Chapter 1
"Samson, Flamethrower!" Danny shouted over the cold winds.
A large shadow fell over him as his faithful Charizard roared and flames sprouted out of his jaws. The ice boulder blocking the mountain entrance melted and burst into watery shards. Danny covered his face with his scarf as Deborah formed a barrier in front of her and the trainer to protect themselves from the shards.
"Good job, bud!" the trainer praised the Fire Type, who roared with pride at the destruction of its foe. "Come on, lets get a move on!"
His Gardevoir and Charizard both growled with agreement and followed their trainer into the ice cave. The howls of the frosty wind died down and Danny's shoulder length blue hair stopped blowing in the air.
The cave was fairly well lit with gas lamps, which reflected off the walls. It was awfully quiet except for an occasional drip of an icicle or cry from a Pokémon.
"Deborah, do you sense anything?" Danny asked his partner quietly, loosening his scarf slightly and moving it down from his face.
The Gardevoir knelt on the ground and pressed her hand on the cold ground. A light blue aura pulsed from the spot she touched and spread across the room.
"Several human life forms are in the center of the mountain," Deborah informed him as she straightened up. "I think I can find a way there."
"Perfect, lead the way!"
The Embrace Pokemon nodded curtly and swiftly moved down the path, followed by her trainer and the soaring Charizard. Danny could feel his heart beating violently against his rib cage as they weaved they're way through the icy mountain paths.
Three months.
That's how long it had been since the disappearance of White, Fiona, Sky Blue, and Leia.
Three flipping months of searching, hoping, praying for their safe return.
But there had been nothing, no news of their missing comrades, and Danny and the remainder of their group had just about given up hope. Mira's self esteem and hope of being reunited with her older brother and sister were at an all time, Amos had been desperately worried for his cousin, but Margaret, being the big hearted person she was, was scared for everyone but hid her own doubts behind a wave of encouragement and morale. That was something Danny had a hard time reflecting.
Danny, being the leader of the four, was the one who had to bear the weight of worries and doubt. He also tried encouraging the others that they would find their friends, that someday they would find a breakthrough, but he didn't have the same optimism as Margaret. He had become so desperately lost and depressed that he couldn't bring himself to speak to his remaining friends most of the time.
Margaret had been his one strong source of encouragement during the times where he thought of giving up. She would listen to him ramble on about how he felt, the pressure laid on him, and his doubts that they would ever find them again. But every time, she would tell him that no matter how long it took, they would eventually find the others, happy ending or not. She also said that she would be by his side through all of it, and help him do what's best.
It had only been a few hours earlier that they had finally gotten a lead on Team Flare. A source of Mira's had tipped them off that Pokemon had been acting strangely in Frost Cavern, the nearby mountain that was almost always surrounded by a blizzard. A group of mysterious individuals had also been sighted in the area. Since Danny was the only one at the time prepared to go to Frost Cavern, he went on ahead while the other three were going to catch up.
It was about time that they gave Team Flare a real bloody nose for once, and try to find out what happened to their missing friends.
Samson suddenly growled loudly and landed on the ground. The giant winged lizard turned to face the path behind them.
"Samson, what's wrong?" Danny asked his Charizard, both he and Deborah stopping in their tracks. "Do you sense something?"
The Charizard growled again, and Deborah translated in a hiss, "We're being followed."
"Followed? By who?"
"Someone who wasn't already in the cave. They are coming this way. I suggesting waiting to see who, then we won't need to worry anymore. Team Flare can't leave without passing us anyway."
Danny hesitated before replying, "Fine, we'll do it. Samson, come down here and both of you try not to make an sounds."
The Charizard grunted as he landed on the icy ground, folding his leathery wings to his side. Deborah also gave a snarl as she bent into a sort of attack position. Since White, Fiona, and the others went missing, the Gardevoir had become a lot more ruthless and provokable. He had a feeling it was from bottled up frustration, but either way, she was dangerous to anger.
After a minute, Danny too could hear the quick progression of footsteps as well. More than one person were heading straight toward them. The male trainer looked to his two Pokemon to see them stiffen with concentration. Deborah's eyes were glowing a light blue color as she formed her Aura Blade and Samson's throat also illuminated from the flames inside him.
The second the trainer saw movement down the path, he shouted, "GO!"
"Water Shuriken!"
"Spiky Shell!"
