
{ Thanks for being patient guys I've been very, very fucking ill. Honestly I can't tell you how I managed to even get this much done. I've been like a walking fever and you'd think I was allergic to air from how I cough every time I breathe. But thank you anyways. Much love <3 :) }

After the Alluracon disaster had taken over the internet and Allura had been sufficiently covered by all the drama channels, that left Lance and Keith to live their normal lives in peace. Except... Lance was anything but serene. When it came to someone such as him, he not only always had something to worry about, but he was great at thinking about the worst case scenario.

Ever since he and Keith had gone and had sex without any sort of protection for the first time, he had been itching and paranoid about what could come from it. He watched Keith's every move, wanting to be certain that the other wasn't showing any signs. And all the while, Keith had absolutely no clue in the world what Lance was doing.

Lance sat with his coffee in the morning, sitting at the counter and holding the mug. He jumped when he heard Keith enter the room, seeing the omega going straight for some caffeine as well. He eyed him, seeing the way he walked and even the look in his eyes.

Keith poured some coffee and grabbed some Starbucks creamer from the fridge, adding it and then finally catching on to the fact that Lance was looking at him. He perked up, raising a brow and taking a sip of his coffee after mixing it up.

" You okay? You look like you saw a ghost or something." Keith chuckled.

" Fine!" Lance exclaimed, chuckling to himself loudly and wiping some sweat from his forehead. He felt like he was driving himself crazy.

" Right..." Keith said, thinking that the whole situation was peculiar. He had never really seen Lance act that way before, wondering what might've brought it on. He thought about if there was any new Allura drama happening and knew that it wasn't the answer.

Whatever the reason, Keith decided he would blow it off for the moment. He didn't want to be any more hangry than he already was, so he made his way over to the fridge again. Surveying the items in there, he pulled out a parfait and added some granola to it, going over with his food and drink to sit by Lance.

" Didn't you want breakfast?" The omega asked him. Normally Lance would've made breakfast if he woke up first, so it was already surprising that he hadn't.

" I'm not hungry... you go ahead." Lance replied, chugging back some more coffee.

Keith was about to say something else, but that was when they both heard another set of footsteps, not mentioning the fact that Kosmo was also trotting into the room.

" Good morning..." Romelle yawned. She made her coffee the same as Keith, and Lance and Keith glanced at each other. They still both had their suspicions about her, but it was almost like they had a mutual agreement not to talk about it yet. They were waiting for the right moment, it seemed, to catch her and have the conversation.

" Morning..." Keith replied, eating some yogurt.

" What do you both have going on today?" She asked.

Lance thought about it, and he had been so focused on keeping an eye on Keith that he had nearly forgotten all about it.

" I'm meeting with a music producer today... Shiro set me up a meeting and they're going to have me meet with song writers and test my range and whatnot..." Lance explained. It was a milestone, but at the same time, he wasn't feeling like himself. He was so paranoid that he had possibly done something to Keith that he couldn't take back, couldn't undo.

" Woah, what?! Since when?!" Keith exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. It took him a moment, and he nearly choked on his breakfast, but it was fine after a while. It was just so hard to believe that he'd missed something like that.

" About a week ago..."

" I'm happy for you." Romelle said. " I hope it all goes well..."

" Can I come? Am I allowed to be in the room?" Keith eagerly asked, putting a hand on Lance's shoulder.

" You'll do anything to hear me, won't you?" Lance snickered to himself quietly, then drank some coffee. " I would've told you already if you could come. But this is professional business, KitKat... you'll just have to wait to hear me." His teasing knew no bounds, even if Keith was finding it as a challenge.

" Well what if your shower singing isn't enough for me?" The smaller male retorted, folding his arms.

" Then you'll have to deal~" Lance purred back, shoving his nervousness to the side. Even as Keith pouted, he was doing all he could to silence his paranoia. Was Keith just being this way because of sudden mood swings or was it a coincidence? He knew he was being unreasonable, but that was how anxiety worked.

" What time are you going?" Romelle asked curiously, drinking some of her fuel, or as other people called it, coffee.

" Uhhh- I think it was at 2 this afternoon..." Lance said.

" Well you're crazy if you think we're not having a hot tub session before you leave..." Keith muttered to himself.

" Okayyyy..." Romelle said. " Well... I'll be home all day... but Lotor and I are having dinner at his place tonight... so don't plan for me." She said before scurrying away, and after the fact, Keith and Lance were yet again looking at each other in a conspiratory way.

