The Back Door

(( Sorry for being gone so long, Loves. I'm doing better now, and I think my mental state is recovering. Thanks to everyone who helped me feel better <3

One more thing. *steps back* *kicks over tea kettle*


The movie theater in Altea was known for having the best ice cream in town. There was an abundance of flavors and colors inside of the case, and nearly every combination was possible.

The two couples stood in front of the case and looked at all of the flavors, Keith more daunted than the rest of them.

" Did you want to get any other food besides ice cream?" Lance asked Keith, putting a hand on his shoulder. He was just trying to focus on anything besides the fact they would be watching a horror movie.

Keith glanced up at the menu board, seeing that they had popcorn, soda, nachos, pizza, tons of candy and much more.

" How about... we get some nachos?" The omega glanced back at him, his words quiet.

" Sounds like a plan. Wanna split a soda with me?" Lance questioned, and Keith nodded.

" How can I help you folks today?" Was asked from behind the counter. A ginger guy with a Pringles Man mustache was standing there, wearing a red apron and with a name tag that said 'Coran'.

" Hey, Mr. Coran." V smiled, and Lance waved.

He recognized the two and laughed gleefully.

" Veronica and Lance! Well hello! It sure has been a while." Coran smiled. " I remember when you both were just little babies."

" Stop it, Coran." Lance laughed, pulling Keith closer to himself. This man had been a family friend and well known Altean man for many years. The community knew and respected him very much so.

" Good to see you. Could we by chance order something?" V teased.

Coran twiddled his mustache and looked deep in thought.

" I suppose you can." He told the group, chuckling. " What can I get for you?"

" I'll have a double scoop Superman ice cream in a waffle cone." V said, then looked at Acxa. Coran jotted it on his pad and then looked up.

" I'll have the same thing but in a dish." Acxa said in a low tone. She didn't like to talk a lot.

" Alrighty. Anything else?" Coran asked, and Lance pushed Keith forward playfully. The omega shyly smiled.

" Can I have a single scoop cookies and cream in a dish?" He asked, and Coran nodded.

" And for Lance?"

" You already know I'm going for the Blue Moon." Lance chuckled. " Single scoop in a sugar cone."

" How could I forget?" Coran laughed. " Will that be all?"

Lance told them the rest of what he and Keith had agreed upon, then paid the entire tab. His sister got pissed when he did, but Lance stuck out his tongue at her while handing over the money.

" Well since Lance is being such a little butt, we'll wait for the order and meet you in the room." V folded her arms.

" You can carry it all?" Lance asked, but then remembered that they'd get a tray probably. V shot him a look, and Lance raised his hands in surrender. He draped an arm around Keith and walked with him to the showing room.

" You're being awfully quiet..." Lance murmured and hugged Keith closer to himself.

" I am?" Keith asked, and the other nodded. " Sorry. Did you want to talk about something?"

" Not anything in particular." Lance shrugged. " But... I wouldn't mind having a conversation about how cute you are~"

They entered the room and Keith's face flushed from the comment.

" I hope you're prepared to talk to yourself about that." He replied sarcastically. Keith didn't think he was cute at all if he was being honest.

" Fine." Lance huffed. He loved a challenge. " Wanna know something really cute that Keith does? Right when he's about to sleep, he nuzzles by my neck and settles there. Or another thing, he still ties his shoes with the bunny loop method-"

" I can't do the other way!" Keith whined and looked to the side, embarrassed.

" And he blushes all the time..." Lance continued while guiding Keith up to the top row of red theater seats. " And he smells like a hot summer night, and he's really the best person to cuddle with because he's so warm. I don't think I've ever needed a blanket when I've cuddled with him."

Keith wanted to kermit.

" Stop talking." He whined again, and Lance shook his head with a grin. They sat down, apparently the only ones in the room. They were a little early, after all.

Lance leaned over the divide in their seats and kissed Keith's cheek sweetly.

" You're so perfect..." He murmured.

Keith was going to explode if this kept up. He could barely contain his blush as Lance affectionately hugged him and pulled him closer, staying by his scent gland for a moment.

" You're so cheesy..." Keith whispered.

" I know... but you love it..." Lance told him, turning Keith's face and dusting a kiss over his lips. They were alone, so he could afford to do that.

Keith felt his heart skip a beat and he folded his arms. He'd never admit to it, but being so close with Lance and all of his little gestures... they really did mean the world.

He looked at Lance's lap, then back up into the alpha's eyes after they pulled back.

Lance followed Keith's eyes, worried at first. Was he hard again?! No, phew.

" What is it, Princess?" The alpha asked gently.

Keith struggled to get the words out, not wanting to look like such an omega. But in that moment, he said fuck it.

" Can... I sit on your lap?" Keith questioned in a quiet voice, and Lance's face lit up and he nodded. The theater seats were big enough, and they reclined, so there was no harm.

Keith scooted over and took his rightful place on Lance, leaning back against him. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith and rested his chin on the other's shoulder.

" Happy now?~" Lance purred.