Smoke billowed everywhere as the moves clashed, the Aura Blade slicing the water made throwing stars and the Flamethrower bouncing off a green shield of spikes that suddenly appeared at the place were movement was. Once the smoke subsided, Danny could see who the newcomers were. He recognized the two trainers crouched behind the Greninja and Chesnaught to be none other than Xavier and Serena. Both of them looked breathless and ruffled.
"What are you two doing here?!" Danny snapped at them, for some reason feeling his frustration and annoyance reaching a peek.
"Take it easy!" Xavier replied back sharply as he helped Serena onto her feet. "We saw Margaret, Amos, and Mira, they told us what happened! We wanted to help!"
Danny's skepticism and doubt must have been showing because Serena snarled at him, "Despite what you may think, we care about what happens to your friends too! We have seen what Team Flare has done, not just to Pokemon but humans as well! No one deserves to be under their careful care!"
"Where are Margaret and the others?" Danny demanded, moving past Serena's short speech.
"They were hurrying to the Pokemon Center last we saw," Xavier answered. "They should be on their way here by now."
The rookie hesitated. He didn't want to drag anyone else into this mess that he and his friends had made. Unfortunately, Margaret and the other two were still a ways away, and they weren't even the most talented at battling.
Danny looked from his faithful Charizard to loyal Gardevoir before saying reluctantly, "Very well, I guess I could use some assistance."
He then quickly turned away from the two newcomers and gestured for his Pokemon to follow him. He heard the trainers command their Chesnaught and Greninja to stand down and follow them.
"We haven't seen you since Shalour City, what have you and the others been doing?" Xavier asked Danny as he and Serena caught up to the blue haired man.
"It's a long story," Danny growled, not wanting to talk to the other trainers.
"Oh come on, you got to tell us!" Serena snapped at him unhelpfully. "We want to know what's been up with you all! We haven't seen you all in ages, so we have every right to be concerned!"
Seeing that there was no way he could possibly get out of this conversation, he answered reluctantly, "We left Shalour City right after the others went missing, and we just went on our intended route since we didn't have a clue on where to start. It was only today that we heard that Team Flare was here in this mountain, and when I get there, I'm going to find out where they are keeping everyone or I will burn them alive!"
He could already tell Xavier and Serena were intimidated, but Gardevoir's growl of pleasure seemed to scare them even more. They just didn't understand what it was like living in fear for their friends. Even if they found them, Danny dreaded to see the condition of them. They had seen what Team Flare had done to Deborah. Question was, what could they possibly do to a human?
"Where have you guys been then?" Danny asked the other two, moving over the depressing conversation.
"We went all the same routes, really," Xavier answered. "We just haven't been quite, as you and the others. I see you have been training hard. Any other Pokemon evolved since last meeting?"
"Mainly mine and Margaret's. Samson and Spirit are the only ones that have evolved, and two of Margaret's Pokemon have too."
The humans all jumped as the Chesnaught, Greninja, Charizard, and Gardvoir suddenly howled. Apart from them just entering a very icy part of the cavern, there was nothing unusual about this area.
"Deborah, what's wrong?" Danny demanded of his Gardevoir sharply, his anxiety rising.
Before Deborah answered, an echoing roar erupted from the chambers beyond the one they were in. It wasn't human, but it was a pained cry. It sounded as if it came from a large Pokemon.
"What was it?" squeaked Serena fearfully as the Pokemon continued to move restlessly.
"Something tells me Team Flare is behind whatever that was," Xavier said seriously, before turning to his Greninja, "Are you ready for a fight, buddy?"
"How about you, Chesnaught?" added Serena, which both starters gave loud battle cries.
Danny looked to his own Pokemon, who both gave him determined looks. They had been ready since the night Team Flare took those they cared for.
"It's now or never, come on!" Danny growled, breaking into a fast walk across the room while being careful so he didn't slip. He heard the other trainers and their Pokemon follow behind him, Samson flying over their heads, and Deborah teleport from spot to spot.
As they got closer, Danny could hear a low groaning noise from the cavern ahead. However there was definitely humans there, for he could hear a clear female's voice.
"Get a move on, we don't got all day!" The female was shouting over the groans in the cavern. "I can think of a thousand other things I'd rather be doing at headquarters!"
