How it All Began

(( Please read my statements before beginning this book! This is my 5th Klance book of many more to come, and I'm excited to publish this! Thank you everyone for your support. Let's do this!))

With the sun just disappearing behind the horizon, the crickets chirping in the back, and the warm California breeze blowing through the air, he had finished. The days were always long in summer, meaning that the dark wouldn't be taking hold for at least another hour. And that was perfect.

He wanted to watch the sunset with her, drape his arm around her and make it the best night they'd shared yet. Lance had filmed his collab with Hunk and Pidge extra quick, not spending extra time there afterward to dilly dally or drink. Though that is what their trio normally did, along with their other friend, Matt.

Six months was too big of a deal to just leave things be, to let them not be as extra as humanly possible. And being that Lance was... well... Lance, he would settle for nothing less than over the top. He had a bouquet of the finest red roses in LA, and in his other hand, he held a box of Ralph's vanilla bean cupcakes. They were the best in the city, from the best grocery store, and also Allura's favorite.

Lance knew that. He made it a point to know all of her favorites, so he could be the best boyfriend ever.

He had the element of surprise to his back as he carefully opened the front door to his home. She had moved in with him only a few weeks ago. Not a single sound could be heard as the heavy, expensive door opened and closed. Lance's house was very nice, despite the hell he put it through for his videos.

Ever so silently, he set the cupcakes on the granite countertop in the kitchen. Maybe they could watch the sunset together and eat them. Lance held the roses, glancing out the window. In the sky, there was a beautiful blue, but the pink it had been mixed with was interrupted. There was a streak of bright red, nearly orange, that cut right through the colors, and Lance smiled to himself. It was beautiful.

He didn't have time to enjoy it, though. Set apart from the silence, he heard a knocking sound. His first thought was the door, but it wasn't that kind of a noise. It was sort of like a labored creak, being cut short only to repeat again. Being the alpha he was, Lance was concerned. Was his omega okay?

Lance figured out the noise was coming from above him, and he was quick to make his way up the staircase. He took a right turn toward the master bedroom, and he got a whiff of something. It was musky, strong.


It was more than just a scent, however. It was stricken with lust, and Allura's cotton candy, sugary aroma was mixed all the way through it.

Lance's eyes widened.

" Lura?!" He called and pushed the bedroom door open. " Lura?! Are you oka-"

Lance's mouth gaped open, and he dropped the roses as his hands raised to clamp over his mouth.

In his bed, the bed Lance slept in every night, there was Allura and her 'editor/cameraman', Lotor. No clothes. No censorship. Everything out there... or in there, if he counted the fact that Lotor currently had his cock shoved in her. Allura was in the middle of a moan when Lance arrived, and her eyes bulged as she saw him walk in.

Lotor panicked as well, blushing and grabbing a blanket to cover her up.

" Lance, I-" She stammered.

Lance felt his eyes fill with tears as he slowly backed up, a lump growing in his throat. There he had been, thinking that someone had broken in and hurt her, but she was liking it. Lance could smell it, and it was written all over her face.

" I thought you said you were on a break?!" Lotor exclaimed, looking between the two. Allura was frozen while looking at both alphas. Her eyes beaded as she knew she'd been caught, and she made a split second decision.

" We are."

" What?!" Lance screeched. " Since when?! What are you doing?! How-" His voice became shaky as he accidentally stepped on the flowers, and Allura pulled Lotor back toward herself.

Lance stared at the two in shock, but it soon began morphing into anger. His alpha instincts kicked in, and his mind was foggy from testosterone and many other things. He growled at Lotor, who looked beyond conflicted.

" Both of you! Get the fuck out of my house! NOW!" He used his alpha voice, the one that dropped lower than his normal one. It was the voice Lance rarely found the occasion to bust out of the closet.

Allura jumped back somewhat, clinging onto Lotor. He'd pulled out by then and they were both covered, but she wouldn't let go.

" I'm scared..." She told him, whimpering. Lotor knew they had to get out of there before a fight could start, so he picked her up, keeping her wrapped in the blanket. He let her sit on the bed only for a moment while pulling on his boxers from the floor and scooping up the rest of their clothes.

Allura had a lot of explaining to do.


