Pushing the Envelope
Keith could feel it... he knew it was coming. He snuggled closer to Lance and whimpered, feeling his abdomen clenching up. He was laying on a bed of clothes and blankets from his friends, and Lance was spooning him from behind. Keith had let the alpha into the nest atop his bed.
" Keith... please... I know you want me here, but I really can't be when it starts..." Lance begged, whispering in the other's ear.
The omega knew that Lance was right, and he felt his stomach tying up in knots. He always got cramps before it happened, and it couldn't be denied that his heat was coming soon. However... what if James came back? Keith was paranoid he'd be bonded, even if the other alpha most likely couldn't get in.
He rolled over and scented Lance, submissive and quiet. Thankfully he wasn't slicking up or sweating yet, but Lance could smell that it wouldn't be long. His inner alpha was going nuts, and it took nearly all of his self control to even be beside Keith right then.
Being a good alpha for him was Lance's main priority, but... he was starting to not trust himself.
" Keith... Princess... KitKat... please..." Lance murmured, not even realizing he'd called the other a new pet name. " Your scent is going to get to me..." He whispered and ran a hand through Keith's hair.
" What if he comes back?" Keith trembled and looked up to Lance, and even his voice sounded different. It was higher pitched but lower in volume, and Lance grit his teeth.
" He's not going to... he won't." Lance assured and pressed his lips to Keith's forehead. He was having a hard time containing himself. For any alpha, their instincts were a full time chore. The job only became ten times harder when around an omega in Keith's state. It was pre-heat... that stage where the hormones made him submissive and clingy.
" You don't know that..." Keith whispered in Lance's scent gland. He was loving Lance's arms around him, feeling safer than before. After Lance used his alpha voice on James... the omega had been shocked, but it ultimately made him feel better. It proved that Lance would protect him.
" Yes I do... I scared him off." Lance replied. He perked up when he heard something. A knock on the door. He was in alpha mode, growling and ready to actually throw down if it was James.
" It's Pidge I think." Keith yawned, then cringed when another cramp ripped through his abdomen.
" Here... I'll take care of it." Lance assured and slowly got out of bed, putting his feet on the floor. Keith grabbed his hand as he was trying to walk away, and Lance softly chuckled. He had to keep his cool. " I'm not leaving quite yet... just get some rest."
Keith seemed to accept that, and Lance walked out to peek through the peephole on the door. It was Pidge, who had an armful of reusable grocery bags on either side of her. She must've had the code to the gate, or so Lance assumed.
" Hey. Do you need help?" Lance asked after opening the door.
Pidge's eyes widened.
" L-Lance?! You're here?!" She exclaimed, just then looking back and noticing Lance's Jeep in the driveway.
Lance rose an eyebrow.
" Yeah?" He said, but it sounded like a question. Taking some bags off of her tiny arms, he let Pidge inside.
" You're not helping him, are you?" She asked with wide eyes, and Lance shut the door.
" Of course not... he just wants to be with me for as long as possible beforehand." Lance explained. " J-..." He hesitated.
Pidge turned to him.
" Huh?"
" James was here... Keith is scared he'll come back." The alpha admitted and set the bags on the counter. Pidge choked and looked at Lance like he was nuts.
" You're kidding."
" Do I sound like it?" Lance asked in an angry tone. " Fuck, I had to use my alpha voice before he'd leave..."
Pidge was shocked when she heard that. Lance had hated using his alpha voice for as long as she'd known him. It took a lot before he'd even yell, let alone use the deepest, loudest tone his voice had.
" Well... Lance... you know you can't stay. Keith can't have you here during heat. You'll lose it... you won't be able to stop yourself." Pidge set the bags on the counter as well and folded her arms.
" I know... I know..." Lance pinched the bridge of his nose. " We talked about it, and I think it's what's best for him... but... I don't think I can leave knowing he'd be so vulnerable."
