Also someone dies this chapter so be careful if you're triggered by that but still-
*throws tea kettle in celebration* }
Everything was still so surreal. This sort of thing only happened in movies, not in real life. But yet there Lance and Keith were, having escaped their kidnapper alive. It felt like such a privilege just to be sitting on their own couch again after that. Even though they weren't alone, it felt like it. After a few minutes, Lance and Keith had forgotten about their family and friends being in the kitchen.
" I don't know what I would do without you, Keith..." Lance murmured, having wrapped both arms around Keith as they sat. As much as he wished he could lay down and spoon with him, his cast would've made that quite an ordeal.
Keith smiled a little, relieved just to be safe, and even more relieved that Lance was, too.
" Me either... I wouldn't ever feel the same if I didn't have you..." He whispered back, craning his neck and letting the alpha lean against his scent gland. Just those little signs of affection seemed so much bigger now, and they would never ever take them for granted again.
Lance felt so comforted just being by Keith's scent gland. He adored the sweet aroma and it made his own neck come alive with tingling sensations. Their pre-bond was stronger than ever, and way more difficult to ignore. Even with James trying to stop it, it was indestructible.
Keith blushed very heavily when the thought crossed his mind. He had never outright told Lance this before... never given him permission. However, after everything, it had been a slap in the face. James could've taken something special from them, and he wanted to ensure that no one else got the chance to do it ever again.
" Lance..." The omega uttered, his voice quiet and almost whisper-like. It was as though he didn't want anyone other than Lance to know what he was saying.
Lance perked up when he heard Keith's tone. It wasn't his omega voice, not even close, but it was still very soft and gentle, coming from the heart.
" Yes?" He asked, still holding Keith snug against himself.
" When my next heat comes... I want to bond..." Keith whispered, squeezing his eyes shut and almost bracing for Lance's reaction. After what had happened with James, he had wondered for a long time if he'd even want to bond with anyone. But he had a raging urge to do it with Lance.
Lance's eyes bulged and he thought his heart was going to jump out of his chest. Had he just heard him right? Keith wanted to what? BONDING?! He knew it was a serious moment, but he was so giddy that he almost couldn't help himself.
" Mm... you want to what, Princess?" He asked, smirking a tad.
" You heard me..." Keith murmured.
" Nope, don't remember, didn't happen... say it again..." Lance peered around and looked at Keith's face, seeing the blush that had come to engulf him all over.
Keith wanted to deadpan, but he figured this was a special moment. No wonder Lance wanted to hear it again.
" I want to bond..." The omega said again, turning over to look into his eyes. He swore that he'd never been so honest with anyone before about anything. " I love you... and I'm ready when my next heat comes..."
Lance was so happy that he would've jumped for joy if he could've.
" Then we will..." He whispered back, then cupped Keith's cheek and met their lips together. He ran his hand back through Keith's hair and licked at his bottom lip, but the kiss wasn't anything steamy. It was just appreciative of him.
Keith closed his eyes and leaned against Lance, resting his hands on his fiancé's shoulders. Damn... it felt good to think of him as his fiancé.
That was when they heard a scream behind them, making the omega jump and scoot closer to Lance, and Lance's arms immediately moved around Keith protectively.
" EWWW! MOM!" Luis screeched. He had only gotten curious what they were doing in there. " LANCE IS SUCKING KEITH'S FACE!"
Keith turned red, but Lance was even redder. Even as an adult he couldn't escape his little siblings embarrassing him.
" Yeah, adults like to do that..." V remarked from the kitchen and Luis ran away.
" Keep it PG in there. Geez... I leave them alone for two seconds-" Shiro shook his head, but what else could he expect?
Matt blushed and looked to the side, sitting in the kitchen. Who the hell was Shiro to talk about that? They'd done plenty of that themselves.
Lance sighed and looked down, a little humiliated. But still. Nothing could put a damper on what he and Keith had just talked about. He'd succeeded in finding his one and only true love.