The room with the voices in it was large, and like everywhere else, very icy. Sure enough, several Team Flare grunts were surrounding a large Pokemon that looked like a snow covered tree. It was cowering away from the Team Flare members with fear.
Then there was the leader. Danny could tell the woman was the head of the group by how she differenced herself from the other grunts. She wore the visor and her blue hair hung in loops. She stood a distance away from the Abomasnow, her hands on her hips as she watched her cronies do all the hard work.
"What do you think you're doing?!" Danny shouted at her angrily, his hands balling into fists and the trainers' own Pokemon roaring with fury.
The woman and the grunts all turned to see who had interrupted. The blue haired woman gave a sickly sweet smile and cooed, "Well, well, well, if it isn't Ketchum! I was wondering if you'd ever show up! Looks like you brought a few of your little friends too! How nice!"
"Leave Abomasnow alone!" Serena yelled furiously at Team Flare while her Chesnaught roared with agreement. "It hasn't done anything to hurt you or anyone else!"
"Oh please, little girl, we can catch whatever Pokemon we want! You'd be an idiot to not want such a fine specimen!"
Danny was in absolutely no mood to play the woman's twisted games. He wouldn't let her or anyone else hurt the Pokemon, but he had other matters to settle.
"You've already taken my friends, hasn't that been enough?!" Danny spat at her without thinking.
"Oh that's right, you're the traveling companion of those little twerps we picked up, right?" The woman said playfully, running her finger through her blue looped hair. "You'll be pleased to know that they are just fine. Of course, there was that one hiccup with little Miss Copperstone, she is spending some time in the infirmary, but she is recovering. Then there is the madman, not much humanity left in him, but that was only to be expected. That other girl, not sure how she is, but most likely in better shape than the madman. But I assure you, Princess Fiona is in perfect health."
Something snapped inside Danny. He couldn't control his rage as he bellowed, "FLAMETHROWER AND MOONBLAST!"
"Water Shuriken!"
"Wood Hammar!"
The Gardevoir, Charizard, Greninja, and Chesnaught all roared and started their attacks. The Team Flare grunts all shouted orders as their own Pokemon, Poochyenas and Skorupies, and they too ran forward. The Abomasnow was no longer the center of attention, and Danny saw it hobble fearfully away from the fight to hide. With Serena and Xavier dealing with the grunts, this left the woman with Danny.
"Houndoom, go and attack the Gardevoir!" The woman shouted as she tossed a pokeball into the air.
A devilish hound-like Pokemon howled as it escaped from the pokeball and joined the fight. It shot a stream of flames at the Gardevoir, who had just shot her Moonblast at a group of Poochyena. However Deborah was able to swiftly twirl away from the Flamethrower, and Samson dove down to take the hit instead. Since he was a Fire Type as well, he absorbed the attack and was barely effected.
"Well aren't you hotheaded today!" The woman cooed at Danny in an annoying pitch. "What's with the sudden change? Did big bad Mable hit a nerve?"
"There is nothing I wouldn't do for my friends anymore!" Danny shouted furiously. "Now tell me, where are they?!"
"I'll make a deal, little boy; we will give back the two older girls in exchange for your Gardevoir! Unfortunately for you, the madman and our beloved princess are for us and us alone!"
"That's hardly fair! Besides, I'd never give Deborah back to you! She's through with you! Moon Blades, now!"
Deborah howled as she formed her pink aura blades in each hand. She then leapt up and slashed at the Houndoom. The enemy Pokemon managed to dodge the first few swipes, but Deborah finally slashed it against it's chest. It howled with rage and leapt back to the woman, Mable.
"Deborah, now that's an interesting name!" Mable said with interest as her Houndoom stopped to lick it's wound. "So that's what you're called now? You're not called Kalliope anymore?"
The Gardevoir froze in her place. She was staring at Mable, her hands still gripping the blades tightly. Danny didn't know what was going on until he remembered the whole reason he took Deborah under his wing in the first place.
Deborah, deep down, wanted to find her identity and her first trainer.
"I don't know a Kalliope!" Deborah snarled viciously at the scientist.
The woman laughed and cried out, "Of course you know Kalliope! You are Kalliope! I know a lot about you, Deborah. I was the one who brought you into Team Flare, after all. Guess you don't remember anything still!"
"Don't get distracted Deborah!" Danny shouted desperately at her. "Leave Deborah alone, Mable!"
