Black Lingerie

(( Light angst warning for the end of the chapter, related to Keith's PTSD!

PS... I found some of my cringey old Soul Eater fanfiction and I decided to go through and edit it into a mini fanfiction for anyone who wants to read it. It's SoulxDeath the Kid... soo yeah. I know not a lot of people ship it, but when I was 12-that's when I wrote the Soul Eater books- it was my OTP. Anyways, just thought you all should know.))

Lance had been itching for it. His leg bounced and his energy was through the roof. Another real date. He needed one with Keith. The dinner they'd shared on the first night had been so nice, and Lance wanted to experience the same energy.

Not in a booth, though. He'd planned a whole day for them, that is, if Keith was up for it. He stared down at his phone anxiously, hoping that the omega would agree.

Lance pressed the call button.

" Hey." Keith picked up, and Lance could tell he was smiling.

" Hey, Princess~" The alpha cooed, trying to shoo away his nerves. " Any big plans today?"

" Oh, you know... world domination, a trip to the moon, the basics." Keith chuckled from the other side. Lance rolled his eyes playfully. He was only curled up on his couch, but he was having the time of his life listening to the other's voice.

" Didn't realize you had such an agenda." Lance retorted.

" I'm a busy man, McClain." Keith laughed. " But what were you thinking? I might be able to spare an hour..."

" How about you give me your day and we call it even?" Lance asked, purring.

" Sure... but that doesn't answer my question."

" I have some things planned..." Lance smirked to himself. " How would you feel about the mall, a picnic, and the amusement park a couple towns over from my place?"

Keith didn't speak for a moment.

" You're sure people are settled down enough for that?" He questioned, seeming to get more apprehensive.

" I mean... yeah. I called one of my security teams to tail us. If you want to go out, I mean. You totally don't have to-"

" I will." Keith cut in. " Should I meet you at your house?"

" Princess... I'll be your chariot for the day~"

" What a Prince Charming." Keith scoffed, and Lance proudly smiled.

" Your Prince Charming. I'll be there soon..."


Lance got out of his Jeep and walked to Keith's door, waiting for him to answer. He wore a blue tank top, as well as some dark gray cargo shorts and some sneakers. He'd dressed simple.

Keith came out of the house, and Lance bowed before the omega.

" Your highness, the chauffeur has arrived." Lance took a knee, closing his eyes. Keith was more flustered by the second, socking Lance in the shoulder.

" You're so cheesy! Go live in Wisconsin if you're going to be like that." The omega teased, covering his mouth to hide the smile and red pigment.

Lance stood up, a mushy look on his face. He slowly reached out, cupping Keith's cheek and making eye contact with him.

" But if I move away, I'd miss you." He said softly. And Keith couldn't handle it. It felt like his poor heart might not make it. Lance sensed how much the other was struggling by his scent. He wrapped his arms around Keith gently and hugged him.

Keith let himself sink against Lance's figure, resting his face in his scent gland. Hugs... from Lance. They were warm and made him feel safe.

He then felt something topple over in his head, which was bombarded with memories. Whenever James hugged him, he'd always grab his ass. It was never soft like the way Lance made it, and the omega tensed a little. Lance's hands were nowhere near his backside, but the thought of it made his skin crawl.

" Everything okay?" Lance inquired, pulling back and looking down at the other with concern.

Keith was fine. He knew he was. Just talking himself down in his head was enough, and he wasn't going to let James' memory ruin his future.

" Yeah. Let's get going?" The smaller of the two suggested, and Lance eyed him for a moment before dropping it.

Lance drove Keith back to his home, where there was an expansive backyard with a lot of green space. He helped the other out of the car, then smiled.

" You're so beautiful..." He complimented, seeing Keith's black sunglasses and his hair pulled back. He wore a red tank top and black shorts, along with black slip-on Vans.

" No I'm not." Keith chuckled, and Lance got offended.

" Yes you are. It's a fact." Lance argued.

" An opinion." Keith corrected, and Lance shook his head while walking him up to the door. He let the omega inside, and the air conditioning beckoned them into the living room.

" Anyways... I made us lunch." The alpha changed the subject. He was so tempted to just carry Keith like a princess on their way to the kitchen, but he didn't. Spooking the omega was the last thing he'd want to do.

" You cook?" Keith asked. That surprised him more than it should've. " No offense, but you seem like the kind of person who could fuck up toast."

Lance clutched his chest, dramatically gasping in response.

" I'm hurt." He huffed and sniffled, looking to the side. Slowly sinking to his knees, Lance pretended he was done for. " Whatever will I do? I can't recover from this..."

Keith thought it was cute, but didn't want Lance to die or something. He bent over and pressed a light kiss to the other male's forehead, blushing as he did so. Maybe it could be the medicine to the ailment Lance didn't truly have.

