Mixed Signals
(( It's soft boi hours...))
It had taken about a week for the drama to die down, but that didn't stop all the online speculation. One minute after the next new theories were being posted, people were taking sides, and even if the internet wasn't imploding anymore, it was still alive with Keith, Lance, and Allura's names.
Lance had been so caught up in it, that he'd nearly forgotten his own birthday. He woke up to many texts of well wishes, as well as tweets from all of his subscribers and friends.
He smiled in his drowsy haze, sitting up and stretching. Telling himself it would be a good day, a better day than he'd been accustomed to as of late, he put his feet on the floor. Lance only had on boxers until he grabbed his robe, the likes of which he wore when he was lounging around the house.
No plans. Everything on that day was completely open, and that was nice. He didn't have his manager on the phone yelling about his publicity, nor an army of Allura's followers flooding him with hate. He could just have a day to do whatever he wanted.
That was why he was going to call Keith.
((The night before...))
" Keith. You're the only one that can do this." Pidge asserted, tossing a Bugle into her mouth and then staring Keith down.
" Why?! He has plenty of friends..." Keith folded his arms.
" And you're more than just his friend." Pidge reminded. Matt was also at Keith's place with her, and nodded.
" She's got you there, man." He said.
" Right, but... I don't know." Keith looked down.
" You're the only one. We'll all be at his place setting things up, remember?" Pidge ate more snacks and leaned over the counter, where the bowl of Bugles sat. Something about her got ten times more intense when she was crunching on them, like Keith could've been next.
" That's exactly my point. I'm not sure if I'm comfortable being here alone with him yet." Keith kept staring down. He knew Lance probably wouldn't try anything on him, but there was always an itch of what if. What if Lance decided he wasn't going to wait for that kiss? And what if after that, he couldn't control himself from taking more? What if-
Keith derailed his thoughts and took a breath. No. Lance was different... Lance had talked to him about it. Lance valued consent.
" Keith..." Pidge quietly said, getting more sensitive. She realized he was thinking about James again, and was trying to be mindful. " You don't have to stay here with him. You just have to get him out of his house. I know where his extra key is, and I have the code for his system."
" In case you haven't realized, Lance and I are internet sensations and have amassed an army of fangirls- or fanboys! Whatever, just! People are crazy about us right now, and I can guarantee if we go anywhere in public, we'll get mobbed. It doesn't even matter if we call in guards." Keith argued.
" I mean..." Matt said, looking between the other two. " I could have Shiro get our jet? You guys could fly somewhere for the day?"
" That would take too long." Pidge stated, and Matt shrugged.
" We're also operating on the idea that Lance doesn't have plans. What if he asks me to do something with him?" Keith added. Knowing Lance, he couldn't imagine him just spending his birthday alone.
" That's true..." Pidge looked to the side. " Here, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll call him tomorrow and tell him to make plans with you."
" Doing what?" Keith asked.
" Well... what if... he had you over for a while, then you ask him to film a Mukbang with you, and you guys go to LA and through a drive thru? He'll think it's just a video, but it'll get you both out of the house. His windows are tinted, so no one will really see you other than a couple fast food workers." Pidge thought aloud, and Keith had to admit... it was a good plan. Deceptive, but good. The only problem was... he'd be alone with Lance for a few hours most likely. At his house, too.
How did he always manage to get himself into these situations, he wondered.
" I'll... do it." He agreed, looking down.
If Lance made a move on him, though, he was out.
Lance was in the middle of pampering himself when his phone rang on the bathroom counter. He had a facemask on, and he'd just hopped out from the shower. He luckily had put his robe back on and everything.
" Hey, Pidge." He picked up.
" Hey you old man." Pidge snickered. " How's it feel being 22?"
" You're literally 21." Lance chuckled. " And it's cool, I guess."
" Any plans? With... you know who?~" She cooed, and Lance immediately began to blush under his facemask.
" Er- not yet." He stammered. " I wanted to see if he'd come over..."
Pidge was on the other line, smirking to herself. Perfect. The plan was in motion.
" Why don't you call him? I'm sure he'd love to come over and chill with you." She teased.
" I hope you don't mean Netflix and Chill." Lance nervously laughed. Not when Keith and himself had already talked about things, and Keith was pretty clear about the fact he wasn't ready.
" Perv."
" ME?!"
" Yes, you, now call him. Happy birthday!" The line went dead, and Lance looked down at his phone in a confused way. He shook his head, but decided it was a good time to call Keith. He didn't want to call too early in the morning, but it was ten o'clock, so the timeframe was fine.
He pressed Keith's contact, and got an answer a few rings later.
" Hello?" Keith picked up.
" Hey..." Lance smiled to himself. " I... uh-... are you busy today?"
" No."
" Good. I mean, awesome. Would you..." Lance choked on his own words for a moment. Something about asking Keith on a date made him so flustered, but he got over it soon enough. " Like to come over? Just me and you?"