The woman cackled and jeered, "Oh, but don't you want the poor dear to learn how she came to be in our care? Dark Pulse on the boy!"
Just as a series of pulsating black and violet rings spun toward him, Samson roared from above and dove down and intercepted the attack. The rings splintered apart as Samson slashed through the Dark Pulse with Dragon Claw. Instead of backing off, the Houndoom swiftly ran to the Gardevoir and swiped at her back with its claws. The Fairy and Psychic Type howled with pain and her footing faultered.
"It's so easy to anger any one of you!" Mable sneered while her Houndoom growled with pleasure. "I can see why Deborah chose you, but you're not like the other one! That boy was a pushover! I will admit that he wasn't a quitter, he would've been a great commander."
Danny didn't know how to stop her. He knew she wouldn't be telling Deborah any of this if it was possible. She was keeping Deborah distracted, which he couldn't afford. Deborah was the strongest of his Pokemon besides Samson.
"Deborah, I know you want to know about your trainer, but you have to-" Danny started but he was cut off by a loud "NO!"
Deborah had teleported three feet away from Mable and crossed her Moon Blades so each blade was against each side of Mable's neck.
"What did you do to my father?!" Deborah spat, pure venom dripping in her voice.
"Oh believe me, he was like a Heracross; very hard bugs to swat!" Mable told her with twisted enjoyment. "It took a lot of pressure to break him. Took a lot of hits before he was literally crushed! Never heard if he survived or not, but of course, who cares? He wasn't as well liked as his pretty little companions."
"Deborah, watch out!" Danny cried out as flame began leaking from the edges of the Houndoom's mouth.
Before the Flamethrower hit her, a turquoise aura surrounded it and flung it to the ceiling. There was a small explosion as smoke filtered down toward them and a few icicles fell to the icy ground with a crash.
"I will kill you!" Deborah shrieked, her eyes glowing turquoise more ferociously. "You did this to me, and you assaulted my father! I will never forgive and I will never forget!"
She then roared and began forming a Moonblast above her head. Danny had never seen the Gardevoir so furious. Her eyes were glowing more violently than ever before. Her eyes were leaking her turquoise aura like wild fire. Her pupils were barely visible anymore .
"Samson, assist Deborah!" Danny commanded his Charizard, who roared with agreement and flew toward the Gardevoir, Houndoom, and the cruel woman. Danny couldn't stop Deborah, he would feel just as angry if they're roles were reversed. But he could help stop Team Flare so no one else would go through what she and her previous trainer did.
But even with Deborah's towering rage, there were still too many Pokemon in their way. With over a dozen Poochyena and Skorupies breathing down their necks, there was no way the rookies' own Pokemon could concentrate on all of them. Besides, Deborah was only focusing on Mable and her Houndoom. She had no interest in the others.
"Danny, we might have to turn back!" Xavier yelled to Danny over the firing of attacks and cries of Pokemon. "There is no way we can fight all of them!"
"No!" Danny shouted back, furious at the mere suggestion. "I won't leave until I know where my friends are!"
"Idiot!" Serena snarled at him as she returned her just defeated Chesnaught to its pokeball. "I know how much they mean to you all, but what about your Pokemon?! Your Charizard is read to pass out, and Deborah isn't far behind! Unless you have stronger Pokemon with you, we need to turn back!"
Danny knew deep down that she had a point, but he didn't want to accept it. He still had Spirit, Loopy, and his other Pokemon, the problem was that Samson and Deborah were the strongest. But he couldn't fall back, not after searching for Team Flare for so long. Mable had given snippets of his friends condition. White was hurt, Sky really had lost control of his humanity, and Leia was stuck with him somewhere. Fiona was the only one they could count on being in one piece.
"I'm not leaving!" Danny hissed at the other two before shouting to his tiring Charizard and Gardevoir, "Deborah, Samson, make this count! Start with Moon Blade and then use Flamethrower on them!"
"Waterstar, follow behind them with Water Shuriken!" Xavier shouted to his own half fainted Greninja, but gave a nod of understanding nevertheless.
"Alright, Absol, join the fight!" Serena called as she tossed a new pokeball into the fight, an Absol breaking out of it and roaring.
Samson and Deborah both gave cries of understanding and prepared their attacks while the Greninja and Absol followed in pursuit. Deborah formed her aura made blades and crossed them in front of her while Samson sent a stream of flames shooting toward her. The blades absorbed the heat and caught fire, just as Danny predicted.
