(( Tea and UWU warning.))
Waking up next to Lance, naked, and completely tangled up with him... it was an experience to say the least. The alpha had one arm around Keith, apparently having been trapped in an embrace all night. And his other hand was being used to scroll through Instagram. Lance was up, but didn't want to risk waking his omega too early.
Keith yawned and nuzzled back into Lance's neck, groaning.
" Morning, beautiful." Lance whispered and leaned down to kiss Keith's bedhead. " How'd you sleep?"
Keith took a moment, his mind still scrambled from slumber.
" Like a rock."
" Yeah, tell that to my arm." Lance chuckled and pulled his arm out from under Keith. It was completely engulfed in pins and needles.
" Sorry." Keith snickered tiredly.
Lance put his phone on the nightstand and rolled back over, pulling Keith into his lap. He ran his thumb on Keith's cheek sweetly, and Keith was a blushing mess. They were naked! Hello?!
" So... I got a text from my mom. She booked our flight for 5 tonight. They're going to meet us at LAX." Lance explained.
Keith seemed to go along with what Lance was saying.
" But... wouldn't you need someone to drive you then?" He asked.
Lance nodded. There was no way he could leave his nice Jeep in the parking lot there without his fans knowing it, or Allura's followers finding it. He wasn't trying to get his tires slashed.
" I can do it..." Keith said. He leaned down again and rested on Lance, still sleepy.
" Okay... thanks..." Lance whispered and stroked Keith's mullet. He was still in disbelief about what he and Keith had done last night. It was shocking to think they'd gotten sexual at all.
Keith let one of his hands rest on Lance's chest, not knowing what to say at that moment. All he could think about was how soft and gentle Lance's hands had been on his skin, the way they'd caressed him.
" What do you say... I make us some breakfast, you go take a shower, then we just enjoy the day together?" Lance asked.
" Well... we both need a shower. Why don't we... just..." Keith looked to the side and blushed. " You know..."
Lance was aware of exactly what Keith wanted, but he decided to have some fun with it.
" No, I'm not sure I do know~" Lance said, poking Keith's tummy.
Keith deadpanned and blushed.
" Hm?" Lance further inquired.
" God damn it, Lance!" Keith exclaimed in a flustered way, not knowing how to ask for such a thing without it being weird. " Just shower with me!"
Lance seemed taken aback at Keith's words, but only at first. He had never seen Keith so worked up before, and he had to say, he loved it.
" If you insist~" Lance used a sexy voice. It was low and baritone, but not quite seductive. He wasn't trying for sex right then. The window of that had closed on the previous night, and Lance would wait for there to be another special time before he'd make a move.
The alpha lifted Keith up after getting out of bed, princess carrying him to the bathroom. Keith's blush was immediately visible as Lance flicked on the bathroom light, but he hid it with the rest of his face in Lance's neck. He still couldn't get past the fact that they were naked.
" Do you like your showers hot?" Lance asked, Keith nodding.
" I like them hot to the point Shiro thinks I'm nuts. One time he had to come in the bathroom while I was taking a shower, and he kept telling me how he didn't know how I didn't look like Freddie Krueger from the water." The omega chuckled softly, Lance snorting in response.
Setting Keith down, Lance went to go take care of the water. Keith would've been a liar if he said he wasn't staring at Lance's ass and looking him over. Oops. He couldn't help it.
They both stepped in the shower after it was just a tier down from boiling, and Keith's heart was thumping. He was excited yet embarrassed being naked in there with him.
Lance could smell Keith's anxiety, then embraced the omega from behind.
" You know I love your body... you have nothing to be nervous about." He assured and leaned by Keith's face, kissing his cheek from an angle.
Keith settled back against Lance, not able to resist him. His arms were like a security blanket and he always felt safe when he was enclosed by them.
" I know..." Keith said. He had just been reminded about Lance's departure, not wanting to see him go. What he would do without the sweet nothings and someone to sleep by, Keith didn't know. He was mentally preparing himself for ten days alone, something he hadn't faced since before Lance came into his life. " I'm just going to miss you. That's all..."
Lance closed his eyes and let his chin rest on Keith's shoulder. Water cascaded over them and steam filled the bathroom.
" You can call me anytime you want. I'll text you every second I get." Lance murmured.
" I'm going to hold you to that." Keith smiled somberly, a chuckle leaving his throat.
" I wouldn't have it any other way."
Grabbing the shampoo, Lance squirted some in his hand and began to lather it through Keith's hair. He massaged the suds all through the black locks and on top of Keith's head, relaxing him.
Keith groaned in delight as Lance shampooed him. He felt so spoiled in that moment.
" Has anyone ever told you you're good with your hands?~" Keith joked. Lance blushed heavily.