Lance's top could've blown off as he felt the other's soft lips touch his skin. A chill ran down his spine, and his entire face turned maroon. His inner alpha was ready to really kiss Keith, back him against the fridge and show him so many things. Lance wouldn't allow it, however. All he wanted was to be sweet to Keith, sweet, and nothing more.

Keith was a dark red color as he observed Lance's reaction.

" Um... are you okay?"

Lance shot up after that.

" Perfect." The alpha insisted, and it was only then when Keith noticed the basket on the counter. It was tan, looking like something Little Red Riding Hood would've carried.

" What did you make?" Keith asked, and he moved to sit on top of Lance's counter. It was something he often did, and assumed that he and Lance were close enough that it wasn't rude to. And lucky for him, Lance thought it was adorable.

" Well, I wasn't sure what you liked exactly. But I have some sandwiches, watermelon, and some pasta salad. It's my Mamá's recipe." Lance explained. " I have some lemonade in there, too."

" What are we waiting for, then?" Keith flirtatiously inquired. He leaned a little closer to Lance's face, caressing his cheek. He had to admit, acting like that was scary. His inner omega had some of the control right then, and he definitely was letting it. Yet... he hoped that Lance wouldn't let it get the better of him.

Lance loved the other's soft hand on his cheek, and he had to strain himself to keep from making a move. Not yet.

" Nothing, Princess." Lance answered, carefully lifting the other off of the counter and embracing him for a moment.

Keith found himself nearly succumbing to his instincts, but he caught himself last minute. He could feel his submissiveness wanting to come out, but he had to be careful. They were alone, after all.

" Has anyone ever told you how good your hugs feel...?" Keith murmured. Lance let his chin rest on the other's shoulder.

" Yes... but never from someone so important as you." Lance responded. He remembered that he and Allura-when they cuddled- would constantly exchange compliments. He knew now, though, that he was the only one who'd meant them.

Keith listened, wrapping his arms behind the other more so. He'd never been told he was important before.

After walking into Lance's yard, which was landscaped and gorgeous, Lance laid down a checkered blanket for the two of them. He could smell the fresh wind blowing off from the swimming pool across the yard, and the leaves rustled on the tree that stood just behind them. It was shady, but not enough to completely block out the sunshine.

Keith sat down, slipping off his shoes.

It was nice outside, and the sun shone in Lance's eyes. They glimmered like the ocean and made Keith's heart throb.

" Keith... I want to know more about you." Lance spoke, sitting beside him. He opened up the basket and began setting the food out.

" What do you mean?" Keith questioned, arching an eyebrow.

" I mean... that I want to get to know you better." Lance reached over and ran a hand through the other's bangs. " If I'm going to keep dating you, I ought to know all your favorites, who you are, your likes, everything you don't like, and really everything..." His voice was mushy as he smiled.

" I'm not very interesting." Keith laughed.

" Play 20 Questions with me and we'll see~" He purred back. Keith didn't know what else to do other than agree. They began fixing their plates, and as Keith grabbed a sandwich, Lance started it off.

" What's your favorite movie?" Lance asked.

" Starting off with the deep stuff, huh?" Keith joked and took a bite of the sandwich. It was really fucking good, if he did say so himself. It was only a regular ham sandwich with cheese and other toppings, but Keith could tell that Lance had put care into it.

" Oh hush." Lance said.

Keith chewed and eventually swallowed.

" I'd have to say... Mean Girls." He shrugged.

" That's an iconic movie." Lance commented, pulling out a bottle of lemonade and opening it, gulping back some. He looked at Keith, who seemed to be enjoying the food so far. It made his heart flutter.

" I know..." Keith smiled, and he felt himself scooting closer to the alpha. " So... who do you wish you could be, if you don't get to be yourself?"

Lance thought for a moment, wrapping his arm around Keith's waist. He decided maybe he would tell him, but not exactly why. Only those closest to him got to know.

" Well... probably Shawn Mendes." He said.

Keith seemed surprised to hear that.

" Really? Why him?" The omega inquired.

Lance scratched the back of his neck. Totally not because of the successful music career. Psh.

" He has a good voice and I like his music." Lance told him, but it was only a half truth. That was the first, and hopefully last, time that he'd ever not been completely honest with Keith. It was too soon to tell the omega something so personal.

Keith decided that was fair enough. He'd remember that.

Lance grabbed a piece of watermelon and took a bite of it, taking the tip off.

" So... where is your happy place?" Lance asked him. Keith contemplated it while eating some more of the sandwich, thinking over all of his happy memories in life.

" Probably in the woods by Shiro and I's old house. It had a crick and a small wooded area behind the yard... and we'd always go back there." Keith explained. " Camping, too... even if it was only a few hundred feet from the house."

He reminisced for a moment before looking back to Lance.