While using her own Fire Punch attack to make sure the flames didn't harm her as she gripped the blades, Deborah shrieked and tore off toward the opposing Pokemon. The grunts all gave commands that mingled with each other, but their Pokemon understood perfectly. The Poochyenas and Skorupies howled and screeched as they made a formation of Dark and Poison Type moves at their opponents.
"Houndoom, take the Fire attack and avoid the Water Shurikens!" Danny heard Mable shout to her own Pokemon over the ruckus.
The Houndoom obeyed its commands and dodged the Water Shurikens by jumping into Deborah's line of fire. It howled as it got slashed with the Fire Blade. While the Moon blade caused damage, the flames were sucked off the blade and absorbed into the Houndoom's skin.
Before it could attack Deborah, there was an ear shattering crash of lightning that shot at the Team Flare Pokemon from the entrance. Over the roars of thunder Danny could hear a loud, "AMPHIEEEEE!"
When the thunder subsided, all the opposing Pokemon were trying to push themselves of the ground. Some were limping while other completely gave up. Everyone had turned to see who had interrupted.
Danny had never been so relieved to see his friends there. Margaret, Amos, and Mira were at the entrance, blocking anyone from fleeing. In front of them were Mira's Dragonite, Amos's Samurott, and Ameila the Ampharos and Sowny the Leavanny. While Amelia was trying to recharge her energy, the other Pokemon were growling and snarling ferociously.
"Draco, crush them!" Mira shouted at her Pokemon furiously, and Draco roared with equal fury and prepared an Outrage.
"Oliver, wipe them out!" Amos commanded his own Pokemon as it howled and shot a a Hydro Pump at the opposing Pokemon.
"Regain your strength, Amelia!" Margaret told her Ampharos and Levanny encouragingly. "Sowny, use X-Scissor!"
"Glad you could make it!" Danny told Margaret loudly as the new Pokemon roared together and charged at the Team Flare grunts.
"Oh I'm terribly sorry," Margaret squeaked anxiously as she ran to his side. "It's very icy and it's still snowing out there!"
"Better late than never!"
"Well thanks for saving some fun for us!" Mira called over to them before tearing after her Dragonite.
Before he could respond to Mira, Danny yanked Margaret aside as a series of Dark Pulses sped toward them. With all the new and more powerful Pokemon joining the fight, the Team Flare Pokemon began to weaken even more. Even the Houndoom was having a harder time dodging attacks.
Finally after less than five minutes, Mable bellowed hoarsely, "Team Flare, retreat!"
Just like that, the Team Flare Pokemon vanished as they were sucked into the pokeballs. The grunts all bolted back toward the entrance, but Mable was still in the same spot with her Houndoom.
"Are you flipping kidding me?!" Mira exclaimed with exasperation. "We just got here!"
"Preciously," Mable chuckled as she brushed ice shards off her uniform. "I must admit, you all have gotten much stronger...a pity that your family won't see the change."
"Where are our friends?!" Amos snapped at her while his Samurott howled with anger. "We know you have them, and we want them back all in one piece!"
Mable gave a hair raising laugh and cackled, "Oh foolish children, do you really think Team Flare will just give them away? You're going to have to do a lot better than that. Now, I'm on a tight schedule, so to make up for the loss of the Abomasnow... Houndoom!"
The Fire and Dark Type roared, pounced toward the trainers, and belched out a huge cloud of smoke. As everyone's sight was clouded and coughs erupted everywhere, Mable shout gleefully, "Oh, and Deborah dear, I do hope you find out what happened to the little pipsqueak! Give him a bone crushing hug from moi."
There was suddenly a high pitched shriek, but not from Deborah. She was right in Danny's limited range of sight, and she wasn't making a sound. It came from the smoke around them.
"Hydro Cannon!"
"Air Slash!"
The surrounding smoke suddenly blew away and vanished as Amos' Samurott and Mira's Dragonite diminished the smog. But to Danny's horror, he saw that one of their number was missing.
"Where's Margaret?!" Danny demanded fearfully of the others after noticing that his best friend was missing. "Who last saw her?!"
"I thought she was with you!" Amos snapped. "I at least know she was just here!"
"You idiots, it was probably Team Flare!" Mira intervened sharply while stomping her foot. "Come on, we just can't let them get away with this! They took my best friend, brother, and sister, we can't let them take Margaret too!"
