{ Hi! I'm alive! I've just been crazy busy. But I have updatesssss and statements for you all
1. My SoulxKid Fic will be coming soon
2. My Banana Fish Fic is a work and progress and requests for it are greatly appreciated
3. I have the idea for my next Klance book which will start after SC
4. ^ don't take that the wrong way since SC is nowhere near done yet
Questions, comments, concerns?
Sweet. }
Female and male omegas experienced heats in similar, yet dramatically different ways. They both had breaks, times when they were worse and times when symptoms dissipated. There were key differences, though. Male omegas tended to eat a lot in the weeks before heats, almost like they were storing away energy. Whereas females tended to get queasy beforehand eat during the breaks of their heat.
Allura was no exception to this.
After crawling- or more like dragging herself out of bed, she noticed that Lotor was nowhere to be found. It was troubling especially due to her emotional and clingy state. It made her turn toward the fridge, which was filled with plenty of ways to ease the pain.
Her phone was in her other hand as she pulled the door open and went right for the chocolate cake, one layered with deep, rich frosting and plenty of other forms of pre-diabetes. She smirked while hacking off a slice of it onto a plate and heading toward the living room.
But still... where the fuck was her alpha? It wasn't like him at all to just skip out on her, make her worried that maybe he'd never come back.
She had just sat down in the dark living room, curling up on the couch and beginning to pull out her phone. Right as she was about to call Lotor, her phone began to ring. Though he wasn't saved in her contacts, she recognized the number right away.
" James, where did you go?" She asked after having answered the phone. It was truly a mystery as to where he'd gone off to, but she was genuinely curious.
" Listen, I drove into the woods. I've been just staying out here but I'm starting to run out of stuff and I don't know what I'm going to do. The police scanner says that they have my license plates." James told her.
Allura's eyes widened.
" Did you set me up?" James questioned.
" No, I would never!" Allura insisted, then began to shiver. It felt weird to be in heat and not have Lotor or someone there, even if it was currently somewhat settled down.
" Well you and Lotor are the only ones who know what I'm driving." James huffed, though his tone of voice harbored seriousness.
Allura's brain finally connected the dots.
" Lotor must've went to the police. I woke up and he was gone and he's been suspicious of you ever since they said your name on the news." She thought out loud. " I'm so sorry! I told him not to but I think he's just jealous because he thinks you have a thing for me even though I told him you don't." She rambled.
" Well what the fuck am I supposed to do?" James asked her. It wasn't like he was scared of owning up to what he'd done, but he would've rather stayed out of jail if he could help it.
" Uhh-" Allura tried to think. Her mind was groggy and she knew that her brain wasn't working at full capacity right then. She had dick on the brain.
Still, though. James was in trouble. She couldn't just not help him after everything. After all... they'd sort of had a bonding moment over their hatred for Klance.
" My family has a cabin about fifty miles north of LA. If I send you the address would you have enough gas to get there?" She offered. Lotor was going to be so pissed... but at the same time, he'd also gone behind her back. Man, revenge was sweet.
" Yeah, I think so. But how would I get in?"
" There's a key hidden under one of the floorboards on the deck. You can't miss it." She told him, then put the phone on speaker and sent him the address. " Now get up there before they find you..."
" Allura, you're too good to me." James said. He wasn't sure how he could genuinely appreciate her to the extent he did. But even this action was making him trust her ten times more than he already did.
" You've been there for me before..." Allura told him. " I can't just leave you hanging."
" I'll call you when I'm there... just be safe during the rest of your heat. If you don't answer I'll know you're back on it." James said, his voice a tad bit quieter than before.
Allura agreed before awkwardly hanging up. That conversation had been a roller coaster and she had no idea how to feel about it. It was like one minute they were freaking out and the next everything was gucci.
That was weird, right?
Yeah, no... yeah? She honestly didn't have the energy to figure it out while diving into her chocolate cake.
When the front door opened, Allura was chilling on the couch and watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians on TV. It was an awful show to most people but she still watched the reruns whenever they popped up.
She would've been scared had she not smelled Lotor's scent right away. He was clearly trying to be quiet on his feet, but it was obvious he was there and it was pointless to hide it.