" Sure. What time?" Keith asked, and he hid how nervous he was about the situation. Though he'd agreed to it, and knew that he had to face his fear, he couldn't help but be somewhat scared. He hoped that the feelings would fade when he arrived, and Lance did absolutely nothing to hurt him.
" Whenever you want... I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see you soon, though." Lance told him honestly, his voice going softer.
" I'll be over in forty five minutes then, you goofball." Keith chuckled.
" I'm not a goofball! I'm like a cool, ninja, YouTube star!" Lance pouted.
" Are you joking?" Keith laughed from the other end, and Lance pursed his lips.
" Just get here, Princess." The alpha murmured.
There was a whoosh of air as Lance opened the door for Keith, who was staring down when he answered. He perked up, blushing once he saw the other. Lance had changed from his robe into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, and Keith was wearing a black t-shirt with some red jeans.
" Happy birth-"
Lance had enveloped Keith with a hug before he could finish his sentence, and the omega was stiff for a split second. He soon relaxed into the contour of Lance's body, however, and returned the contact by wrapping his arms around him.
" Thank you." Lance whispered, and Keith nuzzled by his neck a little. Lance felt so good, smelled so good. His inner omega was unable to resist as he scented him.
As they parted from each other, Lance looked down. He saw that Keith had brought a bag filled with tissue paper and something else.
" Awww! You got me something?" The alpha gushed.
" Uh... yeah? It's your birthday."
Lance pulled Keith into another hug and squeezed him affectionately. He nuzzled closer and made a giddy noise.
" You're so cute."
" Don't get all hot and bothered. It's not anything grand." Keith laughed and blushed to himself, and once Lance let him go, he saw that the alpha was still grinning. He ushered the omega inside, taking the bag and setting it by the door. He wouldn't open it until later.
" It doesn't matter if it's coming from you. I'll love it either way." Lance affectionately spoke while shutting the front door. He could smell just from Keith's scent that he was feeling shy, and even somewhat nervous. " Hey... is everything okay?" The alpha asked Keith in a gentle tone.
Keith looked back at Lance, wondering if he should've just addressed the elephant in the room upfront. Lance must've noticed the inconsistencies in his scent. That meant they were getting closer.
" Um... well..." Keith folded his arms.
Lance put a hand on his shoulder, guiding him over to the couch, where the two sat down.
" You can tell me if something is bothering you, you know." Lance rubbed his back, being careful while doing so. He had always prided himself on being a good listener, though it had taken him years to get it down.
" It's just that... I haven't been alone with an alpha since... my last boyfriend." Keith told him honestly, his eyes cutting over to Lance.
" Not even Shiro?"
" Shiro isn't that kind of alpha. He's not a romantic partner..." Keith said right away, and Lance paused in the massaging of circles on the other's back. His eyes beaded and he contemplated what to say next.
" Keith... are you scared of me?" Lance asked.
Keith stared at his lap, not sure how to answer.
" Not you... just... I don't want someone to hurt me again. It's not that I think you will. I want to give you a chance, otherwise I wouldn't be here by myself right now." The omega stated honestly, forcing himself to look up and make eye contact with the other. He wasn't scared. He wouldn't allow himself to be a victim anymore.
" I'm sorry... if I pressured you-"
" Lance, you're not in the wrong." Keith interrupted.
" Is there anything I can do? Or-or shouldn't do?" Lance stammered. He wanted to be as sensitive as he could to Keith. Something about the omega, something... even if Lance couldn't put his finger on it, he couldn't get over it. Keith had a certain wit about him, and Lance knew he could never, ever do anything to hurt him.
Keith found himself scooting closer to Lance. A part of him couldn't even believe that he was opening up to the other, but on the other hand, it was such a relief.
" You need to treat me like I'm not nervous." Keith said with certainty. " So many people have tried to baby me and it only makes it worse."
Lance leaned somewhat closer.
" How do I know if you're uncomfortable, then?" He whispered.
" Because I would tell you."
" And you promise you would?" Lance asked softly. Keith nodded, and he and Lance's faces weren't very far from the other. Keith almost felt his eyes fluttering shut, ready to kiss Lance, but that didn't happen. When Lance leaned closer, it was only to wrap his arms around the other and hug him, and Keith felt his heart skip a beat.
Lance wanted to be Keith's knight in shining armor, even if he didn't want to be saved.
After spending a couple hours together, watching a movie, and cuddling, it was to Keith's relief that nothing had happened. Lance had an arm draped over him as the two laid on the couch, spooning. He didn't want to let himself love being the little spoon, but Keith knew he did deep down. He was settled against Lance so comfortably that he'd nearly forgotten his mission for that day.
His eyes widened.
" Oh, Lance-" He began, turning over his shoulder. The credits were playing in the background, and Lance was slightly startled. " I was wondering if you'd film a quick Mukbang with me? My channel needs something for this week, and... yeah."
" Of course." Lance smiled. He didn't mind as long as it was what Keith wanted. " Would you want to go out somewhere? Cause I don't know if doing that in LA right now is the best idea."