It was a while later after all the food had been ordered and was on the way. Shiro had driven his car out to the end of the driveway and was waiting to pay for it, sitting on the hood. Part of that was him being protective, but the other part was that he wanted a second to decompress. A lot had happened in the past week. Not to mention... he had a pregnant omega to worry about.
He looked out on the sunset and ran a hand through his hair, thinking about everything.
" Hey..."
Shiro turned around with wide eyes.
" Did you walk all the way out here?" He was shocked, seeing Matt holding his belly and slowly approaching the hood. He was such a little shit! Even the doctors had told him to watch the walking! Matt was a petite guy, so the pregnancy was taking a heavy toll on his body.
" I'm fine..." Matt replied, then gently sat on the hood beside his alpha. Shiro wasn't very impressed, but wrapped an arm around him anyways.
" What am I gonna do with you?" He sighed.
" I don't know..." Matt chuckled and looked over at him lovingly. " Do you... feel any better?"
" You know... I do." Shiro told him, smiling. He had debated derailing their wedding plans and his next launches to look for Keith and Lance, but now he didn't have to. It was like he could stop being in a panic all the time. " After she's born... our wedding will be great... and then we can bond... I just can't wait..."
Matt was crimson while listening to him, but he couldn't say that he wanted anything different. Shiro knew exactly how to treat him right, and it was amazing.
" Things are finally gonna go back to normal..." The omega said. " It almost feels too perfect."
" Don't jinx it..." Shiro chuckled.
" Okay, Daddy." Matt joked and stuck out his tongue.
" Don't... do that." Shiro covered his face with his palm. Matt was pregnant and he didn't want to get revved up. Not then, anyways. They could save that for the honeymoon eventually.
Matt was proud of himself for messing around with him, then kissed Shiro's cheek. But he had to knock it off once the delivery driver pulled up. They had a dinner to eat, after all. And it was all to celebrate something absolutely amazing. Lance and Keith were safe.
Jail was a nasty place. Even for an alpha, it was a really bad position to be in. However, he couldn't get out of it. Since he was already on house arrest, the cops were storing James at a correctional institution. He wasn't in solitary confinement, but he didn't have a cellmate, either.
And over those next weeks, he'd figured something out. No matter how many omegas he'd encountered in the showers, he couldn't feel happy. They weren't Keith. Without Keith's scent, he was in a constant state of longing. And he didn't have Allura's cooking to distract him from the pain, nor her cuddles.
He'd come to one solution at the end of that, one that was the final option. They didn't have him on suicide watch, after all.
He tied some bedsheets together late at night, and Keith was the last thing that he thought about. Even if Keith wouldn't know it, it was the last way that James mentally sent him a middle finger.
If he couldn't have him... he wasn't going to have anything.
" There's no use resisting! We have you surrounded!"
Allura looked down, sighing a bit. The cops had just busted into her family's private jet, one that was about to send her to Japan to hide out there. This was after weeks of hiding in the woods and running from the consequences of her actions. It was almost... a relief to be found. James was dead anyways, and she'd wasted too many tears crying over him. He'd been the only one to truly love her for who she was, or so she'd convinced herself.
There was no reason to keep running, right? Lance and Keith were going to be happy anyways, and clearly there was nothing that she, or the rest of the world could do about it. Her channel was history, her brand had been boycotted, and she'd lost all of the sane followers she'd had.
Her life was over anyways.
" As if I would resist anyways." She wiped her eyes and looked at the ceiling, then stood up, holding her tummy. The cops rushed in, arresting her, along with the pilots who were about to take her away.
She was read her miranda rights as they handcuffed her, but she remained silent. Why the hell did her life have to turn out this way? What would've happened if she'd convinced James that she was enough, and that he didn't need Keith, too?
Allura was a lot of things, but a miracle worker wasn't one of them. That guy was too far gone, and she should've realized that there was nothing left to do. He would've ended up in the same place, the same way, even if it wouldn't have happened at the same time.
