{ For those theorizing in the comments, no, I'm not dead. I told y'all I was going on a break but now I'm back. Thanks for worrying tho lmao.
How are you all doing? I hope you enjoy your daily serving of fluff brought to you by yours truly.
-Soki }
Aftercare didn't always have to be something dirty. It didn't always mean that things were calmed down from being kinky or whatever people wanted to call it, especially when Lance and Keith had never been kinky in the first place.
Lance ran his hand through Keith's hair and leaned closer, kissing his cheek.
" I love you so much, Keith... so much..." He murmured and held the omega even closer. They were both wiped out after the orgasms they'd underwent the night before, but whatever. They were awake and together, and that was all that mattered.
Keith drowsily snuggled closer, and if he could've, he probably would've purred from how content he was. Lance just knew how to stroke him in all the right places. Dirty or not.
" I love you too..." He whispered, his voice raspy and gone. Keith had been too loud to not lose it. He still wouldn't have changed a single thing about it, though. That night had been perfect in any way he wanted to look at it.
Lance sat up more so and then pulled Keith in his lap, massaging his hips in a gentle and sweet motion. Anything that made Keith feel comfortable and safe was Lance's favorite thing to do.
" I don't know about you... but I need a shower." Lance chuckled and leaned his face into the back of Keith's shoulder, a tiny smile taking over his face. He could tell just by Keith's scent how content the omega was with everything and it filled him with an indescribable feeling of pride.
Keith's drowsy features lifted and a tiny smirk took shape on his lips.
" Why don't we take one together?~" He purred and turned around, leaning by Lance's face until their noses were practically touching.
Lance felt like he'd been punched in the heart, but in a good way. He couldn't believe Keith trusted him enough to ask for that, but it made him swell up and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. There was nothing that could make him more happy than Keith's mutual feelings for him, knowing that he'd found someone he could confide in no matter what.
" I thought you'd never ask." Lance grinned.
Keith got off of him and put his feet on the floor, and though it was freezing, he still made an attempt to stand. Key word: attempt. His thighs quivered and he had trouble balancing as he looked back at Lance. He didn't dare try to take a step yet.
The alpha struggled to hold in a laugh upon the sight of his pitiful boyfriend. He figured he should help him, still.
" Oh no, KitKat... what happened?" He teased and got up, waltzing over like it was nothing. Neither of them paid any mind to the fact that they were still nude from the night before. Clothes were overrated anyways.
Keith narrowed his eyes at the alpha.
" You did this to me you jerk." He pouted, shoving Lance's arm. The action just made his center of gravity off kilter again and he nearly lost balance. Lance was ready to catch him, but thankfully Keith got the hang of it on his own before it was necessary.
" Aww..." Lance sputtered. " You don't mean that..."
Keith shakily took a step and his face was stained completely red. It was totally Lance's fault for being as big as he was. It wasn't easy to take something like that and be fully functional on his feet.
It wasn't like it hurt. Keith was used to the aftermath of sex being painful, having to limp to the kitchen to make breakfast and having it sting every time he sat for the next few days. But with Lance... things were like night and day. With Lance he felt slightly numbed, not even sore. It was a blessing.
They went into the bathroom and Lance made his way to the shower. He remembered that Keith liked his showers just as boiling as he himself did. That was convenient as he turned the water on high heat.
Keith braced himself on the counter, Lance still slightly laughing at him. Man, was he happy he wasn't a bottom.
Keith pouted more, and once Lance got the shower set up, he turned to see it. He couldn't resist Keith and knowing that it was going on couldn't evade his mind. He slithered closer, smooth in his motions as he embraced Keith. Noticing the other's thighs were still shaking, he made sure to stabilize him.
" What can I do to make it up to you?" Lance whispered and leaned his forehead on Keith's. " I promise I didn't mean to..."
Keith's hands rested on Lance's shoulders. It was impossible to stay mad at him, which he was coming to discover.
" I just want to spend a nice day with you... like we used to..." Keith told him in a quiet tone of voice, as it was still hard to talk after everything.
Lance thought back to what Keith was referring to, having flashbacks to their dates before all of the James drama. The ferris wheel, the mall, out to eat... man... he wanted more of those things. He wanted his fun and sassy omega back, wanted to be happy again. James didn't get to take that from him.
" That's all I've ever wanted, too..." Lance assured. " I promise we can go back to the way things were."
Keith nodded.
They went to the shower, Lance helping him inside to make sure he wouldn't slip and break himself, or worse... bust his ass. He'd put his poor ass through enough already, right?
" Lance!" Keith whined.
" Shh... I have you." Lance whispered.
" If I slip-"
" You won't." The taller male told him for the millionth time, holding Keith closer to himself and embracing him like there was no tomorrow. Water fell upon them like a waterfall and cascaded down their bodies, relieving them of any possible tension.