" Yes..." Keith mumbled.

It wasn't long after that when the other couple showed up with their food. The soda went in the drink holder and the nachos sat in Keith's empty seat until they could make room for them. They all got situated with their ice creams and Keith looked back at Lance while spooning some into his mouth.

Oh fuck.

It was really good, and he made a face while eating it faster. Delight spread across his features.

" I know... the ice cream here smacks." Lance told him, licking the blue ice cream off of his cone. After staring at that for a few moments, Keith came to the conclusion that he couldn't anymore.

Lance's tongue... doing that... he couldn't watch without thinking of what else it could do. Keith squeezed his eyes shut for a second and took a deep breath.

The idea of a sexual act was fine, even if fun. Doing it, however... Keith knew he wasn't ready. As much as he wanted to know what Lance's tongue felt like on his-... he couldn't yet.

" So Lance, try not to piss your pants on the jump scares, huh?" V teased from the seat on Lance's right.

Lance rolled his eyes.

" Right."

" Don't scream either." Acxa chuckled, and V took her hand subtly so the others wouldn't notice.

" Oh no. You're not one of those people are you?" Keith questioned. He couldn't stand it when people screamed.

" Nah. V is just crazy." Lance shrugged, eating more ice cream.

" We'll see about that when the movie plays." V retorted.

People trickled in and the previews began after a short while. They were mostly for other horror movies, and Keith cuddled against Lance. By then, they'd all made good work of their ice cream.

He grabbed the nachos and set them in his lap, occasionally handing one over his shoulder for Lance.

And finally... the moment that they'd all been waiting for... the movie began. Keith smiled to himself excitedly, and Lance nervously sipped soda while picturing himself in his happy place.

No creepy music or creepy demonic dolls, nope! He just smiled and convinced himself that if he looked good, he'd eventually feel okay on the inside, too.

Holding Keith helped, which he did as he kept the smaller male close in his lap.

Keith could tell Lance was nervous, which he found adorable if he was being honest. He'd never seen an alpha who was scared of horror movies before-Shiro didn't count- so it was totally different.

About a half hour in, Keith was startled when his phone vibrated in his lap. He didn't understand why it did it three times at first, and figured he'd better check it.

'Security alert. Back door.' Was shown on his screen, a message from his security company.

Keith's eyes widened. He set the food aside, then looked back at Lance with a panicked expression. He'd be getting a call from the company if he wasn't there to reset the system in thirty seconds, which he definitely wouldn't be.

" Keith?" Lance whispered, and the omega stood up.

" I have to take this." He swiftly walked from the room and stared down at his phone, which rang.

" Hello, Mr. Kogane?"

" Yes this is he."

" We received a security alert at your home. The back door sensor was triggered. Was this you?"

" N-no. I'm out of town." Keith gulped. How?! He had gates and a literal wall guarding his property!

" We are sending officers to the premises right away, sir. We will have them give you a call when they arrive and check."

" Alright. Thank you..." Keith stammered, hanging up his phone and looking at the hallway wall blankly. Why would someone come into his house? And how? It didn't make sense to him.

He picked up his phone and tried to keep his composure, calling Shiro.

" Hey-"

" Shiro. Were you at my house just now?" Keith asked. It was the only thing he could think of. Shiro had a key to the front door. Maybe he had stopped by to check on him and- yeah... still didn't make a lot of sense.

" No." Shiro spoke, panting.

Keith made a face, and he heard shifting in the background.

" I'm with Matt at the mansion." Shiro elaborated. " Why, is something wrong?"

Keith wondered if he'd interrupted something between the two of them, but decided he wouldn't ask. He had bigger problems on his hands.

" Well my alarm company called me and it looks like someone just broke into my house. The cops are on their way there now..."

" Keith, oh my god!" Shiro exclaimed. " Do you want us to head over there? I know you can't exactly come back right now."

" Please. Just talk to the cops and... I don't know." Keith stared down. His heart was palpitating and he was beyond nervous.

" Of course."

Keith looked over his shoulder when he heard footsteps, seeing Lance coming out of the room. He told Shiro goodbye and everything before turning to him.

" What's going on?" Lance asked.

Keith tried to take a deep breath, but he was definitely scared and angry. He knew one thing, though... when telling an alpha something like that... he had to be careful. He didn't want Lance to lose his temper.

" My security system got tripped... and the police are going to my house." Keith told him. Lance's eyes widened, and his mind immediately jumped to a conclusion about who did it.

" That asshole." The alpha growled, clenching his fists. " Do you want me to drive you home?"

" No. Shiro and Matt are going to head over." Keith assured, grabbing Lance's arms and letting his hands slide down them. He unballed Lance's fists and held his hands, already able to smell Lance's outrage.

" I bet it was that lowlife piece of-" Lance grumbled.

" It's okay, Lance... just take a breath." Keith spoke carefully. He had to admit... he'd never been the best at calming down himself. His inner omega always had to take the reins when he did.

Lance wanted to beat James in that second, already feeling protective and territorial over Keith. He wanted to hurl his fist at the other alpha's face and duke it out.

