(( uwu? UwU.))
The wooden stairs were flat on their feet on the way up to the upper level of the house. Lance held Keith's hand, intertwining their fingers.
" My room is all the way in the back." The alpha said, and Keith looked at all the pictures that hung on the walls. He saw ones where Lance was littler, Camila was holding a baby, and Veronica was younger as well. He assumed the teenager was Lance's older brother. But then there was a tall man in the center, holding Camila.
Keith paused at the top of the stairs, looking at the frame.
Lance noticed and glanced at him, seeing how Keith's eyes were drawn to it.
" Is... is this your dad?" Keith asked, smiling a little. They seemed so happy in the photo that it made him feel reminiscent.
Lance nodded.
" Yeah. Right after Luis was born..." The alpha looked at the photo, glum yet somehow hopeful. It was clear that he thought highly of his father.
" He was handsome." Keith said, and Lance reached and massaged the omega's shoulders soothingly.
" Where do you think I get it from?~" Lance purred, and Keith rolled his eyes. He snorted to himself and Lance laughed, leading him further down the hall and toward his room.
Blue paint was on the walls, and Lance's queen sized bed was in the far corner of the room. There was a small bedside table with a lamp, and a dresser in the opposite corner of the room. The closet was right across from the bed, having tan shutters. A desk sat against the wall with a rolling chair pushed up against it. Then there were two windows with blue plaid drapes on the far walls.
" Nice room." Keith looked around. The whole place still smelled like Lance, even if he hadn't been living there for years.
Another thing caught Keith's attention after a moment. There was an air mattress blown up beside Lance's bed, and he assumed it was for him.
Keith sat on it, and he had to admit... it was comfy.
" I'll sleep on that, Princess." Lance told him, reaching down and ruffling Keith's hair.
" Lance, you don't have-"
" Listen... I do." Lance insisted. " I don't want to pressure you into sleeping in one bed, and you deserve the comfiest spot. My bed is your bed."
Keith blushed heavily and stood up, running his hands across Lance's chest.
" Such a gentleman." He chuckled, and Lance slid his arms behind Keith. He lifted him up and laid him back on the bed, kissing his forehead.
" You making fun of me, Kogane?" The alpha purred.
" So what if I am?" Keith arched a brow and smirked, and Lance narrowed his eyes. A mischievous glint ran through his eyes before his hands found Keith's tummy.
Keith's eyes widened, and that was all it took before he was squirming around under the alpha. He was laughing and flailing as Lance proceeded to tickle him breathless.
" L-Lance! Lance, knock it off!" Keith snickered and felt tears in his eyes from all the giggles, and his stomach began to cramp up.
Lance pulled back after he was satisfied, smirking down at the other. Keith took a minute to catch his breath, then wrapped his arms behind Lance's neck.
" Jerk..." The omega murmured.
" I know." Lance contently said, leaning down and pressing a very light kiss on the corner of Keith's lips, being careful the whole time. The last thing he wanted was to make Keith uncomfortable in doing so.
Keith's eyes were open at first, but they fluttered shut after a few seconds. He moved to give Lance a real kiss, but it wasn't aggressive. It was sweet and innocent, and his intentions were pretty much spelled out in big bold letters.
Just a kiss, no more and no less.
Keith ran his hands through Lance's hair and pulled back, gazing up at him. His blue eyes were open soon enough, and it was captivating.
" You taste good..." Lance complimented. Keith could've boiled over at that, grabbing a pillow and whacking Lance with it.
" Nope!" He stood up. They weren't going to go there, they weren't going to go far enough to make him that flustered.
Lance snickered and set the pillow back. Maybe he deserved that one.
" Here, I'll show you the rest of the farm and then we can get our bags in the house." He offered, and Keith nodded in agreement while they walked out of the bedroom.
" The bathroom is right there." Lance gestured to the right. It was conveniently located right next to his room. " Then you've already seen the kitchen and whatnot. And my siblings' and Mamá's rooms are all down the hall."