Keith felt the heat between he and Lance, and it definitely wasn't all from the water. It wasn't exactly lust or passion... just a general desire for the other. It was so complex that they themselves couldn't explain it.
Lance felt Keith ease and he cupped his boyfriend's pale cheeks, leaning him back against the shower wall and pressing a kiss on his lips. Keith let his eyes flutter shut and he sank into the feelings Lance gave him, drowning in the best kind of way. There was no place he felt more safe than in Lance's arms.
Slowly, carefully, Lance lifted Keith against the wall and deepened their contact. Keith was light, way lighter than he looked. It was so satisfying to Lance that he got to be the strong one, got to be the alpha he liked. When he was so in touch with his emotions, people tended to forget that he was an alpha. But Keith never did. Not ever.
Keith succumbed and wrapped his legs around Lance's torso, gripping his brunette hair and holding the soaked strands between his fingers.
Lance pulled away ever so slowly, then rubbed his thumb on Keith's lower lip.
" You're so beautiful... I love you." He murmured.
Keith was completely red still, his breath having been taken away by the male in front of him. He was the most perfect, most charming, most annoying-in the best way- person out there. He couldn't ask for better.
" Cheeseball." Keith teased. He felt like such a sap.
Lance snickered, setting him down and making sure that he was standing and balanced before letting go. He grabbed the coffee scented shampoo from the holder and squirted some in his palms, then looked to Keith.
Most people hated the way they looked when wet, felt like they looked awful. Lance actually adored the sight of Keith with wet hair. He was adorable.
" What are you-"
Lance lathered shampoo all through Keith's hair and massaged his scalp, an act that made the omega nearly implode. He'd never had this much aftercare in his entire life.
Keith closed his eyes, indulging in the comforting feeling Lance's hands offered.
" You like that?" Lance asked smugly, coming off unintentionally dirty.
Keith decided to have some fun with it and get Lance flustered as well. There was no way that he was going to be standing there as red as a strawberry. Not by himself, at least.
" Oh yeah~" Keith moaned in a high pitched, omega-like tone. He was surprised his voice could even go that high right then, but he was really glad it did. " More, please, Lance... more..." He pleaded.
Lance's hands paused, Keith unable to read what the alpha was feeling. The shower prevented him from picking up Lance's scent very well.
When the omega turned around he saw that Lance was a practical tomato with how crimson his face had become. He covered his mouth, looking down at Keith with beading eyes and trying to contain his embarrassment. That tone... he didn't even know Keith could sound like that.
Keith blushed a little more, but decided that this was payback for Lance teasing him. He ran his hand up the other's bare chest and rested his palm there.
" Was it something I said?" He asked, playing innocent.
Lance pulled his hand back, trying to get back on his game. When Keith surprised him like that it felt like they were back on their first few dates and he couldn't get enough.
" Just didn't realize you were so willing to beg... that's all." Lance smirked slightly. Was this headed anywhere sexual? Who even knew. They'd taken that first step and neither of them knew what was coming next or how fast they'd go.
Keith bit his lip.
" I'm not." He insisted. " I just wondered what you'd say if I did..."
" I'd say... I love it. But not now. We've gotta get you cleaned up." Lance said, then went back to lathering Keith's hair. Too much more teasing and he would've ended up hard again. That was not the direction he wanted to take things if he and Keith had a whole day left together yet.
Keith was internally relieved when Lance said that. He didn't want to have sex all the time just because they could, though it was tempting at times.
Once Lance had Keith's hair sufficiently cleaned and conditioned, also having washed himself, he scrubbed Keith with body wash and massaged him. He went in especially on Keith's shoulders, which were very tense and tight. All he wanted to do was make Keith feel good from every second forward.
" Here, I'll grab you a towel." Lance said after shutting the water off. There was a stack just outside the shower which he pulled from, then wrapped it around Keith. It was completely fluffy and luxury and it came as a surprise to Keith, but he loved the way it felt on his skin.
" You must spend a lot on towels." Keith chuckled.
" Bathrobes, too." Lance said. Keith hadn't really been there to see how much he valued robes, but oh yeah... when he was home... robes were his go to.
They were out of there soon enough and Lance was showing Keith his extensive robe collection, which he let Keith pick one from. The omega was immediately drawn to the bright red one with gold trim. Lance put on his favorite blue one and kissed the side of Keith's head sweetly.
" Is it the same as a boyfriend hoodie?" He whispered and snaked an arm around his waist.
Keith nodded, smiling. Being with Lance made him the happiest person in the history of ever.
They'd been lounging around together for the entire day, Keith in Lance's arms and Lance snuggling by him. There was no place in the universe either of them would've rather been.
