

Wee woo wee woo the AmbuLANCE's are deploying wee woo! }

Lance's hands roamed all around Keith's body and glided along his hips beneath the water. They'd nearly polished off the bottle of wine by then, Lance snickering into their kiss. He wasn't tipsy enough where he was slurring words or anything; it was more so that he found almost everything funny.

Keith, too, was having a hard time keeping things serious. He was rarely ever giddy, but this was one of those rare times and Lance was the only one who got to see him like that. He couldn't help but smile before parting from the kiss.

" Aww... why'd you stop?" Lance asked, running one of his wet and dripping hands through Keith's hair.

" It's getting hot in here." Keith giggled.

" I know, Princess. I'm steaming hot~" Lance purred, and Keith only laughed more, knowing that it wasn't what he'd meant.

" You are... but I think we should cool off." Keith made an attempt at a wink. He stood up, the steam coming from his exposed skin right away. He grabbed a towel from the side of the jacuzzi and stepped out, running it all over his body and drying it.

Lance didn't bother grabbing one of his own just yet, sitting back and watching the show. Keith had such a nice body that he could hardly help himself from staring at him. Keith had noticed something about himself. Wine made him a lot more bubbly than usually, but it didn't affect him being horny. That had happened long before he'd taken a sip of it.

Leaning down, Keith cupped Lance's face as the alpha leaned back to make eye contact with him.

" I'll be in the bedroom when you're done." Keith whispered, pressing his lips on Lance's only for a moment, nibbling on the other's bottom lip just before pulling back. He had the towel wrapped around his waist while making his way from the room, and Lance was left there to soak in his love for the omega.

" So perfect." He murmured to himself, running a hand through his hair and smoothing it back. He loved the fact that no two days with Keith were ever the same. Not ever. He was anything but predictable and that was the best Lance could ever ask for.

He couldn't have dried off fast enough.

Keith flicked off the lights in his bedroom, then made sure the lamp was on. He wanted to be able to see Lance's face all through everything. He crawled on top of the bed, then laid back. His body felt so free from tension after the hot water had its way with it.

" Oh, KitKat~" Lance poked his head through the door, Keith blushing as he entered the room.

" Yes?" He asked, smirking to himself.

" You see, I have a little bit-... a big problem." Lance held a towel around his waist and shut the door, locking it. " I think you can help me with it."

" Really?" Keith asked, laughing in the back of his throat. " Well that depends on what your problem is..."

Lance bit his lip and neared the bed, dropping his towel, revealing the very large problem that had formed in between his legs.

" You're great with these sorts of things... I hear." Lance raised a brow and wrapped a hand around his manhood.

Keith blushed even more and motioned for Lance to get closer, which the alpha did.

" I am. But only for you." The omega murmured, looking up at Lance as he crawled on top of the bed, and eventually over him as well. Lance was laughing while leaning down and pressing kisses all over Keith's neck.

" You'll help me then?" He whispered in Keith's ear, to which the smaller male agreed. And that meant that they could finally get into things for real. Even with a couple glasses of wine in him, Lance would never forget to ask for permission.

Keith tangled his hands in Lance's hair and tugged him closer, unable to resist his primal urges. Nothing could've been better right then. Nothing. He and Lance were going to move in and James was caught and things were going swimmingly.

At least... that's what he thought until the phone rang.

Keith moaned quietly as Lance pressed even more aggressive kisses over his ever sensitive scent gland. He craned his neck and ignored the ringing that sounded from the nightstand beside them.

" Ignore it..." He whispered.

Lance listened and let his teeth trace over Keith's skin. If he'd been in heat... man... bonding would've been so tempting, but they were nowhere near ready for anything like that. Not even close.

The phone kept ringing, and even buzzing and binging with text notifications. Lance was beginning to get irritated with it. His alpha instincts were in overdrive right then, as he was very close to getting intimate with his omega. It was so much easier to aggravate him when he was so turned on like that.

" Oh my fucking-" He groaned and swiped the phone from the nightstand, it being Keith's and not his own. " What could be so goddamn importan-"

Keith looked up at Lance, his eyes glossed over as he thought about what they were about to do, but he could see that something was wrong on Lance's face.