Keith looked around and saw everything, and Lance took him back downstairs.
" The living room is just in there." Lance pointed once they were at the bottom. He took Keith inside and showed him the large sectional couch and flatscreen TV. It was totally up to date and spacious.
" You said you had cows and chickens?" Keith asked, and Lance's face lit up.
" Yeah! Ooo! I have to show you Kaltenecker!"
" Kalte- huh?" Keith asked.
" Kaltenecker! My favorite cow!" He beamed and pulled Keith through the kitchen and out the back door. There was a red barn in the back, right off to the side of the pasture.
Keith ran to keep up with Lance and they pulled the barn doors open. In there were hay bails and a single area for the cow, which Keith assumed was Kaltenecker.
" Here she is." Lance grinned and walked up to her. " She's older now, but she used to be our star dairy cow. She's my favorite so we keep her back here, and she can go outside whenever she wants."
Keith looked at the cow, who mooed and gnawed on some hay.
Lance was clearly excited, and Keith smiled as well.
" She seems... cool." The omega told him, and Lance reached out to run a hand on her back.
" She is." Lance replied. " But I think she's trying to eat dinner, so let's give her some privacy."
Keith thought it was funny how Lance treated the cow like she could understand everything he said. He didn't make fun of him for it, though.
They went back outside, where the sun was setting in the distance. It was a pretty red color, and Lance couldn't figure out why it reminded him of Keith so much.
" The chicken coop is out that way. We have twenty hens and three roosters in there." Lance said, and Keith was just in awe at all of it. Just looking at Lance, no one would've known that he came from a farm.
" Lance... if you don't mind me asking... why did you leave? Isn't it customary that the farmer's kids take over the land?" Keith questioned, taking his hand as they strolled back toward the house. Bugs could be heard chirping and humming in the background, and a gentle breeze swayed the plants.
Lance stared down for a moment.
" Well... I..." He began. " I'm not destined to be a farmer, Keith. I don't mean to sound rude... but I'm more than that. I want to make people laugh, and I want others to be happy because of me. I can't do that when I'm out there weeding strawberries or milking cows."
Keith understood what Lance meant.
" You don't have to feel bad about it." The smaller male assured and rubbed Lance's palm. " I get what you mean."
" I feel like... maybe I was destined to meet you." Lance admitted. " Moving to LA, YouTube... everything... it all led up to me connecting with you."
Keith's face was heating up right away as he heard that. He didn't believe in destiny, but he was uplifted upon hearing Lance's feelings on it.
" That's..." Keith looked into his eyes. " I don't know what to say."
Lance tucked some hair behind Keith's ear and leaned closer. He cupped his cheeks and sent him an affectionate expression.
" Then don't say anything..." Lance whispered, leaning their foreheads together gently. Maybe he was a cheesy boyfriend or whatever people wanted to call it, but it all paid off when he got to see that look on Keith's face. The hopelessly flustered one that left Keith a victim of his own cheeks.
Keith let his hands rest on Lance's chest, staying still and absorbing his body heat. It really did feel perfect like that, and Keith couldn't help but wish Lance would embrace him more often. That was probably just his inner omega talking, but Keith still found himself feeling it.
Keith stood on his toes and gulped, getting just a centimeter away from Lance's lips before pausing. It was still so unreal to think he had someone to kiss and be held by.
Lance noticed Keith was going in for the kiss, but he wasn't expecting the smaller male to stop. He felt tempted to close the gap himself, but that wouldn't have been right. If Keith wanted a kiss, he could have it. The alpha didn't want to force it.
" Something wrong?" Lance whispered, and Keith gripped the front of his shirt at that.
" No. Everything is perfect." Keith murmured and finally let himself kiss Lance again. The alpha could feel Keith's lips quivering on his own, but figured the omega was just nervous.
Sliding his hands down Keith's sides, Lance gripped his hips and pulled him closer. He found it adorable how Keith had to stand on his toes like that, lightly chuckling into the contact.
" I love when you do that..." Lance confessed.
