Elephant in the Room

{ Fluff and suggestive language aheadddd! Idk why that would trigger people but whatever! Take that as you will and enjoy! }

Lance smoothed his hair down as he made his way to Keith's front door, having been let in through the gate. His conversation with Camila laid heavy on his mind and he thought about how it had affected everything he'd done afterward. He'd showed up to Keith's in a t-shirt and khakis, so a little bit nicer than what he normally wore. And he'd made himself look extra nice in case of the event he told him everything he was feeling.

Did Keith already know? No way! Lance wondered if he was the only one feeling the effects of the pre-bond, but then he remembered that Keith had texted him very early that morning. He could only assume that the other was losing sleep as well.

Knocking on the door a couple times, Lance anticipated seeing his omega's face and smothering him in affection. His scent gland tingled, almost as if it was sensing every step Keith took on the other side. It was like he had a Keith Detector in his neck, as strange as that might've seemed.

Keith pulled the door open, blushing and smiling while seeing his boyfriend.

" Hey-"

Lance didn't even wait to be invited in, stepping through and plucking Keith up from the floor. Kosmo began to bark and Lance swung his omega around until embracing him and pressing a kiss onto his lips. He couldn't control himself.

Keith's eyes were wide open, but as Lance's hands slid down his waist, he settled and gripped the front of his shirt. Man... he'd missed him so fucking much. It hit him full frontal once they were locked together at long last.

" Hey, KitKat..." Lance whispered once he pulled back, resting his forehead onto Keith's and cupping his cheek. His skin was soft and pale and absolutely perfect as his fingers grazed over it.

Keith was a blushing mess, but that wasn't the thing drawing his attention. He felt over his scent gland, which was practically pulsing now that he was in Lance's arms.

" Hey, Babe..." He murmured and smiled, though he was definitely nervous. He didn't want to miss Lance ever again, didn't want to go through the pain of being away from him. It wasn't exactly a sharp pain, but a dull ache in his neck and in his soul.

Lance felt his heart skipping beats and his neck almost buzzing in anticipation. He almost wanted to sing his love for Keith, but stopped himself. He'd surprise Keith with that on a special occasion, since he'd never heard him before-well other than the shower.

" You look amazing tonight." Lance told him, his eyes wandering downward. Keith was wearing the green jacket he'd given him, along with a t-shirt and spandex. It was a cozy look, and it filled Lance with pride to see the way his clothes were baggy on Keith.

Keith chuckled lightly.

" Sure I do." He teased, and Lance's palm rested on his backside in a joking way. " You dressed up just for me, huh?"

Lance blushed slightly and nodded.

" Only the best for you."

They seemed to both be overloaded about the cheesy conversation they were having, both turning away for a moment to regain composure. It didn't help that there was an elephant in the room, the likes of which neither of the males had brought up.

" So what's on the agenda for tonight?" Lance asked, smirking somewhat. He picked Keith up, having missed the feeling of carrying him around for no other reason than because he could. Keith draped his arms over Lance's shoulders and locked his legs behind the other's back.

" Horror movies, pizza, cupcakes, and..." He trailed off, biting his lip and looking off to the side, like he couldn't finish his sentence.

" And?~" Lance purred while carrying Keith toward the giant sectional couch in the living room. Kosmo was following after them the whole way, just waiting for his chance to pounce on Lance for attention.

" And..." Keith began. " I thought maybe... we could have a romantic time in the jacuzzi."

This excited Lance way more than it should've. Keith's jacuzzi was indoors and in the bathroom on the other end of the house, and he'd never actually been inside of it before. Just the thought of the alone time with Keith drove his alpha instincts nuts.

" Really?" Lance asked in a lower tone while setting him down onto the couch, gently of course. " I didn't bring my swim trunks." He neared their faces together, their noses basically brushing.

" You don't need them." Keith replied, smiling. He let a silent gulp happen in his throat as he thought about everything, wondering if Lance was feeling the same things. Maybe if he left it alone long enough, Lance would say something. He knew that the other didn't usually do a good job with keeping his mouth shut about most things, so if Lance was feeling the affects of the pre-bond... it was only a matter of time before he'd say so.

