Since y'all shits wanted another one, this is the last one this week, k? Then I'll upload two more next week.

Your shoes changed into black knee high lace up boots with tight leather pants. Your shirt changed into a f/c and black crop top with a jacket-cape. (Like Black⭐️Rock Shooter) Your nails elongated while turning f/c, as well as your teeth. Your hair grew down to your butt while turning a darker shade of red. Your eyes went from red and e/c, to red and s/f/c. Black and f/c feathered wings sprouted from your back.

"Sorry, I guess I should've told ya about this Jutsu, hehe." You said while staring at their shocked faces.

"Anyways." You said puting your hands out. You faced your palms down towards the ground and slowly raised your hands.

'Demon Style: Ressurection.' You thought while your eyes started to glow red and s/f/c. Black ooze started coming through the ground while starting to form deceased wolves that were once legendary familiars to the strongest Akuma clan members. However, since they're dead, their fur is black with pure red eyes, and blood leaking out through their mouth.

"Hide in every hiding spot on this training ground. If you smell him, howl." You ordered while pointing towards Kakashi. They let out a powerful bark before dispersing in different directions.

"You're probably confused, right? Well, let me break it down. Basically, since I'm in my 'true form', I can resurrect, and or summon living or deceased wolves, or people." You explained.

'W-woah... Y/n-chan sure has gotten stronger! ... and a little scarier...' Naruto thought.

'Cha! Now we have two absolute females on the team!' Sakura thought. You spun the scythe in your hand before throwing it at Kakashi. He narrowly missed it as it imbedded itself inside the ground.


"GAHHHHH!!!! HOW COULD HE HAVE DODGED THAT?!?!" You screamed while rolling on the ground over and over again.

"Well, no matter." You said while standing up dramatically.

"Naruto, Sakura! Lead him to the forest!" You said. They both nodded, determined. You took off of the ground and into the sky after grabbing your scythe.

'Flying is amazing! It's almost like 3dmg!' You thought while doing various flips.

Except wings don't run on gas, and you can use them on any terrain -_-


'Did you just diss 3dmg?'

You landed on a branch while your wings folded into your back.

Pffft, no.


You scanned the terrain with your red and s/f/c eyes.


Your head snapped towards the left as a large smirk appeared.

'Here I come, Kakabaka!' You thought while taking off and flying high into the sky.

Don't you think you're a little too old to be calling him that now?

'I don't know, aren't you a little too old to be living?'


Hmph... Fine you win...

'Yes!' You thought while landing on a branch, right above where Kakashi was hiding. You quietly leaned your head towards his ear.


Then he let out the loudest screech you've ever heard, making you fall off of the tree, laughing your ass off, while Kakashi was basically dying of a heart attack. But, because you lost your composure, your Jutsu wore off, and all of your summonings disappeared in black mist.

"Well frickety frackety fruck, I forgot about the down hill." You muttered before jumping up back into the trees.

"Phew. I almost died..." Kakashi mumbled.

With chu~

"Fuuuuuck, I forgot about the weakness of this Jutsu! And it takes SOOO much chakra!" You whined while pacing back and forth.

It's your own damn fault for messing around! If you were in a real battle you would've been mincemeat the minute the Jutsu wore off!

'Geez! I know! I just got caught up in the moment!'

You kept hearing the breaking of trees and talking, signaling that Sakura and Naruto were fighting him.

"Oh, no matter. I already got a bell." You said while holding up the silver jingle jangle.

Hah? How did she get that?

She must've taken it when Kakashi screamed.


Sly as a fox...

You chuckled before hiding it in your pouch and running off towards where Naruto and Sakura were. It was already night out and the full moon was out as well. You hid up into a tree as you continued to watch Naruto and Sakura corner Kakashi.

'This is amusing... they have grown so much.' You thought with a soft smile. Naruto and Sakura backed Kakashi up to a small river. He did handsigns, catching the two off gaurd.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" Kakashi called out. You, however, jumped in between the two, and did your own handsigns.

'Demon Style: Black Flame Possession!' You thought while spitting out black flames, making them collide with Kakashi's. Kakashi's fire ball slowly started turning black until it was fully black fire. You held out your hand and all of the flames flowed towards you, balling up into your hand. You clenched your hand, successful dispersing the flames.

'This is bad. As long as they have Y/n, I won't be able to use fire style.' Kakashi thought. Then an idea came to his mind. He quickly did handsigns, faster than the eye can see.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Missile!" He called out. The river started bubbling, until a huge dragon burst out.

''IT'S WATER!!! MY ONLY WEAKNESS!!!'' You screamed dramatically. You then smirked.

"Just kidding." You said before doing handsigns.

"Blood Style: Blood Dragon." You said. Blood bubbled up from the ground and shot upwards forming a dragon. Since it's blood directly from your body, your skin instantly paled, as your vision blurred from the rapid loss of blood. The blood dragon intertwined and wrapped around the water dragon, before they each bit eachother.

"Blood Style: Possession!" You said while doing the Jutsu formation. The blood slowly seeped into the water, spreading throughout the dragon, making it turn completely red as well. The two of them collapsed and your lost blood returned back to your body, restoring your skin color. You turned around and grabbed Naruto's and Sakura's wrist before jumping away. You set them down behind a tree, a tiny bit away from Kakashi to hide their presence from them.

"Thank you Y/n. I don't know what we would've done without you." Sakura said. You nodded, still a little dizzy from the sudden blood loss.

"You two, think of a plan to get Kakashi down. I already got a bell." You said while pulling it out from your pouch. The two gaped at you.

"When did you get that?!" Naruto screeched.

"I got it when I scared Kakabaka Sensei." You said while shrugging. The two nodded before huddling in together and thinking of an idea. And thanks to your excellent sense of hearing, you heard.

"That's a great idea! Knowing Kakashi sensei's perverted side, he'll let his guard down." You whispered.

A little while afterwards, you three found Kakashi resting by a tree. Once he sensed your presences, he quickly got up. Sakura, you, and Naruto all jumped down from the trees.

"Listen up Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto called out, drawing his attention.

"I know the plottwist to Make Out Tactics!" He called out, making Kakashi's eyes widen.

"What?! No! Shut up!" Kakashi panicked.

"Turns out the main character really is—!"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear!" He said while covering his ears. You covered your own ears because you didn't necessarily want to know either. Kakashi clenched his eyes shut, then passed out? Maybe? You didn't know? Do we need medics? Is he dead? What'd he die from? Do we still pass?

Once Kakashi actually regained consciousness, you all were dangling the bells in front of him. He hastily reached for his belt, but didn't feel the bells.

"Aw." Was his only response, making you chuckle.

"Alright, I'm hungry as shit, I'm going to Ichiraku's." You said while shrugging and throwing the bell back to the sweat-dropping Kakashi and turning on your heel and walking away, waving over your shoulder.

"See y'all!" You called back.

"Heh... her hunger never ceases to amaze me." Kakashi muttered.


Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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