" Listen, I know you care about him a lot. So do I. I'll... call Shiro and Matt. Shiro is family, so the scent won't get to him, and Matt's an omega so he won't be bothered by it. They can watch him." Pidge suggested, and Lance thought it was a great idea. Shiro would snap anyone in half if they tried to lay a hand on the omega, and it would comfort Lance to know Keith was in the good hands of his brother.
" I'll run it by Keith." Lance said. " But first, what's all this?" He gestured to the bags.
" I went grocery shopping for him. He can't really cook during heat, but I was already going to tell Matt or someone to do it for him anyways." Pidge shrugged. " I was just coming by to drop it off."
Lance listened and nodded.
" Would you mind if I went back to Keith? He's really hurting and he needs me right now..." The alpha begged. Pidge sighed.
" Don't let him need you too much, if you know what I mean. He'll need to make it through without you, you know..." She spoke seriously. Lance whimpered and nodded, though she knew he was right. And after a second, Pidge pointed over her shoulder for Lance to go. He was quick to make his way back to Keith's room.
The omega groaned and looked up in search of Lance. He cuddled by the alpha as soon as he crawled on the bed.
" Please... please..." Keith murmured in Lance's ear and wrapped an arm over him.
" Please what?" Lance whispered back, pulling Keith closer. He felt so much pity for Keith and knew he'd suffer by going through the heat alone, but at the same time, he knew it was what Keith wanted. Respecting that was what Lance had to do.
" Please don't go..." Keith whimpered.
" I have to." Lance said, stroking Keith's hair. He would've loved to stay and comfort him during it, knot Keith and make it all better... but... Keith had said no. Regular Keith, level headed Keith had. Pre-heat Keith didn't get to convince him otherwise. " But we're going to have Matt and Shiro come stay here for your heat in the guest room. They'll keep an eye on you... if you want."
Keith scooted into Lance's scent gland and smelled him, smiling and willing to agree to almost anything.
" Yeah that's fine... but I wish you could stay..." The omega pressed a kiss on Lance's neck, making the alpha shiver. Oh no. Not that.
" Keith... c'mon." Lance chuckled nervously. Restraining himself was so difficult when Keith decided to do stuff like that. And Lance's arm was draped over Keith, holding him close. It wasn't like he could pull away in a subtle way.
Keith wasn't thinking much in that moment. His mind was already flooded with hormones, and it was difficult for him to deny his instincts. He kissed Lance's jawline very gently, then his cheek. They were peppered over the alpha's tan skin.
He cupped Lance's cheeks and found it insatiable as he pressed a kiss on the larger male's lips. Keith's eyes squeezed shut and he tasted Lance in his entirety.
Lance's eyes widened, and he repeatedly told himself that he couldn't kiss back too much. He couldn't lose himself in Keith or it would be all over.
" Mm... Keith..." Lance mumbled on his lips.
Keith scooted closer to Lance and kissed him more, licking at his bottom lip. He couldn't help himself, and he was really pushing the envelope on his heat. It could hit him within the hour.
Lance kept his eyes shut, telling himself to pull away. He couldn't bring himself to just yet. His alpha instincts were shouting at him to keep going and take off Keith's shirt and not stop there.
In Lance's pants, that was the real wake up call. It coaxed up slowly for the first minute, but quickly caught his attention afterward. He snapped out of the lull when he felt his jeans get tight, and his eyes widened.
Lance parted his lips from Keith's and pretty much fell off the bed from how fast he backed up. It didn't phase him as he scrambled to his feet.
" Princess, I have to go. I can't keep going with you like this." Lance told him assertively, biting back his instincts.
Keith groaned and clutched his abdomen, reaching out. He grabbed Lance's hand and felt over his palm.
Lance awkwardly turned so that Keith wouldn't see the hard-on pitched in his pants.
" I'll be back at the end of the week. Hang in there, KitKat." He assured, and Keith buried in the pillows. He was close, and Lance was right to stay away. He fled out the door, Kosmo going inside before he left it open a crack.