He was heavily breathing, not sure if he was ready to punch a wall or just curl up and cry.

Lance slammed the door behind them both, and Lotor's car could be heard starting outside. And after that... Lance slid down the wall, leaning his back on it.


She... she'd betrayed him.


(Six months later)


Even after all that time... Lance was stuck. He was over her, but he still couldn't find someone that compared to what he'd had before. Or at least... what he thought he had.

" Come on, man. You told me you want to get back out there." Hunk rubbed Lance's shoulder. The two were sitting on Hunk's couch, their other friend, Pidge, on the loveseat across from them. " Let's go out, meet some people. I'll call Shay and-"

" No..." Lance muttered. " Every chick since Allura has been so rude to me..." He put his face in his hands. His channel was suffering. He was suffering.

" Why would they be rude? You're a multimillionaire, funny- well, sometimes, and handsome, you know?" Pidge chimed in.

" Allura. You know everything she said..."

" You didn't beat anyone, Lance. We all know the truth." Hunk told him assuringly. " She just didn't want to lose all of her subscribers."

" Yeah, whatever. She and Lotor get to ride off into the sunset, and I'm over here making an ass out of myself every time I try to get a date." Lance sighed. He was amazing at flirting, or so he liked to tell himself. He even enjoyed it somehow. It was just... he'd been out of luck ever since what happened.

Pidge's glasses gleamed as she pulled out her phone, coming over and plopping next to him on the couch. They had been planning on shooting a video for Hunk's channel, but the trio had more important matters at hand.

" I'm gonna help you." She said, and Lance was sandwiched in between his two best friends. They'd really been great through the whole process, especially in the days following. He'd been a wreck at first, but over the months he realized that it wasn't anything he himself had done.

" How?" Lance asked, wiping his eyes. He just wanted an omega, someone to hold, someone to cherish and who would never hurt him. That was too much to ask, especially with all the fame. He feared that anyone who came along would only want him for his money. That was why he had trusted Allura, because she was a millionaire on her own and didn't need it. What with her makeup brand, YouTube channel, and merch.

" Did you forget that you're bi?" Pidge snickered and shoved his arm. " Have you tried online stuff?"

Lance cringed.

" Tinder. But we don't talk about that..." He scratched the back of his neck. Tinder was a scary, dark place. He already deleted his account and gave up after all the crazy fangirls. It would've been easier had it not been for his influencer status. There was a reason he'd moved out of the city to his own place, 20 minutes outside of LA.

Hunk grabbed the remote, switching on the TV. He wanted some background noise, hoping that it would cut down on some of the awkwardness. He pulled up YouTube on it.

" Hey, wanna watch Keith Kogayne? I haven't seen his last video." He suggested.

Lance perked up.

The title was 'Dressing Up As My High School Self'. The thumbnail had the YouTuber grimacing, wearing five inch high, jet black platform boots. All black, baggy clothes, thick black eyeliner. Lance snickered to himself. He'd always been a fan of Keith.

When he'd started YouTube, he'd been jealous of all of Keith's subscribers, but now they were practically equal.

" What's that smile for?" Pidge nudged him teasingly.

" Nothing." Lance blushed and folded his arms, and Hunk and Pidge exchanged a glance before he clicked on the video. It loaded only for a couple seconds before beginning.

Every one of Keith's videos began with a g-note, the signature of My Chemical Romance.

" Hey, gays." He greeted as always. Yes, that was his thing.

" Oh yeah, that's right. You used to have a thing for him..." Hunk cooed, smirking. He turned up the volume.

" That's it! I'm making you a Bumble account and I'm finding Keith on there." Pidge announced. Lance's eyes widened and he waved his hands around.

" Woah, wait! What's happening?!" The alpha looked between the two, then back at the screen.

" Setting you two up, duh." Pidge smugly said, typing on her phone. She handed it over so Lance could make a password and everything. Damn, she was quick.

" I-I've only ever met him at V-Vidcon I-" Lance stammered in a flustered way. " I don't even know if he's single or-"

" I do." Pidge beamed.

" How?"