" What is it?" The omega asked, and Lance handed the phone over.

" Pidge is spazzing out about something online. I think you should call her back." Lance said, looking to the side, and Keith set the phone back on the nightstand.

" She can wait." Keith told him with an assured tone, pulling Lance down and holding him again. " You're more important right now."

Lance blushed a deep red color upon hearing his omega say that, and though he was nervous about the implications of his choice, he couldn't say no to those eyes. He sank back down into a kiss with his boyfriend and things quickly resumed, just as steamy as before.


Keith awoke the next morning encased in all the love he could've ever dreamed of. Lance's arms were wrapped around him and refusing to budge as they laid on the bed, the alpha peacefully sleeping and drooling on Keith's shoulder.

Keith chuckled once he realized, not minding it much. He actually thought it was adorable when Lance did things like that. But still... Keith wondered what time it was. He was astonished to find out that it was three in the afternoon when he checked his phone, pulling it off from the charger plugged in by the bed. He had several missed calls, one from the cops, and many more from Pidge and Hunk. Things were troubling indeed, and he was finally starting to remember the events from the previous night.

There was a voicemail there from the police number, one Keith had come to know as Detective Gamara's. Oh jeez. What now?

Pressing play and turning on the volume quietly, Keith put it up to his ear and listened to it.

" Hello, Keith. We have some news for you regarding the release of James Griffin. He posted bail on this evening and by law we are required to let you know, since you are on the call list. We would like it if you could come down to the station in the next couple days to review your statement and hear our recommendations for lawyers. He's pleaded not guilty."

Keith felt like the world around him was decaying and he dropped the phone, snuggling closer to Lance as his lip quivered. Not guilty? That meant testimony. He didn't know if he could handle going through those events again, even if it would entail speaking to them.

Keith turned to the only comfort he knew right then and hid in Lance's neck, trembling as he thought about everything. Testifying about what James had done would only reopen the wound and make him feel like shit again. He was just starting to get better!

Lance began to stir after a while, his body picking up the distressed scent Keith was giving off and responding to it. When his eyes drowsily struggled open, he was met with Keith beside him, nearly crying from how emotional he was. The omega was whimpering quietly by then and hiding against him.

" Woah... hey..." Lance whispered, pulling Keith closer and making sure to keep his arms around him. " What's going on?"

Keith broke down at that, sniffling and not able to contain it anymore. Just the fact that James was trying to deny some of the charges was appalling. Even with DNA evidence for some things, the alpha had the nerve to fight it.

Lance got more protective and looked around to see they were alone, other than Kosmo across the room, sleeping on the floor.

Sitting up, he pulled Keith with him and ran a hand through his mullet in hopes of comforting him even a little bit.

It took a while for Keith to come back down to Earth, and he still had tears in his eyes when he pulled back to look at Lance.

" What's going on?" Lance asked.

" J-James..." Keith stammered, not even wanting to say his name. " He... he pleaded not guilty. Detective Gamara is going to meet with me in the next couple days but... he's out on bail."

Lance growled, nearly losing his temper just thinking about things. Just hearing James' name was enough to put him on edge and ready to fight for Keith. That was also in part to their pre-bond, which made him feel the need to stand up for his omega.

" He's never going to touch you again... and I'll make damn sure of that." The alpha told him, his voice deep and scary sounding. He wasn't about to let Keith fall down that hole of worrying again. No way in hell.

Keith seemed to calm down as he stayed by Lance longer. He was about the only person on Earth who made Keith feel truly safe, other than maybe his mother.

They stayed close to one another for that afternoon, sitting on Keith's couch after getting dressed. And it would've been fine, but Keith remembered something else. Shiro and Matt had invited them all out for dinner, and they'd need to get ready soon.

" Shit..." Keith murmured.

Lance pulled away and looked down at him, wondering what was wrong for Keith to suddenly curse like that. Not that Keith didn't curse often, because he did, but something in his tone of voice spelled out distress.

" What is it?" The alpha asked, wrapping an arm around Keith's shoulder and hugging him closer.