" Babbbbeeee..." Keith whined. He set the bowl of popcorn-that had been all but decimated by them over the course of two movies- down.
" Whattttt?" Lance asked, Keith rolling back on the couch to face him. They were pretty much cocooned in blankets and each other's embraces.
" I'm hungry. Popcorn is getting old..." Keith said, reaching up and raking his fingers through Lance's hair in a bored way. Lance decided to do the same by toying with one of Keith's black earrings.
Lance had a tiny little fear in the back of his brain at that. He had a rare flashback to his relationship with Allura when that question had been brought up. Omegas often were difficult to please when it came to food. It was almost a meme at that point, but Lance knew the struggle all too well. Allura would be so hungry but shoot down every place he offered to take her, order from, or even food he would make.
It was a nightmare.
" What were you thinking?" Lance asked Keith, hoping that he wouldn't regret it.
Keith pondered for a moment and tried to go over every option thoroughly.
" New Seoul sounds really good right now. You want to go there?" He asked.
Lance felt a gigantic sense of relief. Thank the fucking fast food gods that Keith knew how to speak his mind and say what he meant.
" Sure. Anything you want. I'm just lucky to share a meal with the most beautiful omega in the world~" Lance flirted and pecked kisses all over Keith's face. The other was slightly ticklish to that action but he tried his best not to show it, not wanting to tip Lance off.
" Gee... I wonder who you're talking about. It definitely isn't me." He chuckled.
Lance sat up, looking offended.
" Take that back." He said, to which Keith shook his head.
" It's true."
" That's it!" Lance exclaimed, grabbing the blanket and covering them both up. They were cloaked in darkness immediately. " The tickle monster is going to get you to tell the truth!"
Keith's eyes widened and next thing he knew, his tummy was subject to Lance's whims. He laughed loudly and was soon short of breath as the action continued, a grin glued on his face from it.
Lance had an evil smirk on his face and it wasn't going away anytime soon as he kissed Keith's neck as well. The smaller male was squirming all over and they'd nearly fallen off the couch before Keith conceded.
" Fine! You win!" The omega whined.
Lance leaned closer and dusted a kiss over Keith's lips, Keith's arms draping over his shoulders and pulling him closer.
" Mm..."
It had been a long time since things could be so innocent and not heavy. Lance wanted it to stay that way and he didn't care what it took. He was going to give Keith a life others could only dream about.
" I love you... so damn much..." Lance mumbled into the kiss. There was no way in hell he would go a day without telling Keith those words.
Keith felt his heart skip a beat when Lance told him that. It didn't matter how many times he'd heard it. It would always make him feel special.
As the two kissed, things got slightly more heated. Lance's tongue teased at Keith's lip as if to ask for entrance. Keith let him in without even thinking twice, and just as Lance's hand began to slide under Keith's robe, the doorbell rang.
The alpha jumped and Keith pulled back, both of them coming out from underneath the blanket wall. Keith looked at Lance, then at the door. He pulled the alpha closer to himself, scared about who it could be.
" It's alright, Princess. I'm sure it's nothing." Lance said, getting up. " Just stay here."
He didn't want to chance it being James or someone tied to him. However... Lance felt the need to protect his boyfriend and approached the door, eventually turning the handle and peeking out onto his doorstep.
" Uh... hi?" Was said from out there, and Lance pulled the door all the way open once he knew who was there.
" Pidge, Hunk, what are you two doing here?" Lance asked. It felt like it had been forever since he'd seen them, and he was definitely happy when he received one of Hunk's warm, best friend hugs. They were always just the right thing he needed.
" I texted you and you didn't answer. You haven't replied all day so I got worried..." Pidge told him, then shrugged. " But I guess you're fine."
" Woah, Lance..." Hunk said, then peered inside more, trying to get a better look. " You smell like Keith."
Lance blushed heavily. Yeah... that tended to happen. Generally when an alpha and omega were courting each other, doing things... their scents melded. It could be hard to distinguish whose scent was whose sometimes.
Pidge looked at Lance with wide eyes, then walked in and saw Keith sitting on the couch. Yeah, that explained why he hadn't answered his phone. He'd been... busy.
" Hey, Pidge... hey, Hunk." Keith greeted, his voice still somewhat scratchy and his face tinted pink. " What's up?"
" We were just stopping by to check on Lance." Hunk said. " What have you two been up to?"
" Erm-..." Keith covered his face.
" We were actually just about to go for dinner. Wanna come? I mean... if Keith is okay with that?" Lance said, then looked over at his omega. Keith nodded, and Pidge and Hunk looked at each other.
" Sure."
" Why not?"
Lance smiled. It would be really nice for them all to catch up.
{ Did someone order fluff? ;) }
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