" Mm... if you say so." Lance hummed, drawing back as a way of teasing Keith. He wasn't about to show up and make a move on him right away. That wasn't the kind of guy he was, and if he was being honest... sex wasn't exactly his objective. Would it have been a really fucking good perk? 100%, but still. He didn't want to initiate it unless Keith said to just yet.

Keith reached for the TV remote and pulled up the horror movies for rent. It wasn't long before Lance pulled him in against his side with a single arm. Kosmo also jumped up on the two and sprawled across both of their laps. Lance chuckled and rubbed the husky's belly, finding the whole thing funny.

" He missed you, too..." Keith whispered and leaned his head on Lance's shoulder.

" Apparently." The alpha snickered.

This was all so crazy. The environment was nonchalant, but yet there was so much tension. Lance was torn between thinking about the jacuzzi or thinking of telling Keith that his scent gland was going crazy. It was like his instincts were at war with his head and he didn't like it, but at the same time... there never really seemed to be a good opportunity to tell him about it.

They ended up deciding on the new IT movie, the sequel to the remake.

" I've heard mixed reviews, so I don't know what to make of it." Keith said, and Lance's teeth were already grit.

He fucking hated clowns. It didn't matter if they were at a kid's birthday or the circus or in a gutter. No fucking way in hell would he ever find himself in the same place as a clown for more than a second.

" Let's do it." He awkwardly chuckled, and Keith craned his neck to look up at him. They were close enough where he could basically tell every fluctuation in Lance's scent, and it was clear that he was hiding something.

" What, have you already seen it?" Keith questioned.

" N-no... not exactly. It's not that." Lance broke into a nervous sweat and avoided eye contact. He was supposed to be big and strong, and he didn't exactly know how to feel in telling Keith clowns scared him.

Keith raised a brow, waiting for the other to talk more, but then it hit him. A smirk took shape on his cheeks and he knew it was the perfect time to tease Lance for it.

" Oh no! I won't let the big bad clown get you, Lance!" He exclaimed in an exaggerated tone. " Please, Pennywise, spare my boyfriend and move on to the next person!"

Lance pursed his lips and tried to not have a reaction, but there was just something about when Keith teased him. It was like his body refused to let him ignore it.

" Keith, I swear-"

" I'll help you check under the bed and in the closet tonight, don't worry." Keith burst out laughing, and Kosmo hopped off of them. He was going to go to Romelle, where he could most likely get more attention. Those two lovebirds couldn't afford to pay him the time of day right then.

Lance let his instincts run his body for a moment as he laid Keith back on the couch and breathed down his neck. There was something about being labeled as scared that made him act in the exact opposite way, his hand sliding and caressing the other's hip and torso.

" Yeah? You sure that's what you're going to do?" Lance asked in a husky voice, leaning by the other's ear and nibbling it in a teasing way. " Cause I think... you'd do what I want instead in a second if I asked..."

Keith shivered and shut up real quick, wondering what was happening to him. That tone Lance had and the way he'd just leaned him back... holy shit. He loved everything about what was happening. Lance wasn't forcing him into anything or yelling at him for the teasing... but getting even in a hot way. How the fuck-

" W-What were you thinking you wanted?" Keith stuttered.

Lance chuckled and pulled back to smirk at him, satisfied to see the way his omega responded. So much for not being horny. Keith had a way of changing his mind very quickly.

" You'll figure it out later."


Later on, after they'd had pizza and dessert and finished the movie and some anime, they were back in the jacuzzi room. Lance had to admit to himself... he'd been excited for this. He wondered if Keith was feeling lonely and looking to get intimate. But still, he didn't know if he would feel right doing something like that without talking to Keith about his feelings first. That was more important than his own pleasure.

As the water bubbled around the tub and warmed up to where they could get into it, Keith turned around. He took off his shirt in front of Lance, hoping that he could follow in suit.

Lance definitely figured it out, shrugging his shirt off and onto the floor.

" Just a heads up... my sister is here right now and her room is in the other hall." Keith told him. He didn't want Lance to say anything too romantic too loud, or at least loud enough for her to hear. She would never let him live that down and he already knew.

