I need to get ahead..."
" Huh? Why?" Keith asked.
Lance stared down at his lap. He hadn't been planning on telling Keith so soon, but he was four days out. It was close, and he'd have to let the secret out eventually. It wasn't a secret that could be kept, even if he tried.
" My rut... it hits soon." Lance cringed, wondering if Keith would be mad at him or scared.
Keith's eyes were wide and beading as the word rut hit his ears. Oh no.
" O-Oh... okay..." The omega stammered and crossed his legs.
'Please don't ask me to... please...' Keith thought to himself, more like panicked. He would've had to tell Lance no, and it would've been a mess.
" I'm staying locked up in my house and everything, but I have to get a couple videos done first. Pidge agreed to post one for me during the week it happens." Lance explained. " I... I just don't know how I feel about you being here alone that whole time with the break in and everything." He worried out loud.
Keith listened, fear in his eyes. Ruts scared him after James had nearly gotten him pregnant.
" Well... I should be okay..." Keith said, fidgeting under the table.
Lance watched his reaction and his face sank.
" Princess... I'll only be gone from you a week." Lance reached and held his hand, massaging the palm of it.
Keith felt better when Lance said that somehow, like it hit the point home. He didn't have to go spend it with Lance. Still... he felt guilty.
" I'm sorry... that I can't-"
" Don't be sorry. I wasn't even going to ask, Keith..." Lance assured. He gripped Keith's hand more so. " You haven't even let me take off your shirt yet. Do you really think I'd ask you for something like this?"
Keith shook his head.
Spending a rut alone was hell, and they both knew that, but they'd reached a mutual understanding. Lance would've enjoyed the comfort, but he couldn't say he wanted help. That was simply because he knew Keith wasn't ready.
" Well... thank you... I guess- you know... for not expecting me to." Keith stammered.
" Of course. What kind of alpha would I be if I pressured you for something like that? That's disgusting." Lance huffed.
'James wouldn't think twice.'
Keith was really happy Lance was so considerate. He didn't know what he would do without someone like him. He got up from his seat, looking down at Lance with a certain expression.
He only hugged the alpha close to himself, sinking against his chest gratefully. Getting attached? There was nothing Keith could do to stop it anymore.
It was night time again by the time Lance knew he had to go home. He knew he'd be up late filming his next video, but it was totally worth it since he'd gotten to spend that time with Keith.
" I really like you, KitKat..." Lance embraced Keith by the front door. He had his suitcase all ready to go. And Keith had stolen one of Lance's hoodies out of it before the alpha zipped it up. That's what he wore along with some of his own leggings. " I'll see you on Friday?"
" Yeah... definitely." Keith smiled up at him. He felt so warm and snug inside Lance's hoodie. It was Gucci, but it wasn't like it was obvious by looking at it. It looked almost solid white other than the small logo, which was red and green.
Lance cupped Keith's cheeks and leaned down, pressing his lips on the omega's. It was a more passionate kiss than normally, and Keith noticed that as he kissed him back. Going along with it, he bit Lance's bottom lip just before the taller male could pull away.
Lance blushed heavily and gave Keith a look, chuckling once they pulled apart. Keith was so unpredictable and he loved it.
Kosmo jumped up at Lance, feeling like he needed attention.
" Oh, you too buddy." Lance knelt down and scratched him behind the ears. " Take care of Keith for me..."
Kosmo panted and seemed to smile a little, and that was enough for Lance as he stood up. He took his suitcase and looked at Keith affectionately before pulling the front door open.
It felt... sad. But why should it have? They'd only been together a little over 6 weeks. It wasn't like they'd forgotten how to live without each other.
Lance put his suitcase in the backseat of his Jeep, then went to go sit in the driver's seat. Right as he reached to close the door, he paused, noticing something stuck under the windshield wiper.
He was confused, getting back out and grabbing it. Keith watched from the doorway, not having shut it. His eyebrows furrowed.
Lance's eyes became red hot as he saw the picture, knowing he shouldn't have been looking at that. Keith... Keith looked miserable.
" Wh-What the fuck?" He asked, covering his mouth and flipping it over.
Bet mine tastes better than his...
Keith came out from the house, approaching Lance as he dropped the picture. He felt like his eyes were stained. He wasn't supposed to see Keith in a position like that, covered in that, looking like that. Lance was ready to puke, but punch something all at the same time.
Keith bent down and picked it up, his eyes bulging as he saw what the picture was of. Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes and dripped down his cheeks as he sniffled. His vision was clouded as he read the message on the back.
He was sobbing soon enough, falling to his knees. Lance snapped out of it once he heard that, getting on the ground and pulling Keith close to himself.
James. That asshole. RIGHT UNDER HIS NOSE! Even as Lance was there with Keith, somehow he'd slipped through the cracks and pulled something.
" Shhh... Keith. I didn't see! I didn't look!" Lance tried to say, and Keith was pretty much bawling his eyes out in a matter of seconds.
James had exposed him in his most vulnerable way and Lance had seen it. This was a nightmare come true.
Lance grit his teeth and growled in his throat, his alpha instincts clawing at him to do something.
" That's it!" Lance yelled, tears in his eyes. " I'm calling the cops! This asshole is not getting away with th-"
" No! No..." Keith sniffled. He had curled up against Lance as his primal omega side took control. " I-I don't want him to think I can't handle this on my own!"
If he called the cops... he would feel like the helpless omega James wanted him to be. He refused.
(( Okay... but... thE FLUFF uWu!!! <3))
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