" No~" The alpha purred back. " But you're right in telling me that, KitKat."
Keith smiled, then bit his lip.
" Maybe you should show me what else they can do sometime..." He said.
Lance smirked. He didn't want to act entitled to Keith's body, but Keith was saying stuff like that. It seemed like he had permission to tease him a little.
Snaking his hand downward, Lance squeezed Keith's ass for a split second. Keith jumped, then laughed. He turned around and looked up at Lance.
Lance dashingly raised an eyebrow and smirked.
" Was that what you were thinking?" The alpha asked, his hands sliding down Keith's body and cradling his backside.
Keith shockingly didn't mind the touching at all.
" Mhm." The omega told him, then leaned against Lance's chest. There was just something about when Lance touched him. He didn't feel scared, or even fear that he'd try something. He was different.
" When I come back, we can do whatever you want. Anything. I mean it." Lance spoke softly, nestling closer to him and holding Keith's waist. He had to admit... Keith also had a cute little ass on him. He was tempted to keep squeezing it, and it became irresistible as they stayed together like that.
His fingers thought about exploring some places, but Lance mentally slapped himself and stopped short of that.
" Lance..." Keith quietly said, pulling back and looking up at him. He felt like he could say whatever was on his mind, no holds barred. " When you come back... I want to."
Lance's face was warm from not only the shower water, but the blush covering it as well.
" I want to for real... all the way." Keith admitted. He'd honestly never thought he'd be able to say that again, but he was.
" Then we will." Lance assured.
After they both washed up and hopped out, Keith wore Lance's clothes. The pants were a tad long on him and the sweatshirt was baggy, but the omega loved it all the same.
They sat down and enjoyed breakfast, courtesy of Lance. Scrambled eggs, chocolate chip pancakes, and bacon were the most unexpected yet perfect combo.
" I'll have to get Kosmo from Pidge at some point." Keith said, pushing his empty plate aside. " I'm sure he misses me by now."
" I already miss you and I haven't even left yet." Lance murmured. Keith deadpanned, but then decided maybe he should give Lance some attention while he still could. He got up and went to sit on Lance's lap, cupping his cheeks.
" Well I'm here right now~" Keith laughed and leaned closer, their noses brushing in a cute gesture.
Lance smiled and pulled Keith closer by his hips. He met their lips together and held him, affectionate in every move he made. Keith returned the kiss and pulled Lance closer by his cheeks, humming contently.
The smaller male slid a hand up Lance's shirt and felt his muscles, pulling away with a smile.
" We should probably get you packed." He whispered, his forehead touching Lance's.
Lance nodded, standing up and holding Keith still. He didn't know what else to do other than be near to him, having no clue what he'd do without him. But after all, it wasn't like Keith was going anywhere. The sky wouldn't come falling down if Lance wasn't there. Right?
There was a crowd gathering in the airport as Keith and Lance stood there. Word had made it around that they were at LAX while they were in baggage checks and going through security. Any fans of theirs who had a second were huddled about fifty feet from the couple.
" I promise... I'll rush right over when I'm home." Lance whispered, holding Keith's hips. His suitcase sat to their right, just waiting to be taken with him.
" You better." Keith laughed softly. His arms were draped over Lance's shoulders and he looked deeply focused on the other.
There was a moment of silence between them, seeming as though the gap should've been filled by something. Keith gulped as he realized what he wanted to say, fighting off the emotional parts of himself. Maybe all it took was Lance leaving for him to say it.
" I..." Keith stared into Lance's eyes, his face beet red. " I love you. Stay safe."
Lance thought his ears were malfunctioning at first. Um?!!! Keith had really just said that? He felt like he could bounce off the walls from how happy he was, a grin taking over his whole face as he stood there.
" I love you too, KitKat. And I will." Lance pulled Keith into a real hug, smushing him with affection and love. Keith settled and then hid in Lance's neck for a brief moment.
There was a roar of squealing from behind them, making Keith pull back. He normally would have acted differently and held back PDA in front of fans, but in that moment, his heart was so swollen and smitten for Lance that he didn't care. Standing on his toes, Keith cupped Lance's cheeks and kissed him goodbye.
Lance felt weak in the knees for a moment, but he went along with it.
The airport seemed like it was going to explode from all the fangirling going on. As the two parted, the announcement came over that Lance's flight was boarding.
The alpha left, smiling at Keith before turning.
Keith was standing there, his left hand holding his elbow as he already missed Lance's touch. He told himself that he would be fine, and he tried his best to believe it.