Even after she was hauled off to jail and put into an orange jump suit, she begged to see a visitor. Her father had gotten her a good lawyer, and so she'd succeeded in getting visiting privileges.
She sat at the booth, holding the phone and staring through the glass, waiting for them to arrive.
" I... don't know how I feel about this..." Romelle gulped.
" I don't want to see her either... but we have to talk about the baby." Lotor paused in his walking, turning to his girlfriend. They'd discussed it on the way there, but Romelle was still a little apprehensive.
" You're... sure she's yours?" She asked him. Even if she'd moved in a few weeks ago, and Lotor had started to paint a nursery on the top level of the house, she had to keep asking.
Lotor took a second to think it over. He'd had many dreams about it, and it seemed like he couldn't get it out of his head.
" I believe she is... but even if she isn't... I'm going to raise her like my own. The baby will need a good home regardless of who the parents are, and I'm ready to take that on..." He explained, grabbing both of Romelle's hands. " The real question is... are you, too?"
Romelle gulped again. She was good with kids, and she adored Lotor. This would definitely be a first for her, but all she wanted was to see him happy. Plus... Lotor was right. The baby couldn't pick who her parents were. If they could avoid putting her in the system, then that would be the best plan.
" I'll help you..." She blushed, looking up at Lotor, who smiled down at her.
" I knew that's what you would say... now come on... let's talk to her..."
They sat down, and Romelle was shocked to see how disheveled Allura looked on the other side. She'd really let herself go. Her hair was frizzy and thrown up into a bun, and she had no makeup. Her nails were chipped and her eyebrows weren't kept. It was a complete 180 from how she otherwise looked before jail.
" Hey..." Allura said from the other side, speaking to Lotor, who'd picked up the phone by then.
" Look at you..." Lotor frowned, concerned. " What's happened to you?"
" You really think I get to have a beauty routine in here?" She asked.
" If you're looking for sympathy from me, you're not going to get it..." Lotor replied.
" I'm not. Just-..." Allura looked down. " Look, I don't want to fight. I've already done way too much of that..." She picked her head back up and stared into his eyes. " I... I've done a lot of thinking... and I want you to take the baby. She's yours... I know she is... James and I never had sex until long after you moved out... I swear. I have no reason to lie about it."
Lotor knew that they'd have to get a DNA test done no matter what, but he believed her. There was something about her tone that said she was telling the truth about it.
" Thank you... for not fighting me on this." Lotor said. " You're doing the right thing."
Allura swallowed and then rubbed her eyes.
" It's about time I learned how to do something decent..." She muttered. Even if it would just be this one thing, it was the best thing she could've done. " And Romelle will help you, right? You two are happy?"
" We are..." Lotor assured.
" Then you two can raise her... make sure she doesn't turn out like me..." Allura wiped her eyes.
Lotor almost felt bad for her. Almost. He didn't allow himself to. And it was that day when Allura's lawyer helped he and Romelle fill out the custody paperwork. When Allura's baby was born, she would legally be theirs. She wouldn't go into the system just like so many other babies did.
And that was one little victory that came out of this. Allura had all the time in the world to sit in her cell and repent for what she'd done, even if she didn't know how long her sentence was yet. And she wouldn't get the chance to be a fake family vlogger or use her baby. Her baby would live a good life, with responsible guardians and a loving atmosphere. She would eventually forget about James and move on, and things would start to look up eventually.
On the way out that day, Lotor grabbed Romelle's hand and intertwined their fingers. He wasn't doing anything wrong by falling in love with her. He wasn't going to be in trouble. She was genuine and nice, and he finally found a girl who he could be content with.
" I'm happy we bumped into each other that day..." He told her as he opened her car door.
" Yeah..." Romelle giggled a little. " You are definitely worth the ruined sweater."
Lotor blushed.
" How touching."
They got their happy ending, and now it was just a matter of everyone else healing from what had transpired. Allura was healing, they were healing... now it was Lance and Keith's turn.
{ I know ya'll didn't want redemption for her... but still. I hope this works.
Get ready for some s m u t next chapter.}
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