" Are you forgetting that their brothers are engaged to each other?" Hunk asked, and Lance thought for a moment. He was a little dense at first, but he was soon on the same page. Beauty Guru, queen of winged eyeliner, ShiroDaddy, and his fiancé, Matt, or better known as Door Matt on YouTube. They were the most famous couple on the site. How could he have forgotten? Or better yet, forgotten that Keith was Shiro's little brother?

" Oh... right..." Lance chuckled nervously.

Pidge nudged him, sending Lance's eyes back down to the phone, where the password was just waiting to be created.

" Come on... he's gay, single, and you like him. Or at least, you've been interested before." She persuaded.

Lance didn't see why not. Keith looked pretty good after all he'd been through, and there wasn't any harm in shooting his shot with him.

" Here goes nothing."


Keith had just finished his newest conspiracy video for his channel. He decided to hold off on editing it for right then, and utilize the rest of his down time by relaxing. A YouTuber's favorite pastime being watching YouTube? Wow, what a shocker.

Keith turned on his smart TV, which was huge and filled up most of the wall in his living room. He laid back on his couch, seeing that his brother, Shiro, had a new video. 'Finacé Does My Makeup' was the title, and Keith snorted to himself. Matt dabbling in makeup? This could either turn out wonderfully, or be a dumpster fire on Shiro's face. He clicked it, just wanting to figure out which it would be. Matt struggled to do Shiro's normally on point winged liner in the thumbnail, and Keith smiled to himself.

They were so cute. He wished he could have an alpha to share something like that with. That was when he was reminded... he was on Bumble. Yeah, Keith had dropped every ounce of pride he'd ever felt and signed up for it a while back. In the world of YouTube, it was hard to find a genuine connection with someone. Nobody besides fellow YouTubers knew the struggle of the career. And Keith knew it especially well, too well in fact.

Keith opened his Bumble, letting Shiro's video play in the background. He'd been swiped a fair amount of times, but he didn't find anyone he was interested in. They were all alpha males, looking jacked and muscular in their profiles.

Keith reviewed his profile, seeing that he looked fairly... emo... in most of his pictures. His ears were pierced, and he was always wearing black earrings. He also had a black nose ring, too. He usually wore a jet black, or bright red beanie, and flannels were his absolute favorite thing in the world. There was a lot of red on his profile, and it would've been obvious that he liked the color.

Once he went back to his swipes, he saw that he had another one.

Lance McLame? This had to be a troll account, right? Lance McLame was a very famous YouTuber with well over 15 million subscribers. Why would he be using his YouTube name on a dating app? Okay, to be fair... Keith was using his screen name as well. Touché.

Keith blushed, seeing that he'd been super liked. Okay... so whoever this was-he hoped it was actually Lance- was very interested. Keith didn't see any harm while swiping right on him and matching with the alpha.

He got a message about a minute later.

Lance McLame: You like red, I like blue, how about we go somewhere and make purple, just me and you?

Keith coughed and nearly dropped his phone. This had to be a troll. It HAD to.

Keith Kogayne: Wow... you're such a poet

Lance McLame: I know ;) but it got you interested didn't it?

Keith Kogayne: Are you trolling me?

Lance McLame: If I was trolling you, wouldn't I have used some cheesy line?

Keith Kogayne: You just did?

This guy was quirky for sure, but Keith felt himself getting more interested as he clicked on Lance's profile to delve further into it. In his featured pictures, there was one where Lance was shirtless and holding a flower in his teeth, and holy abs! Keith covered his mouth, trying not to think with his omega instincts. Next picture please!

He scrolled over, seeing another one where Lance was sitting in a booth with a couple drinks, and what looked to be Pidge and another guy Keith recognized as Hunk Garrett- or on the internet, Hunky Dory. There weren't any immediate turn offs, and Keith's mind was racing as he kept getting caught up in Lance's shirtless picture. It was just so hot! Wait, no! Too soon! He'd only ever met him a couple of times for fucks sake.

The omega jumped when his phone made a small 'ping' noise, signaling that Lance had messaged him again.

Lance McLame: Aww come on! Can I get a redo? I didn't think my poem was cheesy

This Lance guy was really hot. Sure, Keith had heard of him on YouTube and everything, but he wasn't his biggest fan by any means. He wasn't an expert on Lance's channel, nor did he find his 'Microwaving Stuff' videos interesting. However... something told him to give Lance a chance, and it wasn't just because of his glorious tan skin and toned abs.