At least there was one plus in all of it, though. Keith had his dog back, Kosmo leaping into the front seat as Keith hopped in his car. They'd swung by and grabbed the husky from Pidge before heading to the airport, and Kosmo had just been chilling in the car, a casual window crack keeping him cool until then.
" Let's go home, Buddy..." Keith petted his head, smiling. He told himself that if he smiled, maybe his insides would be happy too. Maybe he would be happy that Lance was seeing his family even in spite of it being far away.
It didn't work, though.
In hopes of distracting himself from Lance, Keith decided he would get some food. Noodles and Company was one of the best places to go for stress eating food. He called in his order on the way there, going through the drive thru. And that was how he ended up with an order of chicken noodle soup and a whole thing of potstickers.
He could eat whatever the fuck he wanted whenever the fuck he wanted. That kind of freedom was something he'd never give up again.
Listening to music on full blast, Keith tried to keep himself distracted. He listened to All Time Low until his ears were ringing. It even seemed like Kosmo was jamming out for a second as they pulled into the driveway. The gates parted for them and then closed behind.
Keith pulled up to his garage, not bothering to drive in. He shut off the engine and then got out of the car, bag in hand. Kosmo hopped out and was about to follow Keith to the door, but the omega stopped. He stopped dead in his tracks, his breath leaving his lungs in a split second.
" Hey, Baby. Long time no see."
Keith was frozen, seeing that on his steps, his worst nightmare had taken shape. He tried to talk, but found it impossible at first. He tried to stand tall, not show that he was scared.
James was on the steps leading up to his front door.
" Leave. You can't be here." Keith said, his eyebrows angling in anger. His legs slightly shook as he stood there, thankful that his pants covered him up.
James smirked a little and stood up, his hands raising in surrender. A bit of mud was splotched on his cheek and on his shirt, but that was the last thing Keith was focusing on.
" I'm not here to fight." He told him, then approached the omega slowly.
Kosmo growled and barked, getting in front of Keith and showing his teeth, which were actually pretty menacing. And if he would've done that to anyone else, Keith would've scolded. Not this time, though. Keith wouldn't have cared if Kosmo took a chunk from James' arm, in fact, would've felt safer that way.
Keith backed up.
" Stay the hell away from me." He warned. " Why are you here? How did you get on my property?!"
James only rolled his eyes, thinking it was obvious. But whatever. Keith would've fixed it right away if he knew.
" More like, hey James, how are you? Yeah, great to see you. I can't wait until we get back together." James mocked, wishing Keith would've said that instead.
Keith only dirty looked him.
" I'm calling Shiro if you don't leave right now. He'll kick your ass so hard you'll wish you were dead." The omega spat.
" Again, not here to fight. There's no reason that needs to happen." James said, still nearing Keith.
" Then what the fuck are you doing here?" Keith questioned. Kosmo looked like he was ready to lunge at the alpha, sensing Keith was in danger.
" Just to deliver a friendly reminder."
Keith's heart felt like it was everywhere in his body, making him tremble a little. Why had James shown up the second Lance was gone? Had people posted photos of them at the airport? Whatever the reason, Keith knew he was in trouble.
James managed to get closer as Keith froze up. The omega had prayed it wouldn't happen, but if he got scared enough, sometimes he found it difficult to move. That made it all the more easy for James to do as he pleased.
Keith felt the alpha's hand graze his cheek, then rest there, cupping it. Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes as he stood there.
" Just go..." Keith grit his teeth, bringing himself to smack James' hand away.
James reached into his pocket.
Kosmo barked and snarled at him, but didn't bite.
" Here." James had a slip of paper, placing it inside the pocket of Keith's- or Lance's- sweatshirt. He could smell the other alpha all over Keith and it made him nauseous.
" What is it?" Keith asked. He honestly was ready to haul off and deck James in the face, but he was feeling like it was hard to move.
" Like I said. A reminder." James smirked, getting right by Keith's ear. " I own you. Say anything to your boy toy and everything goes public."
Keith looked down at his pocket in horror, and James only strolled past him. The omega was left there, frozen and too shocked to even turn around. He didn't even see how James got out, only rushed into the house.
He slammed the door shut and did all the locks, running back to his bedroom with Kosmo and shutting the door there as well. The Noodles and Company bag was set on the floor, the lights flicking on.
Keith dug into his pocket frantically, pulling out the paper and unfolding it to reveal Lance. Clearly it was a nude photo of him, and Keith covered his mouth and looked to the side.
How had James gotten that?!
If it had just been another picture of himself, Keith would've called Lance the second his connecting flight landed. But now? No way. He couldn't jeopardize Lance's privacy so selfishly. It was about them both now.
Keith had no idea how long he could keep this up.
(( I'm sorry ;-; but I have more tea coming. Cream and sugar, anyone?))
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