" What about you?"

Lance pondered.

" The beach... anywhere with water." The alpha smiled.

The two each took a moment to fix themselves some proper plates. The paper ones Lance had brought worked more than well enough to hold everything.

Just sitting in the sun, listening to the birds and feeling the wind, it was enough to make even the most workaholic person de stress. It was detox.

After they both finished their food, Lance laid back on the blanket, his arms folded over his head. He smiled up to the sky, sighing contently. The last thing he'd expected was for Keith to lay beside him, and it made him jump somewhat. Not much, though.

" Need some cuddles, Princess?" Lance asked gently. He was still joking, but it was understated. Keith shyly nodded, and he wrapped his arm around the other's shoulder. The alpha pulled him snugly to his body, and Keith rested a hand on Lance's chest.

Keith would've been lying if he said no one had ever planned a whole day just for him. His manager had on a few occasions, but other than that, this was a first.

On the soft, fleece-like blanket, he felt safe. In Lance's arms, he wasn't scared. There wasn't any reason to be, or even get mildly nervous.

Keith buried in the other's scent gland, smelling its reassuring scent and loving the aroma Lance had. Slowly, he was getting attached to it. More than that... Keith found comfort in the texture of Lance's clothes, in the shape of his body, in the sound of his voice.

So badly did he want to dive right in and start over, but every time he had the thought, his past experiences came back to haunt him.


" But... I don't want to..." Keith murmured.

" Don't 'but' me, Keith... it's rude."

The omega gulped, and the outfit was tossed at him once again. He'd already thrown it back in the alpha's face twice, but something told Keith, he shouldn't dare to do it a third time.

Jet black. Lacey. The pair of heels still sat by his feet.

" If you want to look at me, fine, but I don't want to..." He managed to get out, fists clenching as he stood up to him.

Cringing back, Keith heard the other get up from the bed. He walked over, and Keith froze as he was backed toward the bedroom wall.

" What have I told you about being disrespectful?" The alpha whispered down his neck in a deep tone. Keith shivered and found his scent gland being nibbled at, and he was whining.

" That I shouldn't..."

" And what are you doing right now?" James asked again, running his hand through Keith's hair and pulling back somewhat. He was leaned in front of him with his arm stiff against the wall. " Are you doing as I ask? Or are you being naughty?"

" B-being bad..." Keith gulped, and he felt the other's lips brush on his own for a split second. He felt James bite his bottom lip before pulling away.

" Fix it."

Keith didn't know why or how, but as soon as the other touched him and got near him, it was hard to go against his wishes.

He knelt down, picking up the outfit, lingerie, to be more exact. James wanted him to wear it all day, during chores, during meals, everything. It was humiliating, but in that moment, Keith tried to tell himself that the other was having an off day.

The omega ducked into the bathroom and changed, wobbling out a few minutes later in stilettos and the black underwear. It had a whole bodice to go along with it, and he was shivering from how cold he was.

" Good..." James said, smirking to himself. " Go make us lunch in it, please?" He wrapped his arms around Keith, squeezing his ass a couple times.

Keith nodded, looking down and slowly struggling from the room in the way too high shoes.


" Keith? Hey, Keith?" Lance shook him, Keith was trembling while his eyes cut over to the alpha. " Are you alright?"

Keith gulped to himself, only then realizing that it had been a flashback. That was the most common symptom of his PTSD, followed by nightmares as well. He told himself any number of things to calm down.

James wasn't there.

The alpha he was with now would never, ever make him do things like that.

Lance was different.

As much as he tried to convince himself, the disorder was always trying to chip away at every bit of progress he made.

Lance sat up somewhat, looking over at the omega with great concern. He was hardwired to get nervous when Keith was in distress, or really any omega was in general.

" I'm fine... just... it's nothing." Keith murmured. He didn't want attention or anything like that. Lance wanted to give it to him, or so it seemed, by his next actions. The alpha laid back down by the other, rolling on his side and soothingly running a hand through Keith's hair. He raked it back with his fingers, brushing it to the side of Keith's face.

" It's never just nothing." Lance whispered, and as he moved some of Keith's mullet aside, he saw something that he'd never noticed before. On Keith's neck, there were two tiny scars, spaced an inch and a half apart. They hovered over the general location of his scent gland.

" Lance, really, I'm fine... I just..." Keith leaned closer to the larger male. He nearly curled up against Lance. " My PTSD acts up sometimes..."

Lance draped an arm over Keith carefully, not wanting to trigger him.

'PTSD?' Lance thought to himself.

Did that have a connection to the tattoo? What had happened to Keith? Or should he have been thinking... who.

(( Oooooooooof Keith I'm so sorry bby... any predictions about the scars, Loves? Lance's secret from Keith? Ooo man the tea kettle is heating up againnnn >0< ))

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