But then he heard Keith's voice and felt his soft hands, smelled his scent. It had a calming effect on him as he pulled the omega closer.

" I'm gonna snap him in half if he touches you..." Lance hissed to himself, and Keith hugged the alpha. He himself was slightly trembling and prayed Lance didn't notice. All they could do was wait, and brace for whatever impact was to come out of this.


" Shiro..." Matt whimpered from the passenger seat as they pulled up to Keith's place. The gates had been opened by the police and there were red and blue lights flashing in the driveway.

" You'll be okay." Shiro assured. " I have you."

They got out and approached slowly, Shiro holding Matt against his side the whole time. If anyone wanted to hurt his omega, he fucking dared them to try. Protective? Yeah, he was so much more than that. Shiro may have been soft spirited for an alpha, but when worked up and on edge, messing with him was sure to equal a hospital stay.

" Are you the owner of the house?" An officer asked as they got closer to Keith's place.

" No. My name is Takashi Shirogane. I'm Keith's brother, and he sent me to check with you all because he's out of town." Shiro spoke calmly, and Matt stayed quiet as not to interfere. Cops and omegas didn't always mix well.

The officer looked over the two skeptically.

" I need to see some ID first. Standard safety procedure." He told them, and Shiro nodded.

" Understandable. I'm just going to reach into my pocket for my wallet." He said, not wanting to look like he was pulling something funny. Moving slow, he eventually got out his ID and handed it over, which said everything he'd told the cop.

After deciding it was alright to talk to Shiro, the cop handed the card back.

" There's been a break in at the back door. If you both will follow me, we have something we would like you to see."

Shiro looked down at Matt, who was eager to stay close to him as they made their way inside.

" Everything inside of the house is intact up here; the front door is clean. However, in the master bedroom, the drawers have been tossed. And in the kitchen, something was left. Would you follow me and tell me if you've seen it before?" The cop asked.

" Yes." Shiro told him, and they walked into the kitchen. On the counter sat a vase of red roses, along with a card. It looked like a card at least, even if only from first glance.

" Does Keith have any enemies?" The officer asked, and Shiro made a face.

" I can think of one. What does the card say? Am I allowed to flip it over?"

Another cop walked over with a pair of gloves on, a she this time. She took the piece of paper, turning it so not just the paper thin side showed.

It was a picture, one with writing on the back.

I know you miss me baby. Call me <3

On the front was a picture of Keith in a pile of red rose petals, sprawled out but not quite naked. He wore a thin pair of underwear, skimpy at best.

Shiro growled in the back of his throat.

" Sir, do you know who did this?" The cops asked again, and Matt rubbed Shiro's arm.

" Please give him a minute. You said Keith's room was ransacked?" Matt spoke up, and the officer nodded.

" Would I be able to go and check? For missing items, I mean. Takashi and I know this house's layout very well."

" Sure."

Matt slowly stepped away from Shiro, who was looking down at the vase in a disgusted way. Why not leave it on the doorstep? No. That would've been too easy.
James was telling Keith that he knew how to get in the house.

Walking to Keith's room, Matt looked around. The closet was torn apart, and as he looked at the dressers, one thing especially stuck out. The drawers were all wrinkled and full, besides one, with only a measly pair of boxers left.

Matt grimaced and covered his mouth.

'That sicko took his underwear...' He thought to himself.

" Is there anything you notice?" A cop asked from behind Matt, the girl one. She startled him, making the omega jump.

" I-..." Matt stammered. " His underwear is missing..." He told her, ready to throw up. Lord even knew what James would do with it.

" Is that all?" She asked.

" As far as I know. I'm sure Keith could tell you more..."

Making his way back out to the kitchen, Matt could see Shiro was ready to lose his shit.

" James Griffin did this." Shiro told the cops darkly. " My brother's ex alpha who assaulted him. He can't let things go..."

" You're sure?" The officer asked.

Shiro nodded, his eyes dark with rage.

" We will call him down to the station. I suggest that you two stay here for a while to update us on anything else. The back door is still functional, though the lock was jimmied open."

Matt nodded and thanked them, and the cops were soon on their merry way.

Before Matt could even suggest to Shiro that they needed to call Keith, his hand was being taken and they were going out the front door. Shiro didn't speak a word while slamming it, and going to the car.

Matt practically had to run to not lose him.

" Shiro?!"

Car door, slam, roar from the engine.

Matt panicked and hopped in the passenger seat, and Shiro sped off without an explanation.

" Shiro! Talk to me! What are you doing?!"

It was about five minutes later that Matt figured out what was happening, and they pulled into James' neighborhood.

" No! Hey! Let the cops deal with him!"

" No! I'm sick and tired of this!" Shiro yelled, speeding up. " I'm gonna teach him a lesson."

Matt's eyes were wide and beading and they pulled into James' driveway soon enough. Shiro got out, Matt scrambling after him and trying to pull Shiro back.

This could not end well.

(( Okay but angry alpha Shiro is hot change my mind-))

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