The omega blushed while trying to formulate a response.

Keith Kogayne: I suppose

Lance McLame: Are you a photographer? Because I can picture you and me together ;)

Keith Kogayne: That one's even worse lmao

Lance McLame: I would give up my morning cereal to spoon you instead

Lance McLame: How's that?

Keith Kogayne: -_- wonderful. I'll do you a favor and start this over

Keith still wasn't sure that this wasn't a troll. It sort of sounded like a freshman googling pick up lines and sending them to him. Or maybe this was Lance, and his pickups were just THAT bad.

He'd play along. It had been a while since he'd come across an alpha who had him this engaged in conversation.

Keith Kogayne: Hi, how are you?

Lance McLame: I was good, but better once I found your page~ uwu

Keith blushed heavily, and his husky, Kosmo, jumped up by him. He scratched behind his ears and listened to him pant contently in response. Such a good boy.

Keith Kogayne: How can I be sure this is really Lance and not some middle schooler trying to expose me?

His phone chimed, and it was a picture message in the body of the conversation. A selfie of Lance, along with Pidge and Hunk in the very background. Keith squinted at the picture, and then it became apparent.


That little gremlin.

He picked up his phone and went to her contact, facetiming her. Blush stained the majority of his cheekbones as he facepalmed. She'd been trying to set him up with someone for the longest time. It had taken him some time to heal since the last boyfriend, but still. She tried.

" Helloooo?" Pidge answered as it connected. " Don't you have some alpha man candy you should be replying to right now?" She laughed.

" Pidge!" Hunk scolded in the background.

Lance slicked back his hair with his palm, more flustered than he'd admit to.

" Okay, one. Are you with Lance? Two-" Keith inspected her surroundings more closely. " Are you watching my videos right now?"

" Yes and yes squared." She replied cheekily.

" Nerd." Lance remarked.

Pidge waved him off.

" Are you trying to set us up?" Keith blushed more so while asking her. Pidge was probably his closest friend other than Shiro, but he was blood family so it didn't really count.

" Mhm~" Pidge responded. For a beta, she really did dabble in alpha and omega issues like mates a lot. " Now anyways, it's actually him. Don't let my work go to waste and actually flirt with him, dummy!"

" I'm right here!" Lance exclaimed, covering his face. Keith hung up, left with the Bumble chat open on the screen of his iPhone 7 Plus. Alright... so this was the real Lance McClain. YouTube knew him as Lance McLame, and until that moment, so had Keith.

Lance McLame: Believe me now?

Keith Kogayne: I have to

'And I want to...' Keith thought to himself, shaking his head.

Lance McLame: Wonderful. How can I court you if you're not sure it's me?

Keith Kogayne: Court me? Already? I've met you a couple times

Lance McLame: Wanna change that? ;)

Keith gulped, looking around and petting his dog. He needed more build up. Just going out with an alpha he didn't know well was never a good idea, even if they had mutual friends. But at the same time... if they were going to keep on talking, and Keith didn't want him to lose interest, he had to keep it open as option.

Keith Kogayne: You'll have to wait a bit, Loverboy XD

Lance McLame: Awww whyyyy

Keith Kogayne: I'm not that easy

Lance McLame: Is that a challenge? I bet by the end of the week, you'll be begging to go on a date with me

Keith Kogayne: Sure, let's call it that. And bet I won't

Lance McLame: Bet you will...

Lance McLame: ...cutie

Keith Kogayne: I'm not cute

Lance McLame: False

Keith Kogayne: True

Lance McLame: I'm vetoing

Lance McLame: I'm overriding

Keith Kogayne: Who gave you the authority?

Lance McLame: ...

Lance McLame: Me?

Keith Kogayne: Uh huh, sure

Lance McLame: Anyways... I'll be taking you out soon. Just you wait

Keith didn't even really have to try with the messages. His fingers had a mind of their own. That was a good sign, or so he told himself. After the last time, he was just trying to focus on the positives, and watch for red flags.

Keith Kogayne: We'll see about that

(( HERE WE GO AGAIN UWUWUWUWUWU!!! Thoughts, Loves?))

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