" Listen, I know you wanna come, but tonight... I'll be home. Wanna wait up for her?" Lance whispered in Keith's ear, and Keith was immediately on board, nodding. He figured that he could film a conspiracy video for his channel while Lance was gone with the producer and have dinner ready for him when he got home. It would be an easy day.


Keith was wearing a skimpy Calvin Klein swimsuit as he approached the hot tub. He had fired it up earlier, and despite it only being 60 outside, it was perfect. The breeze would feel wonderful after he and Lance were done.

Meanwhile, Lance was already inside of the bubbling and lit up water. He watched Keith, looking specifically at his stomach. It was flat and toned just like always. Though he wasn't sure what he was expecting to see, he kept watching and examining. His scent gland was alive with tingling as Keith climbed into the hot tub with him and he knew that something was up.

" What's with the look?" Keith asked, scooting so he could be next to Lance on the ledge-like seat. He could tell that something was off about Lance and the way he had been acting, but he couldn't read it right then. With the steam from the hot tub, it was more than difficult to pick up on the differences in his scent.

Lance gulped and looked to the side. He wondered how long he could keep it up, watching Keith so closely. He knew that if a couple months went by and nothing happened, he could rest easy, but what if he was already a father and he didn't even know?! It didn't matter that Keith hadn't been nauseous or anything! He was still worried!

" Do you think there's any way that I got you pregnant the other night?!" Lance blurted. It showed just how innocent he really was to be scared like that. Plenty of people had sex without condoms and managed to live pregnancy free.

Keith's eyes bulged and he felt like he was going to spit out his own tongue from surprise.

" Lance, really?!" He burst out laughing and covered his mouth, water dripping everywhere. " Don't be ridiculous! It was one time..."

" That's all it takes!" The alpha whined and looked to the side. Something hit different when it was Keith who was making fun of him.

Keith only cackled to himself even more.

" I'm serious!"

Keith wiped some tears from his eyes and tied back his hair, pulling himself into Lance's lap. He cupped one of his cheeks, hoping that the other's tiny frown would disappear soon

" Look, it's been... a week? And nothing has happened. I don't feel any different. My scent gland hasn't been acting up... I'm fine. I think we would know by now. Plus, you pulled out..."

" Pre-cum is a thing..." Lance grumbled, but he had to admit... Keith had a point. It wasn't like there was any noticed change going on with his omega at that point. No morning sickness-which was a telltale sign for male omegas. There was nothing!

" You don't have to worry, okay?" Keith assured, massaging Lance's cheek with the pad of his thumb. He didn't want to make him feel stupid, but then again, it was one time. If anything, it was lovable. It at least showed that Lance cared.

" You're not on the pill, either... I want to make sure that I'm not doing anything you don't want and that I'm being a good boyfriend and-"

" I'm off the pill because I trust you and whatever happens is going to happen..." Keith told him softly, brushing their lips together and running one of his wet hands through the other's brunette hair. That was enough to make Lance's ocean colored eyes bead around and make his heart thump. So much pressure... but at the same time, after all Keith had been through with James, it was the ultimate compliment.

" O-Okay..." Lance stuttered somewhat and reached to let his hands run down Keith's sides. He knew what being in love felt like in that moment even more than before. It was such a good feeling, one of unity and trust, and he swore that he'd never let it go.


So many things were going on at one time. Romelle was in her room on the upper level doing beauty treatments, face and hair masks and everything else to make her look amazing for Lotor that night. Then there was Keith, who was wearing a red shirt with a bunch of stripes and triangles on it. He was in one of the house's two filming rooms with a couch in the background as well as a table and tiny creepy figurines. That was how his compsitacy videos always went down. There was a system! A red shirt that never changed from video to video and a voice he did, one that was intentionally deeper than his usual one and meant to set a mood for his audience. However, this time, he wasn't talking about mothman or how there was a haunted Walmart that he wanted to go to. No, today, he was talking about stalkers caught on camera, and it was fucking terrifying. Even as he sat there and spoke about it, he told his audience that it was slightly triggering for him after James, but he wanted to inform them as well on the warning signs.

He also thought about how he would've felt more comfortable with Lance home, but what with two gates and body guards at the roads, he knew he was safe. Plus, Lance was already in LA.

Lance was in a stuffy conference room and was interviewed on his credentials first off. His subscriber count was already a factor that nearly guaranteed him a record deal... but there were a few things they needed to check first.

" And what type of vocal do you normally sing?" The producer asked while walking him toward the recording room.