" Hm?" Keith hummed, letting Lance hug him. The alpha's chin sat atop his shoulder soon enough, making Keith more relaxed than before. Even things as simple as kisses took a lot out of him.
" Kiss me." Lance admitted, hugging him closer.
Keith nearly choked on air.
" W-Well..." He stammered. " I like it when you kiss me, too..."
Lance pulled back with a large smile on his face, looking at the sunset reflecting in Keith's eyes. He couldn't get enough as he took Keith's hands.
" I'll have to do it more often then~" He purred.
Keith covered his mouth and tried to hide his blush while glancing to the side.
" C'mon... let's go inside. I'm sure my sister's girlfriend should be getting here soon." Lance said, leading Keith back by the grip on his hand.
" Girlfriend?" Keith asked, confused. " She didn't really give me a gay vibe at all."
" She's bi like me." Lance informed, and Keith felt pretty stupid. He shouldn't have assumed.
" I see." The omega spoke, finally caught up to Lance as they arrived at the back porch. Surprise overtook him as Keith was swept off of his feet, landing in Lance's arms. " What was that for?!" The omega exclaimed, voice cracking from embarrassment.
" I don't know, Princess. Just felt like it." Lance smirked and held him closer, handling Keith with one arm while opening the door. He just loved being near to Keith, getting physical with him. Even if they weren't in a sexual relationship yet, body contact was something Lance enjoyed.
" Good for you." Keith folded his arms, refusing to tell Lance that he liked it. He might've been an omega, and shy sometimes, but hell if he would say something like that.
Lance was still carrying Keith as they walked into the kitchen. V was nowhere to be found, and Kosmo could be heard barking outside. Keith and Lance went into the living room and glanced out the window, seeing Luis had taken the dog's leash and was playing with him. Keith knew he'd have to get the dog some water and food when they brought in their bags, but for then, Luis could frolic with the husky all he wanted.
Lance laughed and shook his head, setting Keith down on the couch and taking a seat beside him. He figured they could rest until his mother came back with pizza.
" What do you want to do?" Lance asked. He was too lazy to get up and haul their bags in at the moment, plus that would've required leaving Keith, and he wasn't in the mood for that. Clingy? Yeah, Lance definitely knew her.
Keith wasn't really sure. As they sat in the living room, it was dimly lit with lights from the kitchen and a window. He looked around, then shrugged.
" Whatever you want to do, I guess..." Keith said, glancing up at Lance.
" Well... I might have something in mind." Lance smirked.
" And what might that be?" Keith inquired with a playful eyeroll. Lance's smirk only widened and he laid Keith back onto the couch. It might've been obvious where it was leading, but if other people saw, they wouldn't have thought Lance's actions were pure.
Keith's eyes beaded nervously, not knowing what to expect. He gulped, cringing. That was until Lance began to spoon him and cuddle him closer. Keith breathed a sigh of relief. What else would Lance have meant? Psh.
Lance kept his arms wrapped around Keith and spooned him, leaning closer and eventually scenting the omega as well.
" You're so beautiful, Keith... and you smell amazing..." Lance praised. His mouth didn't think before it spoke, and it was clearly sincere as he told Keith those things.
Keith shivered slightly, loving the attention even if he wouldn't tell anyone. Lance's arms were strong and his hands were large, and Keith adored when he was touched by them. He had been a little spooked by Lance's smirk earlier, but he realized that Lance would never just make a move on him like that.
Lance smiled by Keith's scent gland, feeling so comfortable. He was content there, loving every second.
Keith was blushing and smiling as he closed his eyes and scooted closer. Anytime Lance held him like that, he felt safe to let his secondary gender show.
Neither of them were sure how much time had passed between then and the door opening, but Lance had nearly fell asleep after embracing Keith like that.
The alpha perked up when he heard the creak, then the scampering of paws. The sound of a car in the driveway also caught his attention as he sat up.
Keith whistled for Kosmo and the husky came rushing in, nearly smushing him while jumping on his lap. He was panting and clearly hot.