"You three go on ahead!" Serena told the other three trainers in a forced calm tone. "Xavier and I will stay with the Abomasnow, I don't think it's fairing well! Go on!"
Danny didn't need telling twice. He immediately bolted off toward the entrance while following Margaret's scared stricken Ampharos and furious Levanny. Both Pokemon were already pelting down the path entrance while crying out in fear or anger.
Why would Team Flare want Margaret? It made no sense. She had nothing they wanted. All Danny knew was that he couldn't let them take her. He had already lost too many other friends.
But he couldn't lose her of all people.
"Danny, wait for us!"
Amos and Mira were running right behind him, the rest of the Pokemon in their wake. When they both reached his side, Mira said again, "You need to learn to wait for us, y'know!"
"We won't let Margaret become another victim!" Amos added seriously while the other Pokemon gave their nods and roars of approval. "Just tell us what to do and we'll do it."
The oldest trainer was thrown off guard slightly but quickly recovered. He then told the other two, "We'll split up and each take a different escape route, choose the one that seems most likely to have been used. Team Flare couldn't have gone far. Amos, take Sowny with you, while Mira, you take Amelia. Don't attack Team Flare if they are all together, call the rest of us and tell us your location. Understood?"
The two younger trainers both gave responses of agreement before immediately splitting into the opposite direction. The ice chamber they were in went two directions; the main route and the side route. Both Amos, Mira, and their Pokemon went in the side route, leaving Danny the main route. He glanced around to look at Deborah and Samson before dashing down the main route.
The main road was silent, except for Danny's own ringing footfalls, the flapping of Samson's large leathery wings, and the slight pop of Deborah teleporting from spot to spot. Danny tried his hardest to ignore the surrounding noises so he could listen for signs of Margaret's presence. She had to still be in the mountain, she just had to.
His heart skipped a bit as a sudden bang and a scream shook the ceiling and walls around them. A few ice shards even sprinkled the ground.
"Margaret!" Danny shouted desperately, his speed increasing as he pelted through the tunnel after seeing a new chamber ahead. "Margaret, I'm coming, just hold on!"
The chamber was empty, but there was another tunnel leading to what Danny recognized as the road out of the cavern. However he knew Margaret or Team Flare were not down there, for the shaking and low bangs were coming from a narrow opening to the left side of the chamber. It looked dark, but light flashed from inside.
Someone or something was causing that light.
Danny cautiously approached the opening and stayed at it's side while gesturing for his Pokemon to be at ease for now. He didn't want to make his presence known right away. He wanted to know what was happening first.
"Now, now, little girl, you're just making this harder on yourself," Mable's voice cackled maliciously from inside. "Your other little friend didn't make as much of a fuss! Then again, it didn't take much to take him down!"
A slight panting noise was heard from the chamber and Margaret's weary voice hissed in her rare threatening voice, "I will never surrender to you! You may have had the satisfaction of catching Sky Blue and N, but I won't disappoint them! I will die before giving up to you, you monsters!"
The woman tutted annoyingly and chimed, "Well I'm not looking for permission, deary. You will belong to Team Flare, you do belong to us, just like the madman! No matter how long it takes, I will break you, and that challenge starts now! Houndoom, Dark Pulse!"
"Now Deborah!" Danny hissed as Deborah immediately teleported into the chamber. Just as the zooming of Dark Pulses filled the air, Deborah's screech broke it and a slashing noise filtered out. With this distraction, Samson flew into the opening while Danny ran inside.
Mable and her Houndoom had cornered Margaret in a dark corner of the small chamber. Margaret was cowering on the floor while Deborah stood up for her. Her pink blade moved swiftly in order to show off her power and that she was ready for round two.
"Aw, did Red Velvet's Knight in Shining Armor decide to come steal my fun?" Mable cooed while her Houndoom barked angrily. "Aw, what a bore. No matter! Looks like you need a good whipping!"
"The fun's over! Samson, Dragon Claw!"
Samson roared loudly and soared toward the Houndoom. While it attempted to jump away, it had been horribly weakened by the right. It howled with pain and collapsed to the ground. Mable's laughing stopped abruptly at this and Danny used this chance to run to Margaret's side.
"Margaret, are you hurt?!" Danny asked her urgently while he helped her stand.