" Oh, no. I was thinking we could go through the drive thru somewhere." Keith suggested, trying not to seem deceptive. It was all Pidge's fault for setting this up. It would all be worth it, hopefully. The surprise party they were throwing for Lance would make the alpha very happy, and Keith was positive.
" Bet. I could totally go for a burger."
The plan was in motion as they stood up, Keith first, and then the other. Lance was becoming more and more clingy to Keith with every passing day, but it wasn't even a bad thing, since Keith was doing the same. Neither of them quite realized it, but they did recognize how much they longed for each other when not in their presence. And it could only grow from there.
Over the course of filming that afternoon, Keith kept in contact with Pidge. They'd just finished up their video at In'n'Out when she texted that they were ready.
Lance reached over to hold Keith's hand from the driver's seat, intertwining their fingers. Keith blushed and squeezed. He did something he never thought he would by bringing Lance's hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss on it. He himself wasn't that flustered from it, but the alpha almost combusted in the driver's seat.
" What was that for?" Lance asked, breathless from how worked up he'd become from the gesture.
" Wishing you a happy birthday..." Keith said.
" I thought you already did?" Lance asked, and he felt his instincts trying to kick in. He felt like Keith's omega-like characteristics were heightened in that moment, and he was hypersensitive to his scent.
" Yeah... but..." Keith murmured. " This is all I could think of to give you a birthday kiss..."
He would've been lying if he said he didn't want to kiss Lance right then. It was so tempting, getting attached was so tempting. Keith was beginning to change his mind.
Lance wanted to pull over and hug the other tightly, but he knew that he couldn't. He'd just gotten on the freeway, and it would be a while before they were home.
That time did eventually come, though, and the sun set painted the sky as the two pulled up to Lance's driveway. He lived out in the middle of nowhere when compared to other YouTubers. His privacy must've been the most important thing to him if he was willing to deal with the commute.
" Keith..." Lance said after shutting the Jeep off. " I just wanted to say... thank you. For everything, really." The affection he felt for the other was written all over his face.
Keith's face faded crimson. Alphas, at least the one he'd been with previously, rarely ever thanked him for anything. He felt honored.
" You're welcome." The omega whispered, staring into Lance's eyes. There was a certain tension that was building up between them for a moment, but Lance sensed it. He coughed, turning his head to the side.
" Let's head in."
'Before I can't help myself...' The alpha thought.
Keith got all flustered when he realized, and opened his door to get out.
" Yeah!"
He didn't know what he was thinking! One minute he was telling Lance he wasn't ready, and another... he was forgetting. Something about the alpha made it easy to disregard the past, but Keith felt bad. He didn't want to give mixed signals.
Lance grabbed Keith's hand when they walked up to the door of his house, and Keith had all but forgotten what was happening by then. Lance's scent in the car, Lance's soft gaze, and Lance's everything had numbed him.
Fumbling with his keys, Lance got the door open. The lights all flicked on, and shouts were filling the room.
" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Was roared, and Lance was so startled that he dropped his keys. His first instinct was to hug Keith, shield him and make sure he was safe. Keith was stiff, and Lance had sprung to protect him.
That was until the alpha realized what was happening.
" O-oh..." He eased his hold on Keith, rubbing his back and smiling.
" Sorry for scaring you, buddy!" Hunk exclaimed, and he was wearing a yellow party hat. Shiro, Pidge, Matt, Shay, as well as Lance's sister, Veronica had shown up. She must've driven the three hours into LA just for him, being that she was 19 and could do that.
" V!" The alpha grinned, running and hugging her. She chuckled and hugged him back, her glasses falling off as he nearly knocked her onto the couch. " It's been forever!"
" Yeah, yeah. I'm here now." She rolled her eyes playfully. Pidge had called her. " How's it feel being old?"
" I don't know, how's it feel not being able to drink yet?" Lance stuck out his tongue, and she huffed.
Keith stood in the doorway awkwardly, then shut it. He didn't know what to do with himself.
" Oh, is that Keith?" Lance's sister asked, peeking around him. She pointed, and Lance slapped her hand down. Pointing was rude.
" Yes it is." Lance proudly stated.
Keith blushed heavily, and Lance brought him over.
" Keith, this is my sister, Veronica." Lance introduced him, and Keith shook her hand. Her scent was strong, and he wasn't sure what she was.
" Hi, nice to meet you." Keith greeted. Meeting Lance's family? That made him feel... way more official. Maybe it was dumb, maybe it was just him overthinking it, but it made butterflies come alive in his stomach.
He couldn't wait to meet more of them.
" Lanceeeee!" Pidge called. " We have cake."
" And presents." Matt added.
Keith snickered to himself quietly when he thought about what his gift was. A new blow torch for Lance to use in his videos, and some Barbie dolls to test it out on.
" Aw, thanks everyone." Lance beamed and looked around. He felt so loved. Maybe... maybe things were getting better permanently. He couldn't help but pray so while glancing down at Keith.
(( I miss Ronny and Sasha >~<!! So much... but I have a different Veronica ship planned so I hope you all are ready...))
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