Pidge was in the kitchen putting away the groceries. She was Keith's best friend, so she knew where everything went.
" P-Pidge... I gotta go!" Lance waved and swiftly walked from the hall, around the counter, and then got to the door. He was panicking while putting on his high tops and fumbling.
" Woah, Lance. You alright?" Pidge asked, standing on her tiptoes and looking over the counter. He kept his back to her while shoving his feet into his shoes.
" Great! I... I can't anymore- his scent- I need to go!" The alpha frantically spoke. " Tell Keith I'll be back as soon as I can!"
His cock was twitching in his pants from the residual aroma of Keith in his nose. He wanted to turn around so badly and touch Keith again, but he couldn't.
Pidge watched Lance, then realized the alpha was one step away from losing it. Thank god he'd realized the limit before it was too late.
" What did he say about Shiro?" Pidge asked, and Lance stopped with one foot out the door.
" He said it's fine! Call him!" He told her before escaping into the driveway. Getting away from Keith was the best thing he could do for him. Lance knew his inner alpha would take control. He was smarter than his instincts! As he got in the car, he told himself that over and over.
Keith was better without him there.
The scent... Lance's scent. It was strong yet fresh and it comforted him in a way nobody else's had before.
Sweat beaded down Keith's forehead and he squirmed while clutching Lance's green jacket and balling it up close to himself. He cried into the fabric as his stomach was tied in knots. Slick was coming from his hole and leaking all over the nest, leaving Keith miserable.
" Lance... Lance... L-... hnn! Lance!" He cried out and tears streamed down his cheeks. A raging boner was alive under Keith as he laid there, writhing.
It had been a few hours, and low and behold... it was the one time his heat arrived early. Keith couldn't figure out if it was because of Lance or not, but all he knew was that it had hit him full frontal.
" Fuck!" Keith yelped and tried to breathe, his breath growing shallow as he panicked. The feelings... they hurt. More than just physically. It was like he was reliving what James did, and Keith held Lance's jacket to his neck like a shield. He trembled and his lip quivered as he protected himself.
By then, Kosmo had left the room. Shiro and Matt had arrived, and Pidge was in the kitchen as well. She was taking all of Keith's calls for the first couple days at least. They'd all stayed there to make sure nothing funny went down.
" You say he had Lance over for pre-heat?" Matt asked in an astonished way.
Pidge nodded.
" Yup... the guy practically ran out of here while trying to contain himself." She facepalmed. " Those two... I don't know what to do with them."
" Well... he knew when he had to go. That's the important thing." Shiro spoke up and held Matt from behind. He was always close to his omega, holding him.
They all turned when they heard Keith yelling in the room, and Shiro cringed especially. Hearing his little brother in that much pain was something he never thought he'd have to do. It hurt his ears and he wished he could close them as simply as a door or ziplock bag, but no.
" He'll get through this." Matt said, grimacing.
" I know he will... just-... this is really not good for his body. He needs to mate with someone eventually or his hormone balance will really start to tip." Shiro explained.
" Don't let Keith hear you say that." Pidge urged while pulling open the fridge. She pulled out a can of soda and snapped it open. " Lance either."
" He's making progress. We finally got him off of the suppressants, so that's a start. Right, Shiro?" Matt smiled a little and turned back to look up at the alpha. Shiro nodded.
" It's just hard to see him like this." The alpha looked downward.
" I know..." Pidge agreed. " Lance can help him. I know he can. It doesn't help that James fucking showed up here earlier, though..." She growled.
Shiro and Matt had equally wide eyes.
" What?" Matt asked in a shaky way.
" Are you kidding me? How would he have gotten in?!" Shiro panicked. James managed to get on the property?! How?! Even after all the security measures they'd taken?!
" Well he doesn't have the code to the gate... so he would've had to climb the wall and get over into the yard." Pidge sipped the soda and tried to think. " I'm surprised he didn't call the cops on him."