"I-I'll be ok..." she stammered, grasping his arm for support while standing.
"You would help a freak like her," Mable demanded bluntly, causing Danny's anger to boil. "Or are you just stupid?"
"You have a lot of nerve calling her that!" Danny shouted furiously. "Shut up and leave her alone! She's human just like everyone else! Not only that, but she's my best friend!"
A smirk spread across Mable's face and she responded, "Best friends, eh? Well then tell me, boy, if you're really that close, tell me; have you ever seen the girl without her cloak or a jacket?"
Danny stared at her. The answer was no. The day he had met her was the first and last day he had seen her without her cloak or a jacket. He had always found it a little odd, but he assumed it was just her sense of style. But did this mean it was meant to hide something?
He glanced at Margaret to see she was deathly pale. She was staring at Mable with horror. A nerve had been hit.
"What's the matter, Red Velvet? Did you really think you could hide forever? Surely you knew that's why we want you?" Mable sneered, stepping closer and causing Deborah and Samson to snarl threateningly. "Team Rocket might have gone abroad for the most part, but they're secrets remain intact. I'm sure you were going to tell this young man about it eventually, so why not now? Should I do the honor or you?"
"Please...please don't..." Margaret whispered frantically, shaking her head slightly. "Just go away..."
"You see, Mister Ketchum, Miss Kinsley isn't as she appears,"Mable spoke over the rookie with enthusiasm. "She's known by organizations such as Team Flare by the name Project Red Velvet. Red Velvet was a safe name given to a girl that was supposed to be given the ability to communicate with Pokemon. Red Velvet escaped the custody of Team Flare before the results of the tests appeared. However, it is believed that while she did gain the communication with Pokemon, she was given an unexpected side effect. And it's right. Under. That. Cloak."
When Danny said nothing, Mable continued on, "Don't believe me? Ask Red Velvet. She won't lie to you if you truly are best friends."
She was trying to distract him, just as she did to Deborah. However something was tugging at Danny's conscience. What she was saying was absolutely absurd, but at the same time made sense. So what could he do?
"Margaret," Danny started quietly while turning his head to look at his friend's fear stricken face. "Remove your cloak. Please."
"Danny, I-" Margaret began in a squeak but the male cut across her sharply, "Do it. Don't you trust me?"
"Daniel, please, don't make me the enemy! She's turning us against each oth-"
Margaret's voice died and tears began to stream down her face. Danny hated to see her so distraught, but he needed her to believe his fake anger. It was the only way to get out of this.
The young woman then slowly reached up and began to slowly unclip her cloak from around her neck. Danny could see Mable's full attention was on Margaret now, just as he had hoped.
Right as the cloak fell to the ground, Danny immediately whirled around to avoid seeing Margaret's greatest secret and shouted, "Trip em!"
Samson suddenly landed on the ground and swung his tail at Mable's legs. It slammed right into her and caused her to yell and fall backwards to the floor. At the same time, Deborah snarled and formed another Moon Blade and held them both to the woman's throat to prevent her from moving.
"Margaret, put your cloak back on!" Danny told Margaret while still keeping his back to her. "I'm sorry I had to trick you!"
"Danny...I won't put it on."
Danny didn't understand and refused to turn. He then started slowly, "What do you mean?"
"Because...because she's right. You need to know who, or what I am. It's about time you knew. Please look at me."
"Margaret I don't want-"
"It's not about your wants, Daniel, it's about your needs!" She snapped in a harsh voice that he had not heard in ages. "She's right, I can't live forever without telling you! If you truly want to know who Margaret Kinsley is you have to know Red Velvet first! Look at me!"
When he still didn't turn, he heard Margaret's knee high sneakers tap against the icy floor beyond him. Suddenly a great force caused him to turn to face her. It took him a moment to see any difference besides the lack of a cloak or jacket. When he saw the secret, he gasped.
Margaret had great maroon feathered wings folded over her back. They flapped slightly in the cold air and unfolded slightly. They had to be bigger than her own body when spread out.
"M-Margaret..." Danny stammered, completely thrown off and unable to comprehend anything any more.
"Danny, hush," Margaret said quietly while shaking her head. "I will explain everything, but I don't think I want to share it in pres-"
A screech from Deborah cut across the air. Danny turned as Margaret gasped with fright. The last thing Danny saw was a row of sharp teeth and wide jaws from a hell hound.
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