" Good to know... I wouldn't want to make you moan too much~" Lance purred and took a step closer to his boyfriend, who couldn't tell if he was serious or not. That was the most exciting part for Keith as he took off his spanx and undies, then stepped into the jacuzzi. In the water, he had sprinkled some dried rose petals he'd received as a gift. They were supposed to soothe, but yet had a romantic connotation, so it was a win win. And on the side of the tub, Keith had a bottle of red wine and two glasses for he and Lance. He'd assumed that Lance would spend the night, so he wouldn't have to drive.

Lance looked over the sights before him, smelling the roses and smiling. Keith was apparently in touch with his mushy side as well, but he did wonder... what was the occasion?

" Coming in?" Keith asked, smirking somewhat. He poured himself a glass of wine and one for Lance as well. And that was all the alpha needed to hear before stripping down all the way. He came in and sank down into the refreshingly warm water, tension between he and Keith being through the roof.

After taking a sip of the wine, Lance set his glass aside and scooted over to Keith, pulling him into an embrace.

" So... what is all this about?" He asked, letting Keith straddle his lap. " It can't just be because you missed me..."

Keith gulped and looked to the side, his scent gland heating up. It almost stung, like it was reminding him to say something about it.

" Well..." He murmured.

If he said what was going on would Lance just say the same thing to not make things awkward? What if Keith was mistaken? He prayed not, but at the same time... the anxiety was there.

Lance had never really seen Keith so awkward before, and that said a lot. He wasn't really blushing, so it must not have been because he was shy about something.

" You know the other night?" Keith asked. " When we were at your place with Pidge and Hunk and Shay?"

Lance nodded.

" What about it?" He asked.

" When you wanted to know what was on my mind, I... I lied at first. I wasn't thinking about when we had sex... I was thinking about something else..." Keith admitted, avoiding Lance's eye contact and hoping that the other wouldn't be angry with him. But it was the truth. Keith had been thinking about sharing a home with Lance ever since that night.

" Okay...?" Lance said.

" I..." Keith couldn't seem to put what he wanted to say into words.

" Is this..." Lance began. There was never going to be a good time to talk about it, so there was no harm in bringing it up right then. " Is this about us pre-bonding?" He asked.

Keith's eyes widened and he stared into Lance's, beyond relieved that the other was realizing it as well.

" Yes- kind of." The omega replied, and Lance ran a hand through his raven black hair.

" You can tell me anything, KitKat... don't be shy." Lance assured and caressed his cheek, smiling lightly. He wanted Keith to feel comfortable telling him anything and everything and it didn't matter what the subject was.

" I know." Keith said. He felt like the weight of the world was being lifted off of him as he sat in Lance's lap, having learned about what was going on. " Lance... I-... I want to move in together." He confessed to him.

Lance felt like the entire world stopped around them when Keith said that. He felt his heart skip a beat and wondered if he'd heard the other right. Moving in? Lance thought about all the times he'd longed for Keith but been at his own home, and all the times Keith had called him and he'd rushed over.

When Lance didn't say anything right away, Keith became ten times more nervous.

" Of course I want to, Keith..." The alpha said, leaning closer. " I miss you so much when we're away from each other and it hurts me... and I want to be around to protect you and love you every day."

Keith buried into Lance's neck in an affectionate gesture, and Lance shivered and made a small sound when Keith brushed his scent gland. It was so sensitive, especially to Keith.

" Then... will you move in with me?" He gently asked, knowing Lance could hear him. There was so much vulnerability in his tone as he remained in the other's arms. Lance was all he wanted and all he could think about, and without him... Keith felt like a piece of himself was missing.

Lance thought for a moment, it being a very big decision. With the series and James being in custody, they had a lot going on. He didn't know if he could add a complete move on top of that.

" How about... I bring over all of my necessities for now... and we finish our filming. Then when that's done, I'll sell my house and move everything." Lance suggested, hoping that it would be enough and wouldn't hurt Keith's feelings.

" You'd still stay here from now on, though... right?" The omega asked, pulling back and staring into Lance's ocean blue eyes.

" Yes. Of course." Lance told him with certainty. " I can't live without you..."

Keith's lips curled up into a smile and he cupped Lance's cheeks, pulling him into a deep and sensual kiss, rocking his hips against him.

He felt so much better.

{ Can you all please go show my new book some love? I've had her in the works for years but went through and edited everything. Leave some votes and comments if you want, since they really brighten up my day :)

-Soki }

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