Uninvited, Strength.
It's been three days.
Three days since I killed a little girls father.
Three days since sadie left.
Three days since this world went to hell.
Three days, and this little girl still won't shut the fuck up.
"W-when will we b-be leaving..?" I look at her. Mary has features of an angel, but she's a snot nosed brat as of right now. For the past three days she wouldn't shut up. Then again, I did kill her dad. It was him or me, and it sure as hell wasn't gonna be me.
"We ain't leaving, duh. We're safe in here. Nothing will ever possibly get us. I've got the means to protect you in here, and we have enough food to last us 3 years with just us. If that means we reject everybody else, so be it."
"That's mean! We can't just leave people to die!"
"We can, and we will. Survival of the fittest, baby. Get over it or get out."
She falls silent. It's hilarious, actually. Silence is something I sought for so long and now I'm enjoying it more than ever.
But silence can also be deadly.
Silence can leave room for things to invade your head, things you thought you'd buried a long, long time ago.
"Hey Anna? What did you do before all this happened?"
I stare ahead. Unsure of how to answer the question.
"I was in the Marines. Toughest son of a bitch in there to most. Just another gay to others. Doesn't matter. Why do you ask?"
"Well. If I'm going to be with you for the next three years, then I'd like to know the person I'm going to be spending that time with. I'd rather know you then you be a stranger."
"Good point, kid."
A lound bang causes Mary and I to jump. I shoot a look towards the window, and see Mrs. Glory from across the street. Or, what was left of her.
Mary has started crying, and that's only making things worse.
"Mary shut the fuck up you're attracting more!"
"Have I gotta do everything around here?!"
I pick up mary and dash to the basement. I lock the cellar, and immediately tend to her.
"Mary, honey we're going to have to stop this. This world is so very dangerous now and crying is only going to get us killed"
She remained silent. The tears still rolling down her face.
I sigh, I really need to loosen up with her.
"C'mere doll..." I open my arms, allowing a hug to take place.
She throws herself at me, and I catch her. Her frail body shaking heavily in my arms.
"Jeasus Mary, you're shaking like a leaf. You need to calm down!"
"O-ok... I'll try...."
I sigh, and put her down on a cot I had down here. It was old and rickety, but it'd do.
I walked up-stairs, locking the cellar behind me. If anything, Mary will be alright. Not like I'm gonna die anyways.
I pull out the glock, place a brand new silencer on the muzzle, and cock the gun. With the amount of power this gun holds, it could kill a hog with a shot at random. There is no way, some squishy headed son of a bitch is gonna live from it.
I unlock the door, heartbeat pounding in my ears, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I hear the groaning and shuffling outside the door stop, and hear the faint sound of what sounds like a dog sniffing the air.
Then, the pounding resumes with much more force and want.
"Son of a bitch can fucking SMELL me..?!"
I crack the door open, and immediately Mrs. Glory from across the street was trying to squeeze her squishy head through the crack of the door. Teeth snapping and all. I shove the gun in her face, and blow her head to bits. The black and red sprays across the black carpet, and grey walls of the house. Spray on my face and forearms, and she slides down like a sack of bricks. I close the door, and let the automatic system do it's job.
I head back downstairs into the cellar, to hear shuffling.
I raise the glock, concern very quickly written across my face. Fear for the angel downstairs is now a mindless squishy slob.
I unlock the door, and head down slowly. Mary peaks her head around the corner.
"Thank god, still normal..."
"Oh, hey Anna!" She beers. Her mood did a whole 180.
"Hey kid, what's with all the shuffling?" Curiosity coursing through my mind. What was she up to?
"I was patching up your punching bag! Papa taught me how to sew when I was younger. And, I guess I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted earlier... I wanna become strong like you, Anna!"
A blank face is what she meets with. Her bright blue eyes gleaming, she's waiting.
She wants and answer,
A form of approval.
Though, if I'm honest, I don't want her to wind up like me. I want her to be a small, innocent angel for the rest of her life. But, then she'll forever be vulnerable, and I won't be able to protect her forever.
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