" Let's get you some water, buddy..." Keith said, scratching behind his ears. And by then, Lance was already up. He patted Luis' back and sent him inside, looking out and finding that V had returned. She must've been giving her girlfriend a ride there.
Keith went outside and began to pull his duffel bag from Lance's Jeep, then Kosmo's bag. Once he shut the door, he saw two people getting out of the car parked across the driveway from Lance's. One of them was V, but the other was someone he didn't recognize. She had navy blue, bobbed hair and dark colored lipstick. It would seem as though she was goth or emo or something of that nature.
" Hey, Acxa!" Lance greeted, coming down from the porch. She shyly waved, and V smiled.
Keith walked around and looked at the two, and Lance was quick to bring him over toward the girls.
" Keith, this is my sister's girlfriend, Acxa." Lance introduced, and Keith waved.
" I'm Keith... Lance's omega." He smiled, somewhat shy.
" Nice to meet you." Acxa spoke. She seemed to be staring at Keith somewhat. " You have long hair for a guy." She said.
V slapped her shoulder, then laughed uncomfortably. Acxa didn't have much of a filter, but her intentions were good.
" Thanks?" Keith chuckled, and Lance cleared his throat.
" Anyways, they've been together for about a year and a half now." He said. Keith was looking at the two, just trying to figure out their secondary genders. It wasn't like a scent had slapped him in the face to make it obvious.
" So... V? You're a beta or...?" Keith awkwardly questioned.
" No. I'm an omega. She's an alpha." V pointed at Acxa, and Keith seemed really surprised.
" I know right?" Lance snickered. " Could've fooled me."
Keith heard Kosmo barking again and remembered what he was doing.
" Well, nice to meet you. I have to go get my dog some water." He said, and smiled at Lance before taking his leave.
" Keith is pretty shy, huh?" V spoke after he was inside, and Acxa shrugged.
" Well... he's been through a lot." Lance scratched the back of his neck. " If I were him... I don't even wanna know what my mental state would be. He's strong, I'll give him that." Lance said. He really did respect Keith a lot for everything he'd been through.
" What?" Veronica asked. She hadn't exactly been looking on Keith's channel for answers.
Lance broke into a nervous sweat. He didn't feel like it was his story to tell.
Thankfully he didn't have to elaborate as his mother arrived back home. They helped her carry the pizzas inside, and Lance was gleeful to see Keith sitting on the couch.
Kosmo was lapping water up from his bowl in the kitchen, and the omega was sitting patiently waiting for Lance.
" Food's here, KitKat." Lance told him.
Keith looked up with a smile on his face and got to his feet. Lance was already hugging him, wanting to be close to him.
" Okay." The omega murmured. In his scent, it was clear that he was anxious. Lance picked it up right away, already being able to distinguish a number of Keith's feelings from his aroma.
" What are you so nervous for?" Lance asked in a sensitive tone.
" Just... I want your family to like me. That's all..." Keith looked down. He found himself fretting about it yet again.
" They will. They do. I promise." Lance assured and brushed the bangs from Keith's face.
" Lance-" V poked her head in the living room, then smirked. " Oh, am I interrupting?" She asked with a snicker.
Lance narrowed his eyes at her.
" No." He insisted. " What is it?"
" Mom invited Marco over and Abuela is going to be home soon." She told them, and Keith gulped. More?! Jesus Christ how much family did Lance have?!
" Oh, alright. I thought she ordered a lot of pizza. Now I see why." Lance chuckled softly. V nodded before leaving, and Keith was even more nervous than before.
" Your grandma lives with you?" He asked.
" Yeah. Sometimes." Lance said.
" Sometimes?"
" She travels a lot. The guest bedroom is basically her room whenever she stays with us." Lance kissed Keith's forehead. " I promise that she'll love you..."
Keith could only pray that Lance was right, and that the family dinner didn't go up in flames. But hey? What was the worst that could happen?
(( Okay but I'm a couple chapters ahead on my writing schedule and James can diE-))
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