" Why tiptoe when I know it's you?" She asked, not moving from her comfy spot lying down on the couch. She was steamed at him for bringing the cops into this and her voice spoke volumes as to that.
Lotor stood stiffer.
It was past 1 in the morning and he felt like a kid just coming back after having snuck out. Shit.
" I thought you would've been sleeping." The alpha justified.
" I was..." Allura huffed. " Until I realized you left to go talk to the cops." Her voice was increasingly accusing.
Lotor didn't even wanna know how she'd figured that much out. It didn't matter. He wasn't going to be ashamed of his actions when he knew that he'd done the right thing.
" That doesn't concern you." He told her, not giving in.
" Considering James is my friend and you're trying to get him thrown in jail, yeah, that does concern me." Allura looked him in the eyes while she spoke, trying to hit home the point that she wasn't very happy at all.
Lotor was so fed up with it at that point, but it wasn't like he could just leave again. Allura needed him, even if she was mad right then.
" I don't want to talk about it." Lotor growled, gritting his teeth. " Just be grateful that I bargained you out of charges." He didn't even wait for her to say anything else, cause frankly, he didn't want to hear it. " If you need me I'll be in our room."
They really hadn't meant to.
Lance's eyes were groggy as he struggled awake and sat up in a slow and sleepy way. He rubbed his face and then groaned before realizing something. He was naked?! Oh-... oh... right. He noticed that Keith was tangled around him, the omega's pale arms warm and comforting. It almost made him not want to move, but then he thought about something else.
Their friends were downstairs by themselves while he and Keith laid there, post-sex and sleepy.
" Keith..." He whispered. If the circumstances had been different, Lance wouldn't have been able to bring himself to stir Keith from his adorable slumber, but not at the expense of their dignity. If Pidge knew about what had been going on between them, there never would've been any chance of redemption. She would've never let either of them hear the end of it.
Keith stirred, then popped his eyes open. He was instinctively pulling himself closer to Lance as he began to wake up and snap back into the awake world.
" What?" He whined.
" We have to get dressed." Lance shook him a little bit more, then got out of bed. He pretty much bounded over to the closet before whipping out a shirt from there.
Keith was about to ask him why, but then it finally hit him. He felt tingling in his lower half and the memories came rushing back full frontal. It was a total accident! Fucking each other in secret was one thing, but it was a completely different thing if they KNEW!
" Shit! Fuck!" Keith exclaimed. He flopped out of bed, but then his knees buckled. He was sitting on the bedroom floor pathetically and beginning to get chills from how cold it was down there. He looked at Lance and his lower lip puffed out in a pouty gesture without him even realizing it. It was so embarrassing.
" Did I do that?" Lance asked, turning around and having slightly wide eyes. He'd just managed to get on a shirt. Maybe he had fucked him a tad bit hard... or maybe he had just gotten Keith in all the right places.
" No, jerk... I magically can't walk because of some other reason." Keith rolled his eyes. Maybe it was enough to make him flustered, the fact that it was all Lance's doing, maybe it wasn't. However, he wasn't going to admit to anything.
Lance couldn't help but laugh as he hopped into some fresh underwear and came over. Keith was such a cutie, even when he was sitting on his bedroom floor, naked, and with a severe case of bedhead. The mullet was looking pretty rugged like that. It made Keith look like some rebel adventurer from outer space, or like he was a biker guy. Heh. Lance got lost while admiring him and his mind wandered to other dimensions as he pictured Keith doing any number of heroic things. But he figured he was just crazy and that was all in another reality.
" Hello? Jerk?" Keith waved from the floor. " Your boyfriend needs some help..."
Lance shook his head and folded his arms.
" I'm not sure who this jerk you're talking about is." He teased, then looked around himself. " Do you have an imaginary friend? Or is my house haunted or something?" He smirked and kept staring down at his omega. They had some time to mess around, or so Lance hoped.
Keith blushed heavily.
" Fine..." He grumbled. " Babe... can you please help me up?" He batted his eyelashes at him.