" Tenor... but I can go deeper or higher if you want me to..." Lance replied. He was nervous as hell, but he trusted that Shiro knew his shit and had sent him to the right place.

" And provided you would like to do an album and not singles... what would your theme be?"

" Uh... love?" Lance answered hesitantly.

" That's funny, Mr. McClain." The producer laughed. " Right this way..."

Lance prayed he hadn't said the wrong thing as he followed, and he felt his throat clenching up with nervousness as he saw the padded walls, control panel, and room with glass and a microphone hanging down from the ceiling. He knew they weren't actually keeping any of his samples for production, but they had to analyze his sound and vote before there could be any deal offered to him.


Keith sat on the couch, curled up and waiting for Lance to get home. The sun was beginning to set and he looked down at the text from his boyfriend, saying that he was on his way home and that traffic was brutal and there was a jam on the freeway. All he wanted was to see him, but he knew he had to be patient. He figured he should focus on editing instead, since the second Lance got home, he wouldn't have been able to focus.

It was well over an hour before he had it all done and he finally heard keys jingling. He had already finished their dinner by then as well, pasta and meatballs stewed on the side, along with garlic knots. He had tried his hand at them, knowing how much Lance loved them.

Keith pretty much bounded out of the kitchen when he heard Lance's footsteps coming through the door, nearly tackling him with a hug. Kosmo also rushed toward the door and Lance was close to falling over.

He knew that Keith was excited and there was no doubt about it, grinning as he hugged him back.

" So?" Keith asked, kissing his cheek and standing on his toes to do so. " Did they sign you?"

Lance stood there, trying to suppress his grinning but it wasn't working. He couldn't possibly contain how happy he was.

" Yeah... they want me to meet with songwriters tomorrow..." Lance told him, and Keith could've jumped for joy for his alpha. He was bursting at the seams while thinking about Lance following his dreams.

" Yes!" Keith exclaimed, cupping Lance's cheeks and pressing kisses all over his lips and face, and Lance picked Keith up and swung him around, laughing. Meanwhile, Kosmo barked at them both and tried to play, hopping around and following them.

Lance set Keith down a bit after that, still smiling like a mad man when he realized... he smelled garlic.

" Princess... did you cook me dinner?" He asked in a sweet tone, tucking some hair behind Keith's ear. Keith nodded, and Lance already knew that there were garlic knots waiting for him in the kitchen. His life was finally coming together the way he wanted it. A considerate and loving boyfriend, a wonderful home, and his dream job had fallen in his lap.

But as Lance and Keith sat down and talked about their days and Keith convinced Lance of all of his theories... they both realized something. They still had to talk to Romelle.

As the night grew later and Romelle remained out of the house, Keith and Lance sat in the darkness of the house. But when headlights were seen outside and Kosmo began to bark, Keith nudged Lance to make sure that the other was not sleeping.

" I'm up..." Lance whispered, and Keith reached for the lamp, ready to flick it on the second Romelle could come through the door. And that was exactly what happened, even as the blonde tiptoed inside and shushed Kosmo desperately.

Keith flicked on the lamp, making Romelle jump. Meanwhile, Lance sat with his legs crossed and staring her way.

" You're home late..." Keith said.

" You guys did not seriously just-"

" Oh, we did." Lance added.

" We know. Just... we need you to be honest with us and stop sneaking around." Keith said, getting up and approaching the door. It honestly felt like they were in a scene from a movie and contronting her, but that was because they'd purposely set it up that way.

Romelle stood stiff for a moment, but in her heart, she had known they knew as well.

" I'm sorry... I didn't want you guys to be angry with me..." She confessed, and Keith and Lance looked at each other when they heard that.

" We aren't mad... just worried." Lance told her. " You know what will happen if the public figures this out... and god... what would Allura do? We just don't want to see you get hurt..."

" Yeah. It's not like we have a problem with you being with him... it's more so that we need to make sure you're safe..." Keith said as well.

Romelle looked down and to the side, sighing.

" I... we haven't been going out on dates... we've just been staying at his place." She explained. " I promise that I'm being careful..."

" Alright... well this can't get out until after this year is over..." Lance told her. " At least wait until New Years... that way we don't catch as much backlash."

" I promise... I promise we will." Romelle told them, and Lance and Keith decided it was enough. They trusted her, and plus, they had much more good things to focus on. Staying set on the thing with Lotor would've only ruined their vibe, which was the last thing they needed. After all, they had so much to look forward to.

{ What is a story without conflict? Y'all are gonna KILL ME when you see the turn this plot is taking soon... heh...}

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