Shiro looked back toward the bedroom, then at the front door. And Matt's eyes were beading as he watched the alpha, picking up on his scent changing. Shiro was pissed.
" Babe, calm down." Matt tried to say.
" Do you know what he wanted?!" Shiro barked.
" Lance didn't say when he told me. All I know is that James went away after Lance used his alpha voice on him." Pidge raised her hands up non-combatively.
Shiro grit his teeth and pulled away from Matt, clenching his fists. Knowing that guy had even gotten near his little brother was infuriating.
They were all broken from their trains of thought as Keith's phone rang in the background. Pidge looked behind herself to the kitchen counter, where the cellphone sat buzzing.
She picked it up and observed the screen, seeing the contact name showing as 'Blocked ID'. Gulping, she flipped it around so Shiro and Matt could see.
Shiro was so steamed right then that he wasn't taking any shit from anyone. He took the phone from Pidge and pressed the green button to answer it.
" Hello?"
" You're not Keith."
Matt and Pidge exchanged a worried glance. Shiro narrowed his eyes.
" Why are you calling here?" He asked in a deep, threatening tone.
" Listen... I know he should be hitting his heat soon. Why don't you let me help him with it?" Was asked from the other side, and the volume setting on the phone was loud enough where everyone could hear it.
" No way. You tried to bond him. Don't you get how serious that is?! Call Keith again and I will be contacting the authorities!" Shiro spat.
There was a scoff and chuckle from the other end.
" Oh, Shiro... don't you know he still loves me? I won't have to contact him... since he'll do it first." James smirked to himself, and Shiro could tell without even having to see him. After all, he'd thought James was going to be his brother in law one day. He knew him well.
Shiro angrily hung up the phone.
" I'm gonna kill him. I'm-"
Matt grabbed Shiro's hand and squeezed. He ushered him over to the couch, sitting down with him. They needed to chill, and if anyone would comfort the alpha, it was Matt.
Pidge grabbed her hair from frustration, and Keith's phone rang again.
" Oh my fucking g-" She began to say.
" It's Lance." Matt spoke, taking it from Shiro and picking up. " Hey. Everything okay?"
" Yeah! Yeah! Just... is Keith okay? Please tell me he's handling it all alright..." Lance was very anxious from the other side. He had taken care of his issue from earlier, but couldn't help but be nervous for Keith's health. It wasn't like he could come by and check on the omega, either. It was too big of a risk.
" He's doing fine, Lance. Well- as fine as he can right now. We'll keep you updated." Matt explained, and Shiro was still seething beside him. Worked up alpha Shiro? Good luck to anyone in his way.
" O-Okay..." Lance stammered. " Tell him that I'll be there the second I can..."
" We will."
And after that, they hung up and there was a moment of quiet. That was until Keith was yelling from his room again.
Shiro was staring at the wall, face twitching from all the anger he was holding back. Matt rubbed his shoulder and scooted closer, and Shiro eventually wrapped his arms around the omega and held him.
Pidge went to check the locks, then decided to plop down on the couch and turn something on. All they could do was wait.
Then there was Keith, who was slinking off of his bed and crawling on the floor. He practically slithered to the walk-in closet and pulled out a box hidden deep inside. It was where his one and only toy resided. The dildo... and he couldn't take it anymore.
" L-Lance... Lance... want Lance..." He panted and grabbed the purple, rubber, cock shaped toy. It had a knot at the base of it to resemble an alpha member. It was specifically for heats.
Keith was nude by then, and some slick got on the floor as he was desperate. He couldn't even crawl back out of the closet before he began to use it, and he whimpered while being overcome with at least some relief.
It wasn't Lance.
And that meant it wasn't good enough. However, rational Keith, Keith that would take control after this was all over, was thankful that Lance stayed away. The boundaries for then were clear, but something told him that they'd be shifting once the heat ended.
(( Oooooof. Y'all asked for tea? Just wait. Stock up on snacks for stress eating and grab your boxing gloves. I'm sure you all will want to kill Allura in a couple chapters.))
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