" That's more like it." Lance said with a shit eating grin as he leaned down and scooped Keith up into his arms. He set him down on the bed and went over to the closet again, tossing one of his sweaters at Keith. The rest of the pajamas could be found in the bottom right drawer of Lance's dresser, which had been (un)officially delegated to Keith for whenever he was over.
" You're still a jerk, though." Keith told him when Lance handed the clothes over, but the blush on his face was spelling out how he didn't mean it and was just being stubborn.
" I love you too." Lance smiled, leaning down and kissing the top of Keith's head.
Keith lightly chuckled to himself and put on Lance's warm sweater, letting the fabric envelop him in the alpha's scent and affection.
" What are we going to tell them?" The smaller male asked after glancing at the clock. They'd been in there for over an hour... and it most certainly didn't take an hour to put on pajamas.
" That we fell asleep...?" Lance raised a brow and put on some basketball shorts. He sat on the bed beside his boyfriend, who was still trying to get on the underwear and shorts.
" You really think Pidge is going to buy that?" Keith asked.
" No, but do you have a better idea?"
Keith looked down and to the side.
" No."
" Well... it's settled, then." Lance said. " If she doesn't believe us that's her problem. She doesn't get to know what I do with you when we're alone~"
Keith was blushing immensely at that. He looked like the red part of a traffic light when it was lit up. He buried in Lance's neck and thought some more. It was finally starting to hit him where he was at in his relationship with the alpha. They were the farthest they had ever been with each other and it was clear.
" I wanna keep doing things like this with you..." Keith admitted, his inner omega forcing it out of him. " You make me feel safe and at home."
Lance wondered where that had all come from, but he wasn't about to complain. It was rare when Keith got all mushy and romantic like that and he was in no position to pass it up.
" Then we will, KitKat... always." He assured and wrapped an arm around Keith's waist.
But okay. The show was over. They had to go.
" How much do you wanna bet that they're up there doing the do?" Pidge asked Hunk. Normally that would've been something she would've betted about with Matt, but Matt hadn't really been picking up the phone recently.
" Ew, no. I don't wanna think that." Hunk folded his arms and tried to pay attention to the movie. Either was a bad option. Horror movie or thinking about his friends probably doing unsaintly activities up stairs... he was in a pickle.
" They have been up there a long time." Shay added and turned to look at the staircase.
" Pajamas my ass." Pidge pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She was so curious and inquisitive by nature that it was impossible not to think about things like that.
" Can we talk about something else?" Hunk whined. " Like... how is Matt? I haven't been able to get a hold of him in a couple days."
" Well... I'm not really sure." Pidge said. " I checked on his Instagram and everything and it says that he's been active recently but I'm not sure what's going on." At least it was something to distract her from Lance and Keith being gone, as Hunk saw things.
" Have you tried talking to Shiro?" Hunk asked.
" I think I'm going to stop by their house tomorrow and check in. They can't avoid me if I'm right there in front of them." Pidge told him. It wasn't like her brother to not be in contact with her.
Everyone was distracted as they heard footsteps descending down the stairs. It was so tempting to make a dirty joke as Lance gave Keith a piggy back ride into the room, but Pidge was thankfully able to contain herself for a few seconds. A few.
" So..." She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.
" What? We took a nap." Lance said, Keith burying in the back of his scent gland while he was held. If he had wobbled in there after everything it would've been even more of a dead giveaway.
" Mhm." Pidge hummed, screaming coming from the TV ahead of her. The end of horror movies was always the spookiest, leading to Hunk and Shay cuddling at the end of the couch. Those soft beans couldn't handle it.
Lance set Keith down on the couch and then pulled the omega into his lap so they could get situated.
" Pass the popcorn?" Lance asked Pidge, who complied. He knew she would be wanting the tea about everything later, and that was fine. But in that moment, they could be fully content, or at least Lance could. He had confidence in his and Keith's relationship to the fullest.
Keith blushed while he sat there, even if the movie playing in front of them was scary as fuck. He still hadn't told Lance the truth about why he'd been flustered. If... if he did... what would Lance have said? Would he have thought it was too soon? Keith was terrified of rejection from him and wondered if he would ruin the good streak they'd been having.
Oh well.
It would just have to wait.
{ Keithy boi chillllll ;-; why does he doubt himself so much? }
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