" I forgot to tell you... we have a dinner with Shiro and Matt and everyone tonight." Keith said. " We'll have to get ready soon."

Lance wondered if maybe they should've cancelled. Keith was still processing the news he'd received earlier and it didn't really seem like he wanted to go anywhere at all. What with Pidge hearing about it on the news and talking to Keith about it, and other people already speculating, it was insane.

" Well... is it for something important? Keith, you're not in very good shape right now. I don't want you to force yourself out of the house." Lance whispered.

" Shiro seemed to want us to be there, and I can't even remember the last time he asked me out for dinner with him. It probably is something big, but obviously he wants to save it for when we get there." Keith explained, keeping his gaze pointed at the floor. He was grappling with all the ideas in his head and hoped that he could find a clear thought pattern soon. Everything had changed after James.

" I'll leave it up to you whether we go or not." Lance said. He knew that he would've liked to see his friends and whatnot, but not at Keith's expense.

" We're going." Keith told him with certainty. He wasn't going to spiral again. He'd felt so good after freeing himself from James, and to think he would end up in that mindset again, that prison... it was a nightmare. He wouldn't let it happen again so long as he had a free will and the mind power to stop it.


" You're sure he isn't here?"

" He's out right now. You're fine." Allura said, resting on the door that she'd pulled open for him.

James stepped into the house and looked at Allura, already noticing the different elements in her scent. It was sweeter now that she was pregnant, and he was wondering why he was suddenly so fixated on it. But whatever. He tried to drop the subject and move on.

Allura shut the door and then pulled her friend into a hug.

" I'm just happy you're okay." She told him.

James froze slightly, but awkwardly hugged her back. He couldn't recall ever having her so close to him before, but he oddly didn't have a problem with it.

" Why wouldn't I be?" He asked.

" Jail is filled with all sorts of disgusting people. You're lucky no one touched you..." Allura told him, still worried. She didn't want to think about him getting hurt, and that was why she'd paid his bail in secret.

" As if anyone would be able to shove me around. I can handle myself." James chuckled and followed his words with a scoff. He wouldn't ever be someone's bitch, and he knew that for a fact. All the bitches were his to be had, and he could take his pick no matter what they said.

" I'm sure you can..." Allura smiled slightly and pulled back. She went further into her house and James kicked off his shoes while following.

" So where's Lotor? I don't know about you, but if I had a pregnant omega I'd never leave them alone." James said, then plopped down on the couch. He almost resented Lotor for being gone, even if he didn't care to see him.

" I know..." Allura looked to the side. " But he has a friend who asked him to lunch. He's had a lot of those lately..."

James raised a brow.

" A guy?" He asked.

" I honestly don't know." Allura sighed. " He doesn't say much other than he's meeting a friend and has to go, but it seems like it happens at around the same time. I have to think that it's the same person."

This was definitely a red flag for anyone who was supposed to be in a relationship.

" I almost wonder if he's..." She covered her mouth, then shook her head.

James' eyes widened.

" Don't worry. I'll get to the bottom of this." He told her with an assured tone. Just thinking about the fact that Allura was distressed was making James irritated. He figured that it was most likely because he was an alpha and she was an omega, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't quite true.

" How?" She asked.

" Well... I have my ways." James smirked and ran a hand through his hair. He was just happy to be thinking about something else other than his trial date, which had yet to be set. But it would most likely begin soon, being as the case was a public interest.

Allura smiled to herself while hearing that. She couldn't help but trust what he had to say, even after everything. Truth was... she knew that she wasn't even supposed to be seeing him, but that only made it more tempting to hang out and even more often as well.

The cops were off of her and James was out for the time being, and that meant they could resume what made them the most content: righting the wrongs in their own lives. If Lotor was doing something shady... they'd know. And if Keith was up to something, they'd know. If there was something to blame on Lance, they'd make sure it happened and very publicly at that.

The dynamic duo was back... and the world wasn't ready.

{ I officially bought half of Britain's tea to brew for the future chapters. What flavor would you all prefer? Cherry blossom? Earl Grey? James finally getting what he deserves? Keith dealing with some heavy shit? Tell me >:) }

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